
UCL Department of Space and Climate Physics


Space Plasma Physics Publications

2021 202020192018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 PhD Theses


  • Branduardi-Raymont, G., et al., (2021). Exploring solar-terrestrial interactions via multiple imaging observers. EXPERIMENTAL ASTRONOMY, doi:10.1007/s10686-021-09784-y
  • Berčič, L. et al. (2021), Whistler instability driven by the sunward electron deficit in the solar wind. High-cadence Solar Orbiter observations, doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202140970
  • Woolley, T., Matteini, L., McManus, M.D., Berčič, L., Badman, S.T., Woodham, L.D., ...Stawarz, J.E. (2021). Plasma properties, switchback patches, and low α-particle abundance in slow Alfvénic coronal hole wind at 0.13 au. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 508 (1), 236-244. doi:10.1093/mnras/stab2281
  • Halekas, J.S., Berčič, L., Whittlesey, P., Larson, D.E., Livi, R., Berthomier, M., ...Bale, S.D. (2021). The Sunward Electron Deficit: A Telltale Sign of the Sun’s Electric Potential. The Astrophysical Journal, 916 (1), 16. doi:10.3847/1538-4357/ac096e
  • Jagarlamudi, V.K., Dudok de Wit, T., Froment, C., Krasnoselskikh, V., Larosa, A., Berčič, L., ...Malaspina, D. (2021). Whistler wave occurrence and the interaction with strahl electrons during the first encounter of Parker Solar Probe. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 650 A9. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202039808
  • Cheng, I., Achilleos, N., Masters, A., Lewis, G., Kane, M., Guio, P. (2021). Electron Bulk Heating at Saturn’s Magnetopause. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, doi:10.1029/2020ja028800
  • Walton, S.D., Forsyth, C., Rae, I.J., Watt, C.E.J., Thompson, R.L., Horne, R.B., ...Clilverd, M.A. (2021). Cross-L∗ Coherence of the Outer Radiation Belt during Storms and the Role of the Plasmapause. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, doi:10.1029/2021ja029308
  • Mooney, M.K., Marsh, M.S., Forsyth, C., Sharpe, M., Hughes, T., Bingham, S., ...Chisham, G. (2021). Evaluating Auroral Forecasts Against Satellite Observations. Space Weather, doi:10.1029/2020sw002688
  • Branduardi-Raymont, G. et al., (2021). Exploring solar-terrestrial interactions via multiple imaging observers. EXPERIMENTAL ASTRONOMY, doi:10.1007/s10686-021-09784-y
  • Samsonov, A.A., Bogdanova, Y.V., Branduardi‐Raymont, G., Xu, L., Zhang, J., Sormakov, D., ...Forsyth, C. (2021). Geosynchronous magnetopause crossings and their relationships with magnetic storms and substorms. Space Weather, doi:10.1029/2020sw002704
  • Dimmock, A.P. , Welling, D.T., Rosenqvist, L., Forsyth, C., Freeman, M.P., Rae, I.J., ...Balikhin, M.A. (2021). Modeling the geomagnetic response to the September 2017 space weather event over Fennoscandia using the Space Weather Modeling Framework: Studying the impacts of spatial resolution. Space Weather, doi:10.1029/2020sw002683
  • Graham, G.A., Bakrania, M.R., Rae, I.J., Owen, C.J., Walsh, A.P., Owens, M.J. (2021). Constraining Suprathermal Electron Evolution in a Parker Spiral Field with Cassini Observations. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, doi:10.1029/2020ja028669
  • Adhikari, L. et al., (2021). Evolution of anisotropic turbulence in the fast and slow solar wind: Theory and Solar Orbiter measurements. Astronomy & Astrophysics, doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202140672
  • Telloni, D. et al., (2021). Evolution of Solar Wind Turbulence from 0.1 to 1 au during the First Parker Solar Probe-Solar Orbiter Radial Alignment. The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 912 (2), doi:10.3847/2041-8213/abf7d1
  • Gomez-Herrero, R. et al., (2021). First near-relativistic solar electron events observed by EPD onboard Solar Orbiter. Astronomy & Astrophysics, doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202039883
  • Owen, C.J., Kataria, D.O., Bercic, L., Horbury, T.S., Berthomier, M., Verscharen, D., ...Anekallu, C. (2021). High-cadence measurements of electron pitch-angle distributions from Solar Orbiter SWA-EAS burst mode operations. Astronomy & Astrophysics, doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202140959
  • de Pablos, D., Long, D.M., Owen, C.J., Valori, G., Nicolaou, G., Harra, L.K. (2021). Matching Temporal Signatures of Solar Features to Their Corresponding Solar-Wind Outflows. Solar Physics, 296 (4), doi:10.1007/s11207-021-01813-5
  • Laker, R. et al., (2021). Multi-spacecraft study of the solar wind at solar minimum: dependence on latitude and transient outflows. Astronomy & Astrophysics, doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202140679
  • Steinvall, K. et al., (2021). Solar wind current sheets and deHoffmann-Teller analysis. First results from Solar Orbiter's DC electric field measurements. Astronomy & Astrophysics, doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202140855
  • Stansby, D., Green, L.M., van Driel-Gesztelyi, L., Horbury, T.S. (2021). Active Region Contributions to the Solar Wind over Multiple Solar Cycles. SOLAR PHYSICS, 296 (8), doi:10.1007/s11207-021-01861-x
  • Woodham, L.D. et al., (2021). Enhanced proton parallel temperature inside patches of switchbacks in the inner heliosphere. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 650 L1. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202039415
  • Smith, A.W., Forsyth, C., Rae, I.J., Garton, T.M., Bloch, T., Jackman, C.M., Bakrania, M. (2021). Forecasting the Probability of Large Rates of Change of the Geomagnetic Field in the UK: Timescales, Horizons and Thresholds. Space Weather, doi:10.1029/2021sw002788
  • Garton, T.M., Jackman, C.M., Smith, A.W. (2021). Kronian Magnetospheric Reconnection Statistics Across Cassini's Lifetime. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, doi:10.1029/2021ja029361
  • Smith, A.W., Forsyth, C., Rae, I.J., Rodger, C.J., Freeman, M.P. (2021). The Impact of Sudden Commencements on Ground Magnetic Field Variability: Immediate and Delayed Consequences. Space Weather, doi:10.1029/2021sw002764
  • Šafránková, J., Němeček, Z., Němec, F., Montagud-Camps, V., Verscharen, D., Verdini, A., Ďurovcová, T. (2021). Anisotropy of Magnetic Field and Velocity Fluctuations in the Solar Wind. The Astrophysical Journal, 913 (2), 80. doi:10.3847/1538-4357/abf6c9
  • Woodham, L.D., Wicks, R.T., Verscharen, D., TenBarge, J.M., Howes, G.G. (2021). Dependence of Solar Wind Proton Temperature on the Polarization Properties of Alfvénic Fluctuations at Ion-kinetic Scales. The Astrophysical Journal, 912 (2), 101. doi:10.3847/1538-4357/abed51
  • D'Amicis, R. et al., (2021). First Solar Orbiter observation of the Alfvénic slow wind and identification of its solar source. Astronomy and Astrophysics, doi: 10.1051/0004-6361/202140938
  • Verscharen, D., Stansby, D., Finley, A.J., Owen, C.J., Horbury, T., Maksimovic, M., ...Fedorov, A. (2021). The angular-momentum flux in the solar wind observed during Solar Orbiter's first orbit. Astronomy & Astrophysics, doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202140956
  • Verscharen, D., Bale, S.D., Velli, M. (2021). Flux conservation, radial scalings, Mach numbers, and critical distances in the solar wind: magnetohydrodynamics and Ulysses observations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, doi:10.1093/mnras/stab2051
  • Verscharen, D., Wicks, R.T., Branduardi-Raymont, G., Erdélyi, R., Frontera, F., Götz, C., ...Nicastro, F. (2021). The Plasma Universe: A Coherent Science Theme for Voyage 2050. frontiers in Astronomy and Space Science, arXiv:2104.07983. doi:10.3389/fspas.2021.651070
  • Agudelo Rueda, J.A., Verscharen, D., Wicks, R.T., Owen, C.J., Nicolaou, G., Walsh, A.P. et al., (2021). Three-dimensional magnetic reconnection in particle-in-cell simulations of anisotropic plasma turbulence. Journal of Plasma Physics, 87 (3), doi:10.1017/S0022377821000404
  • Harra, L. et al., (2021). A journey of exploration to the polar regions of a star: probing the solar poles and the heliosphere from high helio-latitude. EXPERIMENTAL ASTRONOMY, doi:10.1007/s10686-021-09769-x
  • Wang, H.Z. et al., (2021). Earth Wind as a Possible Exogenous Source of Lunar Surface Hydration. ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL LETTERS, 907 (2), doi:10.3847/2041-8213/abd559
  • Berčič, L., Landi, S., Maksimović, M. (2021). The interplay between ambipolar electric field and Coulomb collisions in the solar wind acceleration region. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, doi:10.1029/2020ja028864
  • Stansby, D., Berčič, L., Matteini, L., Owen, C.J., French, R.J., Baker, D., Badman, S.T. (2021). Sensitivity of solar wind mass flux to coronal temperature. Astronomy & Astrophysics, doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202039789
  • Baker, D. et al., (2021). Alfvénic Perturbations in a Sunspot Chromosphere Linked to Fractionated Plasma in the Corona. The Astrophysical Journal, 907 (1), 16. doi:10.3847/1538-4357/abcafd
  • Wilson, L. B. et al., (2021). A Quarter Century of Wind Spacecraft Discoveries. Reviews of Geophysics, 59, e2020RG000714.
  • Zhang, S., et al., (2021). Determining the temporal and spatial coherence of plasmaspheric hiss waves in the magnetosphere. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, doi:10.1029/2020ja028635


