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Age in Roman Egypt

The following data are based on papyri with census returns found in Egypt and dateable to the first three centuries AD (11/12 AD - 257/258 AD) .These returns provide data on ordinary households, including servants and slaves. From the evidence of these papyri it can be assumed that there was every 14 years a census, starting in 33/34 and ending in 257/258. The few census papyri dating before 33/34 are a little bit obscure and do not necessarily come from a census.

Male life expectancy

age village town total
0-4 24 26 50
5-9 16 26 42
10-14 7 16 23
15-19 13 23 36
20-24 13 18 31
25-29 14 12 26
30-34 16 19 35
35-39 10 6 16
40-44 12 6 18
45-49 13 11 24
50-54 4 6 10
55-59 11 3 14
60-64 3 3 6
65-69 5 2 7
70-74 6 3 9
75-79 2 0 2
80-84 0 1 1
all ages 169 181 350

Female life expectancy in Roman Egypt

age village town total
0-4 28 8 36
5-9 18 18 36
10-14 24 14 38
15-19 21 11 32
20-24 15 20 35
25-29 13 17 30
30-34 18 6 24
35-39 22 9 31
40-44 9 9 18
45-49 11 3 14
50-54 13 5 18
55-59 4 2 6
60-64 6 1 7
65-69 3 1 4
70-74 5 2 7
75-79 1 0 1
all ages 211 126 337

Bagnall/Frier 1994: 75, 91


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