
Marine Protected Area Governance


Marine Protected Area Governance (MPAG)

Enabling Effective and Equitable Marine Protected Areas: guidance on combining governance approaches

UN Environment have launchednew guidance, which can be , based on this MPA Governance Project.The guidance on combining governance approaches is evidence-based, drawing on 34 case studies in 19 countries around the world (see ), providing a flexible governance analysis and capacity-building framework, recognising that there is no 'one size fits all' approach to the governance of MPAs.The Guidance focuses on how a) top-down, b) bottom-up, c) market-based, d) awareness-raising & e)collective learninggovernance approaches can be combined to: 1) influencehuman behaviour in order to 2) reduce use impacts to 3) mitigate conflicts, 4) thereby increasing conservation effectiveness 5) in an inclusive way that fairly shares costs & benefits. It takesa social-ecological systemsperspective in arguing that in same way that a diversity of species promotes the resilience of ecosystems, a diversity of governance incentives promotes the resilience of governance & related social systems, i.e. provides for the co-evolution of two systems.

The focus is on promotingbotheffectiveness in achieving conservation objectives andequityin fairly sharing the costs and benefits throughparticipative approaches that respectlocal traditions, customs& cultures.Rather than assuming that MPAs are set-aside from use, the guidance recognises that MPAs should be seen more as vehicles for promoting integrated and sustainable use, which helps achieve a diversity of Sustainable Development Goals, including SDG14 (Life Below Water, related to Aichi target), but also others such as SDG1 (No Poverty), SDG2 (Zero Hunger), SDG8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth), SDG10 (Reduced Inequalities), SDG11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities), SDG13 (Climate Action) and SDG16 (Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions). As such, the UN Environment guide aims to provide practical, accessible and evidence-based advice to MPA managers and related policy-makers and interest groups on how to build capacity for effective conservation and integrated and equitable development, as well as providing a novel perspective on theories of natural resource governance. As UN Environment concluded in their report, which included an article highlighting MPA governance challenges and new approaches (pp.35-46), “Ultimately, governing the oceans in a sustainable way could see Marine Protected Areas as a driver – not a limit – for the vital economic and social benefits that we derive from the global ocean”. A on the this MPA Governance guidance and the background to it is available and a summary of it by the SDG Knowledge Hub is available

MPAG rationale in UNRome Call to Action and Scientist's Consensus Statement following Government of Italy and OSA 10X20 Conference

The MPAG rationale and findings formed the basis of the governance stream of the international(7-9 March 2016, Rome) to support the achievement of a globally agreed target to conserve at least 10% of coastal and marine areas by 2020 (). This is part of the, organised by the, theand the. The first two days of the conference involved 25 international experts in discussions on good practice for measures to designate and promote the effectiveness of marine protected areas (MPAs), focusing on science, governance and finance. During the third day, diplomatic representatives from 33 countries from around the world joined the conference to agree aand, which will help guide national governments, United Nations agencies and development donors over the next 15 years in MPA projects around the world.-

Paperback published

Paperback version of the bookavailable, seefor this bookto purchase at 20% reduced price of £26 or US$42 using discount code DC361

The MPAG Project

This project and the related book -- addresses some important challenges related to the effective and equitable governance of marine protected areas (MPAs). These challenges are explored through a study of 50+MPA case studies from around the world (20 explored in book, 34 in UN Environment Guidance). A novel governance analysis framework is employed to address some key questions: How can top-down and bottom-up approaches to MPA governance be combined? What does this mean, in reality, in different contexts? How can we develop and implement governance approaches that are both effective in achieving conservation objectives and equitable in fairly sharing associated costs and benefits?

This project and theexplore the many issues that these questions raise, as well as exploring options for addressing them. A key theme is that MPA governance needs to combine people, state and market approaches, rather than being based on one approach and its related ideals. Building on a critique of the governance analysis framework developed for common-pool resources, the book and related UN Environment Guidanceputs forward a more holistic and less prescriptive framework for deconstructing and analyzing the governance of MPAs. This inter-disciplinary analysis is aimed at supporting the development of MPA governance approaches that build social-ecological resilience through both institutional and biological diversity. It will also make a significant contribution to wider debates on natural resource governance, as it poses some critical questions for contemporary approaches to related research and offers an alternative theoretical and empirical approach.

This project is a collaboration amongst a group of governance experts, led by(Dept of Geography, University College London), in partnership withand with funding from. It was established to analyse MPA case studies and develop guidance on governing MPAs in seas under national jurisdiction. An initial sample of 20 MPA case studies from around the world wasbrought together in the preliminary phase and subjected to detailed analyses employing a new, ‘deconstructing’ the complexities of MPA governance (MPAG) employing 36 incentives from five categories. Thedescribes the findings of this work. It is intended to provide a foundation for further discussions and learning, employing the governance analysis framework in different contexts, and to provide a preliminary resource for MPA managers to consider how different incentives might be combined to support the governance of their MPA. Theincludes descriptions of the five MPA governance approach categories and the 36 incentives that can be applied in these approaches.

The book(published 25 February 2014) describes this framework, its theoretical background and the details of its application to 20 MPA case studies around the world in much more detail. The book is available from(see seven reviews at this site) -purchase at 20% reduced price of £26 or US$42 using discount code DC361. Seeandfor more details on this book.