  • Macneil, A.R., Owens, M.J., Wicks, R.T., Lockwood, M., Bentley, S.N., Lang, M. (2020). The Evolution of Inverted Magnetic Fields Through the Inner Heliosphere. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, doi:10.1093/mnras/staa951
  • Wharton, S.J., Rae, I.J., Sandhu, J.K., Walach, M., Wright, D.M., Yeoman, T.K. (2020). The Changing Eigenfrequency Continuum during Geomagnetic Storms: Implications for Plasma Mass Dynamics and ULF Wave Coupling. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, doi:10.1029/2019ja027648
  • Dunn, W.R. et al., (2020). Jupiter's X-rays 2007 Part 1: Jupiter's X-ray Emission During Solar Minimum. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, e2019JA027219. doi:10.1029/2019ja027219
  • Bai, S. et al., (2020). Ion Scale Flux Rope Observed Inside a Hot Flow Anomaly. Geophysical Research Letters, doi:10.1029/2019gl085933
  • Murphy, K.R., Inglis, A.R., Sibeck, D.G., Watt, C.E.J., Rae, I.J. (2020). Inner Magnetospheric ULF Waves: The Occurrence and Distribution of Broadband and Discrete Wave Activity. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-SPACE PHYSICS, 125 (9), doi:10.1029/2020JA027887
  • Nicolaou, G., Wicks, R.T., Rae, I.J., Kataria, D.O. (2020). Evaluating the Performance of a Plasma Analyzer for a Space Weather Monitor Mission Concept. Space Weather, 18 (12), doi:10.1029/2020sw002559
  • Ma, Y., Yang, J., Dunlop, M.W., Rae, I.J., Yang, J. (2020). Energy Budget of High-speed Plasma Flows in the Terrestrial Magnetotail. The Astrophysical Journal, 894 (1), 16. doi:10.3847/1538-4357/ab83fd
  • Liu, J. et al., (2020). Electron Energization and Energy Dissipation in Microscale Electromagnetic Environments. ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL LETTERS, 899 (2), doi:10.3847/2041-8213/abab92
  • Dunn, W.R. et al., (2020). Comparisons Between Jupiter's X‐ray, UV and Radio Emissions and In‐Situ Solar Wind Measurements During 2007. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, e2019JA027222. doi:10.1029/2019ja027222
  • Murphy, K.R. et al., (2020). A framework for understanding and quantifying the loss and acceleration of relativistic electrons in the outer radiation belt during geomagnetic storms. Space Weather, doi:10.1029/2020sw002477
  • Samsonov, A.A., Bogdanova, Y.V., Branduardi‐Raymont, G., Sibeck, D.G., Tóth, G. (2020). Is the relation between the solar wind dynamic pressure and the magnetopause standoff distance so straightforward?. Geophysical Research Letters, doi:10.1029/2019gl086474
  • Forsyth, C., Sergeev, V.A., Henderson, M.G., Nishimura, Y., Gallardo-Lacourt, B. (2020). Physical Processes of Meso-Scale, Dynamic Auroral Forms. Space Science Reviews, 216 (4), doi:10.1007/s11214-020-00665-y
  • Forsyth, C., Watt, C.E.J., Mooney, M.K., Rae, I.J., Walton, S.D., Horne, R.B. (2020). Forecasting GOES 15 >2 MeV electron fluxes from solar wind data and geomagnetic indices. Space Weather, doi:10.1029/2019sw002416
  • Mooney, M.K. et al., (2020). Examining Local Time Variations in the Gains and Losses of Open Magnetic Flux During Substorms. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, doi:10.1029/2019ja027369
  • Velli, M. et al., (2020). Understanding the origins of the heliosphere: Integrating observations and measurements from Parker Solar Probe, Solar Orbiter and Other space and ground based observatories. Astronomy & Astrophysics, doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202038245
  • Maksimovic, M. et al., (2020). The Solar Orbiter Radio and Plasma Waves (RPW) instrument. Astronomy & Astrophysics, doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201936214
  • Müller, D. et al., (2020). The Solar Orbiter mission. Science overview. Astronomy & Astrophysics, doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202038467
  • Horbury, T.S. et al., (2020). The Solar Orbiter magnetometer. Astronomy & Astrophysics, doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201937257
  • Macneil, A.R., Owens, M.J., Lockwood, M., Štverák, Š., Owen, C.J. (2020). Radial Evolution of Sunward Strahl Electrons in the Inner Heliosphere. Solar Physics, 295 (2), doi:10.1007/s11207-019-1579-3
  • Owens, M., Lockwood, M., Macneil, A., Stansby, D. (2020). Signatures of Coronal Loop Opening via Interchange Reconnection in the Slow Solar Wind at 1 AU. Solar Physics, 295 (3), doi:10.1007/s11207-020-01601-7
  • Möstl, C. et al., (2020). Prediction of the in situ coronal mass ejection rate for solar cycle 25: Implications for parker solar probe in situ observations. Astrophysical Journal, 903 (2), doi:10.3847/1538-4357/abb9a1
  • Stansby, D., Yeates, A., Badman, S. (2020). pfsspy: A Python package for potential field source surface modelling. Journal of Open Source Software, 5 (54), 2732. doi:10.21105/joss.02732
  • Stansby, D. (2020). In-situ Observations of the Sub-Alfvénic Solar Wind by Helios. Research Notes of the AAS, 4 (4), 51. doi:10.3847/2515-5172/ab873d
  • Stansby, D., Baker, D., Brooks, D.H., Owen, C.J. (2020). Directly comparing coronal and solar wind elemental fractionation. Astronomy & Astrophysics, doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202038319
  • Barnes, W. et al., (2020). aiapy: A Python Package for Analyzing Solar EUV Image Data from AIA.. J. Open Source Softw., 5 2801,
  • Jasinski, J.M. et al., (2020). Saturn's open‐closed field line boundary: a Cassini electron survey at Saturn's magnetosphere. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, doi:10.1029/2019ja027090
  • Sun, W.J., et al., (2020). Flux Transfer Event Showers at Mercury: Dependence on Plasma β and Magnetic Shear and their Contribution to the Dungey Cycle. Geophysical Research Letters, doi:10.1029/2020gl089784
  • Smith, A.W., Rae, I.J., Forsyth, C., Watt, C.E.J., Murphy, K.R., Mann, I.R. (2020). Diagnosing the Time-Dependent Nature of Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling via ULF Waves at Substorm Onset. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 125 (11), doi:10.1029/2020JA028573
  • Zhu, X., He, J., Verscharen, D., Duan, D., Bale, S.D. (2020). Wave Composition, Propagation, and Polarization of Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence within 0.3 au as Observed by Parker Solar Probe. The Astrophysical Journal, 901 (1), L3. doi:10.3847/2041-8213/abb23e
  • Bakrania, M., Rae, I.J., Walsh, A.P., Verscharen, D., Smith, A.W. (2020). Using Dimensionality Reduction and Clustering Techniques to Classify Space Plasma Regimes. Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences, doi:10.3389/fspas.2020.593516
  • Zouganelis, I. et al., (2020). The Solar Orbiter Science Activity Plan: translating solar and heliospheric physics questions into action. Astronomy & Astrophysics, doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202038445
  • He, J., Zhu, X., Verscharen, D., Duan, D., Zhao, J., Wang, T. (2020). Spectra of Diffusion, Dispersion, and Dissipation for Kinetic Alfvénic and Compressive Turbulence: Comparison between Kinetic Theory and Measurements from MMS. The Astrophysical Journal, 898 (1), 43. doi:10.3847/1538-4357/ab9174
  • Roberts, O.W., Verscharen, D., Narita, Y., Nakamura, R., Vörös, Z., Plaschke, F. (2020). Possible coexistence of kinetic Alfvén and ion Bernstein modes in sub-ion scale compressive turbulence in the solar wind. Physical Review Research, 2 (4), doi:10.1103/physrevresearch.2.043253
  • Nicolaou, G., Livadiotis, G., Wicks, R.T., Verscharen, D., Maruca, B.A. (2020). Polytropic Behavior of Solar Wind Protons Observed by Parker Solar Probe. The Astrophysical Journal, 901 (1), 26. doi:10.3847/1538-4357/abaaae
  • Duan, D., He, J., Wu, H., Verscharen, D. (2020). Magnetic Energy Transfer and Distribution between Protons and Electrons for Alfvénic Waves at Kinetic Scales in Wavenumber Space. The Astrophysical Journal, arXiv:2004.11417. doi:10.3847/1538-4357/ab8ad2
  • Li, H. et al., (2020). Evolution of the Earth’s Magnetosheath Turbulence: A Statistical Study Based on MMS Observations. The Astrophysical Journal, 898 (2), L43. doi:10.3847/2041-8213/aba531
  • Luo, Q., He, J., Cui, J., Zhu, X., Duan, D., Verscharen, D. (2020). Energy Conversion between Ions and Electrons through Ion Cyclotron Waves and Embedded Ion-scale Rotational Discontinuity in Collisionless Space Plasmas. The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 904 (2), doi:10.3847/2041-8213/abc75a
  • Criton, B., Nicolaou, G., Verscharen, D. (2020). Design and Optimization of a High-Time-Resolution Magnetic Plasma Analyzer (MPA). Applied Sciences, 10 (23), 1-24. doi:10.3390/app10238483
  • Verscharen, D., Parashar, T.N., Gary, S.P., Klein, K.G. (2020). Dependence of kinetic plasma waves on ion-to-electron mass ratio and light-to-Alfven speed ratio. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, doi:10.1093/mnras/staa977m
  • Jeong, S.-.Y., Verscharen, D., Wicks, R.T., Fazakerley, A.N. (2020). A Quasi-linear Diffusion Model for Resonant Wave–Particle Instability in Homogeneous Plasma. The Astrophysical Journal, 902 (2), 128. doi:10.3847/1538-4357/abb099
  • Escoubet, C.P. et al., (2020). Cluster and MMS Simultaneous Observations of Magnetosheath High Speed Jets and Their Impact on the Magnetopause. Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences, 6 doi:10.3389/fspas.2019.00078
  • Walsh, A. et al., (2020). Coordination of the In Situ Payload of Solar Orbiter. Astronomy and Astrophysics,
  • Owen, C.J. et al. (2020). The Solar Orbiter Solar Wind Analyser (SWA) suite. Astronomy & Astrophysics, doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201937259
  • Shang, W.S. et al., (2020). Unusual Location of the Geotail Magnetopause Near Lunar Orbit: A Case Study. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 125 (4), doi:10.1029/2019ja027401
  • Smith, A. W.,Rae, I. J.,Forsyth, C.,Oliveira, D. M.,Freeman, M. P., &Jackson, D. R.(2020).Probabilistic forecasts of storm sudden commencements from interplanetary shocks using machine learning.Space Weather,18,2020002603.
  • D Stansby, L Matteini, T S Horbury, D Perrone, R D’Amicis, L Berčič . The origin of slow Alfvénic solar wind at solar minimum. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 492, Issue 1, February 2020, Pages 39–44,
  • Mumford et al., (2020). SunPy: A Python package for Solar Physics. Journal of Open Source Software, 5(46), 1832. February 2020. . 21105/joss.01832
  • Badman, S.T., Bale, S.D., Martínez Oliveros, J.C., Panasenco, O., Velli, M., Stansby, D., ...Case, A.W. (2020). Magnetic Connectivity of the Ecliptic Plane within 0.5 au: Potential Field Source Surface Modeling of the First Parker Solar Probe Encounter. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 246 (2), 23. doi:10.3847/1538-4365/ab4da7
  • Barnes, W.T. et al., (2020). The SunPy Project: Open Source Development and Status of the Version 1.0 Core Package. The Astrophysical Journal, 890 (1), 68. doi:10.3847/1538-4357/ab4f7a
  • Němeček, Zdeněk et al., What is the Solar Wind Frame of Reference? The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 889, Issue 2, id.163. February 2020. 10.3847/1538-4357/ab65f7
  • D. Perrone, R. D’Amicis, R. De Marco, L. Matteini, D. Stansby, R. Bruno and T. S. Horbury. Highly Alfvénic slow solar wind at 0.3 au during a solar minimum: Helios insights for Parker Solar Probe and Solar Orbiter. Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 633, id.A166, 7 pp. January 2020. 10.1051/0004-6361/201937064
  • Smith, A. W., Rae, I. J., Forsyth, C., Watt, C. E. J., & Murphy, K. R. (2020). On the magnetospheric ULF wave counterpart of substorm onset. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 125, e2019JA027573.
  • M. R. Bakrania, I. J. Rae, A. P. Walsh, D. Verscharen, A. W. Smith, T. Bloch and C. E. J. Watt. Statistics of solar wind electron breakpoint energies using machine learning techniques, A&A, Forthcoming article,DOI:
  • Nicolaou, G., R.T. Wicks, G. Livadiotis, D. Verscharen, C.J. Owen, D.O Kataria (2020), Determining the Bulk Parameters of Plasma Electrons from Pitch-Angle Distribution Measurements, Entropy, 22, 103, doi: 10.3390/e22010103
  • Nicolaou, G., G. Livadiotis, R.T. Wicks (2020), On the Determination of Kappa Distribution Functions from Space Plasma Observations, Entropy, 22, 212, doi: 10.3390/e22020212
  • Staples, F., I.J. Rae, C. Forsyth, A. Smith, K. R. Murphy, K. Raymer, F. Plaschke, N. Case, C. Roger, J. Wild, S. Milan, S. Imber (2020), Do statistical models capture the dynamics of the magnetopause during sudden magnetospheric compressions?,Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 125, e2019JA027289.


