

Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering


BORL PhD Theses

Acquiring accurate head surfaces of newborn infants for optical tomography using digital photogrammetry

Mauren Abreu de Souza, May 2009

The development and evaluation of head probes for optical imaging of the infant head

Gilberto Branco, January 2007

Development of simultaneous electroencephalography and near-infrared optical topography for applications to neurovascular coupling and neonatal seizures

Robert Cooper, January 2011

The application of near-infrared spectroscopy to non-invasive monitoring of cerebral oxygenation in the newborn infant

Mark Cope, April 1991

Assessment and optimisation of 3D optical topography for brain imaging

Teresa Correia, January 2010

Thermally induced changes in optical properties of biological tissues

Matthias Essenpreis, December 1992

The design, calibration and usage of a solid scattering and absorbing phantom for near-infrared spectroscopy

Michael Firbank, August 1994

Experimental and theoretical investigations of near infrared tomographic imaging methods and clinical applications

Elizabeth Hillman, February 2002

Non-invasive monitoring of brain tissue temperatureÌýby near-infrared spectroscopy

Veronica Hollis, December 2002

Time-resolved optical tomography instrumentation for fast 3D functional imaging

David Jennions, January 2008

Development of a fast response carbon monoxide sensor for respiratory gas analysis

Andreas Kaufmann, September 2001

A picosecond optoelectronic cross correlator using a gain modulated avalanche photodiode for measuring the impulse response of tissue

David Kirkby, April 1999

Methodology of optical topography measurements for functional brain imaging and the development and implementation of functional optical signal analysis software

Peck Hui Koh, October 2007

Towards a Bayesian framework for optical tomography

Ivo Kwee, December 1999

Information theoretic regularization in diffuse optical tomography

Christos Panagiotou, November 2010

Multichannel NIRS to monitor cerebral oxygenation in infants and children supported in extracorporeal membrane oxygenation

Maria Papademetriou, November 2011

Towards combined x-ray and optical mammography

Ben Price, November 2010

Spectroscopic methods for medical diagnosis at terahertz wavelengths

Caroline Reid, July 2009

Development of a time-resolved optical tomography system for neonatal brain imaging

Florian Schmidt, November 1999

Application of the finite element method in infrared image reconstruction of scattering media

Martin Schweiger, October 1994

Experimental measurements of cerebral haemodynamics and oxygenation and comparisons with a computational model: a near-infrared spectroscopy investigation

Ilias Tachtsidis, March 2005

Non-invasive near infrared spectroscopy: a tool for measuring cerebral oxygenation and metabolism in patients with traumatic brain injury

Martin Tisdall, October 2009

Measurement and modelling of the optical properties of human tissue in the near infrared

Pieter van der Zee, December 1992

Time-resolved optical tomography for the detection and specification of breast disease

Tara Yates, January 2005

Three-dimensional shape-based reconstructions in medical imaging

Athanasios Zacharopoulos, November 2004


