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Tarkhan Tomb 414

Dynasty 0 to early First Dynasty (about 3000 BC)

Petrie: Sequence Date 78

'This grave is one of the largest. The pit was cut in the gravel, brick-lined and mud-plastered. No remains of the body of the original tomb owner were found' (Petrie 1913: 9).

Finds: pottery, seal impressions, alabaster vases, jar with the name of Narmer

/museums-static/digitalegypt/tarkhan/tarkhantomb414/tarkhantomb414pottery.html /museums-static/digitalegypt/tarkhan/tarkhantomb414/tarkhantomb414alabaster.html /museums-static/digitalegypt/tarkhan/tarkhantomb414/tarkhantomb414uc16083.html

/museums-static/digitalegypt/tarkhan/tarkhantomb414/tarkhantomb414uc16083.html /museums-static/digitalegypt/tarkhan/tarkhantomb414/tarkhantomb414pottery.html /museums-static/digitalegypt/tarkhan/tarkhantomb414/tarkhantomb414alabaster.html

Petrie 1913: 9, pl. XXI, LXI (tomb register)

Measurements of the tomb: 167 x 355 x 180 (depth) cm

Further reading: Kaiser/Dreyer 1982: 240 (Kaiser argues that the tomb might belong to a count or high official, compare the area around the tomb)
Wilkinson 1996: 72 (discusses briefly the high status of the tomb owner)
Kaplony 1963: 64-65 (discussion of the seal impressions)


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