  • Samsonov, A., Bogdanova, Y. V., Branduardi‐Raymont, G., Safrankova, J., Nemecek, Z., &Park, J.‐S. ( 2019). Long‐term variations in solar wind parameters, magnetopause location, and geomagnetic activity over the last five solar cycles. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 124.
  • Mooney, M. K., Forsyth, C., Marsh, M., Sharpe, M., Hughes, T., Bingham, S., & Jackson, D. (2019). How well do we forecast the aurora?. Astronomy & Geophysics, 60 (5), 5.22-5.25. doi:10.1093/astrogeo/atz177
  • Pudney, M., King, S., Horbury, T., Maksimovic, M., C.J. Owen, & Laget, P. (2019). Solar Orbiter Strategies for EMC Control and Verification. Proceedings of 2019 ESA Workshop on Aerospace EMC, Aerospace EMC 2019. IEEE. doi:10.23919/AeroEMC.2019.8788930
  • Guo R, Pu Z, Yao Z, Dunlop M, Bogdanova YV, Wei Y, Wang X, Xiao C, He J, Fu S, Xie L, A. Fazakerley, Wan W. (2019). A three-dimensional model of spiral null pair to form ion-scale flux ropes in magnetic reconnection region observed by Cluster. Physics of Plasmas, 26 (11). doi:10.1063/1.5114620
  • Engebretson MJ, Steinmetz ES, Posch JL, Pilipenko VA, Moldwin MB, Connors MG, Boteler DH, Mann IR, Hartinger MD, Weygand JM, Lyons LR, Nishimura Y, Singer HJ, Ohtani S, Russell CT, A. Fazakerley, Kistler LM. (2019). Nighttime Magnetic Perturbation Events Observed in Arctic Canada: 2. Multiple-Instrument Observations. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics. doi:10.1029/2019JA026797
  • Shi J, Zhang Z, Torkar K, Cheng Z, Escoubet P, A. Farzakeley, Dunlop M, Carr C. (2019). South‐North Hemispheric Asymmetry of the FAE Distribution Around the Cusp Region: Cluster Observation. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 124 (7), 5342-5352. doi:10.1029/2019ja026582
  • Watt, C.E.J., H.J. Allison, N.P. Meredith, R.L. Thompson, S.N. Bentley, I.J. Rae, S.A. Glauert, R.B. Horne (2019), Variability of Quasilinear Diffusion Coefficients for Plasmaspheric Hiss, J. Geophys. Res., 124, 8488-8506, doi:10.1029/2018ja026401
  • Yao S.T., Q.Q. Shi, Z.H. Yao, J.X. Li, C. Yue, X. Tao, A.W. Degeling, Q.G. Zong, X.G. Wang, A.M. Tian, C.T. Russell, X.Z. Zhou, R.L. Guo, I.J. Rae, H.S. Fu, H. Zhang, L. Li, O. Le Contel, R.B. Torbert, R.E. Ergun, R.A. Lindqvist, C.J. Pollock, B.L. Giles (2019), Waves in Kinetic-Scale Magnetic Dips: MMS Observations in the Magnetosheath, Geophys. Res. Lett., 46, 523-533, doi: 10.1029/2018GL080696
  • Freeman, M.P., C. Forsyth, & I.J. Rae (2019), The Influence of Substorms on Extreme Rates of Change of the Surface Horizontal Magnetic Field in the United Kingdom, Space Weather, 17, 827-844, doi:10.1029/2018SW002148
  • Lam, M.M., M.P. Freeman, C.M. Jackman, I.J. Rae, N.M.E. Kalmoni, J.K. Sandhu, & C. Forsyth (2019), How Well Can We Estimate Pedersen Conductance From the THEMIS White-Light All-Sky Cameras? J. Geophys. Res., 124, 2920-2934, doi:10.1029/2018JA026067
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  • Chmyrev, V., Smith, A., Kataria, D., Nesterov, B.,OWEN, C. J., Sammonds, P., . . . Vallianatos, F. (2013). Detection and Monitoring of Earthquake Precursors: TwinSat, a Russia-UK Satellite Project. Advances in Space Research, 52 (6). doi:10.1016/j.asr.2013.06.017
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  • Escoubet, C. P., Berchem, J., Trattner, K. J., Pitout, F., Richard, R., Taylor, M. G. G. T.,Fazakerley, A. N., Daly, P. (2013). Double cusp encounter by Cluster: double cusp or motion of the cusp?. Annales Geophysicae, 31 (4), 713-723. doi:10.5194/angeo-31-713-2013
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  • Grigorenko, E. E., Malova, H. V., Artemyev, A. V., Mingalev, O. V., Kronberg, E. A., Koleva, R.,Owen, C. J., Zelenyi, L. M. (2013). Current sheet structure and kinetic properties of plasma flows during a near-Earth magnetic reconnection under the presence of a guide field. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 118 (6), 3265-3287. doi:10.1002/jgra.50310
  • Gurgiolo, C., Goldstein, M. L., Matthaeus, W. H., Vinas, A., andFazakerley, A. N.: Characteristics of the Taylor microscale in the solar wind/foreshock: magnetic field and electron velocity measurements, Annales Geophysicae, 31, 2063-2075, doi:10.5194/angeo-31-2063-2013, 2013.
  • Hwang, K. -. J., Goldstein, M. L., Wendel, D. E.,Fazakerley, A. N., & Gurgiolo, C. (2013). Cluster observations near reconnection X-lines in Earth's magnetotail current sheet. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, n/a. doi:10.1002/jgra.50403
  • Li, B., Marklund, G., Karlsson, T., Sadeghi, S., Lindqvist, P.-A., Vaivads, A.,Fazakerley, A., Zhang, Y., Lucek, E., Sergienko, T., Nilsson, H., and Masson, A.: Inverted-V and low-energy broadband electron acceleration features of multiple auroras within a large-scale surge, Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics, 118, 5543-5552, doi:10.1002/jgra.50517, 2013.
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  • Wei, X. H., Cao, J. B., Zhou, G. C., Fu, H. S., Santolik, O., Reme, H., Dandouras, I., Cornilleau, N., andFazakerley, A.: Generation mechanism of the whistler-mode waves in the plasma sheet prior to magnetic reconnection, Advances in Space Research, 52, 205-210, doi:10.1016/j.asr.2013.02.016, 2013.


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  • Parks, G. K., E. Lee, M. McCarthy, M. Goldstein, S. Y. Fu, J. B. Cao, P. Canu, N. Lin, M. Wilber, I. Dandouras, H. Réme, andA. Fazakerley(2012), Entropy generation across earth's collisionless bow shock, Phys. Rev. Lett., 108, 061,102, doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.108.061102.
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  • Teh, W. -. L., Nakamura, R., Sonnerup, B. U. O., Eastwood, J. P., Volwerk, M.,Fazakerley, A. N., & Baumjohann, W. (2011). Evidence of the origin of the Hall magnetic field for reconnection: Hall MHD reconstruction results from Cluster observations. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-SPACE PHYSICS, 116. doi:10.1029/2011JA016991
  • Volwerk, M., Berchem, J.,Bogdanova, Y. V., Constantinescu, O. D., Dunlop, M. W., Eastwood, J. P.,Fazakerley, A. N., Weygand, J. M. (2011). Interplanetary magnetic field rotations followed from L1 to the ground: the response of the Earth's magnetosphere as seen by multi-spacecraft and ground-based observations. ANN GEOPHYS-GERMANY, 29 (9), 1549-1569. doi:10.5194/angeo-29-1549-2011
  • Walsh, A. P., &Forsyth, C.(2011). Cluster observation of plasma bubbles, BBFs and their wakes. In W. Liu, M. Fujimoto (Eds.), The Dynamic Magnetosphere (pp. 117-124). Springer. doi:10.1007/978-94-007-0501-2_6
  • WALSH, A.,Owen, C. J.,Fazakerley, A. N.,Forsyth, C., & Dandouras, I. (2011). Average magnetotail electron and proton pitch angle distributions from Cluster PEACE and CIS observations. Geophysical Research Letters, 38. doi:10.1029/2011GL046770
  • WALSH, A.,Owen, C. J.,Fazakerley, A. N.,Forsyth, C., & Dandouras, I. (2011). Average magnetotail electron and proton pitch angle distributions from Cluster PEACE and CIS observations. Geophysical Research Letters, 38. doi:10.1029/2011GL046770
  • Wild, J. A., Woodfield, E. E., Donovan, E., Fear, R. C., Grocott, A., Lester, M.,Fazakerley, A. N., Bjornsson, G. (2011). Midnight sector observations of auroral omega bands. J GEOPHYS RES-SPACE, 116. doi:10.1029/2010JA015874
  • Zhang, Q. H., M. W. Dunlop, R. Y. Liu, H. G. Yang, H. Q. Hu, B. C. Zhang, M. Lester,Y. V. Bogdanova, I. W. McCrea, Z. J. Hu, S. R. Crothers, C. La Hoz, and C. P. Nielsen (2011), Coordinated Cluster/Double Star and ground-based observations of dayside reconnection signatures on 11 February 2004, ANNALES GEOPHYSICAE, 29 (10), 1827–1847, doi:10.5194/angeo-29-1827-2011.



  • Grimald, S.,and Santolik, O., Possible wave-modes of wide band non-thermal continuum radiation in its source region,J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 115, Issue A6, A06209, 2010
  • Li, C., Owen, C. J., Matthews, S. A.,Dai, Y., and Tang, Y. H., Major electron events and coronal magnetic configurations of the related solar active regions,ApJL, 720, L36, 2010
  • Foullon, C.,Farrugia, C. J.,Fazakerley, A. N., Owen, C. J.,Gratton, F. T., Torbert, R. B., On the multispacecraft determination of periodic surface wave phase speeds and wavelengths,J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 115, Issue A9, A09203, 2010
  • Bisi, M. M., Breen, A. R., Jackson, B. V., Fallows, R. A.,Walsh, A. P.,Mikic, Z., Rilev, P.,Owen, C. J.,et al., From the Sun to the Earth: The 13 May 2005 Coronal Mass Ejection,Sol. Phys., 265, 49-127, 2010
  • Asano, Y., et al.,Fazakerley, A. N., Owen, C. J.,et al., Electron acceleration signatures in the magnetotail associated with substorms,J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 115, Issue A5, A05215, 2010
  • Schriver, D., Ashour-Abdalla, M., Coroniti, F. V., LeBoeuf, J. N., Decyk, V., Travnicek, P., Santolik, O., Winningham, D., Pickett, J. S., Goldstein, M. L.,Fazakerley, A. N., Generation of whistler mode emissions in the inner magnetosphere: An event study,J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 115, Issue 9, A00F17, 2010
  • Santolik, O., Gurnett, D. A., Pickett, J. S., Decreau, P. M. E., Parrot, M., Cornilleau-Wehrlin, N., El-Lemdani Mazouz, F., Schriver, D. Meredith, N. P.,Fazakerley, A. N., Wave-particle interactions in the equatorial source region of whistler-mode emissions,J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 115, Issue 15, A00F16, 2010
  • Shi, J. K., Cheng, Z. W., Zhang, T. L., Dunlop, M., Lin, Z. X., Torkar, K.,Fazakerley, A. N.,Lucek, E., Reme, H., Dandouras, I., Lui, A. T. Y., Pu, Z. Y.,Walsh, A. P.,et al., South-north asymmetry of field-aligned currents in the magnetotail observed by Cluster,J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 115, Issue A7, A07228, 2010
  • Nakajima, A., Shiokawa, K., Seki, K., Nakamura, R., Keila, K., Baumjohann, W., Takada, T., McFadden, J. P., Carlson, C. W.,Fazakerley, A. N.,et al., Simultaneous FAST and Double Star TC1 observations of broadband electrons during a storm time substorm,J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 115, Issue A7, A07217, 2010
  • Kanani, S. J., Arridge, C. S., Jones, G. H.,Fazakerley, A. N.,et al., A new form of Saturn's magnetopause using a dynamic pressure balance model, based on in situ, multi-instrument Cassini measurements,J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 115, Issue A6, A06207, 2010
  • Egedal, J., Le, A., Katz, N., Chen, L. -J., Lefebvre, B., Doughton, W.,Fazakerley, A. N. Cluster observations of bidirectional beams caused by electron trapping during antiparallel reconnection,J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 115, Issue A3, A03214, 2010
  • Bavassano Cattaneo, M. B., M.F. Marcucci,Y.V. Bogdanova,H. Reme, I. Dandouras, L.M. Kistler, E. Lucek, Global reconnection topology as inferred from plasma observations inside Kelvin-Helmholtz vortices,Ann. Geophys., 28, 893-906, 2010
  • Hasegawa, H., J. Wang, M. W. Dunlop, Z. Y. Pu, Q.-H. Zhang, B. Lavraud, M. G. G. T. Taylor, O. D. Constantinescu, J. Berchem, V. Angelopoulos, J. P. McFadden, H. U. Frey, E. V. Panov, M. Volwerk, andY. V. Bogdanova, Evidence for a flux transfer event generated by multiple X-line reconnection at the magnetopause,Geophys. Res. Lett., Vol. 37, CiteID L16101, DOI: 10.1029/2010GL044219, 2010
  • Amata, E., S.P. Savin, D. Ambrosino,Y.V. Bogdanova,M.F. Marcucci, S. Romanov, A. Skalsky, High kinetic energy density jets in the Earth's magnetosheath: A case study,Planetary & Space Science, in press, 2010
  • Zhang, Q.H., M.W. Dunlop, M. Lockwood, R.Y. Liu, H.Q. Hu, H.G. Yang, Z.J. Hu,Y.V. Bogdanova,C. Shen, B.C. Zhang, D.S. Han, S.L. Liu, I.W. McCrea, and M. Lester, Simultaneous observations of reconnection pulses at Cluster and their effects on the cusp aurora observed at Chinese Yellow River Station,J. Geophys. Res., in press, 2010


