



Around the world in 80 ways

29 March 2005

Two intrepid UCL students are embarking on an expedition this summer to travel round the world using 80 different modes of transport.

The students are aiming to raise funds for the Treehouse Trust, which provides education and resources for children with autism.

Tim Moss (Psychology), Thom Allen (Geology) and Mike Halls-Moore from Warwick University will start and finish their journey in London using as many weird and wonderful forms of transport as possible.

The adventure will start in June 2005 and take six weeks to complete. To make the trip even more challenging, the trio have limited themselves to using each mode of transport once, with the exception of walking.

The team received a grant of £3,000 from UCL's Expedition & Travel Committee, which helps UCL students undertake challenging and original independent travel. However, much more is needed to help them realise their goal and raise funds for Treehouse.

Tim said: "We are still in need of sponsorship for the trip - we can put company names on our website and t-shirts - and offers of help to get around. Eighty ways is a whole lot of transport methods so we need all the help we can get. For example, someone whose uncle's in the army and can give us a ride in a tank, or a student who's going to be back in Japan over the summer and can put us up for a night. Plus, of course, please donate."

For more information use the links below.
