



UCL to host RAE conference

10 May 2005

911±¬ÁÏÍøill host a conference on 29 June 2005 for higher education and publishing professionals on how the 2008 Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) will affect the publishing of research papers.

Professor Michael Worton

Presented by UCL, the Publishers Association and the Times Higher Education Supplement, the conference will focus on the relationship between research assessment and publication in the run-up to RAE 2008 and in future years. The event will feature talks and open debates led by leading academics, researchers and publishers on the pressures and priorities of publishing in relation to the RAE.

The conference is aimed at research leaders, administrators and authors as well as publishers and policy makers.Ìý Professor Michael Worton, UCL's Vice-Provost (Academic and International), said: "As the RAE looms large over the academic community, so the pressure to publish intensifies. This event will explore whether the relationship between publication and research assessment is a harmless necessity or a disruptive influence that distorts both scholarly communication and funding allocation."

Professor Worton added: "In the context of debates about the effect that the RAE has on research behaviour, and about the effectiveness of the current scholarly communication model, the conference will also look ahead and ask some fundamental questions about how this relationship may change in the future, for example: how publishers, academics and others can accommodate the need to assess research without affecting their common aim - effective publication of high quality research."