
Classes of beings in the Onomasticon of Amenemipet

The Onomasticon of Amenemipet includes the following distinctions between superhuman beings:

63 god (nTr)
64 nTrt (goddess)
65 transfigured man, the blessed dead (Ax)
66 transfigured woman, the blessed dead (Ax)
67 king (nswt)
68 goddess of kingship (nsyt: this word is never used of queens, only of goddesses)

There follow the human beings most intimately connected with the divine king:

69 wife of the king (Hmt nswt)
70 mother of the king (mwt nswt)
71 child of the king (ms nswt)
72 leader of nobles (iry pat: this title is used for the Crown Prince in the Ramesside Period)
73 first minister, usually translated 'vizier' in Egyptology (TAty)
74 sole companion (smr waty)
75 eldest son of the king (sA nswt smsw)

Later in the onomasticon, after the titles of the adminstration and temples, there are designations for groups of human beings:

230 people (rmT)
231 nobles (pat)
232 populace (rxyt)
233 entourage (of the sun-king) (Hnmmt: the word is often spelled with the sign for sun disk and rays)
234-235 archery officers (Ts pDwt)
236 infantry (mnfAt)
237 cavalry (t-nt-Htr)

238-294 foreign peoples and lands: 238-242 in the west; 243-252 Hittite Empire and its allies in the Battle of Qadesh; 253-294 Syrians and Nubians

Following these are the designations for differences between human beings by age:

295 adult man (s)
296 youth (mnH)
297 old man (iAw)
298 adult woman (st)
299 young woman (nfrt)
300 mixed people (tp Sbn: this term might be used in administration to denote a group of people of different ages and both genders)
301 lad (aDd)
302 infant (nxn: perhaps the new-born child, neonate - the English word infant comes from Latin infans 'not speaking', and a similar distinction might have applied in Egypt, but this is not documented)
303 boy (rnn: literally 'he who is nursed')
304 girl (rnnt: literally 'she who is nursed')


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