



Celebration of the life of Professor David Morley

13 July 2009

Professor Anthony Costello, Director of the UCL Institute for Global Health, writes a tribute to Professor David Morley, former Professor of Tropical Child Health, who died on 2 July.

It is with deep sadness that we learned of the death on 2 July of Professor David Morley.

It is impossible to pay full tribute to David's influence and achievements: a pioneer in under-five epidemiology, in applying the principles of primary care to mothers and children, in respecting the role of mothers as primary providers, in describing growth problems and growth monitoring in developing countries, in driving forward the key components of the child survival revolution led by UNICEF, James Grant and Jon Rohde, in setting up the breastfeeding policy and practice course with Felicity Savage King and colleagues at the UCL Institute for Child Health, in establishing diploma and masters courses in tropical child health with Zef Ebrahim and Hermione Lovel, doing the same for disability with Pam Zinkin, developing the brilliant concept of Teaching Aids at Low Cost, establishing Child-to-Child, in inspiring a whole generation of paediatricians, public health doctors, nutritionists, nurses, administrators, teachers, journalists and managers, and in developing simple aids to promote child care in the poorest communities.

David received the CBE and the James Spence medal of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, but his real reward is the affection in which he was held by countless primary care workers around the world, and the millions of adults today who, without knowing it, owe their lives to his work.

David was also warm, friendly, funny, a shrewd and irrepressible advocate, and always encouraging. We shall miss him greatly.

Please note there will be a private family-only funeral on Tuesday 14 July. A celebration of David's life will be held at a later date to be announced.

People can send messages of condolence and appreciation to the family at:
Mrs Aileen Morley,
51, Eastmoor Park,
Harpenden, AL5 1BN

or by email to tributes2david@morleys.us

Donations in memory of David may also be sent to , one of the charities for children in developing countries that David established.