



UCL Careers Targets China

13 February 2008


China ucl.ac.uk/careers/students/international/events" target="_self">International Students' Events Programme

The UCL Careers Service hosted more than 100 UCL students from China and Hong Kong who networked with representatives from 13 participating organisations recruiting for roles in their home countries or the UK on 12 February 2008.

The Target China event consisted of a panel discussion and networking opportunities from organisations including Allen & Overy, Ernst & Young, HSBC and KPMG (the event's sponsor). Atkins, Kantar, KPMG and Mayer Brown JSM also took part in a panel discussion that helped students navigate their global careers.

The event was very positively received by both students and employers. Participants benefited from the opportunity to network as some students were offered interviews for employment.

To find out more about the UCL Careers Service International Students' Events Programme, use the link at the top of this article.