



UCL in the News: Stem cell experts close in on major cures

10 April 2008

James Morgan, 'The Herald' (Scotland) Cures for conditions such as type 1 diabetes, blindness and Parkinson's are close to development, say the world's leading stem cell researchers, who are gathered in Edinburgh this week.


Some of the most promising research being presented relates to diseases like diabetes type 1 and Parkinson's. …

Dr Chris Mason [UCL Biochemical Engineering], of the UK National Stem Cell Network, said: "People are beginning to experience the real value of stem cell therapies.

"Hundreds of cancer patients have received stem cells as part of their therapy. In London, patients with age-related blindness are having cells from their good eye used to regenerate their bad eye."

He added: "The problem with the drugs we see on the market just now is they are only able to manage the condition. By developing stem cell therapies, we will deliver treatments which actually cure the patient. Type 1 diabetes is a great example. We can manage the disease with insulin. But a one-off injection of stem cells would make treatment affordable, even in the poorest developing countries, where health services cannot afford the lifelong cost of insulin for diabetics." …