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The Lahun Papyri

Between 1889 and 1899 Lahun yielded the largest haul of surviving Middle Kingdom (about 2025-1700 BC) papyri, divisible into two groups:

(1)  business papers of the cult for king Senusret II, from the rubbish mound north of the Valley Temple of his pyramid complex, by the west wall of the town; most of these are now in the Egyptian Museums of Berlin and Cairo, and date to the reigns of Senusret III and Amenemhat III

(2)   miscellaneous manuscripts from across the town site, retrieved from the rescue clearance of the site in spring and autumn 1889 by Flinders Petrie; these are now in the Petrie Museum, and date to the late Twelfth and early Thirteenth Dynasties

Selection of accounts papyri in the Petrie Museum

UC 32097A
UC 32102A
UC 32142 B
UC 32143 B
phyle exchange formula
travel to Lahun to count the fields; list of objects from the treasury of the town
travel to the residence to count at the 'head of the year'
list of statues

UC 32168 A
UC 32168 B
UC 32189
UC 32194
name list for work project
bringing animal produce
grain account
produce brought by officials


Other papyri from Lahun in the Petrie Museum on Digital Egypt for Universities

A healing papyrus | a veterinarian papyrus | mathematical papyri | hymns to Senusret III | a festival list | a letter | the deed of conveyance of Mery

gender at Lahun: the written evidence


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