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Stelae of the First Dynasty found at Abydos

Limestone stela UC 14273.
The woman on the stela is called Qaineit; from the titles above the name it is possible that she was a wife of king Den. The stela was found in a tomb near the king's tomb.

UC 14273, stela found at Abydos, first dynasty

Limestone stela UC 14268 of a lady called Ahaneit.
The stela was found in a subsidiary tomb near the tomb of king Djet.

UC 14268, stela found at Abydos, first dynasty

Stewart 1979: 3, no.5, pl. pl. 1.5


Limestone stela UC 14275 of a person called Wedjka
The stela was found in a subsidiary tomb near the tomb of king Djet.

UC 14275, stela found at Abydos, first dynasty

Stewart 1979: 4, no.7, pl. pl. 1.9


Limestone stela UC 14271 of a person called Ka(?)-hotep
The stela was found in a subsidiary tomb no. 111 near the tomb of king Djer.

UC 14271, stela found at Abydos, first dynasty

Stewart 1979: 3, no.1, pl. pl. 1.1


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