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Stone vessels in the Old Kingdom: typology

The numbers at left refer to Aston 1994: 79-90, the datings follow Aston 1994: 91-116
(click on the images to see a larger picture)

no. 34 UC 16158 UC 17739 Old and New Kingdom, First Intermediate Period
no.35 UC 17737    
no. 48   mainly Early Dynastic Period
no. 123 UC 17740, stone vessel found at Qua UC 17757, stone vessel found at Qua late Old Kingdom to First Intermediate Period
no. 124 UC 2393 UC 17765, vessel found at Qau Old Kingdom, First Intermediate Period
no. 129 UC 13260   End of Old Kingdom
no. 133 UC 17790, vessel found at Qau   End of Old Kingdom, First Intermediate Period
no. 130 UC 17760, calcite vessel found at Qau   End of Old Kingdom, First Intermediate Period
no. 140 UC 13262   First Intermediate Period



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