



Seminar: 'Social determinants of health: what next?'

29 September 2009

UCL staff and students are invited to a seminar, 'Social determinants of health: what next?', on 6 October 2009.Ìý

Grand Challenge of Global Health

The Commission on Social Determinants of Health collected and synthesised global evidence on the social determinants of health, and made recommendations for action on achieving health equity. The World Health Assembly passed a resolution in May 2009 charging the World Health Organization to work with countries to follow up these recommendations. A number of countries are developing national strategies to measure and address social determinants of health inequities.

As economies emerge from recession, there is an urgent need to take forward the two linked agendas of green growth to mitigate and adapt to climate change, and measures to improve health and reduce health inequities.

At this seminar - jointly hosted by the UCL International Institute for Society & Health (IISH) and the UCL Institute for Global Health - Professor Sir Michael Marmot (UCL Epidemiology & Public Health and UCL IISH) will outline some of the responses to the Commission on Social Determinants of Health. Professor Orazio Attanasio (UCL Economics) will discuss the role of Conditional Cash Transfer programmes, and Dr Maria Kett (Leonard Cheshire Disability & Inclusive Development Centre, UCL) will discuss the role of conventions on violence, conflict and disability within the context of social determinants of health.

  • 5-6pm, 6 October 2009
  • Gustav Tuck Lecture Theatre, UCL
  • Followed by refreshments in the South Cloisters, UCL, 6-7pm
  • Registration not required

To find out more, use the links below:


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