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Stone vessels in the New Kingdom (about 1550-1069 BC): examples and typology

some provenanced pieces (click on the images to see the context)

from Amarna
from Gurob
Sedment, tomb 276
Sedment, tomb 136
uc 16021, vase

Some common stone vessel types of the New Kingdom.
The numbers at left refer to Aston 1994: 79-90, the datings follow Aston 1994: 91-116
(click on the images to see a larger picture)

34 UC 15862, calcite vessel from Thebes UC 15863, calcite vessel from Thebes UC 15874, calcite vessel from Naqada (Nubt) UC 15905, calcite vessel found at Koptos
First Dynasty - New Kingdom
167 UC 7889, kohl pot fragment, found at Gurob       18th Dynasty
170 UC 41557, calcite vessel, unknown provenance      
18th and 19th Dynasty
171 UC 7966, calcite vessel from Gurob UC 41558, calcite vessel, unknown provenance UC 41559, calcite vessel unknown provenance  
18th and 19th Dynasty
175 UC 38053, calcite vessel, unknown provenance UC 16559, stone vessel from Sedment    
New Kingdom
182 UC 71196, calcite vessel      
18th and 19th Dynasty
185 UC 19201, unknown provenance UC 19202, unknown provenance    
18th and 19th Dynasty
194 UC 41618; 'pilgrim flask' UC 7969, Gurob tomb 718    
New Kingdom
New Kingdom


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