  • Forsyth, C.,Longden, N.,Walsh, A. P.,Wicks, R.Autumn MIST 2009Astronomy & Geophysics, 51, Isuue 1, 27-35, 2010
  • Foullon, C., Farrugia, C. J.,Owen, C. J., Fazakerley, A. N.,Gratton, F. T., Kelvin-Helmholtz Multi-Spacecraft Studies at the Earth's Magnetopause Boundaries,TWELFTH INTERNATIONAL SOLAR WIND CONFERENCE. AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 1216, 483-486, 2010
  • Foullon, C., Lavraud, B.,Owen, C. J., Fazakerley, A. N.,Skong, R. M., Heliospheric Current Sheet Distortions from Adjacent Outflowing Transients: Multi-spacecraft Observations,TWELFTH INTERNATIONAL SOLAR WIND CONFERENCE. AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 1216, 367-370, 2010
  • Green, L.,Forsyth, C.,Wild, J., Meeting Report: Looking ahead for space science,Astronomy & Geophysics, 51, Issue 3, 23-24, 2010
  • Walsh, A. P., Forsyth, C., Fazakerley, A. N.,Chen, C. H. K., Lucek, E. A., Davies, J. A., Perry, C. H., Walker, S. N., Balikhin, M. A., 10 years of the Cluster mission,Astronomy & Geophysics, 51, Issue 5, 33-36, 2010
  • Fazakerley, A. N.,Lahiff, A. D., Rozum, I., Kataria, D., Bacai, H., Anekallu, C., West, M., Asnes, A.,Cluster-PEACE In-flight Calibration Status,The Cluster Active Archive, Studying the Earth's Space Plasma Environment.Edited by H. Laakso, M.G.T.T. Taylor, and C. P. Escoubet. Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings, Berlin: Springer, 2010, p.281-299
  • Fazakerley, A. N.,Lahiff, A. D., Wilson, R. J., Rozum, I., Anekallu, C. West, M., Bacai, H., PEACE Data in the Cluster Active Archive,The Cluster Active Archive, Studying the Earth's Space Plasma Environment.Edited by H. Laakso, M.G.T.T. Taylor, and C. P. Escoubet. Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings, Berlin: Springer, 2010, p.129-144



  • Arridge, C. S., McAndrews, H. J., Jackman, C. M., Forsyth, C., Walsh, A. P., Sittler, E. C., Gilbert, L. K., Lewis, G. R., Russell, C. T., Coates, A. J., Dougherty, M. K., Collinson, G. A., Wellbrock, A., Young, D.T., Plasma electrons in Saturn's magnetotail: Structure, distribution and energisation, Planetary & Space Science, 57, 2032-2047, 2009
  • Asano, Y., R. Nakamura, M. Fujimoto, I. Shinohara, C. J. Owen, A. N. Fazakerley, T. Takada, A. Runov, W. Baumjohann, T. Nagai, E. A. Lucek, and H. Reme, Multipoint observations of plasma distributions around an X line, AIP Proc. Conf., "Future Perspectives of Space Plasma and Particle Instrumentation and International Collaborations", Rikkyo, Japan, Eds. M. Hirahara, Y. Miyoshi, N. Terada, T. Mukai, I. Shinohara, 1114, 2009
  • Forsyth, C., Lester, M., Fear, R. C., Lucek, E., Dandouras, I., Fazakerley, A. N., Singer, H., and Yeoman, T. K., Solar wind and substorm excitation of the wavy current sheet, Ann. Geophys., 27, 2457-2474, 2009
  • Foullon, C., B. Lavraud, N.C. Wardle, C.J. Owen, H. Kucharek, A.N. Fazakerley, D.E. Larson, E. Lucek, J.G. Luhmann, A. Opitz, J.-A. Sauvaud, R.M. Skoug, The Apparent Layered Structure of the Heliospheric Current Sheet: Multi-Spacecraft Observations, Solar Physics, 259, 389-416, 2009
  • Foullon, C., C. J. Farrugia, A. N. Fazakerley, C. J. Owen, F. T. Gratton, and R. B. Torbert, Reply to comment by H. Hasegawa on "Evolution of Kelvin-Helmholtz activity on the dusk flank magnetopause", J. Geophys. Res., 114, A10201, doi:10.1029/2009JA014444, 2009
  • Grimald, S., C. Foullon, P. M. E. Decreau, G. Lerouzic, X. Suraud, X. Vallieres, Modulation of NTC frequencies by Pc5 ULF pulsations: experimental test of the generation mechanism and magnetoseismology of the emitting surface, J. Geophys. Res., 114, A11211, doi:10.1029/2009JA014270, 2009
  • Li, C., Dai, Y., Vial, J. -C., Owen, C. J., Matthews, S. A., Tang, Y. H., Fang, C., and Fazakerley, A. N.,Solar source of energetic particles in interplanetary space during the 2006 December 13 event, A&A, 503, 1013, 2009
  • Masson, A., O. Santolik, D. L. Carpenter, F. Darrouzet, P.M.E. Decreau, F. El-Lemdani Mazouz, J. L. Green, S. Grimald, M. B. Moldwin, F. Nemec, Advances in Plasmaspheric Wave Research with CLUSTER and IMAGE Observations, in The earth's plasmasphere, edited by F. Darrouzet, J. de Keyser, V. Pierrard, 2009
  • Masson, A., O. Santolik, D. L. Carpenter, F. Darrouzet, P.M.E. Decreau, F. El-Lemdani Mazouz, J. L. Green, S. Grimald, M. B. Moldwin, F. Nemec, Advances in Plasmaspheric Wave Research with CLUSTER and IMAGE Observations, Space Sci. Rev., 145, 137, 2009
  • Murphy, K. R., Rae, I. J., Mann, I. R., Walsh, A. P., Milling, D. K., Watt, C. E. J., Ozeke, L., Frey, H. U., Angelopoulos, V., Russell, C. T., Reply to comment by K. Liou and Y.-L. Zhang on "Wavelet-based ULF wave diagnosis of substorm expansion phase onset", J. Geophys. Res.,Vol. 114, Issue A10, A10207, 2009
  • Pickett, J. S., L.-J. Chen, O. Santolik, S. Grimald, B. Lavraud, O. P. Verkhlogodova, B. T. Tsurutani, B. Lefebvre, G. S. Lakhina, S. S. Ghosh, B. Grison, D. A. Gurnett, R. Torbert, N. Cornilleau-Wehrlin, A. Fazakerley, I. Dandouras and E. Lucek, Electrostatic Solitary Waves in Current Layers: From Cluster observations during a super-substorm to beam experiments at the LAPD, Nonlin. Processes Geophys., 16, 431, 2009
  • Walsh, A. P., Fazakerley, A. N., Lahiff, A. D., Volwerk, M., Grocott, A., Dunlop, M. W., Lui, A. T. Y., Kistler, L. M., Lester, M., Mouikis, C., Pu, Z., Shen, C., Shi, J., Taylor, M. G. G. T., Lucek, E., Zhang, T. L., and Dandouas, I., Cluster and Double Star Multipoint Observations of a Plasma Bubble, Ann. Geophys., 27, 725, 2009
  • Zhang, Q., Liu, R., Huang, J., Dunlop, M. W., Bogdanova, Y. V., Walsh, A. P., Simultaneous TC-1 and Cluster Observations of FTE on 13 March 2004, Chinese Journal of Space Science, 29 (2), 166-174, 2009
  • Schwartz, S. J., Horbury, T., Owen, C. J., et al., Cross-scale: multi-scale coupling in space plasmas,Experimental Astronomy, 23, 1001-1015, 2009
  • Shi, Q. Q., et al., Fazakerley, A. N., et al., Cluster observations of the entry layer equatorward of the cusp under northward interplanetary magnetic field, J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 114, Issue A12, A12219, 2009
  • Shi, Q. Q., et al., Fazakerley, A. N., et al., Spatial structures of magnetic depression in the Earth's high-altitude cusp: Cluster multipoint observations, J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 114, Issue, A10, A10202, 2009
  • Lavraud, B., Borovsky, J. E., Genot, V., Schwartz, S. J., Birn, J., Fazakerley, A. N., et al., Tracing solar wind plasma entry into the magnetosphere using ion-to-electron temperature ratio, Geophys. Res. Lett., Vol. 36, Issue 18, L18109, 2009
  • Hasegawa, H., et al., Fazakerley, A. N., et al., Boundary layer plasma flows from high-latitude reconnection in the summer hemisphere for northward IMF: THEMIS multi-point observations, Geophys. Res. Lett., Vol. 36, Issue 15, L15107, 2009
  • Deng, X. H., Zhou, M., Li, S. Y., Baumjoham, M., Andre, M., Cornilleau, N., Santolik, O., Pontin, D. I., Reme, H., Lucek, E., Fazakerley, A. N., et al., Dynamics and waves near multiple magnetic null points in reconnection diffusion region, J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 114, Issue, A7, A07216, 2009
  • Stverak, S., Maksimovic, M., Travnicek, P. M., Marsch, E., Fazakerley, A. N., Scime, E. E., Radial evolution of nonthermal electron populations in the low-latitude solar wind: Helios, Cluster, and Ulysses Observations, J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 114, Issue A5, A05104, 2009


  • Walsh, A. P., New perspectives on magnetotail dynamic processes from combined cluster and double star observations, Ph.D. awarded (UCL), supervisor: Fazakerley, A. N. and Owen, C. J.



