



UCL tops UK scientific citation rankings

7 October 2003

Analysis of scientific citation data from the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) reveals UCL as the top UK centre for scientific research and equal for eighth place in the world.

The data identifies the major world centres of scientific research based upon the location of highly cited individuals.

The ISI records the number of times a research paper is cited in other publications - an indication of its influence - and ranks the top 100 scientists in 14 fields. At the moment, the fields are biased towards biomedicine, physics and chemistry, but the database is under rapid development and will shortly expand to 21 subject areas.

Professor Mike Batty, Director of UCL's Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis (CASA), analysed the data. He said: "My main interest is in the concentration of leading scientists in particular geographical clusters, but analysis on an institutional basis has also been possible. In the ranking of institutions by the number of highly cited scientists in 12 fields, UCL tied for eighth place worldwide and was the only UK university in the top ten."

ISI data shows that Professor Salvador Moncada, Director of UCL's Wolfson Institute for Biomedical Research, ranks second in the list of the world's most highly cited scientists.

To find out more about the CASA project or Professor Moncada use the links below.
