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Rifeh in the Second Intermediate Period: the 'pan graves'

Petrie excavated at Rifeh some 'pan graves' (Petrie 1907: 20-21), belonging to Nubian people living in Egypt in the Second Intermediate Period. The following pottery most likely comes from Rifeh, although this is not always certain. Pan grave pottery is very similar to C-Group pottery. The surface is decorated with incised patterns. Other vessels are reddish-brown with a black top, very similar to the 'Kerma beakers', but not polished. Pan graves also contained a large number of Egyptian objects, with evidence for increasing absorption into the Egyptian way of life in the course of the Second Intermediate Period.

(click on the images for a larger picture)

cemetery S tomb 56
cemetery S tomb 37
UC 38785
UC 17915
UC 17913 UC 17918

UC 17927 UC 17928 UC 17929
UC 38772



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