  • Aasnes, A., M. G. Taylor, A. Borg, B. Lavraud, H. E. Laakso, C. P. Escoubet, P. Daly, and A. N. FAZAKERLEY,Multi-spacecraft observation of electron beam in reconnection region,J. Geophys. Res., 113, A07S30, doi:10.1029/2007JA012770, 2008.
  • S. V. Apatenkov, V. A. Sergeev, O. Amm, W. Baumjohann, R. Nakamura, A. Runov, F. Rich, P. Daly, A. FAZAKERLEY, I. Alexeev, J. A. Sauvaud, and Yu. Chotyaintsev,Conjugate observation of sharp dynamical boundary in the inner magnetosphere by Cluster and DMSP spacecraft and ground network,Ann. Geophys., 26, 2771-2780, 2008.
  • Asano, Y., R. Nakamura, I. Shinohara, M. Fujimoto, T. Takada, W. Baumjohann, C. J. OWEN, A. N. FAZAKERLEY, A. Runov, T. Nagai, E. A. Lucek, and H. RèmeElectron flat-top distributions around the magnetic reconnection region,J. Geophys. Res, 113, A01207, 2008.
  • Asano, Y., R. Nakamura, M. Fujimoto, I. Shinohara, C. J. OWEN, A. N. FAZAKERLEY, T. Takada, A. Runov, W. Baumjohann, T. Nagai, E. A. Lucek, and H. Rème,Multipoint observations of plasma distributions around an X line,Proc. Conf. "Future Perspectives of Space Plasma and Particle Instrumentation and International Collaborations"(Refereed), Rikkyo, Japan, 2008.
  • Aikio, A. T., T.Pitkänen, D.Fontaine, I.Dandouras, O.Amm, A.Kozlovsky, A.Vaivdas, and A. FAZAKERLEY,EISCAT and Cluster observations in the vicinity of the dynamical polar cap boundary,Ann. Geophys.,26,87-105,2008.
  • BOGDANOVA, Y.V., OWEN, C.J., M.W. Dunlop, J.A. Wild, J.A. Davies, A.D. LAHIFF, M.G.G.T. Taylor, A.N. FAZAKERLEY, I Dandouras, C.M. Carr, E.A. Lucek and H. Reme, Formation of the Low-Latitude Boundary Layer and Cusp under the Northward IMF: Conjugate Observations by Cluster and Double Star,J. Geophys. Res., 113, A07S07, doi:10.1029/2007JA012762, 2008.
  • Cao, X., Z. Y. Pu, Z. Ma, Z. Ma, M. W. Dunlop, S. Fu, L. Xie, C.J. Xiao, X. Wang, Q.-G. Zong, Z. Liu, M. Kubyshkina, T. I. Pulkkinen, H. U. Frey, A. Korth, M. Fraenz, E. A. Lucek, C. Carr, H. Rème, I. Dandouras, A. N. FAZAKERLEY, G.D. Reeves, R. Friedel, K.H. Glassmeier, and C. P. Escoubet (2008),Multi-Spacecraft and ground-based observations of substorm timing and activations:Two case studies,J. Geophys. Res., 113, A07S25, doi:10.1029/2007JA012761, 2008.
  • Chen, L.-J., Bhattacharjee, A., Puhl-Quinn, P.A., Yang, H., Bessho, N., Imada, S., Mühlbachler, S., Daly, P.W., Lefebvre, B., Khotyaintsev, Y., Vaivads, A., FAZAKERLEY, A., Georgescu, E., Observation of energetic electrons within magnetic islands,Nature Physics, Volume 4 No 1, pp19-23, doi:10.1038/nphys777.
  • Daum, P.; Wild, J.A; Penz, T.; Lucek, E.; Reme, H.; FAZAKERLEY, A.N.; Daly, P.W., Lester, M.,Global MHD simulation of flux transfer events at the high-latitude magnetopause observed by the Cluster spacecraft and theSuperDARN radar system,J. Geophys. Res., ,113, A07S22, doi:10.1029/2007JA012749, 2008.
  • Dunlop, M. W., M. G. Taylor, Y. V. BOGDANOVA, C. Shen, F. Pitout, Z.-Y. Pu, J. A. Davies, Q. Zhang, J. Wang, B. Lavraud, A. N. FAZAKERLEY, A. P. WALSH, C. J. OWEN, H. E. Laakso, Q.-G. Zong, Z. Liu, C. P. Escoubet, C. Carr, and H. Reme, Electron Structure of the Magnetopause Boundary Layer: Cluster/Double Star Observations,J. Geophys. Res., ,113, A07S19, doi:10.1029/2007JA012788, 2008.
  • Escoubet, C. P., J. Berchem, J. M. Bosqued, K. J. Trattner, M. Taylor, F. Pitout, H. E. Laakso, A. Masson, M. C. Dunlop, I. Dandouras, H. Reme, A. N. FAZAKERLEY, and P. Daly (2008),The Effect of a Northward Turning of the IMF on CUSP Precipitation as Observed by Cluster,J. Geophys. Res.,113, A07S13, doi:10.1029/2007JA012771, 2008.
  • Fear, R. C., S. E. Milan, A. N. FAZAKERLEY, E. A. Lucek, S. W. H. Cowley, and I. Dandouras,The azimuthal extent of three flux transfer events,Ann. Geophys., 26, 2353-2369, 2008.
  • Figueiredo-Liléo, S., G. Marklund, T. Johansson, T. Karlsson, P.-A. Lindqvist, A. MARCHAUDON, A. FAZAKERLEY, C. Mouikis, and L. M. Kistler, Cluster auroral snapshots at the Polar Cap boundary during High-Intensity Long-Duration Continuous AE Activity (HILDCAA) events,Ann. Geophys., 26, 583, 2008.
  • Forsyth, C., M. Lester, S.W.H. Cowley, I. Dandouras, A.N. FAZAKERLEY, R.C. Fear, H.U. Frey, A. Grocott, A. Kadokura, E. Lucek, H. Rème, S.E. Milan, and J. Watermann, Observed tail current systems associated with bursty bulk flows and auroral streamers during a period of multiple substorms,ANGEO, 2008, Vol.26, pp. 167-184, SRef-ID: 1432-0576/angeo/2008-26-167.
  • FOULLON, C., C. J. Farrugia, A. N. FAZAKERLEY, C. J. OWEN, F. T. Gratton, and R. B. Torbert,Evolution of Kelvin-Helmholtz Activity on the Dusk Flank Magnetopause,J. Geophys. Res., 113, A11203, doi:10.1029/2008JA013175,2008.
  • Henderson, P. D., C. J. OWEN, A. D. LAHIFF, I. ALEXEEV, A. N. FAZAKERLEY, L. Yin, A. P. WALSH, E. A. Lucek, and H. Reme,The relationship between jxB and div(Pe) in the magnetotail plasma sheet: Cluster observations.,J. Geophys. Res., 113, A07S31, doi:10.1029/2007JA012697, 2008.
  • Hobara, Y., S. P. Walker, M. A. Balikhin, O. A. Pokhotelov, M. Gedalin, V. V. Krasnoselskikh, M. Hayakawa, M. Andre, M. W. Dunlop, H. Reme, and A. N. FAZAKERLEY (2008),Cluster observations of electrostatic solitary waves near the Earth's bow shock,J. Geophys. Res., 113, A05211, doi:10.1029/2007JA012789, 2008.
  • Hu, R., Y.V. BOGDANOVA, C.J. OWEN, C. FOULLON, A.N. FAZAKERLEY, H. Reme,Cluster observations of the mid-altitude cusp under strong northward Interplanetary Magnetic Field,J. Geophys. Res., ,113, A07S05, doi:10.1029/2007JA012726,2008.
  • Juusola, L., Amm, O., Frey, H. U., Kauristie, K., Nakamura, R., Owen, C. J., Sergeev, V., Slavin, J. A., and Walsh, A., Ionospheric signatures during a magnetospheric flux rope event,Ann. Geophys., 26, 3967, 2008
  • A. Kullen, S. Buchert, T. Karlsson, T. Johansson, S. Lileo, A. Eriksson, H. Nilsson, A. Marchaudon, and A. N. FAZAKERLEY,Plasma transport along discrete auroral arcs and its contribution to the ionospheric plasma convectionAnn. Geophys., 26, 3279-3293, 2008.
  • Lui, A.T.Y., Volwerk, M., Dunlop, M.W., ALEXEEV, I.V., FAZAKERLEY, A.N., WALSH, A.P., Lester, M., Grocott, A., Mouikis, C., Henderson, M.G., Kistler, L.M., Shen, C., Shi, J.K., Zhang, T.L., Reme, H., Near-Earth substorm features from multiple satellite observations,J. Geophys. Res., 113, A07S26, doi:10.1029/2007JA012738, 2008.
  • McAndrews, H. J., C. J. OWEN, M. F. Thomsen, A. J. Coates, M. K. Dougherty, D. T. Young, Evidence for reconnection in low-energy plasma at Saturn’s magnetopause,J. Geophys. Res., 113, A04210, doi:10.1029/2007JA012581, 2008.
  • Matsui, H., R. B. Torbert, W. Baumjohann, H. Kucharek, S. J. Schwartz, C. Mouikis, H. Vaith, L. M. Kistler, E. A. Lucek, A. N. Fazakerley, B. Miao, and G. Paschmann,Oscillation of electron counts at 500 eV downstream of the quasi-perpendicular bow shock,J. Geophys. Res.,113, A08223, doi:10.1029/2007JA012939, 2008.
  • Nakamura, R., W. Baumjohann, M. Fujimoto, Y. Asano, A. Runov, C. J. OWEN, A. N. FAZAKERLEY, B. Klecker, H. Reme, E. A. Lucek, M. Andre, and Y. Khotyaintsev (2008),Cluster observations of an ion-scale current sheet in the magnetotail under the presence of a guide field,J. Geophys. Res., 113, A07S16, doi:10.1029/2007JA012760, 2008.
  • OWEN, C. J., A. Marchaudon, M. W. Dunlop, A. N. FAZAKERLEY, J. M. Bosqued, J. P. Dewhurst, R. FEAR, S. A. Fuselier, A. Balogh, and H. Reme (2008),Cluster observations of 'Crater' Flux Transfer Events at the Dayside High-Latitude Magnetopause,J. Geophys. Res., 113, A07S04, doi:10.1029/2007JA012701, 2008.
  • Pedersen, A., B. Lybekk, M. Andre, A. I. I. Eriksson, A. Masson, F. S. Mozer, P. Lindqvist, P. Decreau, I. Dandouras, J. Sauvaud, A. N. FAZAKERLEY, M. Taylor, G. Paschmann, K. Svenes, K. M. Torkar, and E. C. Whipple (2008),Electron density estimations derived from spacecraft potential measurements on Cluster in tenuous plasma regions,J. Geophys. Res., 113, A07S13, doi:10.1029/2007JA012636, 2008.
  • Pitout, F., M.W. Dunlop, A. Blagau, Y. BOGDANOVA, C.P. Escoubet, C. Carr, I. Dandouras, A. FAZAKERLEY,Cluster and Double Star observations of the dayside magnetosheath and magnetopause nearnoon,J. Geophys. Res.,113, A07S06,doi:10.1029/2007JA012767, 2008.
  • Pulkkinen, H. U. Frey, A. Korth, M. Fraenz, E. Lucek, C. M. Carr, H. Reme, I. Dandouras, A. N. Fazakerley, G. D. Reeves, R. Friedel, K. H. Glassmeier, and C. P. Escoubet,Multispacecraft and ground-based observations of substorm timing and activations: Two case studies,J. Geophys. Res., 113, A07S25, doi:10.1029/2007JA012761, 2008.
  • Runov, A.; Voronkov, I.; Asano, Y.; Baumjohann, W.; Fujimoto, M.; Nakamura, R.; Takada, T.; Volwerk, M.; Voros, Z.; Meurant, M.; FAZAKERLEY, A.; Reme, H.; Balogh, A., Structure of the near-Earth plasma sheet during tailward flows,Ann. Geophys.,26,709-724,2008.
  • Runov, A., W. Baumjohann, R. Nakamura, V. A. Sergeev, I. ALEXEEV, A.N. FAZAKERLEY, C. J. OWEN, O. Amm, H. Frey, B. Klecker, I. Dandouras, E. Lucek, A. Vaivads and M. André,Observations of an active thin current sheet,J. Geophys. Res.,113, A07S27,doi:10.1029/2007JA012685, 2008.
  • Sergeev, V. A., M. Kubyshkina, I. ALEXEEV, C. J. OWEN, A. N. FAZAKERLEY, W. Baumjohann, R. Nakamura, A. Runov, Z. Voros, T. L. Zhang, V. E. Angelopoulos, J. Sauvaud, P. W. Daly, J. Cao, and E. A. Lucek, Study of near-Earth reconnection events with Cluster and Double Star,J. Geophys. Res.,113, A07S36, doi:10.1029/2007JA012902, 2008.
  • Sharma, A.S., R. Nakamura, A. Runov, E. E. Grigorenko, H. Hasegawa, M. Hoshino, P. Louarn, C. J. OWEN, A. Petrukovich, J.-A. Sauvaud, V. S. Semenov, V. A. Sergeev, J. A. Slavin, B. U. O. Sonnerup, L. M. Zelenyi, G. Fruit, S. Haaland, H. Malova, and K. Snekvik, Transient and Localized Processes in the Magnetotail: A Review,Ann. Geophys., 26, 955, 2008.
  • Shen, C., Z. X. Liu, X. Li, M. W. Dunlop, E. A. Lucek, Z. Rong, Z. Chen, C. P. Escoubet, H. V. Malova, A. T. Y. Lui, A. N. FAZAKERLEY, A. P. WALSH, and C. Mouikis,Flattened Current Sheet and its Evolution in Substorms,J. Geophys. Res.,,113, A07S21, doi:10.1029/2007JA012812, 2008.
  • K. STEED, C. J. OWEN, L. K. Harra, L. M. Green, S. Dasso, A. P. WALSH, P. D�moulin, and L. van Driel-GesztelyiLocating the solar source of 13 April 2006 magnetic cloud,Ann. Geophys., 26, 3159-3168, 2008
  • Stverak, S., Travnicek, P., Maksimovic, M., Marsch, E., FAZAKERLEY, A.N., Scime, E.E., Electron temperature anisotropy constraints in the solar wind,J. Geophys. Res., 113, A03103, doi: 10.1029/2007JA012733, 2008.
  • Takada, T., R. Nakamura, L. Juusola, O. Amm, W. Baumjohann, M. Volwerk, A. Matsuoka, B. Klecker, K. Snekvik, C. J. OWEN, A. N. FAZAKERLEY, H. Frey, H. Reme, E. A. Lucek, and C. Carr, Local field-aligned currents in the magnetotail and ionosphere as observed by a Cluster, DSP and MIRACLE conjunction,J. Geophys. Res.,113, A07S20, doi:10.1029/2007JA012759, 2008.
  • K. G. Tanaka, A. Retinò, Y. Asano, M. Fujimoto, I. Shinohara, A. Vaivads, Y. Khotyaintsev, M. André, M. B. Bavassano-Cattaneo, S. C. Buchert, and C. J. OWEN,Effects on magnetic reconnection of a density asymmetry across the current sheet,Ann. Geophys., 26, 2471-2483, 2008.
  • Taylor, M.G.G.T., B. Lavraud, M.W. Dunlop, C.P. Escoubet, S. Milan, K. Nykyri, J.A. Davies, R.H.W. Friedel, H. Frey, Y.V. BOGDANOVA, A. Asnes, H. Laakso, A. Masson, H. Opgenoorth, A.N. FAZAKERLEY, C.J. OWEN, F. Pitout, C. Shen, Q.-G. Zong, Z. Pu, H. Reme and J. Scudder, The plasmasheet under northward IMF: a multi-point and multi-instrument perspective,Adv. Space Res., 41, 1619, doi: 10.1016/j.asr2007.10.013, 2008.
  • Volwerk, M., A. T. Y. Lui, M. Lester , A. P. WALSH, I. ALEXEEV, X. Cao, M. W. Dunlop, A. N. FAZAKERLEY, A. Grocott, L. M. Kistler, X. Lun, C. Mouikis, Z.-Y. Pu, C. Shen, J. Shi, M. Taylor, W. Baumjohann, R. Nakamura, A. Runov, Z. Voros, T. L. Zhang, T. Takada, H. Reme, B. Klecker, and C. Carr, Magnetotail Dipolarization and Associated Current Systems Observed by Cluster and DoubleStar,,J. Geophys. Res.,,113, A08S90, doi:10.1029/2007JA012729, 2008.
  • Wright, A.N., C. J. OWEN, C. C. Chaston and M. W. Dunlop, Downward current electron beam observed by Cluster and FAST,J. Geophys. Res., 113, A06201, doi:10.1029/2007JA012778, 2008.
  • Zong, Q.-G, Zhang, H., Fritz, T.A., Goldstein, M.L., Wing, S., Keith, W., Winningham, J.D., Frahm, R., Dunlop, M.W., Korth, A., Daly, P.W., Reme, H., Balogh, A., FAZAKERLEY, A.N., et al., Multiple cusps during an extended northward IMF period with a significant B[y] component,J. Geophys. Res., 113, A01210, 2008


