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Lahun UC 32143B, back side of roll

[statue of (title and name of official)]                        priest Hetepet’s son Dedusobek
[statue of (title and name of official)]                        Senet’s son Senusret
[statue of (title and name of official)]                        Senusret/Dedusobek/royal priest Ite’s son Intef
[statue of (title and name of official)]                        royal priest Senusret’s son Senusret
[statue of (title and name of official)]                        ditto
[statue of (title and name of official)]                        libationer Sehetep’s son Mentuhotep
[statue of (title and name of official)]                        ditto
[statue of (title and name of official)]                        royal priest Senet’s son Sehetepibra
[statue of (title and name of official)]                        ditto
[statue of (title and name of official)]                        libationer Sakhentkhety’s son Hetep (?)
[statue of (title and name of official)]                        ditto
[statue of (title and name of official)]                        chanter [Sat?]-hathor ... Sagebu
[statue of (title and name of official)]                        ditto
[statue of (title and name of official)]                        ditto
[statue of (title and name of official)]                        chanter Asiatic [...]
[statue of (title and name of official)]                        ditto
[statue of (title and name of official)]                        ditto
[statue of (title and name of official)]                        [...]
[statue of (title and name of official)]                        [...]
[statue of (title and name of official)]                        [...]usobek’s son User (?)


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