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Red and White Limestone Breccia

This rock consists of white pieces of limestone in a red matrix. The limestone pieces vary in size from a few millimetres to several centimetres, and they also vary in colour. Breccia can be found at several places in Egypt (Gebel Matma and Gebel Mudilla, north of Minya; Wadi Rokham, Tahta, Issawia, Abydos, Gebel Abu Had, Gebel el-Serei, Gebel Aras, Wadi Ain, west of Esna). The material is very common for vessels and other small objects in the predynastic period. Later it was only rarely used, though there are some examples of sculpture in the material from the Late Period.

examples (unprovenanced)

Aston/Harrell/Shaw 2000: 42-43
Aston 1994: 53-54


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