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Tale of Sanehat: Two principal sources

Berlin 3022, a Middle Kingdom papyrus preserving a copy of the Tale of Sanehat and an incomplete copy of a narrative known in Egyptology as the Tale of the Herdsman Berlin 10499, a late Middle Kingdom papyrus found in a tomb beneath the Ramesseum precinct at Thebes, preserving copies of the Tale of Sanehat and the Tale of Khuninpu


Sources in the Petrie Museum

Middle Kingdom:
Papyrus Harageh 1 (UC 32773), a late Middle Kingdom papyrus fragment. This was found in a cemetery of that period at Harageh, at the mouth of the Fayum, and preserves part of the central portion of the Tale of Sanehat. It is not recorded in the publication exactly where it was found: Engelbach 1923: 32-33 refers only in general terms to the source of eight fragments of papyri, of which this was one: 'in the surface rubbish, and in the filling of some of the tombs, were found a small number of Middle Kingdom hieratic papyri, all more or less damaged'. At the end of the same volume, a summary record of contents of individual tombs is given, with mention of papyrus fragments for the Middle Kingdom tombs nos.265, 268, 269, 271 and 539. Of these, no.265 contained at least one skeleton of an adult woman, and no.271 two female and one male skeleton: all seem to have been robbed in antiquity.

New Kingdom (about 1550-1069 BC):

Other sources


Ostraca listed in Koch 1990:

Cited after Koch 1990 (transcription of sources together in 81 main pages)


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