



Press cutting: Psychologists' shortage claim

10 April 2007

Psychologists are warning that children with learning difficulties could suffer because of problems in funding training for school psychologists.


According to the British Psychological Society (BPS), funding is not available for almost half of the 150 places for this year because of what it calls an "error" by the Local Government Association. …

Professor Norah Frederickson [UCL Psychology] says the situation is very serious.

"The bottom line in this crisis is that it is children and their families who will be the losers.

"I would like to see the government departments involved sit down and come up with a rescue package for this year and work out with all the stakeholders a way forward for the future." …

Professor Frederickson told the BBC News Website: "Following strong representations the LGA agreed to keep the funding centrally for a further year while an alternative central mechanism was established.

"However an error was made by the LGA and the funding devolved - with the disastrous consequences that had been predicted." …

BBC News Online