



Students put 911±¬ÁÏÍø top

3 June 2005

A new survey into what impresses and influences student applicants about their chosen institution places UCL second overall; ahead of Oxford, Cambridge and Imperial College London.

The survey, completed by over 10,000 first year undergraduates, asked students to reflect on their experiences during the application process and how they perceived their university.

The students were asked 44 questions about their institution covering areas such as location,Ìý league table position and the quality of teaching. UCL came fourth in the 'Perceived best in university league tables' section, trailing only Cambridge, Oxford and the LSE, but came top in the 'Perceived most exciting city' category with London neighbours, King's College and Imperial College, trailing in fifth and sixth spot.

The survey was part of Opinionpanel's 2005 Decliner's Study which also surveyed students about those universities whose offers they had turned down.Ìý For more information on Opinionpanel see the link below.
