
Library Services


Documentary Materials about Russian, Central European, East European and Central Asian Cinema

Index to the documentary materials on Russian, Central European, East European and Central Asian Cinema held by UCL SSEES Library.

Plaque on Ulitsa brat´ev Vasil´evykh in St Petersburg. Photograph courtesy of Galina Maksimova.
Documentary materials on Russian, Central European, East European and Central Asian Cinema are listed here. They are listed by country and, for each country, generally and then alphabetically by individuals. The index also includes some feature films about the lives of individual film makers.

The Call numbers of the discs and tapes on which these films are held are given after the entries. Follow the link to retrieve full details.Timings for recordings include advertising breaks.

DVD language options

For DVD material the original language is indicated, together with brief details of the subtitle options. Many of the DVDs in the collection offer optional subtitles in a range of languages. For further information on these language options, follow the link.

Collection contents

Materials are listed under the following countries:

World Cinema Generally

  • A Story of Children and Film, directed by Mark Cousins, 2013, 101 minutes, in English
    Call number
  • The Story of Film. An Odyssey, directed by Mark Cousins, 2011, total running time 915 minutes, in English
    On 5 DVDs. Consisting of:
    • Disc 1:
      Birth of the Cinema (1895-1920)
      The Hollywood Dream (1920s)
      Expressionism, Impressionism, Surrealism (1920s)
      183 minutes
      Call number
    • Disc 2:
      The Arrival of Sound (1930s)
      Post-War Cinema (1940s)
      Sex and Melodrama (1950s)
      183 minutes
      Call number
    • Disc 3:
      European New Wave (1960s)
      New Directors, New Forms (1960s)
      American Cinema of the 70s
      183 minutes
      Call number
    • Disc 4:
      Movies to Change the World (1970s)
      The arrival of Multiplexes and Asian Mainstream (1970s)
      Fight the Power: Protest in Film (1980s)
      183 minutes
      Call number
    • Disc 5:
      New Boundaries: World Cinema in Africa, Asia, Latin America (1990s)
      New American Independents & the Digital Revolution (1990s)
      Cinema Today and the Future (2000s)
      183 minutes
      Call number

European Cinema Generally

Memorial to the cinematographer Andrei Moskvin outside the Lenfil´m studios in St Petersburg. Photograph courtesy of Galina Maksimova.
  • Cinema Europe: the Other Hollywood: Programme 1: Where it All Began, directed by David Gill and Kevin Brownlow; Programme 2: Art's Promised Land [Swedish cinema, 1910 - mid-1920s] directed by Michael Winterbottom and Dan Carter; Programme 3: The Unchained Camera [German cinema: Lubitsch, Lang, Pabst, Riefenstahl] directed by David Gill and Kevin Brownlow; BBC2, 1, 8 and 15 October 1995, 60 + 60 + 60 minutes
    Call number
  • Cinema Europe: the Other Hollywood: Programme 4: The Music of Light [French cinema of the 1920s] directed by David Gill and Kevin Brownlow; Programme 5: Opportunity Lost [The British Film Industry] directed by David Gill and Kevin Brownlow; Programme 6: End of an Era [The arrival of sound] directed by David Gill and Kevin Brownlow; BBC2, 22 and 29 October and 5 November 1995, 60 + 60 + 60 minutes
    Call number
  • East Side Story [a documentary about Soviet and East European Musicals] directed by Dana Ranga, Germany, 1996
    Call number76 minutes, in English with some German and Russian with English subtitles
    Call number53 minutes, in English with some German and Russian with English subtitles, version broadcast in Storyville, BBC2, 3 January 1998
  • Golovnaia bol´ gospodina Lium´era [M. Lumière's Headache] 2008, 38 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Hidden Hollywood. Jews, Movies and the American Dream [The Eastern European Jewish Movie Moguls in Hollywood] directed by Simcha Jacobovici, 1997; broadcast on Channel Four, 9 and 16 May 1998, 50 + 50 minutes
    Call number
  • The Last Machine [The History of Silent Cinema] directed by Richard Curson Smith, Programme 1: The Space and Time Machine; Programme 2: Real Lives; Programme 3: The Body Electric; BBC2, 7, 14 and 21 January 1995, 40 + 40 + 40 minutes
    Call number
  • The Last Machine [The History of Silent Cinema] directed by Richard Curson Smith, Programme 4: Tales from the City; Programme 5: The Waking Dream; BBC2, 28 January and 4 February 1995, 40 + 40 minutes
    Call number
  • 1927 - Great Escape [the role of cinema in people's lives] People'e Century, BBC2, 27 November 1995, 50 minutes
    Call number


HANEKE, Michael

  • 24 Wirklichkeiten in der Sekunde [24 Realities per Second] directed by Nina Kusturica, Eva Testor, 2004, 56½ minutes, in German with English subtitles
    Call number


  • Fragments of Kubelka, directed by Martina Kudláček, 2012, 233 minutes, in English
    Call numberԻ Call number

LAMARR, Hedy [Hedwig Kiesler]

  • Hedy Lamarr. Secrets of a Hollywood Star, 2005, directed by Donatello Dubini, Fosco Dubini and Barbara Obermaier, 85 minutes, in German and English with optional German and English subtitles
    Call number
  • Eric Root - Hollywood hairdresser, 2006, directed by Donatello Dubini, Fosco Dubini, Barbara Obermaier, 13 minutes, in English
    Call number
  • Bombshell. The Hedy Lamarr Story, directed by Alexandra Dean, 2017, 88 minutes, in English with optional English subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing and optional English audio description
    Call number


  • Von Sternberg till '29, a video essay by Tag Gallagher
    Call number34 minutes 56 seconds, in English (Blu ray disc)
    Call number35 minutes 1 second, in English
  • Josef von Sternberg, Salvation Hunter, 2016, directed by Janet Bergström, 32 minutes 31 seconds, in English with optional French and German subtitles
    Call number

See also undervon Sternbergin the Index of Central and East European Feature Films, and undervon Sternbergin the Index of Feature Films from other countries on Russian, Central and East European Subjects.


  • The Man You Loved to Hate, directed by Patrick Montgomery, 1979, 78 minutes, in English
    Call number

See alsofeature films by von Stroheim.


  • Report on Czech cinema, Moving Pictures, BBC2, 1995, 15 minutes
    Call number
  • 25 ze šedesátých, aneb Československá nová vlna [25 from the Sixties, or the Czechoslavak New Wave] 2010, 100 + 105 minutes, in Czech with optional English subtitles
    Call numbersԻ


  • Zlatá šedesátá. Ivan Balaďa [Golden Sixties. Ivan Balaďa] 2009, 57 minutes, in Czech with optional English subtitles
    Call number

BOČAN, Hynek

  • Zlatá šedesátá. Hynek Bočan [Golden Sixties. Hynek Bočan] 2009, 57 minutes, in Czech with optional English subtitles
    Call number


  • Cesta [Journey] directed by Jasmina Blaževič, 2004, in Czech with optional English subtitles
    Call number53 minutes
    Call number55 minutes (Blu ray disc)
  • Zlatá šedesátá. Věra Chytilová [Golden Sixties. Věra Chytilová] 2009, 57 minutes, in Czech with optional English subtitles
    Call number

DOHNAL, Meir Lubor

  • Zlatá šedesátá. Meir Lubor Dohnal [Golden Sixties. Meir Lubor Dohnal] 2009, 57 minutes, in Czech with optional English subtitles
    Call number


  • Miloš Forman interviewed by Peter Thompson, Australian Film, Television and Radio School, no date, 30 minutes, in English
    Call number
  • Chytilová versus Forman, an interview of Forman by Věra Chytilová during the filming of Ragtime, 1981, 84 minutes, in Czech, French and English with optional French subtitles
    Call number
  • Miloš Forman, directed by David Thompson, Omnibus, BBC1, 16 March 1997, 50 minutes
    Call number
  • Zlatá šedesátá. Miloš Forman [Golden Sixties. Miloš Forman] 2009, 57 minutes, in Czech with optional English subtitles
    Call number
  • American Tapestry, an interview with Miloš Forman, 2018 (2000), taken from Life as itis: Milos Forman on Milos Forman, 15 minutes 57 seconds, in English with optional French subtitles
    Call number
  • Life as it is: Miloš Forman on his Czech films, Part 1, directed by Robert Fischer, Fiction Factory, Robert Fischer Filmproduktion, Munich, 2018, the first part of an archival film-by-film interview with Forman, newly edited for this release with never-before-seen footage, 31 minutes 22 seconds, in English
    Call number(Blu ray disc)
  • Life as it is: Miloš Forman on his Czech films, Part 2,directed by Robert Fischer, Fiction Factory, Robert Fischer Filmproduktion, Munich, 2018, the second part of an archival film-by-film interview with Forman, newly edited for this release with never-before-seen footage, 26minutes 40seconds, in English
    Call number(Blu ray disc)

See alsofeature films by Forman


  • Zlatá šedesátá. Eduard Grečner [Golden Sixties. Eduard Grečner] 2009, 57 minutes, in Czech with optional English subtitles
    Call number

HANÁK, Dušan

  • Zlatá šedesátá. Dušan Hanák [Golden Sixties. Dušan Hanák] 2009, 57 minutes, in Czech with optional English subtitles
    Call number

HELGE, Ladislav

  • Zlatá šedesátá. Ladislav Helge [Golden Sixties. Ladislav Helge] 2009, 57 minutes, in Czech with optional English subtitles
    Call number

HERZ, Juraj

  • Interview with Juraj Herz, 2006, 75 minutes, audio and text in Czech only
    Call number
  • Zlatá šedesátá. Juraj Herz [Golden Sixties. Juraj Herz] 2009, 57 minutes, in Czech with optional English subtitles
    Call number


  • Zlatá šedesátá. Juraj Jakubisko [Golden Sixties. Juraj Jakubisko] 2009, 57 minutes, in Czech with optional English subtitles
    Call number

JASNÝ, Vojtěch

  • Zlatá šedesátá. Vojtěch Jasný [Golden Sixties. Vojtěch Jasný] 2009, 57 minutes, in Czech with optional English subtitles
    Call number


  • Klíč k určování trpaslíků aneb Poslední cesta Lemuela Gullivera [Der Schlüssel, um Zwerge zu definieren, oder Lemuel Gullivers Letzte Reise] [The Key to Determining Dwarfs, or Lemuel Gulliver's Last Journey] 2002, 58 minutes, in Czech with optional German, English and Czech subtitles
    Call number


  • Zlatá šedesátá. Jan Kačer [Golden Sixties. Jan Kačer] 2009, 57 minutes, in Czech with optional English subtitles
    Call number


  • Zlatá šedesátá. Igor Luther [Golden Sixties. Igor Luther] 2009, 57 minutes, in Czech with optional English subtitles
    Call number

MAHLER, Zděnek

  • Zlatá šedesátá. Zděnek Mahler [Golden Sixties. Zděnek Mahler] 2009, 57 minutes, in Czech with optional English subtitles
    Call number


  • Zlatá šedesátá. Albert Marenčin [Golden Sixties. Albert Marenčin] 2009, 57 minutes, in Czech with optional English subtitles
    Call number


  • Zlatá šedesátá. Jiří Menzel [Golden Sixties. Jiří Menzel] 2009, 57 minutes, in Czech with optional English subtitles
    Call number

MILOTA, Stanislav

  • Zlatá šedesátá. Stanislav Milota [Golden Sixties. Stanislav Milota ] 2009, 57 minutes, in Czech with optional English subtitles
    Call number


  • Extract from an interview with the directorJan Němec in the seriesZlatá šedesátá, 2009, 26 minutes 8 seconds, in Czech with optional English subtitles
    Call number(The Criterion Collection No. 969)
  • Zlatá šedesátá. Jan Němec [Golden Sixties. Jan Němec] 2009, 57 minutes, in Czech with optional English subtitles
    Call number


  • Zlatá šedesátá. Vít Olmer [Golden Sixties. Vít Olmer] 2009, 57 minutes, in Czech with optional English subtitles
    Call number

ONDŘÍČEK, Miroslav

  • Zlatá šedesátá. Miroslav Ondříček [Golden Sixties. Miroslav Ondříček] 2009, 57 minutes, in Czech with optional English subtitles
    Call number


  • Zlatá šedesátá. Ivan Passer [Golden Sixties. Ivan Passer] 2009, 57 minutes, in Czech with optional English subtitles
    Call number


  • Zlatá šedesátá. Jan Schmidt [Golden Sixties. Jan Schmidt] 2009, 57 minutes, in Czech with optional English subtitles
    Call number


  • GEN - Jan Špáta, Filmový dokumentarista [GEN - Jan Špáta, Documentarist] directed by Olga Sommerová, 1993, 15 minutes, in Czech with optional English subtitles
    Call number
  • Láska, kterou opouštím 1 [Love that I am Leaving Behind 1] directed by Jan Špáta, 1998, 59 minutes, in Czech with optional English subtitles
    Call number
  • Láska, kterou opouštím 2 [Love that I am Leaving Behind 2] directed by Jan Špáta, 1998, 59 minutes, in Czech with optional English subtitles
    Call number


  • The Cabinet of Jan Švankmajer, directed by Keith Griffiths, 1984, 57 minutes, in English
    Call number
  • Interview with Švankmajer on Czech television, directed by Ales Kisil, 2001, 9 minutes extract, in Czech with optional English subtitles
    Call number
  • Les Chimères des Švankmajer [The Švankmajers' Imaginings] directed by Bertrand Schmitt and Michel Leclerc, 2001, 58 minutes, in French and Czech with optional English subtitles
    Call number
  • Zlatá šedesátá. Jan Švankmajer [Golden Sixties. Jan Švankmajer] 2009, 57 minutes, in Czech with optional English subtitles
    Call number

UHER, Štefan

  • The Story of The Miraculous Virgin, directed and photographed by Ivan Ostrochovský, Slovak Film Institute, 2018, 24 minutes 6 seconds, in Slovak with optional English subtitles
    Call number(Blu ray disc)


  • Zlatá šedesátá. Karel Vachek [Golden Sixties. Karel Vachek] 2009, 57 minutes, in Czech with optional English subtitles
    Call number

VÁVRA, Otakar

  • Zlatá šedesátá. Otakar Vávra [Golden Sixties. Otakar Vávra] 2009, 57 minutes, in Czech with optional English subtitles
    Call number

VIHANOVÁ, Drahomíra

  • Zlatá šedesátá. Drahomíra Vihanová [Golden Sixties. Drahomíra Vihanová] 2009, 57 minutes, in Czech with optional English subtitles
    Call number

VLÁČIL, František

  • V síti času [In the Web of Time] directed by František Uldrich, 1989, 21 minutes, in Czech with optional English subtitles
    Call number
  • Sentiment, directed by Tomáš Hejtmánek, 2003, 71 minutes, in Czech with optional English subtitles
    Call number

ZEMAN, Karel

  • Filmovy dobrodruh Karel Zeman [Film Adventurer Karel Zeman] directed by Tomáš Hodan, 2015
    Call number98 minutes, English version, in Czech and English with English subtitles for the Czech
    Call number102 minutes, in Czech or in English (Blu ray disc)

Czech Republic


  • Jdenáct barev ptáčete. Dokument o filmu Nabarvené ptáče [11 Colour of the Bird. A Document about the film The Painted Bird] 2020, 125 minutes 31 seconds, in Czech with optional English subtitles
    Call number(Blu ray disc)


PÄRN, Priit

  • Priit Pärn in Tallinn, 2013, directed by Guillaume Calop and Tamaki Okamoto, 29 minutes, in English with optional French and Japanese subtitles
    Call number
  • A Night without the Pope, 2007, directed by Raphaël Gianelli-Meriano, 6 minutes 34 seconds, in English with optional French and Japanese subtitles
    Call number


General Films on Finnish Cinema

  • Religion, Pleasure and Punishment: The Portrayal of Witches in Nordic Cinema, 2019, an audio essay by Amy Simmons, in Finnish with optional English subtitles
    Call number22 minutes 23 seconds(Blu ray disc)
    Call number22 minutes 22 seconds (DVD)


General Films on German Cinema

  • Deutschland Erwache [Germany Awake!] (A documentary about the Nazis' use of film as propaganda), directed by Erwin Leiser, 1968, 86 minutes, in German with optional English subtitles and with (non-removable) 2006 English-language narration
    Call number
  • Verbotene Filme. Das verdrängte Erbe des Nazi-Kinos [Forbidden Films. The repressed legacy of Nazi cinema] directed by Felix Moeller, 2013, 94 minutes, in German with some French and Hebrew with optional English subtitles
    Call number
  • Von Caligari zu Hitler: Das deutsche Kino im Zeitalter der Massen [From Caligari to Hitler. German Cinema in the Age of the Masses] directed by Rüdiger Suchsland, 2014, 114 minutes, in German with optional German, English, Hebrew, Italian and Spanish subtitles and with optional German subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing
    Call number
  • Hitlers Hollywood. Das deutsche Kino im Zeitalter der Propaganda 1933-1945 [Hitler's Hollywood. German Film in the Age of Propaganda 1933-1945] directed by Rüdiger Suchsland, 2017, 101 minutes, in German with optional English subtitles, optional German subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing and optional German audio-description
    Call number

Individual German Directors, Actors etc.


  • Zeitzeugengespräch Jürgen Böttcher (Ausschnitte) [Eyewitness Interview: Jürgen Böttcher (Extracts)] (extracts about his early film studies and his documentaries)directed by Katrin Teubner and Ferdinand Teubner, 2015, 25 minutes, in German with optional English and French subtitles
    Call number
  • Zeitzeugengespräch Jürgen Böttcher (Ausschnitte) [Eyewitness Interview: Jürgen Böttcher (Extracts)] (extract about Jahrgang 45)directed by Katrin Teubner and Ferdinand Teubner, 2015, 21 minutes, in German with optional English and French subtitles
    Call number
  • Der Maler und FilmemacherJürgen Böttcher - Strawalde [The Painter and Film-MakerJürgen Böttcher] director: Hans-Peter Dürhager, 2004, 13 minutes, in German with optional Engliah and French voiceover and narration
    Call number

See also documentary films by Jürgen Böttcher,a feature filmby Jürgen BöttcherԻ a film aboutJürgen Böttcher's work as a painter in the Other Arts index.

