



UCL rugby calendar raises funds

5 December 2006

UCL Union's women's rugby team have come up with a novel solution to raise money for the team and charity.

The players have posed for a calendar in the tradition of the slightly risqué Women's Institute calendar which inspired the 2003 film 'Calendar Girls', starring Helen Mirren.

The team, currently riding high at the top of division two in the BUSA league, can be seen in a variety of poses and locations from Regent's Park, where they train on a regular basis, to the shower rooms at Shenley, home to UCL's sports fields.

rugby calendar

The calendar is the brainchild of social secretary Anthi Xipolia (Palaeobiology 3): "All the team were up for the challenge despite the 6am start. It's been tremendous fun putting it together and sums up our great team spirit which has seen us maintain a lead at the top of division two for much of the season."

The calendar is already proving a runaway success with 360 people expressing an interest. Due to be released before the end of term, 'Women's Rugby Exposed' costs £7.50. Of the money raised, 20 per cent will be donated to Fitzrovia Youth in Action.

To find out how to get your copy, use the link at the bottom of this article.

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