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Checklist for documents that must be included with application Completed application form Letter of confirmation from host laboratory Supporting documents from Head of Department (for postdoctoral applicants) Principal Supervisor (for PhD students) For PhD students letter from funding agency stating if stipend will continue to be paid or suspended for length of visit (the Committee would normally expect the stipend to continue to be paid). Failure to provide above documents will result in your application not being considered. APPLICATION FOR A BOGUE FELLOWSHIP Title Full name UCL Institute/DepartmentTelephone/mobile number UCL E-mail Title of current post Date of appointment or start date of PhDStart date of CRS (for PhD students)Date of termination of current funding/date of completion of PhDName of supervisor/lab headTitle of project Source of fundingName of HostAddress of Host LaboratoryDates of proposed visit (please allow sufficient time to obtain a visa before your proposed travel dates)From: To: Total duration: Total amount of funds requested (in sterling)Are you applying to attend a course? NB: Do not wait to hear if you have been accepted onto a course before applying for a Bogue. YES / NO* *delete as appropriateWill your visit involve living human participants and the collection and/or study of data derived from living human participants?YES / NO* [See justification section on form] *delete as appropriate.  CURRICULUM VITAE Education / Training Date DegreeSubjectUniversity/Institution Previous posts Date fromDate toJob TitleDepartmentUniversity/Institution Awards: Any other relevant information: Publications: Other sources of support for the visit obtained, applied for or to be applied for. If you are awaiting the outcome of an application, give the date of the expected outcome. Funding agency Amount requestedExpected date of decision Purpose of visit brief summary (max 250 words) emphasizing the general scientific question what you will do the potential for longer term collaboration and/or the transfer of knowledge back to UCL Lay Summary (max 200 words): this must summarise in lay language what the planned work entails and what relevance it has to your current research/PhD. Proposal Details: Not more than 1000 words (excluding references). For laboratory visits: explain the scientific question you plan to address and the methods that will be used. Indicate clearly how this will be used on your return to UCL. Please ensure that you explain clearly what you will do during your visit and why this is important in the context of your project. Remember that members of the panel may not always have specialist knowledge in your specific area of research. If you are applying to attend a course, explain how the course will benefit your work. Funding requested (in sterling): All funding requested should be included below requests for additional funding (eg to cover cost of visas, health insurance etc) received after a decision has been made will not be considered. Travel - InternationalTravel - InternalMaintenance 1 (15.00 per day x number of days) AccommodationVisa 2 Health Insurance 3Other: Total amount requested Notes: 1). Standard maintenance is 15 per day (applicants are expected to retain salary or stipend). Justification is needed if you wish to claim a higher rate of maintenance. 2) Please check you are applying for the correct visa. These can take a while to obtain, depending on when you wish to travel, so please make sure that your start date allows for this. 3) 911ill pay for travel insurance. However, in order to meet the health requirements for a visa, you may have to take out an additional policy. If this is the case, you should state this. For PhD students: has your visit been approved by your funding agency? Yes/No For visits of >3 weeks, please attach a letter of approval from your funding agency (for applicants on externally funded research grants or fellowships). Justification: (please note that i and ii can be ignored if you are applying only to attend a course). You are requested to give a full and clear justification for the costs that you request. the choice of lab to visit the time that you have chosen to spend there. Indicate the planned timetable of work during your visit. the costs of your travel the costs of accommodation and any other expenses whether you have considered the ethical implications of your research with your supervisor if the visit will involve living human participants and the collection and/or study of data derived from living human participants ( HYPERLINK "http://ethics.grad.ucl.ac.uk/" http://ethics.grad.ucl.ac.uk/ - in particular refer to our Research Ethics Pamphlet:  HYPERLINK "http://ethics.grad.ucl.ac.uk/forms/ucl-research-ethics.pdf" http://ethics.grad.ucl.ac.uk/forms/ucl-research-ethics.pdf Exemptions  HYPERLINK "http://ethics.grad.ucl.ac.uk/exemptions.php" http://ethics.grad.ucl.ac.uk/exemptions.php and our policy regarding Research Conducted Overseas:  HYPERLINK "http://ethics.grad.ucl.ac.uk/research-conducted-overseas.php" http://ethics.grad.ucl.ac.uk/research-conducted-overseas.php Give complete details of any other travel plans that you include References: Please provide letters of support from your current supervisor (for PhD students) your head of department (for postdoctoral applicants) A letter from the Head of the Host laboratory (laboratories) confirming that the project and arrangements proposed by the applicant are acceptable and giving details of any local funding that is supporting the visit. Note that applications cannot be considered without evidence that the receiving lab is willing to host your visit. I agree that, if I am successful with Bogue funding, the report following my trip may be published on relevant 911ebsites. I understand that I may also be contacted by the FLS Comms/Marketing Team * Please delete as appropriate. If you select No, please provide a reason why the report cannot be published.  YES* NO*  A major question that arises frequently when considering proposals is whether the time requested is appropriate for the work to be carried out - in some cases is it long enough? In others, is it too long? Please address this carefully and consider just how long you really need to achieve your aims.  While visits to explore aspects of the American culture are encouraged and supported, please bear in mind that funding is limited and so try to keep plans in proportion to the overall scale of your visit, both in terms of time and cost. It makes the most sense to keep your travel to areas close to the place of your laboratory visit.     PAGE  PAGE 1 University College London Gower Street London WC1E 6BT Tel: +44 (0)20 7679 3207 Fax: +44 (0)20 7813 0530 Email: m.duchen@ucl.ac.uk 356789@IVZ[\]ijkuv}宮֮垮偁qjh%CJOJQJUaJh%CJOJQJaJ hR2h0D0JCJOJQJaJjh0DCJOJQJUaJh0DCJOJQJaJ7jhA) h"6CJOJQJUaJmHnHsH uhA) hCJOJQJaJhA) h CJOJQJaJh_fCJOJQJaJ+578 % Q sssskdgd Od]O^`gdA|{Od]O^`gdOd]O^`gdnOd]O^`gd Od]O^`gd Od]O^`gdOd]O^`gd      ! 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