



Professor Steven Currall to advise US on nanotechnology

1 March 2007

Professor Steven Currall (UCL Management Studies and UCL Centre for Enterprise & the Management of Innovation) has accepted an invitation to become a member of the Nanotechnology Technical Advisory Group, which will provide expert input to the US President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology.

Professor Steven Currall

Professor Currall will join a range of academic and commercial experts in nanotechnology on the advisory group, which will provide feedback to the President's Council as it conducts its second biennial review of the US National Nanotechnology Initiative during 2007-2008.

Professor Currall is the lead author of 'What Drives Public Acceptance of Nanotechnology?' an article published in December 2006 in 'Nature Nanotechnology' that presented the largest and most comprehensive research that has been conducted worldwide into public perceptions of the risks and benefits of nanotechnology compared with other technologies. He has been invited to speak about this research in 2007 by the European Commission in Brussels.

Professor Currall is also Visiting Professor of Entrepreneurship at London Business School (joint with UCL). He is Head (Chair) of the Department of Management Science and Innovation, Director of the Management Studies Centre, and Faculty Co-Director of the Institute of Technology at London Business School. He has research, teaching, and advising experience in the areas of emerging technologies, negotiation, and corporate governance. In 2003, he was a Visiting Scholar at the University of Chicago's Graduate School of Business.

To find out more about Professor Currall's work, use the links at the bottom of this article.

Image: Professor Steven Currall will provide nanotechnology expertise to the US government from 2007-2008