FASSBINDER, Rainer Werner

  • Zhelanie posmotret´ fil´m Rainera Vernera Fassbindera [The Desire to Watch a Rainer Werner Fassbinder Film] directed by Aleksandr Dulerain and Sergei Koriagin, 1993, 21 minutes, in Russian and German with English subtitles
    Call number


  • Lohengrin popelt... [Lohengrin's Picking His Nose...] directed by Peter Voss, 1988, 44 minutes, in German with optional English subtitles
    Call number

HARLAN, Thomas

  • Notre Nazi [Our Nazi], directed by Robert Kramer, 1984, 114 minutes, in French with some German with optional German andEnglish subtitles
    Call number
  • Thomas Harlan. Wandersplitter [Thomas Harlan. Moving Shrapnel] directed byChristoph Hübner, 2006, 96 minutes, in German with optional English subtitles
    Call number
  • Am Ararat. Dezember 2004 [On Mount Ararat. December 2004] directed by Christoph Hübner, 2007, 15 minutes 21 seconds,in German with optional Englishsubtitles
    Call number
  • Anmerkungen zum Roman 'Heldenfriedhof' [Notes to the Novel Heroes' Cemetery]directed by Christoph Hübner, 2007, 19 minutes, in German with optional English subtitles
    Call number
  • Biografische Angaben [Biographical Information] directed byChristoph Hübner, 2007, 1 minute 12 seconds, German text with optional English subtitles
    Call number
  • Der Film 'Souvenance'. Haiti 1988-1990 [The Film Souvenance. Haiti 1988-1990] directed by Christoph Hübner, 2007, 24 minutes, in German with optional English subtitles
    Call number
  • Der Film 'Torre Bela'. Portugal 1975 [The Film Torre Bella. Portugal 1975] directed byChristoph Hübner, 2007, 37 minutes, in German and Portuguese with optional English subtitles
    Call number
  • Der Film "Wundkanal" [The Film "Gun Wound"] directed by Christoph Hübner, 2007
    Call number34minutes, in German with optionalEnglish and French subtitles
    Call number33minutes 20 seconds, in German with optionalEnglish subtitles
  • Die Organigramme. Notizen aus vier Jahrzehnten [The Organigrams. Notes from Four Decades]directed by Christoph Hübner, 2007, 3 minutes 27 seconds, in German with optional English subtitles
    Call number
  • Reise nach Kulmhof / 'Rosa'. Polen 1981 [Trip to Chelmno / 'Rosa'. Poland 1981] directed byChristoph Hübner, 2007, 27 minutes, in German with optional English subtitles
    Call number
  • Über Wandersplitter [About Moving Shrapnel] directed byChristoph Hübner, 2006, 6 minutes, in German with optional English subtitles
    Call number


  • Harlan. Im Schatten von Jud Süss [Harlan. In the Shadow of Jew Suss] directed by Felix Moeller, 2008, 99 minutes, in German with some French and Italian, with optional German and English subtitles
    Call number


  • 'Falk Harnack. A Stubborn German Conscience', an interview with Anne Nelson, the author ofRed Orchestra, 2009, 31 minutes, in English
    Call number

JUTZI, Piel (Phil)

  • Postscriptum. Vetschau, 1975. Erinnerungen an einen Film (Postscript. Vetschau, 1975. Memories of a Film), an interview with Irmgard Dräwe, 1975, 25 minutes 4 seconds, in German with optional English and Polish subtitles
    Call number

KLUGE, Alexander

  • Interview about Veit Harlan and German culture, 2009, 48 minutes, in German with optional English subtitles
    Call number

LANG, Fritz

  • Zum Beispiel Fritz Lang [Fritz Lang For Example] 1968, 21 minutes, in German with optional English subtitles
    Call number(Blu ray disc)
    Call number(ٳն)
  • Das Erbe der Nibelungen [The Heritage of Die Nibelungen] directed by Guido Altendorf and Anke Wilkening, 2011, 71 minutes, in German with optional English subtitles
    Call number
  • Spione - "Ein kleiner Film, aber mit viel Action" [Spione - "A Small Film but with a lot of Action] directed by Guido Altendorf and Anke Wilkening, 2012, 72 minutes, in German with optional English subtitles
    Call number(Blu ray disc)

LORRE, Peter

  • Das doppelte Gesicht Peter Lorre [The Double Face of Peter Lorre] directed by Harun Farocki, 1984, 61 minutes 18 seconds, in German with optional English subtitles
    Call number(Blu ray disc)


  • Masterclass with Sergueï Loznitsa, Festival Planète+Doc, Poland, May 2013, extract, 29 minutes, in Polish and Russian with English and optional French subtitles
    Call number
  • 'La Fabrique des sons', Masterclass of Sergei Loznitsa at the Centre Pompidou, 10 June 2018, 33 minutes 32 seconds, in Russian with French translation by Joël Chapron
    Call number

See also underEast European documentaries, Germany section;Russian documentaries; andEast European feature films, Germany section.


  • Ernst Lubitsch in Berlin - Von der Schönhauser Allee nach Hollywood [Ernst Lubitsch in Berlin: From Schönhauser Allee to Hollywood] 2006, 109 minutes, in English and German with optional English subtitles for the German
    Call number
  • Lubitsch le patron, directed by Jean-Jacques Bernard, 2010, 53 minutes, in French with optional English subtitles
    Call number

MURNAU, Friedrich Wilhelm

  • Der letzte Mann - Das "Making Of" [The Last Laugh - the "Making of"] directed by Luciano Berriatúa, 2003, in German with optional English subtitles
    Call number41 minutes
    Call number40 minutes 34 seconds (Blu ray disc)
  • Die Sprache der Schatten. Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau und seine Filme [The Language of the Shadows: Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau and His Films] directed by Luciano Berriatúa, 2007,31 minute version, in German with optional English subtitles
    Call number
    Call number(Blu ray disc)
  • Die Sprache der Schatten. Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau und seine Filme ([The Language of the Shadows: Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau and His Films] directed by Luciano Berriatúa, 2007,53 minute version, in German with optional English subtitles
    Call number
  • What will you be tomorrow?, a video essay by David Cairns, 2016, 16 minutes 37 seconds, in English
    Call number(Blu ray disc)
  • Musik für Murnau. Rekonstruktion und Neuvertonung eines vergessenen Films [Music for Murnau. Reconstruction and Rescoring of a Forgotten Film] 2018, 30 minutes, in German with optional English and French subtitles
    Call number
  • Tartüff, der verschollene Film [Tartuffe - The Lost Film] directed by Luciano Berriatúa, year not indicated
    Call number41 minutes, in German or Spanish with optional English, French, and Portuguese subtitles titles
    Call number41 minutes 20 seconds, in German with optional English subtitles (Blu ray disc)

OPHÜLS, Max (Maximillian Oppenheimer)

  • MaxOphüls singt Das Lied der Lola Montez [MaxOphüls sings The Song of Lola Montez] 1955, 2 minutes 28 seconds, in German (audio only)
    Call number
  • MaxOphüls: Gedanken über Film - Eine Improvisation [MaxOphüls: Thoughts about Film - An Improvisation] directed by Ulrich Lautenbach, 1956, 62 minutes,in German (audio only)
    Call number
  • MaxOphüls - Den schönen guten Waren[MaxOphüls - To the Beautiful, Truthful Goods] directed by Martina Müller, 1990, 90 minutes, in German with some French with German voiceover and with optional English subtitles
    Call number
  • Lola Montez - Versionen und Fassungen [Lola Montez - Versions] 2016, 29 minutes, in German
    Call number

PABST, Georg Wilhelm

  • Pabst wieder sehen [See You Again, Pabst] 1997, 20 minutes, in German and French with optional German and English subtitles
    (a film about the reconstruction ofDie freudlose Gasse)
    Call number
  • Erinerrungen von Regieassisten Mark Sorkin [Memories of the Assistant Director Mark Sorkin] 49 minutes, German audio only
    Call number
  • Das Seelenhaus. Michael Pabst über G.W. Pabsts "Der Schatz" [The Soul House. Michael Pabst on G.W. Pabst'sThe Treasure] 2007, 40 minutes, in German without subtitles
    Call number
  • Der andere Blick [The Other Eye] 1991, revised DVD version 2009, 111 minutes, in German, English, Czech and French with optional German and English subtitles
    Call number


  • Die Macht der Bilder - Leni Riefenstahl [The Wonderful Horrible Life of Leni Riefenstahl], directed by Ray Müller, 1993, in German with English subtitles and with English narration
    Call number181 minutes
    Call number188 minutes (Blu ray disc)


  • Walther Ruttmann - Der Visionär bewegter Rhythmen [Walther Ruttmann - The Visionary Moves Rhythms] 1987, 85 minutes, in German (a radio feature)
    Call number


  • Weekend am Wannsee [Weekend at the Wannsee] directed by Gerald Koll, 2000, 31 minutes 10 seconds, in German with optional English subtitles
    Call number(Blu ray disc)

ULMER, Edgar G.

  • Weekend am Wannsee [Weekend at the Wannsee] directed by Gerald Koll, 2000, 31 minutes 10 seconds, in German with optional English subtitles
    Call number(Blu ray disc)

WICKI, Bernhard

  • Verstörung - und eine Art von Poesie. Die Filmlegende Bernhard Wicki [Against the Grain with a Kind of Poetry. The Film Legend Bernhard Wicki] directed by Elisabeth Wicki-Endriss, 2007, 120 minutes, in German with English subtitles
    Call number


GAÁL, István

  • Az adaptáció magasiskolája. Mészöly és Gaál [The High School of Adaptation. Mészöly and Gaál] (Gábor Gelencsér discusses the film) 2013, 25 minutes 24 seconds, in Hungarian with optional English subtitles
    Call number

JANCSÓ, Miklós

  • Kamerával Kosztromában [In Kostroma with a Camera] Werkfilm, 1967, directed by Zsolt Kézdi-Kovács, 12 minutes 36 seconds, in Hungarian and Russian with optional English subtitles
    Call number
  • Szovjet-magyar koproduckió. A Csillagosok katonák születésc [A Soviet - Hungarian Co-production. How The Red and The White was Born] 2011, directed by Iván Forgács, 52 minutes, in Hungarian and Russian with optional Hungarian, English and Russian subtitles
    Call number
  • A hosszú snitt alakulásai (The Evolution of the Long Shot), MaNDA, 2014, the cinematographer János Kende in conversation with Eszter Fazekas, 29 minutes 22 seconds, in Hungarian with optional English subtitles
    Call number

See alsofeature films by Jancsóin the Index of Central and East European Feature Films, anddocumentary films by Jancsóin the Index of Documentaries on Central and East European Subjects: History, Politics, Current Events.


  • Janovics Jenő, a magyar Pathé [Jenő Janovics, the Hungarian Pathé] directed by Bálint Zágori, 2011, 63 minutes, in Hungarian with optional English subtitles
    Call number

KELETI, Márton

  • A Mágnás Miska története [The History of Mágnás Miska, also known as Tycoon Mickey] 2011, 27 minutes, in Hungarian with optional English subtitles
    Call number

KÓSA, Ferenc

  • Őrizd az embert. Portréfilm Kósa Ferenc filmrendezőről [Guard the Man. A Film Portrait of the Film DirectorFerencKósa] 2017, 52 minutes, in Hungarian
    Call number

KOVÁCS, András

  • Eltiport hitek - Kovács András a filmről és az ötvenes évekről [Suppressed Beliefs - András Kovács on the film and the 50s] 2016, 45 minutes, in Hungarian
    Call number


  • Interview with Márta Mészáros, 2009, 25 minutes, in Hungarian with optional English subtitles
    Call number

SOÓS, Imre

  • Soós Imre, directed by Pál Gábor, Mafilm Híradó és Dokumentumfilm Stúdió, 1974, 17 minutes 54 seconds, in Hungarian without subtitles
    Call number


  • Vallomások Várkonyiról [Confessions about Várkonyi] directed by János Lestár, 1986, 21 minutes 38 seconds, in Hungarian with optional English subtitles
    Call number


General Films on Kazakh Cinema

  • Souvenir de Vague. La Nouvelle Vague kazakhe par ceux qui l'ont fait [Memory of the Wave. The Kazakh New Wave by Those Who Made It] directed by Eugénie Zvonkine, 2016, 44 minutes 25 seconds, in Russian with French subtitles and with French narration
    Call number(Blu ray disc)
    Call number(ٳն)

Individual Kazakh Directors, Actors etc.


  • Souvenir de Vague. La Nouvelle Vague kazakhe par ceux qui l'ont fait [Memory of the Wave. The Kazakh New Wave by Those Who Made It] directed by Eugénie Zvonkine, 2016, 44 minutes 25 seconds, in Russian with French subtitles and with French narration
    Call number(Blu ray disc)
    Call number(ٳն)


  • Souvenir de Vague. La Nouvelle Vague kazakhe par ceux qui l'ont fait [Memory of the Wave. The Kazakh New Wave by Those Who Made It] directed by Eugénie Zvonkine, 2016, 44 minutes 25 seconds, in Russian with French subtitles and with French narration
    Call number(Blu ray disc)
    Call number(ٳն)


  • Zakrytyi pokaz. Igla. Remix (2010) [Private View. The Needle. Remix (2010)] 2011, 7 + approx. 80 + 53 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Souvenir de Vague. La Nouvelle Vague kazakhe par ceux qui l'ont fait [Memory of the Wave. The Kazakh New Wave by Those Who Made It] directed by Eugénie Zvonkine, 2016, 44 minutes 25 seconds, in Russian with French subtitles and with French narration
    Call number(Blu ray disc)
    Call number(ٳն)


  • Souvenir de Vague. La Nouvelle Vague kazakhe par ceux qui l'ont fait [Memory of the Wave. The Kazakh New Wave by Those Who Made It] directed by Eugénie Zvonkine, 2016, 44 minutes 25 seconds, in Russian with French subtitles and with French narration
    Call number(Blu ray disc)
    Call number(ٳն)


  • Nikto ne khotel zabyvat´. Budraitis, Banionis i drugie... [No One Wanted to Forget. Budraitis, Banionis and Others...] 2009, 45 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Nikto ne khotel zabyvat´. Budraitis, Banionis i drugie... [No One Wanted to Forget. Budraitis, Banionis and Others...] 2009, 45 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

Individual Lithuanian Directors, Actors etc.

BARTAS, Šarūnas

  • Sharunas Bartas, An Army of One, directed by Guillaume Coudray, 2010, 51 minutes, in French, English, Russian and Lithuanian with optional French, English and Lithuanian subtitles
    Call number


General Films on Polish Cinema

  • Anatomiia liubvi. Eva, Pola i Beata [Anatomy of Love. Ewa, Pola and Beata] 2011, 46 minutes, in Russian
    A film about the appearances in Russian films of the Polish actresses Beata Tyskiewicz, Pola Raksa and Ewa Szykulska.
    Call number
  • Filmowy przewodnik po Warszawie [A Film Guide to Warsaw] 2007, no overall timing supplied, in Polish
    Call number(A DVD consisting of extracts from feature films set in Warsaw)
  • From Ashes to Diamonds to Ashes, directed by Thomas Bag-Malinowski, Channel Four, 1991, 50 minutes
    Call number
  • 100 years of Polish Cinema [100 lat w kinie] directed by Pawel Lozinski 1996, 61 minutes; BFI Academy Video, 1999, in Polish with English subtitles
    Call number

Individual Polish Directors, Actors etc.


  • The Guardian Interview: Krzysztof Kieslowski, an onstage conversation with Derek Malcolm at London's National Film Theatre on 2 April 1990 to mark the British premiere ofDekalog, 93 minutes, in English
    Call number(Blu ray disc) and Call number
  • The Ten Commandments of Krzysztof Kieślowski, BBC2, Arena, 4 May 1990, 55 minutes
    Call number
  • Kieślowski - Dialogue [Conversation with Kieślowski], 1991, 52 minutes
    Call numberin Polish with optional French or English subtitles
    Call numberin Polish with optional English subtitles
  • A Short film about Dekalog: an interview with Kieślowski, 1995, 46 minutes, in Polish with optional English subtitles
    Call number
  • Interview with Irène Jacob, 2005, 17 minutes, in French with optional English subtitles
    Call number
    Call number
  • '1966-1988, Kieślowski, Polish filmmaker', directed by Luc Lagier, 2005, 31 minutes, in French with optional English subtitles
    Call number
    Call number
  • Still Alive, directed by Maria Zmarz-Kocanowicz, 2005, 82 minutes, in various languages with optional English subtitles
    Call number(Blu ray disc) and Call number
  • New video interview with the cinematographer, Slawomir Idziak, 2006, 24 minutes, in Polish with optional English subtitles
    Call number
  • New video interview with the composer, Zbigniew Preisner, 2006, 21 minutes, in Polish with optional English subtitles
    Call number
  • Dekalog: An Appreciation by Tony Rayns, 2016, 78 minutes, in English
    Call number(Blu ray disc) and Call number
  • KKTV. Krzysztof Kieślowski in the 1970s (Michael Brooke discusses Kieślowski's TV films), 2016, 75 minutes, in English
    Call number(Blu ray disc) and Call number

See alsofeature films by Kieślowski.

KUTZ, Kazimierz

  • Śląska opowieść [The Silesian Tale] directed by Stanisław Janicki, 1974, 27 minutes, in Polish with optional English subtitles
    Call number

LATAŁŁO, Stanisław

  • Sład [A Trace] directed by Marcin Latałło, 1996, 26 minutes
    Call numberin Polish with optional Polish and English subtitles
    Call numberin Polish with English subtitles


  • Interview with Marcel Łoziński, 2005, 68 minutes, Polish audio with Czech text
    Call number


  • A British Horror Film, 2003, 24 minutes
    Call number
  • A Ticket to the West, 2003, 30½ minutes
    Call number
  • Two Gangsters and an Island, 2003, 23½ minutes
    Call number
  • Roman Polanski. Wanted and Desired, directed by Marina Zenovich, 2008, 96 minutes, in English
    Call number
  • Roman Polanski. A Film Memoir, 2011, 90 minutes, in English
    Call number

PORĘBA, Bohdan

  • Obronić Polskość [Defending Polishness] 2011, 200 minutes, in Polish
    Call number


  • Anatomiia liubvi. Eva, Pola i Beata [Anatomy of Love. Ewa, Pola and Beata] 2011, 46 minutes, in Russian
    A film about the appearances in Russian films of the Polish actresses Beata Tyskiewicz, Pola Raksa and Ewa Szykulska.
    Call number


  • Starting Out: The Making of Jerzy Skolimowski'sDeep End, 2011, 74 minutes, in English
    Call number(Blu ray disc)
    Call number(ٳն)


  • Anatomiia liubvi. Eva, Pola i Beata [Anatomy of Love. Ewa, Pola and Beata] 2011, 46 minutes, in Russian
    A film about the appearances in Russian films of the Polish actresses Beata Tyskiewicz, Pola Raksa and Ewa Szykulska.
    Call number


  • Anatomiia liubvi. Eva, Pola i Beata [Anatomy of Love. Ewa, Pola and Beata] 2011, 46 minutes, in Russian
    A film about the appearances in Russian films of the Polish actresses Beata Tyskiewicz, Pola Raksa and Ewa Szykulska.
    Call number

WAJDA, Andrzej

  • Interview with Andrzej Wajda aboutAshes and Diamonds, 25 minutes, in Polish with English subtitles
    Call number(Blu ray disc)
    Call number(ٳն)

ZANUSSI, Krzysztof

  • Zakrytyi pokaz. Serce na dłoni (2008) [Zakrytyi pokaz. Serdtse na ladoni (2008)] [Private View. And a Warm Heart (2008)] 2013, 5½ + 96 + 52 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


JUDE, Radu

  • Interview with Radu Jude, London, October 2018, 25 minutes 54 seconds, in English
    Call number

