



Middlesex professorship

18 June 2004

The campaign to raise funds for an annual Middlesex Hospital Medical School Visiting Professor continues.

The Middlesex Hospital Medical School Launched at the end of 2003, with the support of Professor Malcolm Grant, Provost & President of UCL, the campaign has to date raised over £140,000.

The campaign, which is led by Professor Leslie Le Quesne (Medicine 1943) and supported by former Middlesex graduates and staff, is a celebration of the outstanding contribution made by alumni to the advancement of medical knowledge, as well as the standards of excellence in teaching and training established at the Middlesex Hospital Medical School. The Middlesex, which was established in 1835, merged with UCL in 1986. It is envisaged that an honours board will record the names of the visiting professors over the years, with the appointment of the first visiting professor commencing in 2005.

The campaign, which has a target of £200,000, is now in its final stages with a direct mail campaign to Middlesex alumni from all over the world. The campaign's leaders and supporters have endeavoured to communicate with as many people associated with the Middlesex as possible, through personal contacts and database information, but would welcome contributions from interested individuals who may not have heard of the campaign.

To find out more about the professorship, and to obtain a gift form, please contact Ms Elizabeth Stannard in UCL's Development Office: +44 (0)20 7679 9736.

Image: The Middlesex Hospital Medical School.