



Young microbiologists exhibit research

16 June 2004

An after-school science club for girls, organised and run by UCL biologists, are busy in their preparations for a public exhibition and show.

Baytree Science Club members

The Baytree Science Club, based in Brixton, is organised by UCL's Dr Brigitte Meunier (Wolfson Institute for Biomedical Research) with help from UCL colleagues Dr Cristiana Velloso, Dr Anna Need and Dr Astrid Wingler, who have recently been joined by peers from King's College, London.

The club has been awarded a grant from the Biotechnology & Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) to fund an exhibition and show in July 2004.

The club runs two courses a year, and this term 18 girls aged between eight and 11 years old have conducted biological experiments and visited museums in the run up to the show.

Dr Wingler said: "Over ten sessions, the girls have discovered what cells are, examined cells under a microscope, been introduced to the notion of size and diversity of animal, microbial and plant cells, and the function of organelles. They have researched specific cell or organelle types and discovered what happens when if they do not work properly."

The girls have produced drawings and models for the exhibition, and will be presenting a play - 'The Supercell' - to their parents, beneficiaries of Baytree Community Centre and the public.

'The Cell Exhibition & Show' takes place 5-7pm on 7 July 2004.

To find out more about the show or the club, use the links below.

Dr Wingler