PUIU, Cristi

  • Interview with Cristi Puiu, 18 minutes 20 seconds, in English
    Call number

Russia, The Soviet Union

General Films on Russian Cinema

  • America Made in Russia. A film collage directed by Oksana Bulgakova, 2000, 65 minutes, in English
    Call number
  • Anatomiia liubvi. Eva, Pola i Beata [Anatomy of Love. Ewa, Pola and Beata] 2011, 46 minutes, in Russian
    A film about the appearances in Russian films of the Polish actresses Beata Tyskiewicz, Pola Raksa and Ewa Szykulska.
    Call number
  • Animating Shakespeare, produced by Jeff Morgan, BBC2, 2 November 1992, 30 minutes
    Call number
    Call number
  • The Arts and Glasnost: 1. Cinema, directed by Daisy Godwin, Omnibus, BBC1, 1987, 60 minutes
    Call number
    Call number
  • Bitva za tsvet. Kino [The Battle for Colour. The Cinema] 2010, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Dekoratsiia dlia zhizni [A Set for Life] 2003, 25 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Deshevo i serdito. "Mordashka" i drugie... [Cheap and Angry. "Mordashka" and Others...] 2011, 44 minutes, in Russian
    (A film about the co-operative cinema movement of the late 1980s and 1990s)
    Call number
  • Dokumental´naia kamera. Gosfil´mofond Rossii: shag v budushchee [Documentary Camera. The Russian State Film Archive: a Step into the Future] 2008, 38 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Domu kino - 70 [The House of Cinema is 70] 2004, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • The Factory of Gestures. Body Language in Film, a film by Oksana Bulgakowa, 2008, 159 minutes, in English or in Russian
    Call number
  • From the Woods to the Cosmos, John Leman Riley on the history of Soviet Fantasy and Sci-Fi Film, 2019, 34 minutes 45 seconds, in English
    Call number
  • Frontovoe kino. Neprivychnyi vzgliad [The Cinema of the Front. An Unaccustomed View] 2004, Parts 1-3, 26 + 26 + 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Glavnyi indeets strany Sovetov. Goiko Mitich [The Chief Indian of the Country of the Soviets. Gojko Mitić] 2008, in Russian, 44 minutes
    Call number
  • "I stal zvuk" [And There Was Sound] producer Sergei Levin, Kino-zhurnal, NTV, Nashe kino, 18 August 2000, 25 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Immaterial Bodies. A Cultural Analysis of Early Russian Films, author Yuri Tsivian, contains over 100 film clips (55 minutes), 75 minutes of analysis and commentary by Yuri Tsivian in Russian or English, 125 pages of additional bilingual commentary, ten possible pathways
    Call number
  • Istoriia kinonachal´nikov, ili Stroiteli i perestroishchiki. 60-e gody: "Ottepel´", ili Tainye strategii obnovleniia [The Story of the Film Bosses, or Builders and Re-builders. The 1960s: 'The Thaw', or the Secret Strategies of Renewal] 2011, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Istoriia kinonachal´nikov, ili Stroiteli i perestroishchiki. 70-e gody: Zolotoi vek "zastoia": Filipp Ermash i Vladimir Baskakov [The Story of the Film Bosses, or Builders and Re-builders. The 1970s: The Golden Age of the "Stagnation": Filipp Ermash and Vladimir Baskakov] 2011, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Istoriia kinonachal´nikov, ili Stroiteli i perestroishchiki. 80-e: Gibel´ imperii Filippa Ermasha [The Story of the Film Bosses, or Builders and Re-builders. The 1980s: The Fall of Filipp Ermash's Empire] 2011, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Istoriia kinonachal´nikov, ili Stroiteli i perestroishchiki. 90-e: Peremena uchasti [The Story of the Film Bosses, or Builders and Re-builders. The 90s: A Change of Fate] 2011, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Istoriia stereokino v Rossii [The Story of Stereo Cinema in Russia] 2013, 38 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Kak Stalin snimal kino. Fil´m pervyi [How Stalin Made Films. Film 1] 2003, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
    Call numberlacks start
  • Kak Stalin snimal kino. Fil´m vtoroi [How Stalin Made Films. Film 2] 2003, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Kino i Stalin [Cinema and Stalin] directed by Iurii Zanin, 2007, 89 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Kino nemoe i zriachee [Silent and Sighted Cinema] directed by Igor´ Morozov, 2008, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Kinodvizhenie [Film Movement] programme of 30 June 2004, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Kinokadry reshaiut vse [The Film Cadres (Shots) Decide Everything] a documentary to mark the 50th anniversary of the Moscow Film Festival, 2009, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Kinokontsert. Vam pesnia posviashchaetsia, ili snova Karnaval´naia noch´ [Kinoconcert. The Song is Dedicated to You, or Again Carnival Night] 1983, 55 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Kino-moda [Film Fashion] NTV Nashe kino, 7 March 2001, 19 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Kinoperestroika, directed by Peter Adam, Arena, BBC2, 18 May 1990, 60 minutes
    Call numberԻ Call number
  • Kinotavr 22. Torzhestvennaia tseremoniia otkrytiia XXII kinofestivalia "Kinotavr" [Kinotavr 22. The Solemn Ceremony of the Opening of the XXII Kinotavr Film Festival] 2011, 58 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Kinotavr 22. Torzhestvennaia tseremoniia zakrytiia XXII kinofestivalia "Kinotavr" [The Solemn Ceremony of the Closing of the XXII Kinotavr Film Festival] 2011, 58 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Kinotavr 24. Torzhestvennaia tseremoniia otkrytiia XXIV kinofestivalia "Kinotavr" [Kinotavr 24. The Solemn Ceremony of the Opening of the XXIV Kinotavr Festival] 2013, 59 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Kinotavr 25. Torzhestvennaia tseremoniia zakrytiia XXV kinofestivalia "Kinotavr" [Kinotavr 25. The Solemn Ceremony of the Closing of the XXV Kinotavr Film Festival] 2014, 63 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Kinovoiny po-sovetski [Film Wars, Soviet Style] a film about co-productions with western companies in the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s, 2011, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Liubimoe kino Stalina [Stalin's Favourite Films] directed by Valerii Naumov, 1996, 51 + 51 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Liubimye pesni nashego kino 1 [Favourite Songs of Our Cinema, 1] 2001, 50 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Liubimye pesni nashego kino 2 [Favourite Songs of Our Cinema, 2] 2001, 53 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Malen´kie giganty bol´shogo kino [The Little Giants of Big Cinema] 2011, 60 minutes, in Russian
    (A film looking at the contributions of actors in supporting roles)
    Call number
  • Molodoe kino. Vysshie kursy rezhisserov i stsenaristov, 1984, 90 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Mosfil´m: rozhdenie legendy [Mosfil´m: Birth of the Legend] 2014, 111 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Moskovskii chrezvychainyi sokrushitel´nyi. Vneocherednoi chrezvychainys s´´ezd Soiuza kinematografistov Rossii. Moskva 30-31 marta, Gostinyi dvor [The Moscow, Extraordinary, Shattering. The Special, Extraordinary Congress of the Union of Film-Makers of Russia. Moscow, 30-31 March, Gostinyi dvor] 2009, 157 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Na podmostkakh voiny [On the Boards of War] Film 3. On Soviet cinema in evacuation during wartime, 2010, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Na podmostkakh voiny [On the Boards of War] Film 4. On the wartime collaboration between the Soviet and American film industries; on wartime documentary filming, 2010, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • NIKA-10. Itogi kinematograficheskogo goda [The Tenth Annual Nika Film Awards ceremony. Awards for 1996] Russian Television, 20 April 1997, 180 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • NIKA-11. Itogi kinematograficheskogo goda [The Eleventh Annual Nika Film Awards ceremony. Awards for 1997] Russian Television, 26 April 1998, 212 minutes, in Russian, increasing distortion on picture
    Call number
  • NIKA-16. Torzhestvennaia tseremoniia vrucheniia Natsional´noi Kinematograficheskoi Premii "Nika" [The Sixteenth Annual Nika Film Awards ceremony. Awards for 2002] NTV-Mir, 19 April 2003, 187 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • NIKA-17. Torzhestvennaia tseremoniia vrucheniia Natsional´noi Kinematograficheskoi Premii "Nika" [The Seventeenth Annual Nika Film Awards ceremony. Awards for 2003] 2004, 187 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • NIKA-25. XXV iubileinaia torzhestvennaia tseremoniia vrucheniia Natsional´noi Kinematograficheskoi Premii "Nika" [The Twenty-Fifth Solemn Jubilee Nika Film Awards ceremony. Awards for 2011] 2012, 123 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Obrechennye na "Oskar" [Doomed to an Oscar] 2011, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Okhota na L´va [Hunting Lev] 2011, 26 + 26 + 26 + 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Pesni nashego kino [The Songs of our Cinema] 2011, 55 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Pestraia lenta. Agent SSSR [The Speckled Band. Agent of the USSR] [about Soviet spy films] 2004, 45 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Pestraia lenta. "Vozhdi v kino" [The Speckled Band. "Leaders in Film"] 2004, 46 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Piat´ vecherov [Five Evenings] [about the treatment of World War Two in Soviet and Russian cinema] 2005, 45 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Pro dobroe staroe kino [About the Good Old Cinema] 2013, 54 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Russkaia ideia [The Russian Idea] directed by Sergei Sel´ianov, 1995, 51 minutes; BFI Academy Video, 1999, in Russian with English subtitles
    Call number
  • Russkie v Gollivude. Mify "fabriki zvezd" [The Russians in Hollywood. Myths of the "Dream Factory"] 2009, 64 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • The Soviet New Wave of the 1950s and 1960s, 1992, 22 minutes, in English with some Russian with English subtitles
    Call number
  • Stalin. Eine Mosfilm Produktion [Includes interviews with Mikhail Iampol´skii, Naum Kleiman, Grigorii Mar´iamov and others] West Deutsche Rundfunk, 8 March 1993, 90 minutes, in German
    Call number
    Call number
  • The Stars' Caravan [A travelling film projectionist in contemporary Kyrgyzstan] directed by Arto Halonen, 2000, 54 minutes, in Kyrgyz and Russian with optional English subtitles
    Call number
  • Svetlyi put´. Vek kino. Kino do kino [The Radiant Path. A Century of Cinema. Cinema Before Cinema] NTV, Nashe kino, 27 October 2000, 5 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Svetlyi put´. Vek kino. 1895 [The Radiant Path. A Century of Cinema. 1895] NTV, Nashe kino, 11 November 2000, 7 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Svetlyi put´. Vek kino. 1896 [The Radiant Path. A Century of Cinema. 1896] NTV, Nashe kino, 25 November 2000, 8 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Svetlyi put´. Vek kino. 1897 [The Radiant Path. A Century of Cinema. 1897] NTV-Plius Nashe kino, 9 December 2000, 8 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Svetlyi put´. Vek kino. 1898 [The Radiant Path. A Century of Cinema. 1898] NTV, Nashe kino, 22 December 2000, 11 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Svetlyi put´. Vek kino. 1899 [The Radiant Path. A Century of Cinema. 1899] NTV, Nashe kino, 12 January 2001, 9 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Svetlyi put´. Vek kino. 1900 [The Radiant Path. A Century of Cinema. 1900] NTV, Nashe kino, 26 January 2001, 10 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Svetlyi put´. Vek kino. 1901 [The Radiant Path. A Century of Cinema. 1901] NTV, Nashe kino, 9 February 2001, 9 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Svetlyi put´. Vek kino. 1902 [The Radiant Path. A Century of Cinema. 1902] NTV, Nashe kino, 23 February 2001, 10 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Svetlyi put´. Vek kino. 1903 [The Radiant Path. A Century of Cinema. 1903] NTV, Nashe kino, 9 March 2001, 11 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Svetlyi put´. Vek kino. 1904 [The Radiant Path. A Century of Cinema. 1904] NTV, Nashe kino, 30 March 2001, 10 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Svetlyi put´. Vek kino. 1905 [The Radiant Path. A Century of Cinema. 1905] NTV, Nashe kino, 13 April 2001, 11 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Svetlyi put´. Vek kino. 1906 [The Radiant Path. A Century of Cinema. 1906] NTV, Nashe kino, 11 May 2001, 11 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Svetlyi put´. Vek kino. 1907 [The Radiant Path. A Century of Cinema. 1907] NTV, Nashe kino, 25 May 2001, 10 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Svetlyi put´. Vek kino. 1908 [The Radiant Path. A Century of Cinema. 1908] NTV, Nashe kino, 8 June 2001, 10 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
    Call number
  • Svetlyi put´. Vek kino. 1909 [The Radiant Path. A Century of Cinema. 1909] NTV, Nashe kino, 7 July 2001, 10 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Svetlyi put´. Vek kino. 1910 [The Radiant Path. A Century of Cinema. 1910] NTV, Nashe kino, 21 July 2001, 9 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Svetlyi put´. Vek kino. 1911 [The Radiant Path. A Century of Cinema. 1911] NTV, Nashe kino, 29 September 2001, 12 minutes [lacks end], in Russian
    Call number
  • Trofeinoe kino [Trophy Cinema] [Julien Duvivier. Tales of Manhattan. 1942] 2001, 30 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Trofeinoe kino [Trophy Cinema] [Robert Z. Leonard. Maytime. 1937] 2001, 28 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • L'utopie des images de la révolution russe [The Utopia of Images of the French Revolution] [The Russian Revolution Through its Films] directed by Emmanuel Hamon, 2017
    Call number88 minutes, in French without subtitles (Blu ray disc)
    Call number88 minutes, in French without subtitles (DVD)
  • Vspomnim, tovarishch! [Let Us Remember, Comrade!] directed by Iosif Kheifits, 1986, 81 minutes, in Russian
    Call number[a film about Lenfil´m Studios]
  • Vstrechi N. Khrushcheva s intelligentsiei v 1962 i 1963 [The Meetings of Nikita Khrushchev and the intelligentsia in 1962 and 1963] presented by Oleg Shklovskii, Kak eto bylo, Russian television, ORT, 11 September 1999, 40 minutes, in Russian [among the contributors is the film director Vladimir Naumov]
    Call number
  • Women in Soviet Cinema: "I am an ox, I am a horse, I am a man, I am a woman" [Interviews with Kira Muratova, Lana Gogoberidze, Nataliia Riazantseva, Inna Churikova, Nonna Mordiukova and Maiia Turovskaia] directed by Sally Potter, Women Call the Shots, Channel Four, 9 April 1990, 50 minutes
    Call number
    Call number
    Call number
  • Zhenskaia rol´ [A Woman's role] directed by IvanDykhovichnyi, 1995, 50 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Zhizn´ prekrasna. Kinoesse k 55-letiiu Pobedy [Life is Beautiful. A Film Essay for the Fifty Fifth Anniversary of the Victory] film made by Nina Dymshits, Valentina Vikhliaeva, Andrei Eremin and others, NTV, Nashe kino, 9 May 2000, 26 minutes, in Russian [contains interviews with Petr Todorovskii, Sergei Ursuliak and Marlen Khutsiev]
    Call number
  • Zolotoi orel 1. Tseremoniia vrucheniia premii "Zolotoi orel" Natsional´noi Kinoakademii Rossii [The ceremony of the award of the "Golden Eagle" prize of the National Film Academy of Russia. Awards for 2002] 2003, 180 minutes,lacks ending, in Russian
    Call number
  • Zolotoi orel 5. Rossiiskaia natsional´naia kinopremiia Zolotoi orel za 2006 [The Russian National Film Prize the Golden Eagle for 2006] 2007, 131 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Zolotoi orel 6. Tseremoniia vrucheniia natsional´noi premii v oblasti kinematografii Zolotoi Orel [The Golden Eagle 6. The Ceremony of the Award of the Golden Eagle National Prize in the Sphere of Cinema for 2007] 2008, 104 minutes held,lacks ending, in Russian
    Call number
  • Zolotoi orel 7. VII Torzhestvennaia tseremoniia vrucheniia natsional´noi premii v oblasti kinematografii Zolotoi Orel [The Golden Eagle 7. The Seventh Solemn Ceremony of the Award of the Golden Eagle National Prize in the Sphere of Cinema] 2009, 170 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Zolotoi orel 8. VIII Torzhestvennaia tseremoniia vrucheniia natsional´noi premii v oblasti kinematografii Zolotoi Orel [The Golden Eagle 8. The Eighth Solemn Ceremony of the Award of the Golden Eagle National Prize in the Sphere of Cinema] 2010, 155 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Zolotoi orel 9. IX Torzhestvennaia tseremoniia vrucheniia natsional´noi premii v oblasti kinematografii Zolotoi Orel [The Golden Eagle 9. The Ninth Solemn Ceremony of the Award of the Golden Eagle National Prize in the Sphere of Cinema] 2011, 150 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Zolotoi orel 11. XI Torzhestvennaia tseremoniia vrucheniia natsional´noi premii v oblasti kinematografii Zolotoi Orel [The Golden Eagle 11. The Eleventh Solemn Ceremony of the Award of the Golden Eagle National Prize in the Sphere of Cinema] 2013, 147 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Zolotoi orel 12. XII Torzhestvennaia tseremoniia vrucheniia natsional´noi premii v oblasti kinematografii Zolotoi Orel [The Golden Eagle 12. The Twelfth Solemn Ceremony of the Award of the Golden Eagle National Prize in the Sphere of Cinema] 2014, 150 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Zvezdnye gody Lenfil´ma [The Starry Years of Lenfilm] issue about the beginnings of cinema in St Petersburg / Leningrad and the director Aleksandr Panteleev, 2001, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Zvezdnye gody Lenfil´ma [The Starry Years of Lenfilm] issue about the coming of sound cinema in Russia and on Grigorii Kozintsev and Leonid Trauberg's filmOdna, 2002, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
    Call number
    Call number
  • Zvezdnye gody Lenfil´ma [The Starry Years of Lenfilm] issue about early Soviet children's films, including the early films of Nikolai Lebedev and Antoninina Kudriavtseva'sLenochkafilms, 2003, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
    Call number

Individual Russian Directors, Actors etc.



