




10 May 2004

The Academic Promotions Committee have recently appointed 46 candidates to chairs; 49 to readerships; 28 to senior lectureships and 2 to principal research fellowhips.


Fellowships were awarded to nine UCL alumni for their outstanding contribution to society. They are: Sue Birley (Statistical Sciences 1964), entrepreneur; Michael Aaron Edidin (Zoology 1963), immunologist and biophysicist; Digby Marritt Jones (Laws 1977), Director General of the Confederation of British Industry; Aishah Ong (Royal Free Hospital 1969), Pro Chancellor of the University of Malaysia; Paula Rego (Slade School of Fine Art 1956), painter and printmaker; Richard Michael Smith (Geography 1968), historical demography scholar; Lynne Truss (English 1977), author; Marjorie Shiona Wallace (Psychology and Philosophy 1966), Chief Executive of SANE; and Koizumi Junichiro (Economics 1969), Prime Minister of Japan.

Honorary Fellowships of 911±¬ÁÏÍøere awarded to eight people for their outstanding achievements and contributions to society. They are: Dame Antonia Byatt, author; Professor David Colquhoun, pharmacologist; Professor Ronald Myles Dworkin, jurist; Michael Freeman, former general manager of the UCL Bloomsbury Theatre; Edward James O' Gorman, company director and founder of the charity Children with Leukaemia; Charles Martin Raff, Emeritus Professor of Biology, UCL; and John Andrew Sutherland, Lord Northcliffe Professor of Modern English Literature, UCL.

Seven members of the UCL community were among 46 people appointed to the House of Lords in May. They are: Jane Bonham Carter (Philosophy 1980), Liberal Democrats; Dr Frances D'Souza (alumna), Independent; Garry Hart (Laws 1962; Fellow 2001), Labour; Delyth Jane Morgan (alumna 1986), Labour; Professor Elaine Murphy (PhD History of Medicine 2001), Independent; Rabbi Dame Julia Neuberger (Council Member 1993-1997), Liberal Democrats; and Dennis Tunnicliffe (Maths 1965), Labour.

Seven UCL academics are among 43 people newly elected to Fellowship of the Academy of Medical Sciences. They are: Stuart Cull-Candy, Professor of Pharmacology; Professor Alan Hall, Director of the MRC Laboratory for Molecular Cell Biology; Philip Hawkins, Professor of Medicine; William McKenna, Professor of Cardiology; Linda Partridge, Weldon Professor of Biometry; John Rothwell, Professor of Human Neurophysiology; Daniel Wolpert, Professor of Motor Neuroscience; and Nicholas Wood, Professor of Clinical Neurology & Neurogenetics.