



Available Funding

We have many sources of PhD funding available, some of which change from year to year. However, most applicants do not need to understand the details - as a general rule you just should submit an application following the instructions on our Admissions page. We automatically consider all applicant for all relevant sources of funding, and if we are interested in your application we will guide you through any further funding applications that may be required.
We do not offer places without funding unless the applicant has explicitly offered to self-fund. Note that some of our funding streams have deadlines in January, so applications to the department in November/December are encouraged.

There are also some external sources of funding which require you to apply independently.

Internal funding

The following are some of our most common types of internal funding.

Teaching Assistantships

The department have a number of Teaching Assistantships. They cover tuition fees and provide a stipend for 4 years. They also involve a certain amount of compulsory teaching duties.

UCL Research Excellence Scholarship

The UCL RES scheme provides 3 years full stipend and tuition fees.

Please click here for further information about the UCL Research Excellence Scholarship scheme.

UCL Research Opportunity Scholarship

The UCL ROS is open to Black British and other British Ethnic Minority candidates. It provides 3 years stipend and tuition fees. If you wish to be considered for a UCL ROS please indicate this on your application.

Please click here for further information about the UCL Research Opportunity Scholarship.

Heilbronn Doctoral Partnerships

These are funded by the Heilbronn Insitute and provide 4 years full stipend and tuition fees. They may involve participation in Heilbronn summer schools.


External funding

The following funding routes are all administered outside of the UCL Maths department and require you to apply separately.

EPSRC Doctoral Training Partnerships

UCL DTPs cover tuition fees and provide a stipend for 4 years. They are administered centrally by UCL and candidates should apply by early January. The maths department welcomes informal enquiries.

Please click here for further information about the EPSRC Doctoral Training Partnerships.

London School of Geometry and Number Theory

The LSGNT is a Centre for Doctoral Training run jointly between UCL, Imperial College and King's College London. There is a separate admissions process and students wishing to do PhDs in geometry or number theory at 911±¬ÁÏÍø should apply to the LSGNT in the first instance.

Martingale Foundation

UCL Mathematics is one of the partner institutions of the Martingale Foundation, which was created to ensure that family income should not be a barrier to postgraduate education in mathematics.

LMS Grace Chisholm Young Fellowships

The London Mathematical Society offers two fellowships each year to mathematicians who need support when their mathematical career is interrupted by family responsibilities, relocation of partner, or other similar circumstance.

Bell Burnell Graduate Scholarship Fund

A scholarship fund by Professor Dame Jocelyn Bell Burnell and the Institute of Physics (IOP) is available to support full or part-time graduates who wish to study towards a doctorate in physics and are from groups that are currently under-represented in physics.



Agreeing to fund your own PhD studies is a significant financial commitment, and you should not offer to do this unless you are sure you will have the resources available for the full period of study. Information on UCL tuition fees can be found on the MPhil/PhD in Mathematics webpage. Note that fees for international students and UK students are charged at different rates.

Self-funded students must still pass our competitive admissions process. If you are admitted on a self-funded basis you will not usually be considered for funding in future years of your programme.