  • Belaia studiia. Vadim Abdrashitov [The White Studio. Vadim Abdrashitov] 2012, 38 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Monolog v chetyrekh chastiakh. Vadim Abdrashitov [A Monologue in Four Parts. Vadim Abdrashitov] 2012, 26 + 26 + 26 + 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

ABDULOV, Aleksandr

  • Moe kino, 1994, 30 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Vozvrashchenie domoi. Aleksandr Abdulov. Fergana [Return Home. Aleksandr Abdulov. Fergana] 2003, 41 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Monolog. Aleksandr Abdulov. [A Monologue. Aleksandr Abdulov] 2003, 35 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Sasha Abdulov. Narodnyi artist [Sasha Abdulov. A People's Artist] 2010, 26 + 26 + 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number(Parts 1, 3 and 4 only)


  • Pokaianie Tengiza Abuladze [Repentance of Tengiz Abuladze] 2011, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Obratnaia tochka. Prikhodi na menia posmotret´ [Reverse Point. Come and Look at Me] NTV, Nashe kino, 20 January 2001, 20 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Epizody. Polina Agureeva [Episodes. Polina Agureeva] 2007, 38 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

AKHADOV, Valerii

  • Obratnaia tochka. Zhenshchin obizhat´ ne rekomenduetsia [Reverse Point. Offending Women is not Recommended] NTV, Nashe kino, 13 October 2000, 20 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Epizody. Liia Akhedzhakova [Episodes. Liia Akhedzhakova] 2002, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Peresechenie parallelei [Intersection of Parallels] directed by Oleg Kosolapov, 2001, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • V poiskakh utrachennogo: Petr Aleinikov, Russian Television, Channel One, 6 December 1995, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Petr Aleinikov. Nepravil´nyi geroi [Petr Aleinikov. An Incorrect Hero] 2008, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Liubov´ Orlova, directed by Grigorii Aleksandrov and Elena Mikhailova, 1983, 84 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • East Side Story [Soviet and East European Musicals] directed by Dana Ranga, Germany, 1996
    Call numbercommercial version, 76 minutes
    Call numberversion broadcast in Storyville, BBC2, 3 January 1998, 55 minutes
  • Krasnyi smekh [Red Laughter] 2007, 58 minutes, in Russian
    Call number(aboutVeselye rebiata)
  • Veselye rebiata. Artisty i nadzirateli [The Happy Guys. Actors and Overseers] 2011, 58 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • + interv´iu. Vera Alentova [Plus Interview. Vera Alentova] producer Sergei Levin, NTV, Nashe kino, 19 February 2002, 22 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Liubov´ i slezy Very Alentovoi [The Love and Tears of Vera Alentova] 2007, 52 minutes, in Russian
    Call number; lacks start
  • Vladimir Men´shov. Do i posle "Oskara" [Vladimir Men´shov. Before and After the Oscar] 2009, 55 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

ALEXEÏEFF, Alexandre [Aleksandr Alekseev]

  • A propos de Jivago [About Zhivago], 1960, 8 minutes
    Call number
  • L'Écran d'épingles [Pinscreen] 1973, 39 minutes
    Call number
  • Le Paysagiste [Mindscape] 1976, 7 minutes 30 seconds
    Call number
  • Alexeïeff et Claire Parker réalisant "Trois Thèmes" [Alexeieff and Claire Parker making "Three Moods"] 1980, 1 minute 12 seconds
    Call number
  • Russkie bez Rossii. Russkii frantsuz Aleksandr Alekseev [Russians without Russia. The Russian Frenchman Aleksandr Alekseev] 2010, 52 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

ALOV, Aleksandr

  • Mosfil´mu 70. 'Mir vkhodiashchemu' [Mosfil´m is 70. 'Peace to Him Who Enters'] 1993, 17 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Vladimir Naumov, Armen Dzhigarkhanian o s´´emkakh fil´ma [Vladimir Naumov, Armen Dzhigarkhanian on the making of the film Tegeran-43] 2004, 40 minutes
    Call number


  • Boris Andreev. Pervaia liubov´, film made by Elena Bukanova and others, 1999, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Bezumie Borisa Andreeva [The Madness of Boris Andreev] 2005, 45 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Moi serebrianyi shar. Boris Andreev [My Silver Globe. Boris Andreev] 2008, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Shpionskie strasti. Chto ostalos´ za kadrom [Spying Passions. What Was Left Outside the Shot] 2012, 44 minutes, in Russian
    (A film about the making of the filmShpionfrom Boris Akunin's novelShpionskii roman)
    Call number


  • Oleg Anofriev. Mezhdu proshlym i budushchim [Oleg Anofriev. Between the Past and the Future] 2010, 58 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Vozvrashchenie domoi. Irina Apeksimova. Odessa [Return Home. Irina Apeksimova. Odessa] 2004, 38 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

ARININA, Liudmila

  • Vechernii svet. Liudmila Arinina [The Evening Light. Liudmila Arinina] 2008, 38 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Drugoi, directed by Oleg Kosolapov, 2001, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Zakrytyi pokaz. Moi muzh - genii (2008) [Private View. My Husband is a Genius (2008)] 2008, 8 + 111 + 73 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

ARKUS, Liubov´

  • Zakrytyi pokaz. Anton tut riadom (2012) [Private View. Anton's Right Here (2012)] 2013, 9½ + 110 + 62 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Zvezdnye gody Lenfil´ma [The Starry Years of Lenfilm] issue about Leo Arnshtam and his filmPodrugi, 2003, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
    Call number


  • Comrades, Programme 12, Dinara Asanova, BBC, 2 February 1986
    Call number
  • Dinara, directed by Viktor Titov, 1988, 70 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Dinara Asanova, 2003, 38 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Zvezdnye gody Lenfil´ma [The Starry Years of Lenfilm] issue about Dinara Asanova's filmܻDZ´ھԻ Savva Kulish's filmMertvyi sezon, 2004, 38 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

See alsofeature films by Asanova.

ASKOL´DOV, Aleksandr

  • Nonna Mordiukova. Ia vspominaiu... [Nonna Mordiukova. I Remember...] 2003, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Liniia zhizni. Aleksandr Askol´dov [Life Line. Aleksandr Askol´dov] 2012, 52 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Legendy mirovogo kino. Mikhail Astangov [Legends of World Cinema. Mikhail Astangov] year not given, 25 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Liniia zhizni. Dmitrii Astrakhan [Life Line. Dmitrii Astrakhan] 2007, 52 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

ATANESIAN, Aleksandr

  • Obratnaia tochka. 24 chasa [Reverse Point. 24 Hours] NTV, Nashe kino, 11 November 2000
    Call number


  • Il´ia Averbakh. Obratnaia tochka [Il´ia Averbakh. Reverse Point] 2003, 43 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
    Call number
    Call number
  • Zvezdnye gody Lenfil´ma [The Starry Years of Lenfilm] issue about Il´ia Averbakh's filmStepen´ riska, Aleksei German's filmSed´moi sputnikԻ Vitalii Mel´nikov's filmNachal´nik Chukotki, 2004, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
    Call number


  • Legendy mirovogo kino. Boris Babochkin [Legends of World Cinema. Boris Babochkin] 2006, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Zakrytyi pokaz. Shul´tes (2008) [Private View. Shul´tes (2008)] 2008, 6 + 99 + 67 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Zakrytyi pokaz. Okhotnik (2011) [Private View. The Hunter (2011)] 2013, 6½ + 120 + 56 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Kak snimalsia Brat-2, directed by Vladimir Nepevnyi and Tobin Ober, STV, 2000
    Call number55 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
    Call number60 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
  • Dekoratsiia dlia zhizni [A Set for Life] 2003, 25 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Zakrytyi pokaz. Kochegar (2010) [Private View. The Stoker (2010)] 2011, 7 + 84 + 53 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Zakrytyi pokaz. Raiskie ptitsy (2008) [Private View. Birds of Paradise (2008)] 2012, 6 + 94 + 55 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

BAL´TSER, Ruslan

  • Kinodvizhenie [Film Movement], programme of 30 June 2004, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Master iz malen´kogo goroda [A Master from a Small Town] a film about Donatas Banionis, dir N Orlov, no date, 10 minutes
    Call numberin Russian with optional Russian and English subtitles
    Call number(Blu ray disc) in Russian with optional English subtitles
  • Drugie miry Donatasa Banionisa [The Other Worlds of Donatas Banionis] 2004, 28 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Kak snimalas´ Chucha [How Choo-Choo was Filmed] 1997, 29 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Kak snimalsia "Gadkii utenok"[How "The Ugly Duckling"was Filmed] 1997, 13 minutes 12 seconds, in Russian
    Call number
  • Belaia studiia. Garri Bardin [The White Studio. Garri Bardin] 2012, 38 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Razvedka. Versiia dlia kino. "Podvig razvedchika" [Reconnaissance. A Version for Cinema. "The Scout's Exploit"] 2003, 32 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Bol´she, chem liubov´. Kinoroman Eleny Kuz´minoi [More than Love. The Film Romance of Elena Kuz´mina] 2007, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Negromkoe kino Borisa Barneta [The Quiet Cinema of Boris Barnet] 2007, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number(soundtrack inaudible for the first 12 minutes)
    Call number

BARSKII, Vladimir

  • Okhota na L´va [Hunting Lev] 2011, Part 2, 26 minutes, in Russian
    (on his filmKazaki)
    Call number


  • Kinodvizhenie [Film Movement] programme of 16 February 2004 [an interview with the actor], 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Oleg Basilashvili. Master [Oleg Basilashvili. The Master] 2009, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

BASKAKOV, Vladimir

  • Istoriia kinonachal´nikov, ili Stroiteli i perestroishchiki. 70-e gody: Zolotoi vek "zastoia": Filipp Ermash i Vladimir Baskakov [The Story of the Film Bosses, or Builders and Re-builders. The 1970s: The Golden Age of the "Stagnation": Filipp Ermash and Vladimir Baskakov] 2011, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

BATALOV, Aleksei

  • Aleksei Batalov, presenter Sati Spivakova, 2003, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Portret so spiny [A Portrait from the Back] 2003, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
    Call number
  • Zvezdnye gody Lenfil´ma [The Starry Years of Lenfil´m] issue about Iosif Kheifits's films of the 1950s with Aleksei Batalov,Bol´shaia sem´ia,Delo Rumiantseva,Dorogoi moi chelovekԻDama s sobachkoi, 2004, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
    Call number
  • Aleksei Batalov. Sud´ba i remeslo [Aleksei Batalov. Fate and Craft] 2008, 52 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Aleksandr Beliavskii. Uiti, ne proshchaias´! [Aleksandr Beliavskii. Leaving without Saying Goodbye!] 2012, 52 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Natal´ia Belokhvostikova i Vladimir Naumov. Dvukh sudeb liniia odna [Natal´ia Belokhvostikova and Vladimir Naumov. The One Line of Two Fates] 2010, 52 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

BELOV, Iurii

  • Legendy mirovogo kino. Iurii Belov [Legends of World Cinema. Iurii Belov] 2006, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • + interv´iu. Valentina Berezutskaia [Plus-Interview. Valentina Berezutskaia] NTV, Nashe kino, 27 July 2001, 21 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • V poiskakh utrachennogo: Mark Bernes, Russian Television, Channel One, 18 July 1995, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Otechestvennye legendy. Mark Bernes, Russian Television, Channel One, 19 September 1996, 18 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Serebrianyi shar. Mark Bernes [The Silver Globe. Mark Bernes] 2003, 35 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Mark Bernes. "I nadeius´, chto eto vzaimno" [Mark Bernes. "And I hope that it's Mutual] 2006, 54 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Legendy mirovogo kino. Mark Bernes [Legends of World Cinema. Mark Bernes] 2007, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Muzhskoi razgovor. Mark Bernes [A Man to Man Conversation. Mark Bernes] 2007, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Kumiry. Mark Bernes. Ne tol´ko o liubvi... [Idols. Mark Bernes. Not Just about Love...] 2008, 56 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Mark Bernes. "Ia rasskazhu vam pesniu..." [Mark Bernes. "I'll Tell You a Song..."] 2009, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Mark Bernes. 'My zamolkaem, gliadia v nebesa...' [Mark Bernes. 'We Fall Silent, Looking into the Heavens...'] 2011, 58 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Vozvrashchenie domoi. Sergei Bezrukov. Moskva [Return Home. Sergei Bezrukov. Moscow] 2003, 47 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Ironiia sud´by Sergeia Bezrukova [The Irony of Fate of Sergei Bezrukov] 2009, 58 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Zvezdnye gody Lenfil´ma [The Starry Years of Lenfilm] issue about films of the late 1940s, 1950s and 1960s about the Second World War, Aleksandr Ivanov'sZvezda and Soldaty, Vladimir Motyl´'sZhenia,Zhenechka i "katiusha", Naum Birman'sKhronika pikiruiushchego bombardirovshchikaԻ Viktor Tregubovich'sNa voine kak na voine, 2004, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Poka vse doma. Igor´ Bochkin [While Everyone's at Home. Igor´ Bochkin] 1998, 28 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

BODROV, Sergei Sergeevich

  • Poslednie 24 chasa. Sergei Bodrov [The Last Twenty Four Hours. Sergei Bodrov] 2006, 54 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
    Call number
  • Sergei Bodrov. Kavkazskii plennik [Sergei Bodrov. The Prisoner of the Caucasus] 2006, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
    Call number
  • Karmadon. 10 let spustia [Karmadon. 10 Years Later] 2012, 52 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Sergei Bodrov. Gde ty, brat? [Sergei Bodrov. Where are You, Brother?] 2012, 57 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

BODROV, Sergei Vladimirovich

  • Okhota na L´va [Hunting Lev] 2011, Part 4, 26 minutes, in Russian
    (on his filmKavkazskii plennik)
    Call number


  • Chtoby pomnili: glava 16: Iurii (Bogatyrev) [To Remember. Chapter 16: Iurii (Bogatyrev)] 1995, 41 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Chtoby pomnili: Iurii (Bogatyrev) Nedoskazannoe [To Remember. Iurii (Bogatyrev)] What Was Not Completely Said] 1995, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Ostrova. Iurii Bogatyrev [Islands. Iurii Bogatyrev] 2007, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Moi drug Andrei Boltnev [My Friend Andrei Boltnev] 2011, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • 9 rota. Poslednii prizyv [Company 9. The Last Call-Up] 2006, 53 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Vstrechi na Soliarise. Natal´ia Bondarchuk [Meetings on Solaris. Natal´ia Bondarchuk] 2010, 26 + 26 + 26 + 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • 'Sergei Bondarchuk', directed by B. Karpov, 1982, 58 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Bol´shie roditeli. Sergei Bondarchuk [Big Parents. Sergei Bondarchuk] 2003, 30 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Moi serebrianyi shar. Sergei Bondarchuk [My Silver Globe. Sergei Bondarchuk] 2006, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Oni srazhalis´ za Rodinu. Fil´m o fil´me [They Fought for the Motherland. A film about the film] 2009, 46 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Smysl zhizni - sama zhizn´ [The Meaning of Life is Life Itself] 2010, 55 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Okhota na L´va [Hunting Lev] 2011, Part 3, 26 minutes, in Russian
    (on his filmVoina i mir)
    Call number


  • Pestraia lenta. Planeta Borisov [The Speckled Band. Planet Borisov] 2004, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Mesto vstrechi. Ivan Bortnik [The Meeting Place. Ivan Bortnik] 2006, 46 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Leonid Bronevoi. Akter ponevole [Leonid Broneovi. An Actor in Spite of Himself] 2003, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Leonid Bronevoi. Pod kolpakom u Miullera [Leonid Bronevoi. Under Müller's Cap] 2008, 54 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Aleksei Buldakov. "Ny, vy, blin, daete!" [Aleksei Buldakov. "Well, You're Quite Damned Something!"] 2011, 56 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Malen´kie giganty bol´shogo kino [The Little Giants of Big Cinema] 2011, 60 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Chtoby pomnili: glava 34: Maiia, Russian Television, Channel One, 16 June 1997, 38 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Maiia Bulgakova. Ne rodis´ krasivoi... [Maiia Bulgakova... Don't Be Born Beautiful] 2006, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

BURKOV, Georgii

  • Dvoinaia zhizn´ Georgiia Burkova [The Double Life of Georgii Burkov] 2005, 70 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Moi serebrianyi shar. Georgii Burkov [My Silver Globe. Georgii Burkov] 2005, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Ironiia sud´by Georgiia Burkova [The Irony of the Fate of Georgii Burkov] 2008, 55 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Georgii Burkov. Ironichnyi Don Kikhot [Georgii Burkov. An Ironical Don Quixote] 2013, 56 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Kolokol Nikolaia Burliaeva [Nikolai Burliaev's Bell] 2006, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Liniia zhizni. Nikolai Burliaev [Lifeline. Nikolai Burliaev] 2008, 52 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Kinodvizhenie [Film Movement], programme of 30 June 2004, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Zakrytyi pokaz. Korotkoe zamykanie (2009) [Private View. Short Circuit (2009] 2010, 5 + 95 + 50 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Vladimir Vysotskii. Tak, ostav´te nenuzhnye spory... [Vladimir Vysotskii. So, Leave Unnecessary Arguments...] 2011, 53 minutes, in Russian
    (A film about Petr Buslov's filmVysotskii. Spasibo, chto zhivoi)
    Call number


  • Zakrytyi pokaz. Plius odin (2008) [Private View. Plus One (2008)] 2008, 5 + 97 + 68 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

BYKOV, Iurii

  • Zakrytyi pokaz. Zhit´ (2010) [Private View. To Live (2010)] 2011, 6½ + 72 + 52 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

BYKOV, Leonid

  • Chtoby pomnili: glava 20: Leonid, Russian Television, Channel One, 28 February 1996, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Documentary about Bykov, 19 minutes, in Russian without subtitles, narrated by Irina Rozhdestvenskaia
    Call number
  • Leonid Bykov. Na poslednem dykhanii [Leonid Bykov. At the Last Breath] 2005, 45 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Poslednie 24 chasa. Leonid Bykov [The Last Twenty Four Hours. Leonid Bykov] 2008, 56 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

See alsofeature films by Bykov.

BYKOV, Rolan

  • Neistovyi Rolan [Rolan the Furious] 2009, 43 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Rolan Bykov: "Ia vas, durakov, ne broshu..." [Rolan Bykov: 'I Won't Abandon You, You Fools...'] 2011, 53 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Elina Bystritskaia. Kogda zvezdy byli iarkimi [Elina Bystritskaia. When the Stars Were Bright] 2003, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Elina Bystritskaia. Serdtse krasavitsy [Elina Bystritskaia. The Heart of a Beauty] 2008, 56 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Kinodvizhenie [Film Movement] programme of 16 February 2004 [about Kazanskii/Chebotarev film Chelovek-amfibiia], 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • V poiskakh utrachennogo. Nikolai Cherkasov [In Search of What is Lost. Nikolai Cherkasov] 1997, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Ivan Groznyi s dushoi Don Kikhota. Nikolai Cherkasov [Ivan the Terrible with the Soul of Don Quixote. Nikolai Cherkasov] 2008, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Zvezdnye gody Lenfil´ma [The Starry Years of Lenfilm] issue about "The Traditionalists", Aleksandr Ivanovskii, Pavel Petrov-Bytov and Evgenii Cherviakov, 2001, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
    Call number
    Call number
  • Propavshie litsa [Lost People] 2011, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Bol´she, chem liubov´. Tsvetenie roz i granatovogo dereva [More than Love. The Flowering of Roses and the Pomegranate Tree] 2007, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • V poiskakh utrachennogo. Boris Chirkov [In Search of What is Lost. Boris Chirkov] date not given, 41 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Bol´shie roditeli. Boris Chirkov [Big Parents. Boris Chirkov] 2002, 30 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Patriarkh gruzinskogo kino. Tvorcheskii vecher Rezo Chkheidze [The Patriarch of Georgian Cinema. A Creative Evening with Rezo Chkheidze] 2007, 52 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

CHUKHRAI, Grigorii

  • Kino - moia zhizn´ [Cinema is my Life] A film about Grigorii Chukhrai in the series Zhizn´ zamechatel´nykh liudei [The Life of Remarkable People] 2001, 28 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Grigorii Chukhrai. Vernost´ pamiati soldata [Grigorii Chukhrai. Loyalty to the Memory of the Soldier] 2006, 68 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • + interv´iu. Pavel Chukhrai [Plus Interview. Pavel Chukhrai] NTV, Nashe kino, 22 May 2001, in Russian
    Call number
  • Ostrova. Pavel Chukhrai [Islands. Pavel Chukhrai] 2007, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Monolog v chetyrekh chastiakh. Pavel Chukhrai [A Monologue in Four Parts. Pavel Chukhrai] 2008, 26 + 26 + 26 + 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Women in Soviet Cinema: "I am an ox, I am a horse, I am a man, I am a woman" [Interviews with Kira Muratova, Lana Gogoberidze, Nataliia Riazantseva, Inna Churikova, Nonna Mordiukova and Maiia Turovskaia] directed by Sally Potter, Women Call the Shots, Channel Four, 9 April 1990, 50 minutes
    Call number
    Call number
    Call number
    Call number
  • Sati - Inna Churikova, 2003, 30 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • ... Sud´be ne izmenit´. Inna Churikova [You Cannot Change Your Fate. Inna Churikova] 2003, in Russian
    Call number28 minutes
    Call number44 minutes
  • Zvezdnye gody Lenfil´ma [The Starry Years of Lenfil´m] issue about Gleb Panfilov and Inna Churikova's early filmsV ogne broda net,NachaloԻProshu slova, 2004, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
    Call number
  • Inna Churikova. "Ne printsessa! Korolevna!!!" [Inna Churikova. "Not a Princess! A King's Daughter!!!" ] 2013, 58 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

