
The Teaching of a Man for his Son

Sources (after Fischer-Elfert 1999)


Principal sources

Fragments of hieratic papyri of Dynasty 18:

  1. Papyrus Berlin 15733 b-f
  2. Papyrus Berlin 15738 a, c, f, g
  3. Papyrus (Pierpont Morgan) Amherst XV
  4. Papyrus Turin 54016
  5. Papyrus Turin 54017

Hieratic on leather roll of Dynasty 18:

British Museum ESA 10258


Sources in the Petrie Museum

Hieratic ostraca, Ramesside Period:

  1. UC 6484 (Fischer-Elfert source 140)
  2. UC 31954 (Fischer-Elfert source 141)
  3. UC 31995 (Ostracon Petrie 52, Fischer-Elfert source 55)
  4. UC 31999 (Ostracon Petrie 69, Fischer-Elfert source 56)
  5. UC 32945 (this item from the Ramesseum, Fischer-Elfert source 150)


Other sources

Papyrus fragments of the New Kingdom:

  1. Papyrus Berlin 15742
  2. Papyrus Clere I
  3. Papyrus Louvre N 3171


Hieratic writing-board of the New Kingdom:

  1. Turin CG 58006

Hieratic ostraca of the New Kingdom, in addition to those in the Petrie Museum cited above:

137 other ostraca, full list in Fischer-Elfert 1999, vol. II, x-xxv


Standard edition

Fischer-Elfert 1999


Copyright © 2003 University College London. All rights reserved.