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Faience in the New Kingdom (about 1550-1069 BC)

(click on the images to see a larger picture; boxes in white give a link to the context)

UC 38095
UC 45212
UC 45126
piece of foundation deposit
UC 13283 UC 59125
ear plug
gaming pieces
fragment of a tile

Decorated faience bowls are very popular in the New Kingdom, and mainly known from tombs and Hathor sanctuaries. They are decorated with flowers (most often lotus), animals and fishes, and sometimes images of Hathor. Such bowls may have been used in the cult of the goddess or of the dead, for safe birth and/or for rebirth.

UC 30054
UC 16560
UC 581
UC 2310
from Sedment

Strauß 1974 (on the New Kingdom bowls in Munich, with further discussion)


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