CHURSINA, Liudmila

  • Liudmila Chursina. 'Ia - nich´ia' [Liudmila Chursina. 'I Belong to No One'] 2011, 56 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

DAL´, Oleg

  • Moi serebrianyi shar - Oleg Dal´ [My Silver Globe. Oleg Dal´] 2004, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Inorodnyi artist [An Actor from an Alien Tribe] 2006, 46 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Poslednie 24 chasa. Oleg Dal´ [The Last Twenty Four Hours. Oleg Dal´] 2006, in Russian
    Call number30 minutes,lacks start, only last half held
    Call number56 minutes
  • Kumiry. Oleg Dal´. Ukhodiashchii v dal´... [Idols. Oleg Dal´. Walking Off Into the Distance...] 2011, 57 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Georgii Daneliia, Zhizn´ zamechatel´nykh liudei [Georgii Daneliia. The Life or Remarkable People] 1999?,only first 14 minutes held, in Russian
    Call number
  • Tekhnologiia tvorchestva: Daneliia [The Technology of Creation: Daneliia] 2001, 57 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Rozhdenie legendy. Fil´m pro fil´m. Mimino. [The Birth of a Legend. A Film about the Film. Mimino] 2005, 46 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Georgii Daneliia. Posle 10-ti let molchaniia [Georgii Daneliia. After Ten Years of Silence] 2009, 57 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Georgii Daneliia. Mezhdu vymyslom i real´nost´iu [Georgii Daneliia. Between Invention and Reality] 2012, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Zakrytyi pokaz: Zolotoe sechenie (2009) [Private View: The Golden Mean 2009)] 2011, 6 + 91 + 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

DEM´IANENKO, Aleksandr

  • Vechnyi Shurik. Aleksandr Dem´ianenko [Eternal Shurik. Aleksandr Dem´ianenko] 2006, 55 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Moi serebrianyi shar. Aleksandr Dem´ianenko [My Silver Globe. Aleksandr Dem´ianenko] 2005, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Chtoby pomnili: glava 12: Iurii (Demich) [To Remember. Chapter 12: Iurii (Demich)] 1995, 42 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Zakrytyi pokaz. Kakraki (2009) [Private View. Kakraki (2009)] 2011, 105 + 62 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Liniia zhizni. Alla Demidova [Life Line. Alla Demidova] 2011, 52 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Svideteli. Alla Demidova. Mne druzhbu genii darili... [Witnesses. Alla Demidova. Geniuses Gave me their Friendship...] 2012, 44 + 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Pestraia lenta. Etot mir priduman ne nami. [The Speckled Band. This World was not Invented by us] 2004, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Mikhail Derzhavin. Tot eshche "motorchik"! [Mikhail Derzhavin. He's Still a "Little Motor"!] 2011, 58 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

DIUZHEV, Dmitrii

  • Dmitrii Diuzhev. Na svetloi storone zhizni [Dmitrii Diuzhev. On the Bright Side of Life] 2009, 64 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Marina Diuzheva. 'Ia vsia takaia vnezapnaia, protivorechivaia...' [Marina Diuzheva. 'I'm all so Unexpected, Contradictory...'] 2010, 58 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Bol´she, chem liubov´. Nana Dzhordzhadze i Irakli Kvirikadze [More than Love. Nana Djordjadze and Irakli Kvirikadze] 2010, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Kinodvizhenie [Film Movement], programme of 30 June 2004, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • + interv´iu. Dmitrii Dobuzhinskii, NTV-Plius Nashe kino, 8 December 2000, 17 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

DOGA, Evgenii

  • Besedy o kino s Emmanuilom Vitorganom. Kompozitor Evgenii Doga [Conversations about the Cinema with Emmanuil Vitorgan. The Composer Evgenii Doga] NTV, Nashe kino, 3 September 2001, 25 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

DOMOGAROV, Aleksandr

  • Litso Domogarova [The Face of Domogarov] 2003, 52 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Aleksandr Domogarov. Ispoved´ odinokogo muzhchiny [Aleksandr Domogarov. A Lonely Man's Confession] 2012, 57 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Legendy mirovogo kino. Mark Donskoi [Legends of World Cinema. Mark Donskoi] 2009, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Ostrova. Mark Donskoi [Islands. Mark Donskoi] 2011, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

DORMAN, Veniamin

  • Razvedka. Versiia dlia kino. Operatsiia "Rezident" [Reconnaissance. A Version for Cinema. Operation "Resident"] 2003, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

DORONINA, Tat´iana

  • Kumiry. Tat´iana Doronina [Idols. Tat´iana Doronina] 2003, 30 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Tat´iana Doronina. Lichnaia zhizn´ [Tat´iana Doronina. Private Life] 2003, 35 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Teatral´nyi roman [A Theatrical Romance] 2003, 44 minutes, in Russian with Russian subtitles
    Call number

DOVZHENKO, Aleksandr

  • Im Schatten der Maschine. Ein Montagefilm [In the Shadow of the Machine. A Compilation Film] directed by Albrecht Viktor Blum, Leon Lania 1928, 22 minutes
    Call number(includes extracts from Dovzhenko'sZvenigoraԻ Vertov'sOdinnadtsatyi)
  • Documentary about Dovzhenko by Naum Kleiman in Muzei kino series, Russian Television, RTR, 1994, 22 minutes
    Call number
  • Amerikanskaia tragediia Aleksandra Dovzhenko [The American Tragedy of Aleksandr Dovzhenko] 2006, 45 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

See alsofeature films by Dovzhenko.

DRANKOV, Aleksandr

  • A. Drankov. Korol´ sensatsii [Aleksandr Drankov. The King of Sensations] 2008, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Svetlana Druzhinina. Koroleva dvortsovyh perevorot [Svetlana Druzhinina. Queen of the Palace Coups] 2010, 56 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

DUBSON, Mikhail

  • Zvezdnye gody Lenfil´ma [The Starry Years of Lenfil´m] issue about the career of Mikhail Dubson and in particular his filmGranitsa, 2003, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Istoriia v baikakh [A Story in Fables] 2006, 24 minuteslacks ending and credits, in Russian
    Call numebr
  • Lev Durov. Ia vsegda napevaiu, kogda khochetsia vyt´ [Lev Durov. I Always Sing When I Want to Howl] 2010, 58 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Sergei Dvortsevoi talks to Jonathan Romney, 2009, 21½ minutes, in English
    Call number


  • Dvorzhetskie. Vyzov sud´be [The Dvorzhetskiis. A Challenge to Fate] 2007, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Dvorzhetskie. Vyzov sud´be [The Dvorzhetskiis. A Challenge to Fate] 2007, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Dvorzhetskie. Vyzov sud´be [The Dvorzhetskiis. A Challenge to Fate] 2007, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Ekskliuziv. Ivan Dykhovichnyi. Nesniatye fil´my [Exclusive. Ivan Dykhovichnyi. Unshot films] 2003, 32 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Ivan Dykhovichnyi. Vdokh-vydokh [Ivan Dykhovichnyi. Inhale-Exhale] 2010, 54 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Zhizn´ na vzlete. Ivan Dykhovichnyi [Life in the Ascent. Ivan Dykhovichnyi] 2012, 52 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Armen Dzhigarkhanian. Zdravstvuite, eto ia! [Armen Dzhigarkhanian. Hallo, it's me!] 2005, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Kumiry. Armen Dzhigarkhanian [Idols. Armen Dzhigarkhanian] 2006, 29 minutes, in Russian
    Call number,lacks start
  • Tysiacha i odna rol´ Armena Dzhigarkhaniana [The 1001 roles of Armen Dzhigarkhanian] 2010, 51 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

EFREMOV, Mikhail

  • Grazhdanin poet. 31 nomer khudozhestvennoi samodeiatel´nosti [Citizen Poet. 31 Numbers of Amateur Dramatics] 2012, 98 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Grazhdanin poet. Na smert´ proekta. Grazhdanskaia panikhida. [Citizen Poet. On the Death of the Project. Civic Requiem] 2012, 176 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Grazhdanin poet. Niuzikl´ [Citizen Poet. The Newsical] 2012, 100 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Grazhdanin poet. Progon goda [Citizen Poet. The Run of the Year] 2012, 90 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

EGGERT, Konstantin

  • Documentary about Eggert by Naum Kleiman in Shedevry starogo kino series, Russian Television, RTR, 1995, 20 minutes
    Call number

See alsofeature films by Eggert.


  • Chtoby pomnili: glava 47: Aleksei, Russian Television, Channel One, 22 July 1999, 35 minutes,lacks very start, in Russian
    Call number


  • Materials from Ivan Groznyi, part 3, 5 minutes
    Call number
  • Little Boy from Riga, 1988, 57 minutes
    Call number
  • The Secret Life of Sergei Eisenstein, directed by Gian-Carlo Bertelli, 1988, English version Ian Christie and Keith Griffiths, 60 minutes
    Call number
  • Roger Corman on the Odessa Steps sequence in Battleship Potemkin, Close-Up, BBC2, 10 April 1995, 10 minutes
    Call number
  • Sergei Eizenshtein. Avtobiografiia [Sergei Eizenshtein. An Autobiography] directed by Oleg Kovalov, 1995
    Call number89 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
    Call number92 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
  • XX vek v kadre i za kadrom: Sergei Eizenshtein, directed by Andrei Proshkin, RTR, 9 April 1996, 50 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Sergei Eizenshtein. Meksikanskaia fantaziia [Sergei Eizenshtein. A Mexican Fantasy] directed by Oleg Kovalov, 1997, 99 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
    Call number
  • Die verschiedenen Gesichter des Sergej Eisenstein [The Different Faces of Sergei Eizenshtein] directed by Oksana Bulgakova and Dietmar Hochmuth, 1997, 57 minutes, in German
    Call number
  • Art that Shook the World : Sergei Eisenstein's Battleship Potemkin, produced and directed by Chris Granlund, BBC2, 28 April 2001, 50 minutes
    Call number
  • Dem Panzerkreuzer Potemkin auf der Spur [Tracing the Battleship Potemkin] 2007, 42 minutes, in German and Russian with English subtitles
    Call number
    Call number42 minutes, in German and Russian with German voiceover for the Russian and with French subtitles (Blu ray disc)
    Call number42 minutes, in German and Russian with German voiceover for the Russian and with French subtitles (DVD)
  • Eisenstein dans le souffle révoliutionnaire [Eisenstein and the Revolutionary Spirit] 2008, 37 minutes, in French with English subtitles
    Call number
  • Naissance d'un cinéma révolutionnaire [Birth of a Revolutionary Cinema] 2008, directed by Luc Lagier
    Call number17 minutes 15 seconds, in French without subtitles (Blu ray disc)
    Call number17 minutes 16 seconds, in French without subtitles (DVD)
  • "Groznyi" kak animatsiia [Ivan Groznyi as Animation] 2012, 103 minutes, in Russian
    (a 2002 lecture in Tokyo by Iurii Norshtein)
    Call number
  • Vselennaia Viacheslava Ivanova [The Universe of Viacheslav Ivanov] 2012, Part 2, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Eisenstein in Guanajuato, directed by Peter Greenaway, 2015, 105 minutes, in English and Spanish with optional English subtitles and optional English subtitles for the hard of hearing
    Call number(Blu ray disc)
  • Entretien avec François Albera, 2018 consisting of:
    Eisenstein avant Le Cuirassé Potemkine [Eizenshtein Before The Battleship Potemkin] 21 minutes 33 secondsANDAnalyse du Cuirassé Potemkine [Analysis of The Battleship Potemkin] 27 minutes 51 secondsANDLes différentes versions [The Different Versions] 20 minutes 21 seconds, in French without subtitles
    Call number(Blu ray disc)
    Call number(ٳն)
  • Survivances et antécédents du Cuirassé Potemkine: Eisenstein au miroir de Zamiatine [Survivals and Antecedents of The Battleship Potemkin: Eizenshtein in the Mirror of Zamiatin] 2018
    Call number10 minutes 25 seconds, in French without subtitles (Blu ray disc)
    Call number10 minutes 25 seconds, in French without subtitles (DVD)

See alsofeature films by Eizenshtein.

EKK, Nikolai

  • "I stal zvuk" [And There Was Sound] producer Sergei Levin, Kino-zhurnal, NTV, Nashe kino, 18 August 2000, 25 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • + interv´iu. Pamiati Nikolaia Eremenko-mladshego [Plus Interview. In Memory of Nikolai Eremenko Jr] NTV, Nashe kino, 5 July 2001, 17 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Nikolai Eremenko. Poslednii pylko vliublennyi [Nikolai Eremenko. The Last Ardent Lover] 2006, 68 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Piraty XX veka. Eremenko - Nigmatulin [Twentieth Century Pirates. Eremenko - Nigmatulin] 2006, 45 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Razbitoe serdtse. Nikolai Eremenko [A Broken Heart. Nikolai Eremenko] 2009, 57 minutes, in Russian,
    Call number

ERMASH, Filipp

  • Istoriia kinonachal´nikov, ili Stroiteli i perestroishchiki. 70-e gody: Zolotoi vek "zastoia": Filipp Ermash i Vladimir Baskakov [The Story of the Film Bosses, or Builders and Re-builders. The 1970s: The Golden Age of the "Stagnation": Filipp Ermash and Vladimir Baskakov] 2011, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Istoriia kinonachal´nikov, ili Stroiteli i perestroishchiki. 80-e: Gibel´ imperii Filippa Ermasha [The Story of the Film Bosses, or Builders and Re-builders. The 1980s: The Fall of Filipp Ermash's Empire] 2011, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

ERMLER, Fridrikh

  • Documentary about Ermler by Naum Kleiman in Shedevry starogo kino series, Russian Television, RTR, 1996, 23 minutes
    Call number
  • Zvezdnye gody Lenfil´ma [The Starry Years of Lenfil´m] issue about Fridrikh Ermler and his filmVelikii grazhdanin, 2003, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Edvard Radzinskii. Snimaetsia kino. Seriia vtoraia [Edvard Radzinskii. A Film is Being Made. Part 2] 2009, 57 minutes, in Russian
    Call number(Radzinskii discusses the filmPered sudom istorii)

See alsofeature films by Ermler.

ERSHOV, Konstantin and KROPACHEV, Georgii

  • Vii the Vampire, an interview with Richard Stanley, 2019, 22 minutes 56 seconds, in English
    Call number

ERSHOV, Mikhail

  • Zvezdnye gody Lenfil´ma [The Starry Years of Lenfil´m] issue about Mikhail Shveitser'sChuzhaia rodnia, Anatolii Granik'sMaksim PerepelitsaԻ Mikhail Ershov'sRodnaia krov´, 2004, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

ESHPAI, Andrei

  • Zakrytyi pokaz. Mnogotochie (2006) [Private View. The Eclipse (2006)] 2007, 45 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Zakrytyi pokaz. Sobytie (2008) [Private View. The Event (2009)] 2012, 7 + 111 + 53 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Poslednie 24 chasa. Mikhail Evdokimov [The Last Twenty Four hours. Mikhail Evdokimov] 2007, 53 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Obratnaia tochka. Mama [Reverse Point. Mama] NTV, Nashe kino, 2001, 15 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Evgenii Evstigneev. Sud´ba [Evgenii Evstigneev. Fate] 2006, 50 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Razbitoe serdtse. Evgenii Evstigneev [A Broken Heart. Evgenii Evstigneev] 2006, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Tri liubvi Evgeniia Evstigneeva [The Three Loves of Evgenii Evstigneev] 2007, 52 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Tri zhizni Evgeniia Evstigneeva [The Three Lives of Evgenii Evstigneev] 2011, 51 minutes, in Russian
    Call number



  • Zakrytyi pokaz. Ovsianki (2010) [Private View. Silent Souls [Buntings] (2010)] 2011, 7 + 74 + 54 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • V poiskakh utrachennogo: Zoia Fedorova, Russian Television, Channel One, 28 June 1995, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Pestraia lenta. Zoia Fedorova. Zalozhnitsa svoei sud´by. [The Speckled Band. Zoia Fedorova. A Captive of Her Fate] 2004, 46 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Ubiistvo na Kutuzovskom [Murder on Kutuzovskii] A film about Zoia Fedorova in the seriesIstoricheskii detektiv, 2005, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Tainy veka. Brilliantovoe delo Zoi Fedorovoi [Secrets of the Age. The Diamond Case of Zoia Fedorova] 2012, 52 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Pechki-lavochki Lidii Shukshinoi [The Happy-Go-Lucky of Lidiia Shukshina] 2008, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Vek kino. Legendarnye shkoly. FEKS, 1995, 14 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • FEKS, directed by Oleg Kovalov, 2003, 38 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
    Call number
    Call number


  • Zakrytyi pokaz. Propavshii bez vesti (2010) [Private View. Lost without Trace (2010)] 2012, 6 + approx. 90 + 54 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Pamiati Leonida Filatova [In Memory of Leonid Filatov] 2003, 30 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Zvezdy efira. Leonid Filatov [Stars of the Ether. Leonid Filatov] 2005, 30 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Ia ne mogu bol´she zhit´. Leonid Filatov [I Can't Go On Living. Leonid Filatov] 2006, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Moi serebrianyi shar. Sergei Filippov [My Silver Globe. Sergei Filippov] 2004, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Sergei Filippov. Est´ li zhizn´ na Marse? [Sergei Filippov. Is There Life on Mars?] 2010, 56 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

FOGEL´, Vladimir

  • Legendy nemogo kino [Legends of Silent Cinema] Vladimir Fogel´, 2004, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Alisa Freindlikh. Ne takaia, kak vse [Alisa Freindlikh. Unlike Everyone Else] Fil´m iz tsikla Interesnoe kino [A Film in the Series "Interesting Cinema"] 2004, 53 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Nesluzhebnyi roman Alisy Freindlikh [The Non-Office Romance of Alisa Freindlikh] 2009, 56 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Triumf smeshnoi devchonki. Alisa Freindlikh [The Triumph of a Funny Little Girl. Alisa Freindlikh] 2009, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

FREZ, Il´ia

  • Ostrova. Il´ia Frez [Ostrova. Islands Frez] 2009, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Zakrytyi pokaz. Nelegal (2005) [Private View. The Illegal (2005)] 2007, 6 + 98 + 55 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

GAFT, Valentin

  • Gaft po imeni Olevtin [Gaft Named Olevtin] 2002, 45 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Zakrytyi pokaz. Vse umrut, a ia ostanus´ (2008) [Private View. [Everyone Will Die, But I Will Remain... (Everyone Will Die But Me) (2008)] 2010, 8 + 81 + 69 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

GAIDAI, Leonid

  • Etot udivitel´nyi Gaidai [Memoirs of Gaidai] Russian Television, Channel One, 1997, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Bol´shie roditeli. Leonid Gaidai [Big Parents. Leonid Gaidai] 2004, 30 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Pestraia lenta. Eshche raz o Gaidae [The Speckled Band. Once More About Gaidai] 2004, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Gaidai. Komedii semeinoi zhizni [Gaidai. Comedies of Family Life] 2005, 55 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
    Call number
  • Rozhdenie legendy. Fil´m pro fil´m. Ivan Vasil´evich meniaet professiiu [The Birth of a Legend. A Film about the Film. Ivan Vasil´evich Changes Profession] 2005, 43 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Rozhdenie legendy. Fil´m pro fil´m. Brilliantovaia ruka [The Birth of a Legend. A Film about the Film. The Diamond Arm] 2006, 70 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Rozhdenie legendy. Fil´m pro fil´m. Kavkazskaia plennitsa [The Birth of a Legend. A Film about the Film. The Prisoner of the Caucasus] 2006
    Call number63 minutes held, including ad breaks,but lacks start
    Call number43 minutes
  • Leonid Gaidai... i Nemnogo o "brilliantakh" [Leonid Gaidai... and a Little about "Diamonds"] 2013, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

See alsofeature films by Gaidai.