Building on the original 20 case studies, thehas since been applied to a further 30case studies, forming the basis for a comparative analysis of different governance approaches amongst 50 case studies,with 15 currently being written-up for a forthcoming special section of Marine Policy. The findings of the analyses of the 50case studies will be published in the near future. If you are interested in undertaking further case studies employing theas part of your academic (including masters, doctoral and post-doctoral) or vocational (MPA managers, etc) studies, please do contact

Other recent developments

  • Open Channelswebinar July 7 2021 -How to use diverse incentives to promote effective and equitable MPA governance: New case studies and practical guidance-
  • Marine Protected Areas: securing benefits for sustainable development - MPAG research is one of six highlights featured in UN Environment'sreport recently launched at the UN Environment Assembly, Nairobi, pp.35-46 of- "Ultimately, governing the oceans in a sustainable way could see Marine Protected Areas as a driver – not a limit – for the vital economic and social benefits that we derive from the global ocean"
  • MPAG findings and recommendations drawn on atWorkshopTowards Brazil's National Target 11 -The MPAG rationale and findings formed the basis of the opening presentation of the case studies session of this recent workshop (10-12 April 2018), organised by theand. This is part of Brazil's initiative to develop a white paper:Options for enhancing management of marine protected areas and other effective area-based conservation measures.The MPAG presentation included some recommendations for this new national MPA strategy, which can be found in the
  • atDialogue on the future of MPAs in the UK at the House of Lords
  • "The scientific case for Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) is now overwhelming. The bigger question is how can they be managed more effectively?"based on this bookand thefindings of a
  • Review published in: "The book draws upon an interesting range of examples from around the globe and it could attract a wide readership from amongst those interested in the management of MPAs from the perspective of national law...interesting use of case studies and examples could provide inspiration for anyone interested in designing or reviewing a management framework for a MPA within national jurisdiction."

  • at OECD workshop on Marine Spatial Planning (Lisbon 5 June 2015):This presentation looks at the evolutionary links between MPAs and MSP, and argues that integrated-use MSP is becoming a competitor to ecosystem-based MSP, including the marginalisation of MPAs. It considers the need for analyses of the effectiveness of MPAs in an EU context, employing the.

  • Invited contribution, based on the MPAG project, to commissioned book: pp.623-626 of ‘’ in(February 2015).Legacy document from the World Parks Congress.

  • Comment inNaturebased onas part of 'to-do list for the world's parks' -
  • reviewed by Nathan Bennett inConservation Biology- 'Governing marine protected areas in an interconnected and changing world'. His review raises the question of whether Bennett fully read and understood the book, see the review and my response in the comments(download and view with Adobe Acrobat Reader)
  • Comprehensive and positive: "This book does the rare thing of putting the social into the socio-ecology of protected areas and provides valuable insights into natural resource management in general... This is a very significant book providing clarity of structure, evidence and insight into the neglected area of social science and marine protected areas. This insight has a value way beyond MPAs, to marine conservation and environmental issues in general."
  • Interview inMPA Newsdrawing onbook -
  • briefly reviewed in: Barbara Kisernotes that MPAscover little more than 2% of the world's oceans despite an internationally agreed target of 10% by 2020. As many scientists have found, thousands of those that do exist are also little more than 'paper parks'. She adds: "Entering these choppy waters is geographer Peter Jones, who shows, through some 20 case studies, how and how not to govern MPAs effectively. Jones compellingly concludes that a diversity of incentives, from economic to social, is as essential as the diversity of the ecosystems MPAs are designed to protect."
  • questions arising from the case studies, and on related papers, issues, potential case studies, etc
  • Special Issue of the journalbased on MPAG research findings-Governing marine protected areas: towards social-ecological resilience through institutional diversity- includes introductory paper (and), synthesis paper (and) and 15 case study papers -,andversion
  • Naturenews featurediscusses some of the findings of this report. The editorial of this issue ofNaturediscusses this news feature:
  • Technical report published -Governing Marine Protected Areas: getting the balance right-Volume 1 Main Report-Volume 2 Case Study Reports(March 2011)

Next MPAG phase: global multiple case study analysis

The pilot phase of the marine protected area governance (MPAG) project, funded by, provided for the development and testing of an analytical framework for deconstructing governance in any given MPA.Funds are now being soughtto apply thisto a larger number of MPA case studies around the world, the target being 200 case studies. We have already undertaken a further 30case studies (in addition to the original 20 case studies) on an opportunistic basis with masters and doctoral students and enquiries from research students who are interested in applying theare most welcome.

These MPAG case studies will contribute to a qualitative multiple case study analysis which will assess theeffectivenessof MPA governance institutions in achieving biodiversity and resource conservation objectives, whilst addressingequityissues, with the aim of systematically analysing the different combinations of incentives that are effective in particular contexts, providing for the identification of 'good practice' in MPA governance, including the potential for the transferability of good practice to other MPAs. This will provide a vital resource for MPA managers as well as providing for comparisons of MPA effectiveness with the governance approach employed. Please contactDr Peter JS Jonesif you have any suggestions for funding or further case studies, including as part of your academic (including masters, doctoral and post-doctoral) or vocational (MPA managers, etc) studies.