



Press cutting: UN downgrades man's impact on the climate

10 December 2006

Mankind has had less effect on global warming than previously supposed, a United Nations report on climate change will claim next year.


It also says that the overall human effect on global warming since the industrial revolution is less than had been thought, due to the unexpected levels of cooling caused by aerosol sprays, which reflect heat from the sun. …

Professor Rick Battarbee, the director of the UCL Environmental Change Research Centre, warned these masking effects had helped to delay global warming but would lead to larger changes in the future.

He said: "The oceans have been acting like giant storage heaters by trapping heat and carbon dioxide. They might be bit of a time-bomb as they have been masking the real effects of the carbon dioxide we have been releasing into the atmosphere.

"People are very worried about what will happen in 2030 to 2050, as we think that at that point the oceans will no longer be able to absorb the carbon dioxide being emitted. It will be a tipping point and that is why it is now critical to act to counter any acceleration that will occur when this happens." …

Richard Gray, 'Sunday Telegraph'