



New Archaeology British Academy Fellows

3 June 2008

Two postgraduate alumni of the UCL Institute of Archaeology have won prestigious fellowships from the British Academy to conduct research at the institute over three years from 1 October 2008.

Dr Susanna Harris will research cloth cultures in Prehistoric Europe, expanding studies undertaken for her PhD on 'Cloth in Prehistoric Societies: The social context of cloth in prehistory' with case studies from northern Italy and the Alpine region from the Neolithic to Bronze Age.

Dr Michele Wollstonecroft's research will focus on 'Diet and subsistence choices of Southwestern Europe's last hunter-gatherers: an archaeobotanical and interdisciplinary investigation into the role of plants in the Muge (Portugal) Final Mesolithic'. This follows her PhD research on 'Post-harvest intensification in Late Pleistocene Southwest Asia: food processing as a critical variable in Epipalaeolithic subsistence systems and subsistence change.'

The Fellowships were won in the face of tough competition; only 50 awards were made out of nearly 700 applications.

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