  • Henderson, P. D., Cluster Multi-point Observations of the Magnetotail Plasma Sheet Ph.D. awarded (UCL), supervisor: Owen, C. J.


  • Apatenkov, S.V., V.A. Sergeev, M.V. Kubyshkina, R. Nakamura, W. Baumjohann, A. Runov, I. ALEXEEV, A. FAZAKERLEY, H. Frey, S. Muhlbahler, P.W. Daly, J.-A. Sauvaud, N. Ganushkina, T. Pulkinen, G.D. Reeves, Y. Khotyaintsev, Multi-spacecraft observation of plasma dipolarization/injection in the inner magnetosphere,Ann. Geophys.,v. 25, pp. 801-814, 03/2007.
  • Balan, N., H. Alleyne, S. Walker, H. Reme, E. Lucek, N. Cornilleau-Wehrlin, A. N. FAZAKERLEY, S.-R. Zhang, and A. P. van Eyken, Response of the magnetosheath-cusp region to a coronal mass ejection,J. Geophys. Res., 112, A12211, doi:10.1029/2006JA012122.
  • Baumjohann, W., A. Roux, O. Le Contel, R. Nakamura, J. Birn, M. Hoshino, A. T. Y. Lui, C. J. OWEN, J.-A. Sauvaud, A. Vaivads, D. Fontaine, and A. Runov, Dynamics of Thin Current Sheets: Cluster Observations,Ann. Geophys., 25, 1365-1389, 2007.
  • BOGDANOVA, Y.V., C.J. OWEN, G. Siscoe, A.N. FAZAKERLEY, I. Dandouras, O. Marghitu, Z. Kaymaz, H. Reme, E.A. Lucek, Cluster Observations of the Magnetospheric Low-Latitude Boundary Layer and Cusp During Extreme Solar Wind and Interplanetary Magnetic Field Conditions: I. 10th November 2004 ICME,Solar Physics, doi:10.1007/s11207-007-0417-1
  • BOGDANOVA, Y.V., C.J. OWEN, G. Siscoe, A.N. FAZAKERLEY, I. Dandouras, O. Marghitu, Z. Kaymaz, H. Reme, E.A. Lucek, Cluster Observations of the Magnetospheric Low-Latitude Boundary Layer and Cusp During Extreme Solar Wind and Interplanetary Magnetic Field Conditions: II. 07th November 2004 ICME and Statistical Survey,Solar Physics,doi: 10.1007/s11207-007-0418-0, 2007.
  • Chaston, C.C., M. Wilber, F.S. Mozer, M. Fujimoto, M.L. Goldstein, M. Acuna, H. Reme and A. FAZAKERLEY,Mode Conversion and Anomalous Transport in Kelvin-Helmholtz Vortices and Kinetic Alfven Waves at the Earth's Magnetopause,Physical Review Letters, Volume 99, Number 17, 175004, 2007.
  • Dubinin, E.M.; Maksimovic, M.; Cornilleau-Wehrlin, N.; Fontaine, D.; Travnicek, P.; Mangeney, A.; Alexandrova, O.; Sauer, K.; Fraenz, M.; Dandouras, I.; Lucek, E.; FAZAKERLEY, A.; Balogh, A.; Andre, M.,Coherent whistler emissions in the magnetosphere - Cluster observations,Ann. Geophysicae,25, pp.303-315, 02/2007.
  • Escoubet, C.P., J. Berchem, J.M. Bosqued, K.J. Trattner, M.G.G.T. Taylor, F. Pitout, C. Vallat, H. Laakso, A. Masson, M. Dunlop, H. Reme, I. Dandouras and A. FAZAKERLEY,Two sources of mangetosheath ions ovserved by Cluster in the mid-altitude cusp,Advances in Space Research, doi:10.1016/j.asr.2007.04.031, 2007.
  • Fear, R. C., S. E. Milan, A. N. FAZAKERLEY, C. J. OWEN, T. Asikainen, M. G. G. T. Taylor, E. A. Lucek, H. Reme, I. Dandouras, and P. W. Daly,Motion of Flux Transfer Events: A Test of the Cooling Model,Ann. Geophys., 25, 1669-1690, 2007.
  • FOULLON, C., C.J. OWEN, S. Dasso, L.M. Green, H.A. Elliott, I. Dandouras, A.N. FAZAKERLEY, Y.V. BOGDANOVA and N.U. Crooker,Multi-Spacecraft Study of the January 21st2005 ICME: Evidence of Current Sheet Sub-Structure at the Periphery of a Strongly Expanding, Fast, Magnetic Cloud,Solar Phys., DOI 10.1007/s11207-007-0355-y, 2007.
  • Grocott, A., T.K. Yeoman, S.E. Milan, O. Amm, H.U. Frey, L. Juusola, R. Nakamura, C.J.OWEN, H. Rème and T. Takada,Multi-scale observations of magnetotail flux transport during IMF-northward non-substorm intervals,Ann. Geophys., 25, 1709-1720, 2007.
  • Guo, J.G., Shi, J.K., Zhang, T.L., Liu, Z.X., FAZAKERLEY, A., Reme, H., Dandouras, I., Lucek, E.,The correlations of ions density with geomagnetic activity and solar dynamic pressure in cusp region,Chinese Science Bulletin, 52 (7): 967-971 APR 2007.
  • Lavraud, B.; Borovsky, J.E.; Ridley, A.J.; Pogue, E.W.; Thomsen, M.F.; Rème, H.; FAZAKERLEY A.N.; Lucek, E.A.,Strong bulk plasma acceleration in Earth’s magnetosheath: A magnetic slingshot effect?,vol. 34, L14102, doi:10.1029/2007GL030024, 2007.
  • Lefebvre, B.; Schwartz, S.J.; Fazakerley, A.N., Decreau, P.,Electron dynamics and cross-shock potential at the quasi-perpendicular Earth's bow shock,J. Geophys. Res.,Vol.112,No.A9,A09212, doi: 10.1029/2007JA012277.
  • Lui, A. T. Y., Y. Zheng, H. Rème, M. W. Dunlop, G. Gustafsson, C. J. OWEN,Breakdown of the frozen-in condition in the Earth’s magnetotail,J. Geophys. Res., doi:10.1029/2006JA012000, 2007.
  • Parks, G.K., E. Lee, N. Lin, F. Mozer, M. Wilber, I. Dandouras, H. Rème, E. Lucek, A. FAZAKERLEY, M. Goldstein, C. Gurgiolo, P. Canu, N. Cornilleau-Wehrlin, and P. Décréau,Solitary Electromagnetic Pulses Detected with Super-Alfvénic Flows in Earth's Geomagnetic Tail,Physical Review Letters, Vol. 98, Number 26, 27 June 2007.
  • Retinò, A., D. Sundkvist, A. Vaivads, F. Mozer, M. André and C. J. OWEN,In-situ Evidence of Magnetic Reconnection in Turbulent Plasma,Nature, doi:10.1038/nphys574, 03/2007.
  • Siscoe, G., Kaymaz, Z.,and Y.V. BOGDANOVA,Magnetospheric Cusps under Extreme Conditions: Cluster Observations and MHD Simulations Compared,Solar Physics,doi:10.1007/s11207-007-0359-7, 04/2007.
  • Stenberg, G., T.Oscarsson, M.André, A.Vaivads, M.Backrud-Ivgren, Y.Khotyaintsev, L.Rosenqvist, F.Sahraoui, N.Cornilleau-Wehrlin, A.FAZAKERLEY, R.Lundin, and P.M.E.Décréau,Internal structure and spatial dimensions of whistler wave regions in the magnetopause boundary layer,Ann. Geophys.,25,2439-2451,2007.
  • Taylor, M.G.G.T., B. Lavraud, C.P. Escoubet, S.E. Milan, K. Nykyri, M.W. Dunlop, J.A. Davies, R.H.W. Friedel, H. Frey, Y.V. BOGDANOVA, A. Åsnes, H. Laakso, P. Trávn1´cek, A. Masson, H. Opgenoorth, C. Vallat, A.N. FAZAKERLEY, A.D. LAHIFF, C.J. OWEN, F. Pitout, Z. Pu, C. Shen, Q.G. Zong, H. Rème, J. Scudder and T.L. Zhang,The plasma sheet and boundary layers under northward IMF: A multi-point and multi-instrument perspective,Adv. Space Research, doi:10.1016/j.asr.2007.10.013.
  • Teste, A., Fontaine, D., Sauvaud, J.-A., Maggiolo, R., Canu, P., FAZAKERLEY, A.,CLUSTER observations of electron outflowing beams carrying downward currents above the polar cap by northward IMF,Annales Geophysicae,v.25, p. 953-969, 05/2007.
  • Vaivads, A., O. Santolík, G. Stenberg, M. André, C. J. OWEN, P. Canu, and M. Dunlop,Source of whistler emissions at the dayside magnetopause,Geophys. Res. Lett., 34, L09106, doi:10.1029/2006GL029195, 2007.
  • WALSH, A.P., A.N.FAZAKERLEY, R.J.Wilson, I.V.ALEXEEV, P.D.Henderson, C.J.OWEN, E.Lucek, C.Carr, and I.Dandouras,Near-simultaneous magnetotail flux rope observations with Cluster and Double Star,Ann. Geophys.25,1887-1897,2007.
  • Wang, J., M.W. Dunlop, Z.Y. Pu, X.Z. Zhou, X.G. Zhang, Y. Wei, S.Y. Fu, C.J. Xiao, A. FAZAKERLEY, H. Laakso, M.G.G.T. Taylor, Y. BOGDANOVA, F. Pitout, J. Davies, G.G. Zong, C. Shen, Z.X. Liu, C. Carr, C. Perry, H. Reme, I. Dandouras, P. Escoubet, and C.J. OWEN,TC1 & Cluster Observation of an FTE on 4 January 2005: A Close Conjunction,Geophys. Res. Lett., 34, L03106, doi:10.1029/2006GL028241, 2007.
  • Wei, X. H., J. B. Cao, G. C. Zhou, O. Santolík, H. Rème, I. Dandouras, N. Cornilleau-Wehrlin, E. Lucek, C. M. Carr, and A. FAZAKERLEY,Cluster observations of waves in the whistler frequency range associated with magnetic reconnection in the Earth's magnetotail,J. Geophys. Res.,112, A10225, doi:10.1029/2006JA011771.
  • Wild, J.A.; Milan, S.E.; Davies, J.A.; Dunlop, M.W.; Wright, D.M.; Carr, C.M.; Balogh, A.; Rème, H.; FAZAKERLEY, A.N.; Marchaudon, A.,On the location of dayside magnetic reconnection during an interval of duskward oriented IMF,Ann. Geophysicae, 25, 02/2007, pp.219-238, 2007.
  • Yordanova E., D. Sundkvist, S. C. Buchert, M. André, Y. Ogawa, M. Morooka, O. Margithu, O. Amm, A. N. FAZAKERLEY, H. Réme,Energy input from the exterior cusp into the ionosphere: Correlated ground-based and satellite observations,Geophys. Res. Lett.,34, L04102, doi:10.1029/2006GL028617, 2007.
  • Xiao, C. J., Z.Y. Pu, Z. W. Ma, X. G. Wang, S.Y. Fu1, T. D. Phan, Q. G. Zong, Z. X. Liu, K.-H. Glassmeier, A. Balogh, H. Reme, I. Dandouras, A. Korth, M. Fraenz, K. Lynn, A. FAZAKERLEY, C.-W.Nicole, C. P. Escoubet,Cluster Measurements of Fast Magnetic Reconnection in Earth’s Magnetotail,Geophys. Res. Lett., 34, L01101, doi:10.1029/2006GL028006, 2007.
  • Zhang, H.; Pu, Z.Y.; Cao, X.; Fu, S.Y.; Liu, Z.X.; Ma, Z.W.; Dunlop, M.W.; Baumjohann, W.; Xiao, C.J.; Hong, M.H.; Cao, J.B.; Zong, Q.G.; Wang, X.G.; Carr, C.; Rème, H.A.; Dandouras, I.; FAZAKERLEY, A.; Frey, H.U.; Escoubet, C.P.,TC-1 observations of flux pileup and dipolarization-associated expansion in the near-Earth magnetotail during substorms,Geophys. Res. Lett.,34, L03104, doi:10.1029/2006GL028326.


