

Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering


Review Papers

Near-infrared Spectroscopy

  • Ferrari M, Mottola L, and Quaresima V (2004): Principles, Techniques, and Limitations of Near Infrared Spectroscopy. Can. J. Appl. Physiol. 29(4) 463-487. 
  • Hoshi Y (2003): Functional near-infrared optical imaging: utility and limitations in human brain mapping.Ìý±Ê²õ²â³¦³ó´Ç±è³ó²â²õ¾±´Ç±ô´Ç²µ²âÌý40Ìý511-520.Ìý
  • Obrig H and Villringer A (2003):, Beyond the visible - imaging the human brain with light. J. Cereb. Blood Flow & Metab. 23Ìý1-18.Ìý
  • Chance, B, Cope, M, Gratton, E, Ramanujam, N, and Tromberg, B (1998): Phase measurement of light absorption and scatter in human tissues. Review of Scientific Instruments 69, 3457-3481. 
  • Delpy, DT, and Cope, M (1997): Quantification in tissue near-infrared spectroscopy. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Series B-Biological Sciences 352(1354), 649-659. 
  • Yodh, A, and Chance, B (1995): Spectroscopy and imaging with diffusing light. Physics Today 48, 34-40.

Diffuse Optical Imaging

  • Gibson, AP, Hebden, JC and Arridge, SR (2005) Recent advances in diffuse optical imaging. Phys. Med. Biol 50Ìý¸é1-43Ìý
  • Hebden J C (2003), Advances in optical imaging of the newborn infant brain. ±Ê²õ²â³¦³ó´Ç±è³ó²â²õ¾±´Ç±ô´Ç²µ²âÌý40Ìý501-510.Ìý
  • Dunsby C and French P M W (2003): Techniques for depth-resolved imaging through turbid media including coherence gated imaging. J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 36Ìý¸é207-227.Ìý
  • Schweiger M, Gibson A P, and Arridge S R (2003): Computational aspects of diffuse optical tomography. IEEE Computing in Science and Engineering Nov/Dec 2003 33-41. 
  • Koizumi H, T Yamamoto, A Maki, Y Yamashita, H Sato, H Kawaguchi, and N Ichikawa (2003): Optical topography: practical problems and new applications. Appl. Opt.42(16) 3054-3062. 
  • Strangman, G, Boas, DA, and Sutton, JP (2002): Non-invasive neuroimaging using near-infrared light. Biological Psychiatry 52, 679-693. 
  • Cubeddu, R, Comelli, D, D'Andrea, C, Taroni, P, and Valentini, G (2002): Time-resolved fluorescence imaging in biology and medicine. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 35, R61-R76. 
  • Boas, DA, Brooks, DH, Miller, EL, DiMarzio, CA, Kilner, M, Gaudette, RJ, and Zhang, Q (2001): Imaging the body with diffuse optical tomography. IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, November 2001 issue.
  • Hawrysz, DJ, and Sevick-Muraca, EM (2000): Developments towards diagnostic breast cancer imaging using NIR optical measurements and fluorescent contrast agents. Neoplasia 2(5), 388-417. 
  • Arridge, SR (1999): Optical tomography in medical imaging. Inverse Problems15(2), R41-R93. 
  • Hebden, JC, and Delpy, DT (1997): Diagnostic imaging with light. British Journal of Radiology 70, S206-S214. 
  • Hebden, JC, Arridge, SR, and Delpy, DT (1997): Optical imaging in medicine I: Experimental techniques. Phys. Med. Biol. 42(5), 825-840. 
  • Arridge, SR, and Hebden, JC (1997): Optical imaging in medicine II: Modelling and reconstruction. Phys. Med. Biol. 42(5), 841-853. 

Photoacoustic Imaging

  • Wang X, Y Pang, G Ku, X Xie, G Stoica, and L V Wang (2003): Noninvasive laser-induced photoacoustic tomography for structural and functional in vivo imaging of the brain. Nature Biotechnology 21(7) 803-806. 

Optical Coherence Tomography

  • Boppart S A (2003): Optical coherence tomography: Technology and applications for neuroimaging.Ìý±Ê²õ²â³¦³ó´Ç±è³ó²â²õ¾±´Ç±ô´Ç²µ²âÌý40Ìý529-541.Ìý
  • Fercher A F, W Drexler, C W Hitzenberger, and T Lasser (2003): Optical coherence tomography - principles and applications. Rep. Prog. Phys 66Ìý239-303.Ìý
  • Fujimoto J G (2003): Optical coherence tomography for ultrahigh resolution in vivo imaging. Nature Biotechnology 21(11) 1361-1367. 

Last update: February 28, 2005