
LMCB - Laboratory for Molecular Cell Biology

19 June

Yanlan Mao is awarded the Lister Institute 2018 Prize Fellowship

Lister Institute of Preventative Medicine logo

Congratulations to Yanlan Mao, awarded the2018 Lister Institute Prize Fellowship.

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Find outmore about Yanlan'sresearch.

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04 June

Yanlan Mao is awarded L’Oréal UNESCO For Women in Science Fellowship

L'oreal Unesco Women in Science fellowship winners 2018

Congratulations to Yanlan Mao, awarded theprestigious L’Oréal UNESCO For Women In Science Fellowship for her work on the biologybehind cell and tissue repair after injury.

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16 May

Multimodal imaging made easy with LEGO

Scientist using super resolution microscope
The Henriques Lab hasdeveloped a new bit of hardware called NanoJ-Fluidics (also known as Pumpy McPumpface in less formal occasions).

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14 May

Ewa Paluch elected EMBO Member

Newly appointed EMBO members  2019

Congratulations Ewa!


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30 April

Review by Franck Pichaud in Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience

Fluorescent photoreceptors in fruit fly eye

PAR-Complex and Crumbs Function During Photoreceptor Morphogenesis and Retinal Degeneration
Franck Pichaud, Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience,

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26 April

Tha Acton Lab is awarded a CRUK-UCL Centre Development Fund

Section of lymph node

Harnessing our immune system could lead to a future where cancer is curable and non-recurring. Many research approaches have focused towards this aim. The Acton Labhas described mechanisms controlling the physical expansion of lymph nodes, and therefore the scale of adaptive immune responses.

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17 April

Kasia Plak on her recent Nature Methods paper

Kasia Plak head shot
Congratulations to Dr. Katarzyna (Kasia) Plak from the Baum Labfor her new paper “” published in Nature Methods.

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11 April

Publication in Cancer Cell for Janos Kriston-Vizi and Robin Ketteler

Network of gene expression profiles in Canine Transmissible Venereal Tumour
New publication in Cancer Cell for Janos Kriston-Vizi and Robin Ketteler examinesthe molecular signature of canine tumour regression.
Reviewed in ScienceDaily .

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11 April

Alejandra Guzman-Herrera awarded the UCL Overseas Research Scholarship

Fluorescent images of Drosophila wing disc
Congratulations to Alejandra Guzman-Herrera of the Mao Lab, who has been awarded the UCL Overseas Research Scholarship.

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10 April

Jason Mercer tells the story behind the paper

Electron microscopy image of viruses
Jason Mercer and co-author (ETH Zurich) tell the story behind their recent paper in Nature Microbiology:

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