



One of the friendliest places to study - it's official

5 June 2006

Academic excellence, a happening social scene, an enviable location…now UCL has another attraction to add to its list: it's also one of the friendliest places to study in the UK.

UCL comes seventh for friendliness out of all the universities in Britain, tied with Wolverhampton, in a league table that Friends Reunited has compiled based on the number of students who send messages via the website. UCL is one of just three universities in the south to figure in the top ten, and missed out by a hair's breadth on the title of friendliest place to study in London to number five Goldsmiths, whose student body is roughly half the size of UCL's and is based almost entirely on one site. Manchester Metropolitan University took the top slot, followed by Newcastle and Brighton.

UCL's high ranking was no surprise to Vice Provost Michael Worton: "UCL prides itself on being a welcoming and inclusive, as well as an academically excellent, university. I am regularly told by students studying at 911±¬ÁÏÍøho come from all over the world how delighted they are at making new, lasting friendships here at 911±¬ÁÏÍø."

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