GALKIN, Vladislav

  • Vlad Galkin. Trudno byt´ geroem... [Vlad Galkin. It's Hard to be a Hero] 2010, 35 minutes, in Russian with Russian subtitles
    Call number
  • Vladislav Galkin. Ulybka na pamiat´ [Vladislav Galkin. A Smile to Remember Him By] 2011, 55 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
    Call number

GARIN, Erast´

  • Zvezdnye gody Lenfil´ma [The Starry Years of Lenfilm] issue aboutܳԾ´ԻDoktor Kaliuzhnyi, the films made at Lenfil´m by by Erast Garin and Khesia Lokshina and also aboutTaiga zolotaia, by Gennadii Kazanskii and Maksim Ruf, 2004, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Moi serebrianyi shar. Erast Garin [My Silver Globe. Erast Garin] 2007, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • + interv´iu. Valerii Garkalin [Interview with the actor] 2000, 24 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Liniia zhizni. Sergei Garmash [Life Line. Sergei Garmash] 2008, 52 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Zheleznyi Garmash i ego malen´kie slabosti [Iron Garmash and His Little Weaknesses] 2008, 54 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Belaia studiia. Sergei Garmash [The White Studio. Sergei Garmash] 2012, 38 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Sergei Garmash, a film in the series 'Te, s kotorymi ia', 2012, 52 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Zhizn´ odna [One Life] directed by Renita Grigor´eva and Iurii Grigor´ev, 1987, 78 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Zvezdnye gody Lenfil´ma [The Starry Years of Lenfil´m] issue about the early career of the director Sergei Gerasimov and his filmSemero smelykh, 2003, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
    Call number
  • Zvezdnye gody Lenfil´ma [The Starry Years of Lenfil´m] issue about Sergei Gerasimov and his filmsdzdzDZ´,󾱳ٱ´ԻMaskarad, 2004, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
    Call number
  • Kumiry. Korolevskaia cheta sovetskogo kino [Idols. The Royal Family of Soviet Cinema] 2008, 51 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Okhota na L´va [Hunting Lev] 2011, Part 4, 26 minutes, in Russian
    (on his filmLev Tolstoi)
    Call number

GERDT, Zinovii

  • Zinovii Gerdt: Artist sovsem ne to zhe, chto akter... [Gerdt in conversation with El´dar Riazanov] directed by Vadim Fomenko, Russian Television, Channel One, 8 May 1997, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Pestraia lenta. Gerdt, eto zvuchit! [The Speckled Band. Gerdt has a good sound!] 2004, 45 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Novyi den´. Zvezdy efira. Zinovii Gerdt [New Day. Stars of the Ether. Zinovii Gerdt] 2005, 28 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Poslednie 24 chasa. Zinovii Gerdt [The Last Twenty Four Hours. Zinovii Gerdt] 2006, 69 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

GERMAN, Aleksei Alekseevich

  • Zakrytyi pokaz. Korotkoe zamykanie (2009) [Private View. Short Circuit (2009] 2010, 5 + 95 + 50 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

GERMAN, Aleksei Iur´evich

  • Chas pik [Aleksei German talks to Andrei Razbash, especially about his film Khrustalev, mashinu!] Russian Television, Channel One, 21 July 1997, 22 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • German... At Last, 1998, an interview with Aleksei German by producer Guy Séligmann, 51 minutes 48 seconds, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    Call number(Blu ray disc)
  • Zhizn´ zamechatel´nykh liudei. Aleksei German. Siuzhety iz zhizni neradostnogo cheloveka [Aleksei German. Subjects from the life of an unhappy man] A film in the series Zhizn´ zamechatel´nykh liudei [The Life of Remarkable People] Russian Television, Channel One, 20 July 1998, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
    Call number
  • Aleksei German. Besedy o kino s Emmanuilom Vitorganom [Aleksei German. Conversations about cinema with Emmanuil Vitorgan] The conversation took place in 1996, Kinokompaniia Tri kita for Nashe kino, 1999, 24 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Dekoratsiia dlia zhizni [A Set for Life] 2003, 25 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Zvezdnye gody Lenfil´ma [The Starry Years of Lenfilm] issue about Il´ia Averbakh's filmStepen´ riska, Aleksei German's filmSed´moi sputnikԻ Vitalii Mel´nikov's filmNachal´nik Chukotki, 2004, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
    Call number
  • German, syn Germana. Pamiati moego ottsa, pisatelia Iuriia Pavlovicha Germana, posviashchaetsia. [German, son of German. Dedicated to the Memory of My Father, the Writer Iurii Pavlovich German] 2005, 5 x 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Trudno byt´ Germanom [It is Difficult to be German] 2008, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Dokumental´nyi German. Dokazatel´stva podlinnosti [Documentary German. Proofs of Authenticity] 2009, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Bol´she, chem liubov´. German i Karmalita [More than Love. German and Karmalita] 2010, 78 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Aleksei German. Trudno byt´ s bogom [Aleksei German. It is Difficult to be with a God] 2013, 56 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Introduction to Trudno byt´ bogom by the co-screenwriter Svetlana Karmalita, 2014, 15 minutes 22 seconds, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    Call number(Blu ray disc)
  • Interview with Aleksei German Jr, 2015, 10 minutes 1 second, in Russian with optional English subtitle
    Call number(Blu ray disc)
  • Interview with Svetlana Karmalita about Trudno byt´ bogom, Paris, February 2015, 26 minutes 35 seconds, in Russian with French voiceover translation, illustrated by images from the set by Sergei Aksenov
    Call number
  • The History of the Arkanar Massacre, 2015, an appreciation of the film by Daniel Bird, 28 minutes 26 seconds, in English
    Call number(Blu ray disc)
  • The Unknown Genius: Michael Brooke looks at Aleksei German's career, 2015, 34 minutes, in English subtitles
    Call number(Blu ray disc)
  • Aleksei German, Ron Holloway interviews the Russian director, Berlin, December 1988, edited up to Holloway's death in 2008, presented by Kino Productions and Dorothea Holloway, 2015, 2018, 47 minutes 18 seconds, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    Call number(Blu ray disc)
  • Khrustalyov, My Car! Between Realism and Nightmare, 2018, a video essay on the films of Aleksei German by Eugénie Zvonkine, 25 minutes 40 seconds, in English
    Call number(Blu ray disc)

See alsofeature films by German.


  • Ekskliusiv - Zagadka Evdokii Germanovoi [Exclusive. The Riddle of Evdokiia Germanova] 2004, 30 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Zakrytyi pokaz. Bez muzhchin (2010) [Private View. Without Men (2010)] 2012, 6 + 72 + 49 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Zakrytyi pokaz. Generation P (2011) [Private View. Generation P (2011)] 2012, 7 + 112 + 52 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

GLIZER, Iudif´

  • "... i drugie." Iudif´ Glizer. Loskutki ["... and others" Iudif´ Glizer. Rags] 2012, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Women in Soviet Cinema: "I am an ox, I am a horse, I am a man, I am a woman" [Interviews with Kira Muratova, Lana Gogoberidze, Nataliia Riazantseva, Inna Churikova, Nonna Mordiukova and Maiia Turovskaia] directed by Sally Potter, Women Call the Shots, Channel Four, 9 April 1990, 50 minutes
    Call number
    Call number
    Call number

See alsofeature film by Gogoberidze.


  • Ostrova. Marina Goldovskaia [Islands. Marina Goldovskaia] 2004, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

GOLOVNIA, Anatolii

  • Ostrova. Anatolii Golovnia [Islands. Anatolii Golovnia] 2010, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Larisa Golubkina. Ia tebia nikogda ne zabudu [Larisa Golubkina. I Shall Never Forget You] 2010, 55 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

GORDON, Aleksandr

  • Zakrytyi pokaz. Ogni pritona (2011) [Private View. Brothel Lights (2011)] 2012, 8 + 108 + 55 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Vladimir Gostiukhin. Territoriia moei liubvi [Vladimir Gostiukhin. The Territory of My Love] 2011, 57 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Zakrytyi pokaz. Nikto, krome nas...(2010) [Private View. No One but Us...] 2010, 6½ + 108 + 65 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Mesto vstrechi. 20 let spustia [The Meeting Point. Twenty Years Later] 1999, 98 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Gleb Zheglov, Volodia Sharapov i drugie. 25 let spustia. Vstrecha v eru miloserdiia [Gleb Zheglov, Volodia Sharapov, 25 Years Later. A Meeting in the Era of Mercy] 2004, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Monolog v 4 chastiakh. Stanislav Govorukhin. [A Monologue in 4 Parts. Stanislav Govorukhin] 2011, 51 + 51 = 102 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

GRANIK, Anatolii

  • Zvezdnye gody Lenfil´ma [The Starry Years of Lenfil´m] issue about Mikhail Shveitser'sChuzhaia rodnia, Anatolii Granik'sMaksim PerepelitsaԻ Mikhail Ershov'sRodnaia krov´, 2004, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

GRIBOV, Aleksei

  • Legendy mirovogo kino. Aleksei Gribov [Legends of World Cinema. Aleksei Gribov] 2007, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

GRIN´KO, Nikolai

  • Chtoby pomnili: glava 17: Mikola (Grin´ko) [To Remember. Chapter 17: Nikolai (Grin´ko)] 2004, 43 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

GRISHKO, Anatolii

  • + interv´iu. Anatolii Grishko [Interview with the cinematographer and director] 2000, 20 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Ostrova. Nikolai Gritsenko [Islands. Nikolai Gritsenko] 2007, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

GUBENKO, Nikolai

  • Vernost´ podranka. Nikolai Gubenko [The Loyalty of the Orphan. Nikolai Gubenko] 2011, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Nikolai Gubenko, a film in the series Te, s kotorymi ia..., 2013, 26 + 26 = 52 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Natal´ia Gundareva. Litsom k solntsu [Natal´ia Gundareva. Facing the Sun] 2003, 30 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Natal´ia Gundareva. Lichnaia zhizn´ korolevy [Natal´ia Gundareva. The Queen's Private Life] 2005, 64 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Liusia, 2005, 58 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Na noch´ gliadia. Liudmila Gurchenko [Towards Night. Liudmila Gurchenko] 2010, 48 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Legenda. Liudmila Gurchenko [Legend. Liudmila Gurchenko] 2012, 82 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Liudmila Gurchenko. Kak ia stala boginei [Liudmila Gurchenko. How I Became a Goddess] 2012, 58 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

GURZO, Sergei

  • Chtoby pomnili. Glava 13: Sergei [Gurzo] [To Remember. Chapter 13: Sergei (Gurzo)] 1995, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

GUS´KOV, Aleksei

  • Vozvrashchenie domoi. Aleksei Gus´kov. Kiev [Return home. Aleksei Gus´kov. Kiev] 2004, 35 minuteslacks end, in Russian
    Call number


  • Natal´ia Gvozdikova i Evgenii Zharikov. Rozhdennye revoliutsiei [Natal´ia Gvozdikova and Evgenii Zharikov. Born of the Revolution] 2010, 43 minutes, in Russian
    Call number(lacks ending)
  • Natal´ia Gvozdikova. Liubit´ - znachit proshchat´ [Natal´ia Gvozdikova. "To Love Means to Forgive"] 2012, 55 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Ironiia sud´by, ili Iurii Iakovlev - kto vy? [The Irony of the Fate, or Iurii Iakovlev - Who are You?] 2007, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Elena Iakovleva. InterLenochka, 2011, 57 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Obratnaia tochka. Prikhodi na menia posmotret´ [Reverse Point. Come and Look at Me] NTV, Nashe kino, 20 January 2001, 20 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Zdravstvuite, Oleg Ivanovich [Hallo, Oleg Ivanovich] Fil´m iz tsikla Interesnoe kino [A Film in the Series "Interesting Cinema"] 2004, 54 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Ulybaites´, gospoda, ulybaites´. Oleg Iankovskii [Smile, Gentlemen, Smile. Oleg Iankovskii] 2009, 45 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Oleg Iankovskii. Pieta, 2010, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Oleg Iankovskii, directed by Arkadii Kogan, 2014, 72 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

IARBUSOVA, Francesca

  • Documentary Film about Francesca Iarbusova, in the series 'Mir animatsii ili animatsiia mira', 26 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
    Call number


  • + interv´iu. Leonid Iarmol´nik [+ Interview. Leonid Iarmol´nik] Parts 1 and 2 NTV Plius, Nashe kino, 23 and 24 March 2001, 20 + 20 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Professiia - Iarmol´nik [Profession - Iarmol´nik] 2004, 60 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Leonid Iarmol´nik - "Ia - schastlivchik!" [Leonid Iarmol´nik - "I'm a Lucky Man!", 2014, 58 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Persona: Rustam Ibragimbekov, directed by Arkadii Kogan, Russian Television, RTR, 7 February 1999, 55 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Ostrova. Rustam Ibragimbekov [Islands. Rustam Ibragimbekov] 2009, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number;interference on sound

IL´IN, Vladimir

  • "On sovsem ne artist..." Vladimir Il´in ["He is absolutely no actor..." Vladimir Il´in] 2004, 52 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Il´inskii o Zoshchenko [the actor Igor´ Vladimirovich Il´inskii remembers Zoshchenko and reads the following stories: 'Aristokratka'; 'Bania'; 'Elka'; 'Iskusstvo Mel´pomeny'; 'Glupaia istoriia'; 'Limonad'; 'Rogul´ka'] Russian Television, 1984, 60 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • V poiskakh utrachennogo: Igor´ Ilínskii, Russian Television, Channel One, 1998, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Igor´ Il´inskii. Sam o sebe [Igor´ Il´inskii about Himself] NTV-Plius Nashe kino, 2001, 14 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Igor´ Il´inskii. Zhizn´ artista [Igor´ Il´inskii. An Actor's Life] 2001, 50 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Moi serebrianyi shar. Igor´ Il´inskii [My Silver Globe. Igor´ Il´inskii] 2003, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Bol´shie roditeli. Igor´ Il´inskii [Big Parents. Igor´ Il´inskii] 2004, 30 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Zvezdnye gody Lenfil´ma [The Starry Years of Lenfil´m] issue about the director Eduard Ioganson, 2003, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

IUMATOV, Georgii

  • Poslednie 24 chasa. Georgii Iumatov [The Last Twenty Four Hours. Georgii Iumatov] 2004, 59 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Poslednii boi Georgiia Iumatova [The Last Battle of Georgii Iumatov] 2006, 45 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Moi serebrianyi shar. Georgii Iumatov [My Silver Globe. Georgii Iumatov] 2007, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Posledniaia rol´ Georgiia Iumatova [Georgii Iumatov's Last Role] 2007, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Georgii Iumatov. Tragediia ofitsera [Georgii Iumatov. The Tragedy of an Officer] 2011, 60 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Sergei Iurskii. V tele cheloveka, ili Razdvoenie lichnosti [Sergei Iurskii. In the Body of a Man, or Split Personality] 2005, 52 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Sergei Iurskii. Komandovat´ paradom budu ia! [Sergei Iurskii. I am Going to Lead the Parade!] 2010, 55 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Belaia studiia. Sergei Iurskii [The White Studio. Sergei Iurskii] 2012, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Zvezdnye gody Lenfil´ma [The Starry Years of Lenfilm] issue about Sergei Iutkevich and his filmsShakhteryԻChelovek s ruzh´em, 2003, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Legendy mirovogo kino. Sergei Iutkevich [Legends of World Cinema. Sergei Iutkevich] 2008, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

IVANOV, Aleksandr

  • Zvezdnye gody Lenfil´ma [The Starry Years of Lenfilm] issue about the director Aleksandr Ivanov, 2004, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Zvezdnye gody Lenfil´ma [The Starry Years of Lenfilm] issue about films of the late 1940s, 1950s and 1960s about the Second World War, Aleksandr Ivanov'sZvezda and Soldaty, Vladimir Motyl´'sZhenia,Zhenechka i "katiusha", Naum Birman'sKhronika pikiruiushchego bombardirovshchikaԻ Viktor Tregubovich'sNa voine kak na voine, 2004, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


See underSTOLPERforZakon zhizni.

IVANOVA, Liudmila

  • Malen´kie giganty bol´shogo kino [The Little Giants of Big Cinema] 2011, 60 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Zvezdnye gody Lenfil´ma [The Starry Years of Lenfilm] issue about "The Traditionalists", Aleksandr Ivanovskii, Pavel Petrov-Bytov and Evgenii Cherviakov, 2001, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
    Call number
    Call number
  • Zvezdnye gody Lenfil´ma [The Starry Years of Lenfil´m] issue on musical comedies of the pre-war and wartime period, covering Aleksandr Ivanovskii and Gerbert Rappaport'sMuzykal´naia istoriia; Aleksandr Ivanovskii'sAnton Ivanovich serditsia; Gerbert Rappaport'sVozdushnyi izvozchik; Leonid Trauberg'sAktrisaԻ Semen Timoshenko'sNebesnyi tikhokhod, 2004, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number[some loss of sound and vision]
    Call number[better copy]

IVASHOV, Vladimir

  • Chtoby pomnili: glava 18: Volodia, presented by Leonid Filatov, REN-TV, 1995, Russian Television, Channel One, 2 September 1999, 40 minutes
    Call number
  • Moi serebrianyi shar. Vladimir Ivashov [My Silver Globe. Vladimir Ivashov] 2008, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Vladimir Ivashov. Ballada o liubvi [Vladimir Ivashov. Ballad of Love] 2009, 60 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Vladimir Ivashov. Chest´ imeniu! [Vladimir Ivashov. I Have the Honour!] 2009, 43 minutes, in Russian with Russian subtitles
    Call number


  • Chtoby pomnili: Izol´da, Russian Television, Channel One, 14 May 1997, 38 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Moi serebrianyi shar. Izol´da Izvitskaia [My Silver Globe. Izol´da Izvitskaia] 2008, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • V poiskakh utrachennogo. Pavel Kadochnikov [In Search of What is Lost. Pavel Kadochnikov] 1997, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Chtoby pomnili: glava 29: Aleksandr, directed by Evgenii Tsymbal, Russian Television, Channel One,3 December 1996, 38 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Sny Stalkera [Stalker's Dreams] directed by Evgenii Tsymbal, 1998, 53 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Aleksandr Kaidanovskii. Tragediia stalkera [Aleksandr Kaidanovskii. The Stalker's Tragedy] 2005, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Ostrova. Aleksandr Kaidanovskii [Islands. Aleksandr Kaidanovskii] 2007, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Aleksandr Kaidanovskii. Zagadki Stalkera [Aleksandr Kaidanovskii. The Enigma of the Stalker] 2011, 58 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

See alsofeature films by Kaidanovskii.


