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Meroe: pottery

Painted pottery is one of the highlights of Meroitic arts and crafts. It is possible to distinguish different workshops/painters. UC 44419, UC 44415 and UC 44417 come certainly from the same workshop/painter.

(exact provenance within Meroe unknown for most of the vessels)

UC 44419
UC 44412
UC 44413
UC 44414
UC 44415
UC 44419 UC 44413 UC 44413 UC 44414 UC 44415
UC 44416
UC 44417
UC 44418
UC 44447
UC 44337
UC 44416 UC 44417 UC 44418 UC 44447 UC 44337

Török 1997a: pl. 58, from M 197 (UC 44413); pl. 69 from M197; pl. 220 (UC 44419)

further reading:

  • Adams 1968 (fundamental study on Nubian pottery)
  • Adams 1977: 365-374 (general introduction)
  • Wildung 1997: 342-360 (exhibition catalogue with good colour photographs)
  • Williams1991 (excavation report on Meroitic cemeteries with many vessels found)


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