  • Marchaudon, A., J.-C. Cerisier, J.-M. Bosqued, Y. V. BOGDANOVA, C. J. OWEN,Dayside magnetic reconnection: properties and impact on the magnetosphere-ionosphere system,Rapport Quadriennal du CNFGG 2003-2007, submitted, January 2007, ed. D. Schertzer and I. Tchiguirinskaia, CEREVE, France, pp.209-238, 2007.


  • McAndrews, H.,Cassini observations of low energy electrons in and around Saturn's magnetosphere,Ph.D. awarded (UCL)


  • ALEXEEV, I.V., V. Sergeev, C.J. OWEN, A.N. FAZAKERLEY, E.Lucekand H.Reme, Remote sensing of a magnetotail reconnection X-line using polar rain electrons, Geophys. Res.Lett,33,L19105, doi:10.1029/2006GL027243,2006.
  • Amata, E., S. Savin, M. Andre, M. Dunlop, Y. Khotyaintsev, M.F. Marcucci, A. FAZAKERLEY, Y.V. BOGDANOVA, P.M.E. Decreau, J.L. Rauch, J.G. Trotignon, A. Skalsky, S. Romanov, J. Buechner, J. Blecki, H. Reme, Experimental study of nonlinear interaction of plasma flow with charged thin current sheets: 1. Boundary structure and motion, Nonlin. Processes Geophys, v.13, issue 4, p. 365-376, 2006.
  • Asano, Y., R. Nakamura, A. Runov, W. Baumjohann, C. McIlwain, G. Paschmann, J. Quinn, I. ALEXEEV, J.P. DEWHURST, C.J. OWEN, A.N. FAZAKERLEY, A. Balogh, H. Reme, and B. Klecker, Detailed analysis of low-energy electron streaming in the near-Earth neutral line region during a substorm, Adv. Space. Res., 37, p. 1382-1387, 2006
  • Ashour-Abdalla M., J. N. Leboeuf, D. Schriver, J.-M. Bosqued, N. Cornilleau-Wehrlin, V. Sotnikov, A. Marchaudon, A. N. FAZAKERLEY, Instabilities driven by ion shell distributions observed by Cluster in the midaltitude plasma sheet boundary layer, J. Geophys. Res., 111, A10223, doi:10.1029/2005JA011490, 2006
  • Balan, N. , Alleyne, H., Walker, S., Réme, H., Décréau, P. M. E., Balogh, A., André, M.,FAZAKERLEY, A. N., Cornilleau-Wehrlin, N., Gurnett, D., and Fraenz, M., Cluster observations of a structured magnetospheric cusp,Ann. Geophys,24, Page(s) 1015-1027. SRef-ID: 1432-0576/ag/2006-24-1015
  • BOGDANOVA, Y.V., C.J. OWEN, A.N. FAZAKERLEY, B.Kleckerand H.Reme, Statistical study of the location and size of the electron edge of the Low-Latitude Boundary Layer as observed by Cluster at mid-altitudes,Ann.Geophys., 2645-2665, SRef-ID:1432-0576/ag/2006-24-2645, 2006.
  • Bosqued, J. M., M. Ashour-Abdalla, A. Marchaudon, H. Laakso, T. Umeda, M. El Alaoui, V. Peroomian, H. Rème, G. Paschmann, M. Dunlop, andA. FAZAKERLEY, Cluster observations of energetic ionospheric ion beams in the auroral region: Acceleration and associated energy-dispersed precipitation,Geophys. Res. Lett.,33, L12102, doi:10.1029/2006GL025708.
  • Davies J.A., M.W. Dunlop, C.H. Perry, M. Lockwood, I.A. ALEXEEV, M.G.G.T. TAYLOR, A.N. FAZAKERLEY, C.J. OWEN, A. MARCHAUDON, R.H.W. Friedel, X.H. Deng, M. Grande, and P.W. Daly,Energetic electron signatures in an active magnetotail plasma sheet,Adv. Space Res., v. 38, i. 8, p. 1608-1614, 10.1016/j.asr.2006.02.012, 2006.
  • Deng, X. H., R.X. Tang, H. Matsumoto, J.S. Pickett,A.N. FAZAKERLEY, H. Kojima, W. Baumjohann, A. Coates, R. Nakamura, D.A. Gurnett and Z.X. Liu, Observations of electrostatic solitary waves associated with reconnection by Geotail and Cluster,Adv. Space Res., 37, Pages 1373-1381
  • Draper, N.C., M. Lester, S.W.H. Cowley, J.-M.Bosqued, A. Grocott, J.A. Wild, Y. BOGDANOVA, A.N. FAZAKERLEY, and J.A. Davies, Cluster observations of a magnetic field cavity in the plasma sheet,Adv. Space Res.,38, p. 1738-1743, doi: 10.1016/j.asr.2005.09.024, 2006.
  • Escoubet, C.P., J. M. Bosqued, J. Berchem, K. J. Trattner, M. G. G. T. Taylor, F.Pitout, H. Laakso, A. Masson, M. Dunlop, H. Reme, I. Dandouras, A. FAZAKERLEY, Temporal evolution of a staircase ion sugnature observed by Cluster in the mid-altitude polar cusp,GRL,33, L07108, doi:10.1029/2005GL025598, 2006.
  • Lavraud B., M. F. Thomsen, B. Lefebvre, S. J. Schwartz, K. Seki, T. D. Phan, Y. L. Wang,A. FAZAKERLEY, H. Rème and A. Balogh, Evidence for newly closed magnetosheath field lines at the dayside magnetopause under northward IMF,J. Geophys. Res.,111, A05211, doi:10.1029/2005JA011266.
  • Lin, N., E.S. Lee, J. McFadden, G. Parks, M. Wilber, M. Maksimovic, N. Cornilleau-Wehrlin, A. FAZAKERLEY, E. Lucek, H. Reme, O. Santolik, and Q.-G. Zong, VLF/ELF wave activity in the vicinity of the polar cusp: Cluster observations,Ann. Geophys., 24, 1993, 2006.
  • Maggiolo, R. , Sauvaud, J. A., Fontaine, D., Teste, A., Grigorenko, E., Balogh, A.,FAZAKERLEY, A., Paschmann, G., Delcourt, D., and Rème, H, A multi-satellite study of accelerated ionospheric ion beams above the polar cap,Annales Geophysicae, Vol. 24, pp 1665-1684, 3-7-2006
  • Marchaudon, A., J.-C.Cerisier, J.-M.Bosqued,C. J. OWEN, A. N. FAZAKERLEY, A. D.LAHIFF, On the structure of field-aligned currents in the mid-altitude cusp,Ann.Geophys.,24, 3391-3401, 2006.
  • Masood, W., S. J. Schwartz, M. Maksimovic andA. N. FAZAKERLEY, Electron velocity distribution and lion roars in the magnetosheath,Annales Geophysicae,Vol. 24, pp 1725-1735, 3-7-2006.
  • Maynard, N. C. , Burke, W. J., Ebihara, Y., Ober, D. M., Wilson, G. R., Siebert, K. D., Winningham, J. D., Lanzerotti, L. J., Farrugia, C. J., Ejiri, M., Rème, H., Balogh, A., and FAZAKERLEY, A., Characteristics of merging at the magnetopause inferred from dayside 557.7-nm all-sky images: IMF drivers of poleward moving auroral forms,Annales Geophysicae, Vol. 24, pp 3071-3098
  • Nakamura R., W. Baumjohann, Y. Asano, A. Runov, A. Balogh, C. J. OWEN, A. N. FAZAKERLEY, M. Fujimoto, B. Klecker, H. Rème, Dynamics of thin current sheets associated with magnetotail reconnection,J. Geophys. Res.,111, A11206, doi:10.1029/2006JA011706, 2006.
  • Petkaki, P., Freeman, M.P., WALSH, A.P., Cluster observations of broadband electromagnetic waves in and around a reconnection region in the Earth's magnetotail current sheet,Geophys. Res. Lett., Vol. 33, No 16, L16105, 10.1029/2006GL027066.
  • Pitout, F., C.P. Escoubet, Y.V. BOGDANOVA, E. Georgescu, A. FAZAKERLEY, H. Reme, Response of the mid-altitude cusp to rapid rotation of the IMF,GRL, 33, L11107, doi:10.1029/2005GL025460, 2006.


