



New Higher Education Achievement Report for UCL students

12 July 2012

The Higher Education Achievement Report (HEAR) is an electronic system that records student's individual activities and achievements alongside any qualifications gained.


The purpose of HEAR is to provide more information about individual student achievements and is intended to help potential employers, other Universities and any other third party authorised by the student to gain more insight into activities undertaken during their time at UCL. As well as verifying academic results, the HEAR will record non degree-related achievements that have been verified by UCL.

Non-degree achievements could involve activities such as being an officer of a club or society, voluntary activity or language modules that are not part of the degree programme.

UCL participated in a national steering group managed by the Centre for Recording Achievement and is one of the first institutions providing HEAR, which will become a national requirement.

To access their record, students will need to log-on to the Gradintel website below. HEARs will be maintained by UCL until a student graduates or leaves the university.

Please note: All MB, BS, intercalated, affiliate, School of Pharmacy students, all undergraduate students who first enrolled in 2010 or earlier and all postgraduate students will continue to have their results published on Portico and receive a paper format transcript with their degree certificate. Similarly, affiliate students will continue to receive a paper format transcript from the UCL Study Abroad Office.

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