

LMCB - Laboratory for Molecular Cell Biology


New publication in Advances in Biological Regulation for Saiardi Lab

In their in Advances in Biological Regulation, the Saiardi Lab reveal an unforeseen complexity in the inositol pyrophosphate metabolism of the social amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum. In addition to the traditional IP6K and the PPIP5K enzymes, the amoeba possesses at least one additional protein responsible for inositol pyrophosphates synthesis. The authors believe that this novel metabolism is not an amoeba peculiarity, but a common feature present in other organisms too. Furthermore, their study uncouples the link between the IP6K and PPIP5K to inorganic polyphosphate (polyP) cellular levels, providing a different perspective to phosphate regulation by inositol pyrophosphates.

Article abstract:

Initial studies on the inositol phosphates metabolism were enabled by the social amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum. The abundant amount of inositol hexakisphosphate (IP6 also known as Phytic acid) present in the amoeba allowed the discovery of the more polar inositol pyrophosphates, IP7 and IP8, possessing one or two high energy phosphoanhydride bonds, respectively. Considering the contemporary growing interest in inositol pyrophosphates, it is surprising that in recent years D. discoideum, has contributed little to our understanding of their metabolism and function. This work fulfils this lacuna, by analysing the ip6k, ppip5kÌý²¹²Ô»åÌýip6k-ppip5Kamoeba null strains using PAGE, 13C-NMR and CE-MS analysis. Our study reveals an inositol pyrophosphate metabolism more complex than previously thought. The amoeba Ip6k synthesizes the 4/6-IP7 in contrast to the 5-IP7 isomer synthesized by the mammalian homologue. The amoeba Ppip5k synthesizes the same 1/3-IP7 as the mammalian enzyme. In D. discoideum, the ip6k strain possesses residual amounts of IP7. The residual IP7 is also present in the ip6k-ppip5K strain, while the ppip5ksingle mutant shows a decrease in both IP7 and IP8 levels. This phenotype is in contrast to the increase in IP7 observable in the yeast vip1Δ strain. The presence of IP8 in ppip5k and the presence of IP7 in ip6k-ppip5K indicate the existence of an additional inositol pyrophosphate synthesizing enzyme. Additionally, we investigated the existence of a metabolic relationship between inositol pyrophosphate synthesis and inorganic polyphosphate (polyP) metabolism as observed in yeast. These studies reveal that contrary to the yeast, Ip6k and Ppip5k do not control polyP cellular level in amoeba.