



Carlos Carmona-Fontaine awarded the 2011 Beddington Medal

14 July 2011

Dr Carlos Carmona-Fontaine (UCL Cell and Developmental Biology, 2010) has been awarded the 2011 Beddington Medal by the British Society for Developmental Biology (BSDB).

Dr Carmona-Fontaine, who studied under Professor Roberto Mayor of UCL Developmental & Cellular Neurobiology, was presented with the award at the BSDB spring meeting where he gave a talk entitled 'Social Interactions in Collective Neural Crest Migration'.

The medal is named after Rosa Beddington, an experimental embryologist and significant contributor to the field of research in developmental biology. In recognition of her work the medal credits the accomplishments of promising young developmental biologists.

Dr Carmona-Fontaine, now a Research Fellow based in America at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, said of his award, "When I first received the notification I was very happy, but mostly surprised … I wasn't really expecting it and I felt thankful toward the selection committee and the staff who had helped me in different ways during my PhD. I don't think my thesis was the best in the UK, I was just lucky to work with an excellent team in Professor Roberto Mayor's laboratory."

Dr Carlos Carmona-Fontaine's work has been published in Nature.

Dr Carlos Carmona-Fontaine (UCL Cell and Developmental Biology, 2010) has been awarded the 2011 Beddington Medal by the British Society for Developmental Biology (BSDB). Dr Carmona-Fontaine, who studied under Professor Roberto Mayor of UCL Developmental & Cellular Neurobiology, was presented with the award at the BSDB spring meeting where he gave a talk entitled 'Social Interactions in Collective Neural Crest Migration'. The medal is named after Rosa Beddington, an experimental embryologist and significant contributor to the field of research in developmental biology. In recognition of her work the medal credits the accomplishments of promising young developmental biologists. Dr Carmona-Fontaine, now a Research Fellow based in America at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, said of his award, "When I first received the notification I was very happy, but mostly surprised … I wasn't really expecting it and I felt thankful toward the selection committee and the staff who had helped me in different ways during my PhD. I don't think my thesis was the best in the UK, I was just lucky to work with an excellent team in Professor Roberto Mayor's laboratory." Dr Carlos Carmona-Fontaine's work has been published in Nature.