  • Okhota na L´va [Hunting Lev] 2011, Part 4, 26 minutes, in Russian
    (on his filmKavkazskii plennik)
    Call number


  • Zakrytyi pokaz. Dikoe pole (2008) [Private View. Wild Field (2008)] 2009, 7 + 104 + 61 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Discussion of the filmValerii Chkalovin theKinopravda?series
    6½ minutes of discussion before the showing of the film and another 32 minutes after it
    Discussion introduced by Georgii Kuznetsov, with Valeriia Valerievna Chkalova, Igor´ Valerievich Chkalov, Liliia Mamatova, Dmitrii Shelestov and Alan Coe
    Call number
  • Martin Scorsese on I am Cuba
    Call number26 minutes, in English
    Call number26 minutes, in English
    Call number27 minutes 40 seconds, in English with optional French subtitles (Blu ray disc) (Potemkine)
    Call number26 minutes 34 seconds, in English with optional French subtitles (DVD) (Potemkine)
  • Interview with the scriptwriter of Soy Cuba, Evgenii Evtushenko, 2004, 30 minutes, in English
    Call number
  • O Mamute Siberiano [The Siberian Mammoth] [Das sibirische Mammut] [Le Mammouth sibérien] directed by Vicente Ferraz, 2004
    Call number91 minutes, in Spanish and Portuguese with optional German, French and English subtitles
    Call number91 minutes, in Spanish and Portuguese with English subtitles
    Call number91 minutes, in Spanish and Portuguese with optional English subtitles
    Call number91 minutes, in Spanish and Portuguese with optional French subtitles (Blu ray disc) (Potemkine)
    Call number88 minutes, in Spanish and Portuguese with optional French subtitles (DVD) (Potemkine)
  • Fil´m o Mikhaile Konstantinoviche Kalatozove [A Film about Mikhail Konstantinovich Kalatozov] directed by Mikhail Kalatozishvili, 2006, 102 minutes, in Russian and Georgian with optional English subtitles
    Call number
  • L'Ouragan Kalatozov [Hurricane Kalatozov] 2009, 73 minutes 44 seconds, in French, Russian, Spanish, English and Georgian with English subtitles
    Call number(Blu ray disc, The Criterion Collection, No. 146)
  • Interventions de François Albera, historien du cinéma [Interventions by the film historianFrançois Albera], 2020
    "Kalatozov, le cinéaste" [Kalatozov the cineaste] 20 minutes 55 seconds
    "Kalatozov et Ouroussevski, un duo artistique" [Kalatozov and Urusevskii, an artistic duo] 16 minutes 17 seconds
    Le contexte historique [The Historical Context] 18 minutes 51 seconds
    La recéption du film [The Reception of the Film] 11 minutes 46 seconds
    Total running time: 67 minutes 43 seconds, in French
    Call number(Blu ray disc) (Potemkine)
    "Kalatozov, le cinéaste" [Kalatozov the cineaste] 20 minutes 5 seconds
    "Kalatozov et Ouroussevski, un duo artistique" [Kalatozov and Urusevskii, an artistic duo] 15 minutes 38 seconds
    Le contexte historique [The Historical Context] 18 minutes 5 seconds
    La recéption du film [The Reception of the Film] 11 minutes 17 seconds
    Total running time: 65 minutes 5 seconds, in French
    Call number(ٳն) (Potemkine)
  • Révolution de sensations. Analyse de séquence [Revolution of Sensations. Sequence analysis] [Sequence analysis by the film scholarEugénie Zvonkine], 2020, in French
    Call number29 minutes 54 seconds (Blu ray disc) (Potemkine)
    Call number28 minutes 42 seconds (DVD) (Potemkine)
  • Soy Cuba, par Claire Mathon [Soy Cuba, by Claire Mathon] 2020, in French
    Call number20 minutes 34 seconds (Blu ray disc) (Potemkine)
    Call number19 minutes 45 seconds (DVD) (Potemkine)
  • Le film vu par Hicham Lasri, cinéaste marocain [The film as seen by the Moroccan film-maker Hicham Lasri] 2020, 5 minutes 31 seconds, in French
    Call number(Blu ray disc) (Potemkine)
    Call number(ٳն) (Potemkine)

KALIAGIN, Aleksandr

  • Aleksandr Kaliagin. Monolog dlia stseny [Aleksandr Kaliagin. A Monologue for the Stage] 2003, 44 minutes, in Russian with Russian subtitles
    Call number
  • Aleksandr Kaliagin... et cetera..., 2007, 38 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Zdravstvuite, ia vash Kaliagin! [Hello, I'm Your Kaliagin!] 2012, 51 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

KALIK, Mikhail

  • The Soviet New Wave of the 1950s and 1960s, 1992, 22 minutes, in English with some Russian with English subtitles
    Call number

See alsofeature films by Kalik.


  • Kumiry. Ivar Kalny´nsh [Idols. Ivars Kalnyņš] 2004, 30 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Akterskaia ruletka. Iurii Kamornyi [An Actor's Roulette. Iurii Kamornyi] 2012, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

KAPLER, Aleksei

  • Novyi den´. Zvezdy efira. "Kinopanorama" Alekseia Kaplera. [New Day. Stars of the Ether. Aleksei Kapler's "Kinopanorama"] 2003, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Moi serebrianyi shar. Aleksei Kapler [My Silver Globe. Aleksei Kapler] 2007, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Chelovek, kotoryi vsegda opazdyvaet [The Man who is Always Late] 2004, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Ostrova. Eto pis´mo ia pisala v perchatkakh. Vera Karalli [Islands. I Wrote that Letter in Gloves. Vera Karalli] 2010, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Zvezdnye gody Lenfil´ma [The Starry Years of Lenfilm] issue on Iulii Karasik'sDikaia sobaka DingoԻ Gennadii Poloka'sRespublika Shkid, 2004, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
    Call number,some loss of signal at start of programme
  • Ostrova. Iulii Karasik [Islands. Iulii Karasik] 2008, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

KARAVAEVA, Valentina

  • V poiskakh utrachennogo: Valentina Karavaeva [In Search of What Has Been Lost. Vera Karavaeva] 1998, 37 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Ia - chaika!... [I am a Seagull!...] directed by Georgii Paradzhanov, 2000, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Ia - chaika. Taina aktrisy Karavaevoi [I am a Seagull. The Mystery of the Actress Karavaeva] 2006, 44 minutes, in Russian with Russian subtitles
    Call number


  • Zakrytyi pokaz. Neadekvatnye liudi (2010) [Private View. Inadequate People (2010)] 2011, 5 + 106 + 55 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Bol´she, chem liubov´. German i Karmalita [More than Love. German and Karmalita] 2010, 78 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Bol´she, chem liubov´. Sud´ba na dvoikh. Liudmila Kasatkina [More than Love. Fate for Two. Liudmila Kasatkina] 2010, 38 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Dziga i ego brat´ia [Dziga and His Brothers] directed by Evgenii Tsymbal, 2002, 52 minutes
    Call numberin Russian
    Call numberin Russian with English subtitles
  • Vse Vertovy [All the Vertovs] directed by Vladimir Nepevnyi, 2002, 52 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

KAUFMAN, Mikhail

  • Dziga i ego brat´ia [Dziga and His Brothers] directed by Evgenii Tsymbal, 2002, 52 minutes
    Call numberin Russian
    Call numberin Russian with English subtitles
  • Vse Vertovy [All the Vertovs] directed by Vladimir Nepevnyi, 2002, 52 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Kinodvizhenie [Film Movement] programme of 16 February 2004 [about Kazanskii/Chebotarev film Chelovek-amfibiia], 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Zvezdnye gody Lenfil´ma [The Starry Years of Lenfilm] issue aboutܳԾ´ԻDoktor Kaliuzhnyi, the films made at Lenfil´m by by Erast Garin and Khesia Lokshina and also aboutTaiga zolotaia, by Gennadii Kazanskii and Maksim Ruf, 2004, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

KENIGSON, Vladimir

  • Dvoe protiv Fantomasa. De Fiunes - Kenigson [Two Against Fantomas. De Funès - Kenigson] 2010, 45 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Otchaianie posle triumfa. E. Keosaian [Despair after Triumph. Edmond Keosaian] 2009, 47 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Magiia kino [The Magic of Cinema] [about 'Zaiats nad bezdnoi'] Edition of the programme broadcast on RTR Planeta on 4 February 2006, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

KHABENSKII, Konstantin

  • Konstantin Khabenskii. Nes´ereznyi razgovor [Konstantin Khabenskii. An Unserious Conversation] 2004, 42 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Epizody. Konstantin Khabenskii [Episodes. Konstantin Khabenskii] 2007, 38 minutes out of 39 held,lacks ending, in Russian
    Call number


  • Chulpan Khamatova. Sluchainyi vecher... na Strastnom [Chulpan Khamatova. A Chance Evening... On Strastnoi] 2006, 38 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Rustam Khamdamov [Includes the whole of Kh.'s V gorakh moe serdtse [My Heart is in the Mountains] VGIK, 1967, 30 minutes and materials on his other films, Nechaiannye radosti, Raba liubvi and Anna Karamazoff] directed by Stepan Zhivov, RTR, 1994, 88 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

See alsofeature film by Khamdamov.


  • Genii i zlodei ukhodiashchei epokhi: Aleksandr Khanzhonkov [Geniuses and Villains of a Past Age: Aleksandr Khanzhonkov] 2003, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Kumiry - Dmitrii Kharat´ian [Idols. Dmitrii Kharat´ian] 2004, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Dmitrii Kharat´ian. "Po vole roka tak sluchilos´" [Dmitrii Kharat´ian. "By the Will of Fate it Happened Thus"] 2010, 57 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Aleksandr Khanzhonkov. Poslednii imperator [Aleksandr Khanzhonkov. The Last Emperor] 2007, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Tsena zvezdnoi roli [The Price of a Starring Role] 2009, 43 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Drama Ivana Brovkina [The Drama of Ivan Brovkin] 2006, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Leonid Kharitonov. Padenie zvezdy [Leonid Kharitonov. Fall of a Star] 2013, 54 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Vspomnim, tovarishch! [Let Us Remember, Comrade!] 1986, 81 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Neizvestnyi Kheifits. Geroi ne nashego vremeni [Unknown Kheifits. A Hero Not of our Time] 2002, 52 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Zvezdnye gody Lenfil´ma [The Starry Years of Lenfil´m] issue about Iosif Kheifits and Aleksandr Zarkhi and their filmsMoia rodinaԻGoriachie denechki, 2002, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
    Call number
    Call number
  • Zvezdnye gody Lenfil´ma [The Starry Years of Lenfil´m] issue about Iosif Kheifits and Aleksandr Zarkhi and their filmDeputat Baltiki, 2003, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Zvezdnye gody Lenfil´ma [The Starry Years of Lenfil´m] issue about Iosif Kheifits and Aleksandr Zarkhi's filmChlen pravitel´stvaԻ Vera Maretskaia, 2004, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
    Call number
  • Zvezdnye gody Lenfil´ma [The Starry Years of Lenfil´m] issue about Iosif Kheifits's films of the 1950s with Aleksei Batalov,Bol´shaia sem´ia,Delo Rumiantseva,Dorogoi moi chelovekԻDama s sobachkoi, 2004, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
    Call number


  • Liudmila Khitiaeva. 'Ia ne mogu byt´ slaboi...' [Liudmila Khitiaeva. 'I Cannot Be Weak...'] 2010, 58 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

KHITROV, Stanislav

  • Chtoby pomnili: glava 25: Stanislav, Russian Television, Channel One, summer 1996, 37 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Portrety epokhi. Fedor Khitruk [Portraits of the Age. Fedor Khitruk] 2002, 44 minutes, in Russian with Russian subtitles
    Call number


  • Kinodvizhenie [Film Movement], programme of 30 June 2004, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Zakrytyi pokaz. Korotkoe zamykanie (2009) [Private View. Short Circuit (2009)] 2010, 5 + 95 + 50 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Zakrytyi pokaz. Sumasshedshaia pomoshch´ (2009) [Private View. Mad Help] (2009)] 2011, 6½ + 115 + 50 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


See underGigneishvili and Khmel´nitskaia


  • Boris Khmel´nitskii. Strela v serdtse Robin Guda [Boris Khmel´nitskii. An Arrow to the Heart of Robin Hood] 2008, 54 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

KHOKHLOVA, Aleksandra

  • Ostrova. Aleksandra Khokhlova [Islands. Aleksandra Khokhlova] 2012, 38 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Pokhorony Very Kholodnoi, 1919, 2 minutes, Russian titles, English subtitles, added music track
    Call number
    Call number
  • 'Vera', 11 minutes, in Russian with optional English and French subtitles
    Call number
  • Mirazhi. Vera Kholodnaia [Mirages. Vera Kholodnaia] 1998, 27 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Genii i zlodei ukhodiashchei epokhi. Vera Kholodnaia [Geniuses and Villains of a Passing Epoch. Vera Kholodnaia] 2006, 32 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Zakrytyi pokaz. Skazka pro temnotu (2009) [Private View. A Tale of the Dark (2009)] 2011, 6½ + 88 + 51 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Kinodvizhenie [Film Movement] programme of 16 February 2004 [about Khotinenko's film 72 metra], 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • 72 metra. Pogruzhenie [72 Metres. The Dive] 2004, 49 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Monolog v chetyrekh chastiakh. Vladimir Khotinenko [A Monologue in Four Parts. Vladimir Khotinenko] 2012, 11 + 26 + 26 + 26 minutes
    Call number(first part lacks the ending)


  • Zakrytyi pokaz. Poltory komnaty, ili sentimental´noe puteshestvie na Rodinu (2008) [Private View. A Room and a Half, or a Sentimental Journey to the Motherland (2008)] 2010, 10 + 134 + 64 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Obratnaia tochka. Lunnyi papa [Reverse Point. Luna Papa] 2000, 15 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • The Soviet New Wave of the 1950s and 1960s, 1992, 22 minutes, in English with some Russian with English subtitles
    Call number
  • Istoriia odnogo zamysla... [The Story of a Certain Plan...] A film about Marlen Khutsiev in the series Zhizn´ zamechatel´nykh liudei [The Life of Remarkable People] 1999, 34 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • 'Ekzamen na zrelost´'. Marlen Khutsiev vspominaet... [A Maturity Exam. Marlen Khutsiev Remembers...] 2010, 65 minutes, in Russian
    Call number(Blu ray disc)
  • "Zastava Il´icha". Ispravlennomu ne verit´ ["The Il´ich Gate". Don't Trust the Corrected Version] 2014, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

See alsofeature films by Khutsiev.


  • Ia tak dumaiu. Buba Kikabidze [That's What I think. Buba Kikabidze] Fil´m iz tsikla Interesnoe kino [A Film in the Series "Interesting Cinema"] 2004, 54 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Zinaida Kirienko. Rokovaia krasavitsa [Zinaida Kirienko. A Fatal Beauty] 2009, 54 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • The Soviet New Wave of the 1950s and 1960s, 1992, 22 minutes, in English with some Russian with English subtitles
    Call number
  • Rozhdenie legendy. Fil´m pro fil´m. Dobro pozhalovat´, ili postoronnim vkhod vospreshchen [The Birth of the Legend. A Film about the Film. Welcome, or no unauthorised admittance] 2005, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Zachem perezhila tebia liubov´ moia? [Why Did My Love Outlive You?] 2007, in Russian
    Call number63 minutes,lacks start
    Call number53 minutes
  • Istoricheskie khroniki. 1975. Elem Klimov [Historical Chronicles. 1975. Elem Klimov] 2009, 44 minutes, in Russian
    The key subjects of this episode are: The career of Elem Klimov, especiallyDobro pozhalovat´, ili Postoronnim vkhod vospreshchen,Pokhozhdeniia zubnogo vrachaԻAgoniia; the ill health of Leonid Brezhnev and its consequences.
    Call number
  • Bol´she, chem liubov´. Takaia bol´shaia, korotkaia zhizn´... Elem Klimov i Larisa Shepit´ko [More than Love. Such a Big, Short Life... Elem Klimov and Larisa Shepit´ko] 2012, 39 minutes
    Call numberin Russian
    Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles (Blu ray disc. The Criterion Collection, No. 1063)

See alsofeature films by Klimov.


  • Pavel Klushantsev - K zvezdam! [Pavel Klushantsev - To the Stars!] 2000, 26 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian and English subtitles
    Call number


  • Bol´she, chem liubov´. Sud´ba na dvoikh. Liudmila Kasatkina [More than Love. Fate for Two. Liudmila Kasatkina] 2010, 38 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Tri Andreia [Three Andreis], 1966, 18 minutes 50 seconds, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    Call number
  • The Soviet New Wave of the 1950s and 1960s, 1992, 22 minutes, in English with some Russian with English subtitles
    Call number
  • Schitaiu sebia podaiushchim nadezhdy. Andrei Konchalovskii [I Consider Myself as Promising. Andrei Konchalovskii] 2007, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Belaia studiia. Andrei Konchalovskii [The White Studio. Andrei Konchalovskii] 2012, 38 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Dve zhizni Andreia Konchalovskogo [The Two Lives of Andrei Konchalovskii] 2012, 52 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

See alsofeature films by Konchalovskii.


  • Obratnaia tochka. K kinoprem´ere fil´ma "Zatvornik" [Reverse Point. On the Premiere of the Film "The Recluse"] NTV Nashe kino, 24 April 2001, 17 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Kinodvizhenie [Film Movement] programme of 20 November 2003 [about Konchalovskii's film [Anti]killer2], 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Ostrova. Tat´iana Koniukhova [Islands. Tat´iana Koniukhova] 2009, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

KONONOV, Mikhail

  • Ostrova. Mikhail Kononov [Islands. Mikhail Kononov] 2008, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Poslednie 24 chasa. Mikhail Kononov. [The Last Twenty Four Hours. Mikhail Kononov] 2009, 57 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Mikhail Kononov. "Ves´ mir protiv menia" [Mikhail Kononov. "The Whole World is Against Me"] 2010, 60 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Zakrytyi pokaz. Koshechka (2009) [Private View. Kitty, (2009)] 2011, 7½ + 95 + 50 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Zakrytyi pokaz. Samka (2010) [Private View. Female (2010)] 2012, 6 + approx. 75 + 55 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Semnadtsat´ mgnovenii Efima Kopeliana [Seventeen Moments of Efim Kopelian] 2007, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Efim Kopelian. Informatsiia k razmyshleniiu [Efim Kopelian. Information for Consideration] 2012, 56 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

KORENEV, Vladimir

  • Tsena zvezdnoi roli [The Price of a Starring Role] 2009, 43 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Serebrianyi shar. Elena Koreneva [The Silver Globe. Elena Koreneva] 2003, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Nadezhda Kosheverova. Igra v kukly [Nadezhda Kosheverova. Playing at Dolls] 2003, 38 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Iakov Kostiukovskii. Brilliantovaia ruchka korolia komedii [Iakov Kostiukovskii. The Diamond Pen of the King of Comedy] 2009, 59 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

KOZAKOV, Mikhail

  • Mikhail Kozakov. Ot liubvi do nenavisti [Mikail Kozakov. From Love to Hatred] 2008, 52 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Vek kino. Posleslovie [Valentina Kozintseva on Kozintsev] 1995, 15 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Peterburgskii dnevnik. Kvartira Kozintseva [Petersburg Diary. Kozintsev's Flat] directed by Aleksandr Sokurov, 1998, 48 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
    Call number
  • Zvezdnye gody Lenfil´ma [The Starry Years of Lenfilm] issue about the coming of sound cinema in Russia and on Grigorii Kozintsev and Leonid Trauberg's filmOdna, 2002, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
    Call number
    Call number
  • Zvezdnye gody Lenfil´ma [The Starry Years of Lenfilm] issue about Kozintsev and Trauberg's filmIunost´ Maksima, 2003, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Zvezdnye gody Lenfil´ma [The Starry Years of Lenfilm] issue about Kozintsev and Trauberg's filmsVozvrashchenie MaksimaԻVyborgskaia storona, 2003, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

See alsofeature films by KozintsevԻ see underFEKS.


