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Abydos, Demotic Ostracon: UC 32046

UC 32046, Demotic ostracon

Ptolemaic Period. List of bandages used in mummification. (Nur-el-Din 1987: 39-40)

  1. -ryn (? - material for mummification?)
  2. 7 6 one piece of linen for the mummy bandage
  3. 7 7 one piece of linen for the mummy bandage
  4. 7 8 one piece of linen for the mummy bandage
  5. 7 9 one piece of linen for the mummy bandage
  6. 7 10 nothing
  7. 7 11 nothing
  8. 7 12 nothing
  9. 13 14 nothing
  10. 7 15 one linen
  11. 7 16 two linen
  12. 7 17 one linen
  13. ...

As suggested in the publication cited, the numerals at the start of each line may denote number of month followed by number of the day, except in line 9 where the meaning would be (month 7) days 13 and 14. The third column notations would then refer to the delivery of bandages.



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