

LMCB - Laboratory for Molecular Cell Biology


Zeiss Axio Imager Widefield Fluorescence Microscope

Zeiss Axio Imager Widefield Fluorescence Microscope

  • Upright Zeiss Axio Imager microscope
  • Phase contrast
  • Fluorescence (blue, green, red and far red)
  • Cyan and yellow also fluorescence available
  • Cooled CCD camera for sensitivity

Zeiss AxioplanÌýWidefield Fluorescence Microscope

Zeiss Axioplan Widefield Fluorescence Microscope

  • Upright Zeiss Axioplan microscope
  • Differential interference contrast
  • Fluorescence (blue, green, red and far red)
  • Cooled CCD camera for sensitivity

Zeiss GFP1 Widefield Time-lapse Microscope

Zeiss GFP1 Widefield Time-lapse Microscope

  • Inverted Zeiss Axio Observer microscope
  • Phase contrast
  • Fluorescence (green, red and far red fluorophores)
  • Cyan and yellow fluorescence also available
  • Incubation chamber to maintain sample viability
  • Scientific CMOS camera for sensitivity, speed and field of view
  • Motorised stage
  • Zeiss Definite Focus for focus stability over time

Nikon GFP3 Widefield Time-lapse Microscope

Nikon GFP3 Widefield Time-lapse Microscope

  • Inverted Nikon Ti microscope
  • Phase contrast
  • Fluorescence (blue, green, red, far red, cyan and yellow fluorophores)
  • Incubation chamber to maintain sample viability
  • Scientific CMOS camera for sensitivity, speed and field of view
  • Motorised stage
  • Nikon Perfect Focus System for focus stability over time

Nikon GFP4 Widefield Time-lapse Microscope

Nikon GFP4 Widefield Time-lapse Microscope

  • Inverted Nikon Ti microscope
  • Differential interference contrast
  • Fluorescence (blue, green, red, far red, cyan and yellow fluorophores)
  • LED illumination and piezo focus for speed
  • Incubation chamber to maintain sample viability
  • Scientific CMOS camera for sensitivity, speed and field of view
  • Phasics SID4Bio interferometric camera for quantitative phase imaging
  • Motorised stage
  • Nikon Perfect Focus System for focus stability over time

Zeiss Multiphoton Microscope

Zeiss Multiphoton Microscope

  • Zeiss LSM 880 NLO
  • Inverted Axio Observer microscope
  • Visible laser lines from violet (405 nm) to red (633 nm)
  • Coherent Chameleon Vision II Titanium Sapphire laser tuneable from 680 nm to 1080 nm
  • Optical parametric oscillator extends range to 1340 nm
  • Incubation chamber to maintain sample viability
  • Piezo focus device for speed
  • Motorised stage
  • Airyscan super-resolution technology
  • Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy

Olympus Fluoview FV1200 Confocal Microscope

Olympus Fluoview FV1200 Confocal Microscope

  • Inverted Olympus IX83 microscope
  • Visible laser lines from violet (405 nm) to red (635 nm)
  • 30x and 63x silicon lens options for deep imaging in thicker biological specimens
  • SIM Scanner for simultaneous imaging and photo-bleaching or activation
  • 440 nm laser for exciting CFP
  • Pulsed 405 nm laser for photo-ablation in cells
  • Motorised stage
  • Stage-top incubation system and objective heater to maintain sample viability

Bio-Rad RadianceÌýConfocal Microscope

Bio-Rad Radiance Confocal Microscope

  • Bio-Rad Radiance 2100 confocal
  • Upright Nikon E800 microscope
  • Visible laser lines from indigo (458 nm) to red (637 nm)
  • Water dipping lenses for specimens immersed in aqueous media
  • GaAsP detectors for sensitivity

Leica SPE & SPE2 Confocal Microscopes

Leica SPE & SPE2 Confocal Microscopes

  • Leica TCS SPE confocals
  • Upright Leica DM2500 microscopes
  • Visible laser lines from violet (405 nm) to red (635 nm)
  • 532 nm laser for red emitting dyes
  • Ideally suited to imaging slides

Nikon NSTORM Super-resolution Microscope

Nikon NSTORM Super-resolution Microscope

  • Nikon NSTORM super-resolution system
  • Inverted Ti microscope
  • dSTORM and N-STORM capability
  • TIRF and widefield time-lapse possible
  • Andor EMCCD and sCMOS cameras
  • Incubation chamber to maintain sample viability
  • Motorised stage
  • Nikon Perfect Focus System for focus stability over time

Leica STEDÌýSuper-resolution Microscope

Leica STED Super-resolution Microscope

  • Leica gSTED super-resolution system
  • Inverted DMI6000 microscope
  • 592 nm depletion laser for super-resolution imaging of green specimens
  • Resonant scanner and Z Galvo focus for high speed imaging
  • Hybrid detectors for sensitivity and gated STED
  • White light laser for tuneable excitation
  • 405 nm laser for violet excitation
  • Motorised stage
  • Incubation chamber to maintain sample viability

Perkin Elmer Vox Super-resolution Microscope

Perkin Elmer Vox Super-resolution Microscope

  • Perkin Elmer Ultraview Vox spinning disc
  • Nikon Ti inverted microscope
  • Hamamatsu EMCCD camera for sensitivity
  • Visible lasers from violet (405 nm) to red (640 nm)
  • Photokinesis device for photo-bleaching and activation
  • Motorised stage
  • Nikon Perfect Focus System for stability over time
  • Incubation chamber to maintain sample viability