



Inauguration ceremony for new UCL Fellows and Honorary Fellows

18 June 2009


UCL Fellows inauguration publication ucl.ac.uk/drupal/site_news/sites/news/files/fellows09.pdf" target="_self">Admission of New Fellows (pdf)

Fifteen eminent personalities joined the ranks of UCL Fellows and Honorary Fellows at an inauguration ceremony on 17 June 2009.

UCL Fellowships (for former students) and Honorary Fellowships (for those who are not 911±¬ÁÏÍø alumni) are awarded to people who have attained distinction in the arts, literature, science or public life; have rendered exceptional service to UCL, which may include philanthropic support, to UCL; or have or have had a close association with UCL.

The new Fellows and Honorary Fellows are below.

UCL Fellows 2009

  • Jane Cannon (UCL Electronic & Electrical Engineering): Group Managing Director, Lockheed Martin UK Information Systems & Global Services
  • Vincent Cheung (UCL Laws): Founding Partner of Vincent TK Cheung, Yap & Co
  • Professor Roger Davies (UCL Physics): Philip Wetton Professor of Astrophysics, Oxford University
  • Professor David Delpy (DSc UCL Medical Physics): Chief Executive, Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
  • The Rt Hon The Lord Mayor Alderman Ian Luder (UCL Economics): Lord Mayor of the City of London (awarded in absentia)
  • Dr Diana Manuel (UCL Zoology; MSc, MPhil, PhD UCL History and Philosophy of Science): Honorary Senior Research Fellow at the Wellcome Trust Centre for the History of Medicine at 911±¬ÁÏÍø
  • Sir Ian McAllister (UCL Economics): Non-Executive Chairman, Network Rail
  • Professor Brian Warner (UCL Astronomy): Professor Emeritus of Natural Philosophy, University of Cape Town (awarded in absentia)

UCL Honorary Fellows 2009

  • Sir John Birch: Former ambassador to Hungary and to the United Nations
  • Professor Sir Peter Cook: UCL Bartlett Professor of Architecture and Chair of the UCL Bartlett School
  • Professor Michael Crawford: Honorary Librarian of the Hellenic and Roman Societies
  • Michael & Morven Heller: Founders of the Michael & Morven Heller Charitable Foundation
  • Professor Richard Munton: Emeritus Professor and former Head of UCL Geography
  • Professor Michael Worton: Vice-Provost (Academic & International) and Fielden Professor of French Language and Literature at 911±¬ÁÏÍø

UCL President and Provost Professor Malcolm Grant said: "The qualities that we value in our teaching and research are those that we recognise today in those whom we admit as Fellows (alumni of UCL) and Honorary Fellows. They have all excelled, in diverse fields, and their purpose, energy, enthusiasm and achievement are an inspiration to all members of the UCL community."

Chair of UCL Council Sir Stephen Wall added: "Through my role as Chair of UCL Council, I have gained new insights into UCL, and a new respect for the world-class research and teaching community in which I am privileged to play a part. In a similar way, UCL Fellowship creates an important new bond and new opportunities to explore the university afresh.

"UCL is a great institution and everyone in the wider UCL community can play an important role in promoting our successes and fuelling our future achievement. Our new Fellows and Honorary Fellowsare invited to share in this endeavour".