

The Nahrein Network


Dlshad A. Mutalb Mustafa

Scholarship dates: 6 October – 5 December 2019

Academic hosts: McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, University of Cambridge

Mr Dlshad A. Mutalb Mustafa is a Cultural Heritage Officer with the Directorate of Antiquities of Soran (Soran province, Iraqi Kurdistan). With support from BISI, he has a Visiting Scholarship in the McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, at the University of Cambridge.

Mr Dlshad will be researching museum displays and look into models for outreach activities which can be implemented at the Shanidar Cave site. Shanidar Cave is a world-famous site, essential for the research of Homo Neaderthalensis, which is currently being re-excavated by Professor Graeme Barker. The cave attracts tourists and students alike but lacks any form of facilities either to ensure its preservation or to inform the public. Mr Dlshad's collaboration with Professor Barker will look at sustainable informational display solutions and provide the Directorate of Antiquities with suggestions for both displays and outreach activities.