
UCL Module Catalogue


Educating Teachers (CPAS0145)

Key information

Teaching department
Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment
Credit value

Alternative credit options

There are no alternative credit options available for this module.


This module is taught through five units. It starts with induction which involves students getting to know each other online and exploring the VLE so that they understand the blended nature of the teaching. F2F teaching normally takes place on a Saturday, with the online teaching using a range of asynchronous and synchronous pedagogic strategies. Unit 1 What is Teacher Education is a F2F unit which introduces the theories and includes discussion about practices in both initial and inservice teacher education (TE). Unit 2 England – the national context is taught over two weeks online and investigates opportunities available in England and other UK countries, teacher standards and critically examines the concept of ‘effective’ TE, preferring the term ‘efficacious’. In Unit 3 International perspectives – the new TE profession F2F teaching resumes and develops notions of professionalism, explores TE projects in international settings and marketing. Unit 4 What sort of teacher educator am I? continues the professionalism discussion online by revisiting theory and looking at students’ own perspectives on TE. First- and second-order practices are scrutinised. And finally, Unit 5 How do policies work? returns to F2F teaching through examining challenges of different models and how leadership affects TE. The concepts of ‘training’ and ‘education’ are consolidated.

As already noted this is a ‘blended’ module taught through F2F and online pedagogies. It has three 6 hour F2F sessions on Saturdays, interspaced with four online sessions. The total notional learning hours for all 30 credit modules is 300 hours, and of these engagement in the teaching and learning activities (including readings and responding online) will take up around 100 hours (up to 10 hours per week).

Topics explored are indicated by the unit titles:

Unit 1 – What is Teacher Education?

Unit 2 – England: the national context

Unit 3 – International perspectives: the new TE profession

Unit 4 – What sort of Teacher Educator am I?

Unit 5 – How do policies work?

The fundamental aim of the module is to explore the theory, research and practice of teacher education, which will be achieved through:

  • A critical examination of the research evidence which underpins teacher education “practical wisdom” (after Shulman), policy and practices.

  • A critical and informed analysis of how teacher education gets practiced in a range of settings (schools, universities and third sector organizations) and in a range of policy contexts, and international settings.

  • An exploration of the different ways in which “quality” is theorized and understood within teacher education, and how teacher education has adapted to variations in need, demand and policy influences, including perceptions of the “good” teacher in different places.

  • A detailed exploration of different teacher education practices, the research that underpins their use, and the impact they have on teachers.

  • Theoretical perspectives on professional learning.

Recommended Readings:

Books – these are core books on the module, but you do not have to buy them. They are available in our library

Brooks, C. (2021).Initial Teacher Education at Scale: Quality Conundrums. London: Routledge.

Evans, M. (2013).Teacher Education and Pedagogy: Theory, Policy and Practice: Cambridge University Press

Articles – These are not necessarily open access but they are available through our library once you are enrolled

Hargreaves, E. (2013). Assessment for learning and Teacher Learning Communities: UK teachers' experiences. Teaching Education, 24(3), 327-344.

Murray, J., Kidd, W., McMahon, A., & Viswarajan, S. (2020). Teacher Educators and Expansive Learning in the Workplace and Beyond [Original Research]. Frontiers in Education, 5.

Oliver, M., Avramides, K., Clark, W., Hunter, J., Luckin, R., Hansen, C., & Wasson, B. (2018). Sharing teacher knowledge at scale: teacher inquiry, learning design and the representation of teachers’ practice. Teacher Development, 22(4), 587-606.

Philpott, C. (2014). A pedagogy for initial teacher education in England. TEAN Journal, 6(3), 4-16.

Struthers, d. R. (2017). The Challenge of School-Led Teacher Education for Those Working within Traditional Teacher Education Partnerships: A Case of Roman Riding. In University Partnerships for Pre-Service and Teacher Development (Vol. 10, pp. 161-176). Emerald Publishing Limited.

Zeichner, K., Payne, K. A., & Brayko, K. (2015). Democratizing Teacher Education. Journal of Teacher Education, 66(2), 122-135. 10.1177/0022487114560908

Open Access Journals - These should cost nothing to access articles. Read those that interest you:

Critical Education

ECNU Review of Education

Educate: Journal for Doctoral Research in Education

International Journal of Education Development in Africa

Journal of Innovation and Research in Primary Education

Journal of Global Education and Research

Northwest Journal of Teacher Education


/ioe/teacher-education-college - scroll to the bottom and look at some of the ‘blogs’ from IOE experts.

Module deliveries for 2024/25 academic year

Intended teaching term: Term 2 Postgraduate (FHEQ Level 7)

Teaching and assessment

Mode of study
In person
Methods of assessment
100% Coursework
Mark scheme
Letter Grade

Other information

Number of students on module in previous year
Module leader
Mrs Kim Insley
Who to contact for more information

Intended teaching term: Term 2 Postgraduate (FHEQ Level 7)

Teaching and assessment

Mode of study
In person
Methods of assessment
100% Coursework
Mark scheme
Numeric Marks

Other information

Number of students on module in previous year
Module leader
Mrs Kim Insley
Who to contact for more information

Last updated

This module description was last updated on 19th August 2024.