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some important finds not in the Petrie Museum

statue of king Khasekhem, Second Dynasty (not found in the 'Main Deposit')

statue of king Khasekhem, found at Hierakonpolis

Quibell 1900: pl. XLI

Copper statues of king Pepy I and king Merenre (the name of the latter king is not mentioned, the attribution of the smaller statue to the king is therefore only a guess) Sixth Dynasty (both now on Cairo) - (not found in the 'Main Deposit')

copper statues of king Pepy I, found at Hierakonpolis

Quibell/Green 1902: pl. L

the inscription on the base of the copper statue of Pepy I

inscription on the base of a copper statue of Pepy I

Quibell 1900: pl. XLIV (bottom)

some finds from the 'Main Deposit' not in the Petrie Museum

the Narmer palette
Narmer palette, found at Hierakonpolis


faience figures found at Hierakonpolis

Quibell 1900: pl. XXIX
Quibell 1900: pl.XXII (2.3)


statue found at Hierakonpolis

Quibell/Green 1902: pl. LVII


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