



Online support for stressed out students

25 March 2004

A new website has been launched to help UCL students who are finding it hard to cope with the pressures of the student lifestyle.

The website was devised by Dr Ed Freeman (Psychology) last year as part of his doctorate project, and stems from an interest in the informal methods of support most people receive from friends, family and colleagues.

The site includes advice pages about common problems experienced by students. It also has an anonymous online support group, where students can share experiences and get support and advice from those who have been through similar situations. Subjects dealt with by the site include loneliness, anxiety, exam stress, eating disorders and depression. The site is exclusively for UCL students, and can be accessed anonymously from anywhere with internet access.

Dr Freeman explained: "Coursework, housing, money and friendship can all be causes of worry for students. After the huge response we received during the trial period last year, we are now looking for UCL students to tell us how useful the site is in reducing stress levels."