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Sedment, some tombs with special finds

Tomb 298
a simple hole in the ground

date: late First Intermediate Period - early Middle Kingdom
(Seidlmayer 1990: 259, 323)

wooden head rest UC 8605


the pottery types found in tomb 298: 64d, 88h, 89k, 90m, 90p (64d is about 34.3 cm high)

Petrie/Brunton 1924: pl. XXXVI.


Sedment Tomb 318

date: First Intermediate Period (about 2100 BC)

button seal UC 31369

unpublished (?), the tomb has no tomb card


Tomb 383
a disturbed shaft tomb

headrest UC 8604

Petrie/Brunton 1924: pl. XV

Tomb 2101

date: First Intermediate Period (about 2100 BC)

a disturbed shaft tomb with pottery (16f, 63k), wooden models, an inscribed coffin and a mask

mummy mask UC 31377

Petrie/Brunton 1924: pl. XXXIX
Stewart 1986: 4, no. 1, pl. 1


Tomb 2122

date: Early Middle Kingdom (? about 2000 BC)

a disturbed shaft tomb

wooden gaming board UC 31348 (see: games)
pottery type: 90u (about 31.2 cm high)

Petrie/Brunton 1924: pl. XXI, 14 (the game), XXXIX (tomb register)



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