  • BOGDANOVA, Y.V., A. MARCHAUDON , C.J. OWEN, M. Dunlop, H. U. Frey, J.A. Wild, A.N. FAZAKERLEY, B. Klecker, J.A. Davies, S. E. Milan, Mechanism for the Formation of the High-Altitude Stagnant Cusp: Cluster and SuperDARN Observations, Proceedings of the Cluster and Double Star Symposium, ESA SP-598, 2006.
  • BOGDANOVA, Y.V., C.J. OWEN, A.N. FAZAKERLEY, B. Klecker and H. Reme, Cluster observations of the electron edge of the low-latitude boundary layer at mid-altitudes, Proceedings of the Cluster and Double Star Symposium, ESA SP-598, 2006.
  • De Keyser, J., M. Roth, M. W. Dunlop, H. Reme, C. J. OWEN, and G. Paschmann, Solar wind pressure and the position of the magnetopause: a Cluster perspective, Proceedings of the Cluster and Double Star Symposium, ESA SP-598, 2006.
  • Dunlop, M.W., M.G.G.T. Taylor, J.A. Davies, Z. Pu, A.N. FAZAKERLEY, C.J. OWEN, Y.V. BOGDANOVA, F. Pitout, H. Laakso, Q.-G. Zong, C. Shen, K. Nykyri, B. Lavraud, S.E. Milan, Z.-X. Liu, C.P. Escoubet, H. Reme, C.M. Carr, P. Cargill, T.D. Phan, M. Lockwood and B. Sonnerup, Comparative Cluster/Double Star observations of the high and low latutude dayside magnetopause, Proceedings of the Cluster and Double Star Symposium, ESA SP-598, 2006.
  • Escoubet, C.P., Bosqued, J.M., Berchem, J., Taylor, M.G.G.T., Pitout, F., Laakso, H., Masson, A., Dunlop, M., Reme, H., Dandouras, I. & FAZAKERLEY, A., Staircase ion signature observed by Cluster in the mid-altitude polar cusp, in Proceedings of the Cluster and Double Star Symposium, ESA SP-598, 2006.
  • Fontaine, D., Teste, A., Maggiolo, R., Sauvaud, J.-A. & FAZAKERLEY, A.N., Polar cap particle acceleration: electron dynamics associated with ion flows, Proceedings of the Cluster and Double Star Symposium, ESA-598, 2006.
  • Harra, L., OWEN, C., Connecting the Sun to the Earth, The Observatory, Vol. 126, p. 78-82, 04/2006.
  • HENDERSON, P.D., OWEN, C.J., ALEXEEV, I.V., Slavin, J., FAZAKERLEY, A.N., Lucek, E., Reme, H. Cluster observations of flux rope structures in the near-tail, Proceedings of the Cluster and Double Star Symposium, ESA SP-598, 2006.
  • Horbury,T., P. Louarn, M. Fujimoto, W. Baumjohann, L. G. Blomberg, S. Barabash, P. Canu, K.-H. Glassmeier, H. Koskinen, R. Nakamura, C.J. OWEN, T. Pulkkinen, A. Roux, J.-A. Sauvaud, S. J. Schwartz, K. Svenes, A. Vaivads, Cross-Scale: A Multi-Spacecraft Mission to Study Cross-Scale Coupling in Space Plasmas, Proceedings of the Cluster and Double Star Symposium, ESA SP-598, 2006.
  • KHAN, H., FAZAKERLEY, A.N., WILSON, R.J., LAHIFF, A.D. & Taylor, M.G.G.T., Plasma Electron and Current Experiment (PEACE) data contributions to the Cluster Active Archive (CAA), Proceedings of the Cluster and Double Star Symposium, ESA SP-598, 2006.
  • KHAN, H., Laakso, H., Dunlop, M., Taylor, M.G.G.T., Escoubet, C.P. & Opgenoorth, H., Inner mechanisms of flux transfer events observed by Cluster using high time resolution EFW data, Proceedings of the Cluster and Double Star Symposium, ESA SP-598, 2006.
  • Lavraud, B., M. F. Thomsen, B. Lefebvre, E. Budnik, P. J. Cargill, A. Fedorov, M. G. G. T. Taylor, S. J. Schwartz, H. Rème, A. N. FAZAKERLEY, A. Balogh, Formation of the cusp and dayside boundary layers as a function of IMF orientation: Cluster results, Proceedings of the Cluster and Double Star Symposium, ESA SP-598, 2006.
  • Lui, A.T.Y., Y. Zheng, A. Balogh, P. W. Daly, M. W. Dunlop, T. A. Fritz, G. Gustafsson, S. Livi, S. B. Mende, C. J. OWEN, R. F. Pfaff, H. Rème, Y. Zhang, and Q. Zong, Magnetotail substorm features from multi-point observations, Proceedings of the Cluster and Double Star Symposium, ESA SP-598, 2006.
  • MARCHAUDON, A., C. J. OWEN, J.-M. Bosqued, R. C. FEAR, A. N. FAZAKERLEY, M. W. Dunlop, A. D. LAHIFF, C. Carr, A. Balogh, P.-A. Lindqvist and H. Rème, Simultaneous Double Star and Cluster FTEs observations on the dawnside flank of the magnetosphere, Proceedings of the Cluster and Double Star Symposium, ESA SP-598, 2006.
  • Pickett, J.S., Chen, L.-J., Gurnett, D.A., Swanner, J.M., Santolik, O., Decreau, P.M.E., Beghin, C., Sundkvist, D., Lefebvre, B., Goldstein, M.L., Lavraud, B., Lucek, E., Kessel, R., Lakhina, G.S., Singh, S.V., Reddy, R.V., Tsurutani, B.T., Reme, H. & FAZAKERLEY, A., Shedding new light on solitary waves observed in space, Proceedings of the Cluster and Double Star Symposium, ESA SP-598, 2006.
  • Pu, Z.Y., Wang, J., Dunlop, M.W., Zhang, X.G., Wei, Y., Zhou, X.Z., Fu, S.Y., Xiao, C.J., Zong, Q.G., Liu, Z.X., Carr, C., Perry, C., Reme, H., Dandouras, I., FAZAKERLEY, A., Daly, P., Pitout, F., Davies, J., Shen, C., Laakso, H., Escoubet, P., OWEN, C.J., BOGDANOVA, Y. & Taylor, M.G.G.T., Cluster and TC-1 five point observation of an FTE on Jan 4 2005: a preliminary study, Proceedings of the Cluster and Double Star Symposium, ESA SP-598, 2006.
  • Robert, P., O. Lecontel, A. Roux, P. Canu, D. Fontaine, G. Chanteur, J.M. Bosqued, C. OWEN, A.N. FAZAKERLEY, and M.W. Dunlop, Study of a flux transfer event with Cluster spacecraft, Proceedings of the Cluster and Double Star Symposium, ESA SP-598, 2006.
  • Roux, A., LeContel, O., Fontaine, D., Robert, D., Louarn, P. & FAZAKERLEY, A.N., Substorm theories and Cluster multi-point measurements, Proceedings of the Cluster and Double Star Symposium, ESA SP-598, 2006.
  • Taylor, M.G.G.T., Lavraud, B., Thomsen, M.F., FAZAKERLEY, A.N., Dunlop, M.W., Davies, J.A., Escoubet, C.P., Laakso, H., KHAN, H., Masson, A., Opgenoorth, H.J., Friedel, R.H., Reme, H., Carr, C.M., Zhang, T.L. & Lucek, E.A., Multi-satellite observations of the near Earth plasma sheet and Flank magnetopause: response to the 5th December 2004 CME, Proceedings of the Cluster and Double Star Symposium, ESA SP-598, 2006.
  • Wendel, D.E., P. H. Reiff, T. H. Han, M. L. Goldstein, E. Lucek, A. FAZAKERLEY, Cluster obseration of magnetic structure and electron flows at a northward interplanetary magentic field X-line, Proceedings of the Cluster and Double Star Symposium, ESA SP-598, 2006.
  • Wild, J.A., S. E. Milan, J. A. Davies, S. W. H. Cowley, M. W. Dunlop, C. J. OWEN, J. M. Bosqued, M. Lester, A. Balogh, C. M. Carr, A. N. FAZAKERLEY, and H. Reme, Space and ground-based investigations of dayside reconnection: Cluster, Double Star and SuperDARN observations, Proceedings of the Cluster and Double Star Symposium, ESA SP-598, 2006.
  • Zong, Q.-G., H. Zhang, T. A. Fritz, S. Y. Fu, Z.Y. Pu, M. L. Goldstein, W. Keith, M. W.Dunlop, A. Korth, P. W. Daly, H. Reme, A. Balogh and A. N. FAZAKERLEY, The magnetospheric cusps: structure and dynamics, Proceedings of the Cluster and Double Star Symposium, ESA SP-598, 2006.

PhD Theses

Duthie, R.

PhD. Awarded 2014, Supervisor: Fazakerley, A.N.

Beyene, S.

PhD. Awarded 2013, Supervisor: Owen, C.J.

Bedington, R.

PhD. Awarded 2012, Supervisor: Smith, A.

Steed, K.

PhD. Awarded 2011, Supervisor: Owen, C.J.

Collinson, G.

PhD. Awarded 2010, Supervisor: Hepburn, I.

Walsh, A.P.,

PhD. Awarded 2009, Supervisor: A.N. Fazakerley

Henderson, P.D.,

PhD. Awarded 2007, Supervisor: C.J. Owen

McAndrews, H.,

PhD. Awarded 2007, Supervisor: C.J. Owen

Fear, R.C.,

PhD. Awarded 2006, Supervisor: A.N. Fazakerley

Dewhurst, J.,

PhD. Awarded 2005, Supervisor C.J. Owen