  • Savelii Kramarov. Dzhentl´men udachi [Savelii Kramarov. Lucky Gentleman] 2004, 46 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Neizvestnyi benefis Saveliia Kramarova [An Unknown Benefit Performance by Savelii Kramarov] 2009, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

KRASKO, Andrei

  • Andrei Krasko. Nepokhozhii na artista [Andrei Krasko. Not Like an Actor] 2006, 60 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Moi syn - Andrei Krasko [My Son - Andrei Krasko] 2011, 58 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Kino na dvoikh [Cinema for Two] 2008, 59 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • V poiskakh utrachennogo: Nikolai Kriuchkov, Russian Television, Channel One, 12 March 1997, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Posledniaia liubov´ Nikolaia Kriuchkova [Nikolai Kriuchkov's Last Love] directed by Elena Tul´chinskaia, 2008, 54 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Samyi narodnyi artist. Nikolai Kriuchkov [The Most People's Actor. Nikolai Kriuchkov] 2010, 55 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Kumiry. Svetlana Kriuchkova [Idols. Svetlana Kriuchkova] 2005, 36 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Svetlana Kriuchkova. "Ia nauchilas´ prosto, mudro zhit´..." [Svetlana Kriuchkova. "I Have Learned to Live Simply, Wisely..."] 2010, 57 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Takova zhizn´. C'est la Vie. Lev Kruglyi [Such is Life. C'est la Vie. Lev Kruglyi] 2011, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

KTOROV, Anatolii

  • Moi serebrianyi shar. Anatolii Ktorov [My Silver Globe. Anatolii Ktorov] 2007, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Zvezdnye gody Lenfil´ma [The Starry Years of Lenfilm] issue about early Soviet children's films, including the early films of Nikolai Lebedev and Antoninina Kudriavtseva'sLenochkafilms, 2003, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
    Call number


  • Effekt Kuleshova, 1969, 54 minutes
    Call numberin Russian with optional German subtitles
    Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
  • "Kuleshovtsy" [The Kuleshov Group] NTV-Plius - Nashe kino, 15 June 2000, 20 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Lev Kulidzhanov interviewed, Russian Television, NTV, 1998, 25 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

See also afeature film by Kulidzhanov.


  • Razvedka. Versiia dlia kino. "Mertvyi sezon" [Reconnaissance. A Version for Cinema. "Dead Season"] 2004, 30 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Zvezdnye gody Lenfil´ma [The Starry Years of Lenfilm] issue about Dinara Asanova's filmܻDZ´ھԻ Savva Kulish's filmMertvyi sezon, 2004, 38 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Moi serebrianyi shar. Leonid Kuravlev [My Silver Globe. Leonid Kuravlev] 2004, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Kinodvizhenie [Film Movement] programme of 20 November 2003 [an interview with the actor], 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Vozvrashchenie domoi. Gosha Kutsenko. L´vov [Return Home. Gosha Kutsenko. L´vov] 2004, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Gosha Kutsenko. Igra v pravdu [Gosha Kutsenko. A Game of Truth] 2012, 59 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Liubovnye istorii. Viktoriia Tolstoganova [Love Stories. Viktoriia Tolstoganova] 2004, 31 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Bol´she, chem liubov´. Kinoroman Eleny Kuz´minoi [More than Love. The Film Romance of Elena Kuz´mina] 2007, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Legendy mirovogo kino. Elena Kuz´mina [Legends of World Cinema. Elena Kuz´mina] 2008, 25 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Pozdnee schast´e Kuznetsova Iuriia [The Late Happiness of Kuznetsov Iurii] Fil´m iz tsikla Interesnoe kino [A Film in the Series "Interesting Cinema"] 2002, 48 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • V poiskakh utrachennogo: Mikhail Kuznetsov, Russian Television, Channel One, 7 February 1996, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Legendy mirovogo kino. Mikhail Kuznetsov [Legends of World Cinema. Mikhail Kuznetsov] 2008, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Igor´ Kvasha. Tochka otscheta [Igor´ Kvasha. Point of Reference] 2008, 52 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Igor´ Kvasha. Lichnaia bol´ [Igor´ Kvasha. Personal Pain] 2013, 54 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • + interv´iu, Irakli Kvirikadze, NTV, Nashe kino, 29 September 2000, 17 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • 10 i 1 istoriia Irakliia Kvirikadze [10 and 1 stories by Irakli Kvirkadze] NTV-Plius, Nashe kino, 14, 15, 18, 19, 20, 21 and 22 December 2000, 6 + 6 + 6 + 5 + 7 + 6 + 7 minutes, in Russian
    Call numberWe have 7 of the 11 stories
  • Bol´she, chem liubov´. Nana Dzhordzhadze i Irakli Kvirikadze [More than Love. Nana Djordjadze and Irakli Kvirikadze] 2010, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Serebrianyi shar. Marina Ladynina [The Silver Globe. Marina Ladynina] 2003, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Pestraia lenta. Baryshnia-Krest´ianka [The Speckled Band. Lady into Peasant] 2005, 49 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Legendy mirovogo kino. Marina Ladynina [Legends of World Cinema. Marina Ladynina] 2007, 25 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Marina Ladynina. Ot strasti do nenavisti [Marina Ladynina. From Passion to Hatred] 2007, 60 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Kinozvezda mezhdu serpom i molotom [A Film Star between Sickle and Hammer] (An interview with Ladynina, filmed in 2002 by Veniamin Smekhov and his wife, with a prologue by Veniamin Smekhov), 2012, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

LANOVOI, Vasilii

  • Vasilii Lanovoi. Chuvstvo tseli [Vasilii Lanovoi. A Sense of Purpose] 2002, 44 minutes, in Russian with Russian subtitles
    Call number
  • Iubileinyi vecher Vasiliia Lanovogo [A Jubilee Evening for Vasilii Lanovoi] 2004, 104 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Vasilii Lanovoi. Vospominanie o nastoiashchem [Vasilii Lanovoi. Memory of the Present] 2004, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Vasilii Lanovoi. I strast´, i slezy, i liubov´... [Vasilii Lanovoi. Passion, Tears and Love...] 2009, 58 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Vasilii Lanovoi. Chest´imeiu! [Vasilii Lanovoi. I Have the Honour!] 2013, 58 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Chtoby pomnili: glava 56: Ivan, Russian Television, Channel One, 29 July 1999, 38 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Ivan Lapikov. Ballada ob aktere [Ivan Lapikov. Ballad of an Actor] 2007, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Moi serebrianyi shar. Nikolai Rybnikov [My Silver Globe. Nikolai Rybnikov] 2004, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

LAVROV, Kirill

  • Kirill Lavrov. Zhizn´ bez fal´shi [Kirill Lavrov. A Life without Falsehood] 2005, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

LAVROVA, Tat´iana

  • Nedoliubila, nedozhila. Tat´iana Lavrova [She Did Not Love Enough, She Did Not Live Long Enough. Tat´iana Lavrova] 2010, 50 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

LAZAREV, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich

  • Ekskliusiv - Aleksandr Lazarev. Rokovoi muzhchina [Exclusive. Aleksandr Lazarev. A Fateful Man] 2004, 30 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

LAZAREV, Aleksandr Sergeevich

  • Lazarev i Nemoliaeva. Eshche raz pro liubov´ [Lazarev and Nemoliaeva. Once Again About Love] 2008, 57 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Zakrytyi pokaz. Nelegal (2005) [Private View. The Illegal (2005)] 2007, 6 + 98 + 55 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

LEBEDEV, Nikolai A.

  • Istoriia odnoi avantiury [The Story of an Adventure] 2011, 26 minutes, in Russian
    (A film about Lebedev's film journey through Europe in the 1920s and the making of the filmPo Evrope)
    Call number

LEBEDEV, Nikolai Igorevich

  • Obratnaia tochka. K kinoprem´ere fil´ma "Poklonnik" [Reverse Point. On the Premiere if the Film "The Admirer"] NTV Nashe kino, 6 April 2001, 19 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

LEBEDEV, Nikolai Ivanovich

  • Zvezdnye gody Lenfil´ma [The Starry Years of Lenfilm] issue about early Soviet children's films, including the early films of Nikolai Lebedev and Antoninina Kudriavtseva'sLenochkafilms, 2003, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
    Call number

LEONOV, Evgenii

  • Bol´shie roditeli. Evgenii Leonov [Big Parents. Evgenii Leonov] 2003, 30 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Evgenii Leonov. A slezy kapali (pis´ma artistu) [Evgenii Leonov. But Tears Flowed (Letters to the Actor)] 2006, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Evgenii Leonov. Ispoved´ [Evgenii Leonov. A Confession] 2006, 61 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Evgenii Leonov. Strakh odinochestva [Evgenii Leonov. The Fear of Loneliness] 2009, 56 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

LEONT´EV, Avangard

  • Liniia zhizni. Avangard Leont´ev [Life Line. Avangard Leont´ev] 2007, 52 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Serebrianyi shar. Ella Lezhdei [The Silver Globe. Ella Lezhdei] 2003, 38 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Zakrytyi pokaz. Napisano Sergeem Dovlatovym (2012) [Private View. Written by Sergei Dovlatov (2012)] 2013, 8 + 52 + 51 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

LIOZNOVA, Tat´iana

  • Semnadtsat´ mgnovenii vesny. 25 let spustia [Seventeen Moments of Spring. Twenty Five Years Later] 1998, 104 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Razvedka. Versiia dlia kino. "Agent Shtirlits" [Reconnaissance. A Version for Cinema. "Agent Stirliz"] 2003, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Dozhit´ do svetloi polosy [To Survive Until the Strip of Light] 2004, 52 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • 80 mgnovenii Tat´iany Lioznovoi [80 Moments of Tat´iana Lioznova] 2004, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Tainy veka. Genrikh Miuller. Poslednee mgnovenie vesny [Secrets of the Age. Heinrich Müller. The Last Moment of Spring] 2006, 64 minuteslacks start, in Russian
    Call number
  • Tainy veka. Semnadtsat´ mgnovenii vesny. Poslednii dubl´ [Secrets of the Age. Seventeen Moments of Spring. The Last Take] 2013, 55 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • TV programme about Renata Litvinova and Kira Muratova, directed by Irina Vasil´eva, RTR, 1996, 50 minutes,lacks start, in Russian
    Call number
  • Na noch´ gliadia. Renata Litvinova [Towards Night. Renata Litvinova] 2012, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Zakrytyi pokaz. Posledniaia skazka Rity (2012) [Private View. Rita's Last Tale (2012)] 2013, 8 + 97 + 55 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

LIUBSHIN, Stanislav

  • Moi serebrianyi shar. Stanislav Liubshin [My Silver Globe. Stanislav Liubshin] 2010, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Pozdniaia liubov´ Stanislava Liubshina [Stanislav Liubshin's Late Love] 2013, 58 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Vozvrashchenie domoi. Igor´ Livanov [Return Home. Igor´ Livanov] 2004, 42 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

LIVANOV, Vasilii

  • Kumiry. Vasilii Livanov [Idols. Vasilii Livanov] 2003, 28 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Vasilii Livanov. 'V zhizni ia ne Sherlok Kholms' [Vasilii Livanov. 'In Life I'm Not Sherlock Holmes'] 2010, 56 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Russkaia zvezda Gollivuda [The Russian Star of Hollywood] 2005, 60 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Zvezdnye gody Lenfil´ma [The Starry Years of Lenfilm] issue aboutܳԾ´ԻDoktor Kaliuzhnyi, the films made at Lenfil´m by by Erast Garin and Khesia Lokshina and also aboutTaiga zolotaia, by Gennadii Kazanskii and Maksim Ruf, 2004, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

LOKTEV, Aleksei

  • Prostite, golubi... Istoriia dvukh odinochestv [Forgive us, Doves... The Story of Two Solitudes] A film about the actors Svetlana Savelova and Aleksei Loktev, 2008, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Zakrytyi pokaz. Gadkie lebedi (2006) [Private View. The Ugly Swans (2006)] 2008, 6 + 109 + 48 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Emil´ Lotianu: Besedy o kino s Emannuilem Vitorganom [Emil´ Lotianu: Conversations about Cinema with Emmanuil´ Vitorgan] NTV, Nashe kino, 10 April 2000, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • I laskovyi, i nezhnyi zver´ [An Affectionate and Tender Beast] 2006, 53 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Klara Luchko. Poslednee interv´iu [Klara Luchko. The Last Interview] 2005, 43 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Poslednie 24 chasa. Klara Luchko [The Last Twenty Four Hours. Klara Luchko] 2007, 54 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Klara Luchko. Pozdniaia liubov´ [Klara Luchko. Late Love] 2010, 58 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Okhota na L´va [Hunting Lev] 2011, Part 2, 26 minutes, in Russian
    (on her filmAnna Karenina)
    Call number

LUKOV, Leonid

  • Discussion of Leonid Lukov's filmBol´shaia zhizn´in theKinopravda?series, 1993 or 1994
    8 minutes of discussion before the showing of the film and another 29 minutes after it
    Discussion introduced by Georgii Kuznetsov, with Liliia Mamatova, Aleksandr Krushenitskii, Vladimir Borev and Oleg Charakaev
    Call number
  • Aleksandr Matrosov. Pravda o podvige [Aleksandr Matrosov. The Truth about the the Heroic Deed] 2006, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Liniia zhizni. Pavel Lungin [Life Line. Pavel Lungin] 2007, 52 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Belaia studiia. Pavel Lungin [The White Studio. Pavel Lungin] 2012, 38 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Eta zhestokaia gospozha udacha. Pavel Luspekaev [That Cruel Lady Luck. Pavel Luspekaev] 2005, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Pestraia lenta. Legenda o Luspekaeve [The Speckled Band. The Legend of Luspekaev] 2005, 47 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Gospozha udacha Pavla Luspekaeva [Lady Luck of Pavel Luspekaev] 2006, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Poslednie 24 chasa. Pavel Luspekaev [The Last Twenty Four Hours. Pavel Luspekaev] 2006, 68 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Perpendikuliarnoe kino. Petr Lutsik [Perpendicular cinema. Petr Lutsik] 1999, 52 minutes, in Russian with English voiceover
    Call number



  • Zakrytyi pokaz. Zapakh vereska (2011) [Private View. The Smell of Heather (2011)] 2013, 6 + 98 + 59 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Moi serebrianyi shar. Elena Maiorova [My Silver Globe. Elena Maiorova] 2005, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Elena Maiorova. Posledniaia vesna [Elena Maiorova. The Last Spring] 2008, 54 minutes held including ad breaks,but lacks ending, in Russian
    Call number


  • Liniia zhizni. Inna Makarova [Life Line. Inna Makarova] 2007, 52 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • V poiskakh utrachennogo: Tamara Makarova, Russian Television, Channel One, 3 April 1996, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Legendy mirovogo kino. Tamara Makarova [Legends of World Cinema. Tamara Makarova] 2007, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Tamara Makarova. Pervaia ledi sovetskogo kinematografa [Tamara Makarova. The First Lady of Soviet Cinema] 2007, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Kumiry. Korolevskaia cheta sovetskogo kino [Idols. The Royal Family of Soviet Cinema] 2008, 51 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Moi serebrianyi shar. Tamara Makarova [My Silver Globe. Tamara Makarova] 2010, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • K-2 predstavliaet: Sergei Makovetskii, Perpendikuliarnoe kino, Russian Television, RTR, 31 January 1999, 55 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • + intervi´iu na kinotavre. Sergei Makovetskii [Plus-Interview at the Kinotavr. Sergei Makovetskii] NTV, Nashe Kino, 20 July 2001, 24 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Vozvrashchenie domoi. Sergei Makovetskii. Kiev [Return Home. Sergei Makovetskii. Kiev] 2003, 43 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Ekskliusiv. Sergei Makovetskii [Exclusive. Sergei Makovetskii] 2004, 32 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Liniia zhizni. Sergei Makovetskii [Life Line. Sergei Makovetskii] 2004, 52 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Epizody. Sergei Makovetskii [Episodes. Sergei Makovetskii] 2007, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Sergei Makovetskii. Rab stseny [Sergei Makovetskii. Slave of the Stage] 2008, 50 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Zakrytyi pokaz. Drugoe nebo (2010) [Private View. Another Sky (2010)] 2013, 6 + 86 + 50 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

MANSKII, Vitalii

  • Zakrytyi pokaz. Devstvennost´ (2008) [Private View. Virginity (2008)] 2010, 5 + 87 + 65 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • V poiskakh utrachennogo: Vera Maretskaia, Russian Television, Channel One, 27 March 1997, 36 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Zvezdnye gody Lenfil´ma [The Starry Years of Lenfil´m] issue about Iosif Kheifits and Aleksandr Zarkhi's filmChlen pravitel´stvaԻ Vera Maretskaia, 2004, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
    Call number
  • Legendy mirovogo kino. Vera Maretskaia [Legends of World Cinema. Vera Maretskaia] 2006, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Rimma Markova. Kharakter ne sakhar, dusha - rafinad [Rimma Markova. Not a Sugary Character but a Refined Soul] 2010, 60 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • V poiskakh utrachennogo. Sergei Martinson [In Search of What is Lost. Sergei Martinson] 1997, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
    Call number
  • Legendy mirovogo kino. Sergei Martinson [Legends of World Cinema. Sergei Martinson] 2005, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Moi serebrianyi shar. Sergei Martinson [My Silver Globe. Sergei Martinson] 2006, 45 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Sergei Martinson. Komicheskii zlodei [Sergei Martinson. A Comic Villain] 2009, 55 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Dekoratsiia dlia zhizni [A Set for Life] 2003, 25 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Sherlok Kholms i Doktor Vatson. Rozhdenie legendy [Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson. The Birth of the Legend] 2009, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number(interference on sound from 30 to 36 minutes)


  • Serebrianyi shar: Pavel Massal´skii, Russian Television, Channel One, 28 April 1997, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Zakrytyi pokaz. Satisfaktsiia (2010) [Private View. Satisfaction (2010)] 2011, 6 + 93 + 47 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

MATVEEV, Evgenii

  • Poslednii geroi [The Last Hero] [year not indicated], 45 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Pestraia lenta. Ia, Matveev E.S. [The Speckled Band. I, E.S. Matveev] 2004, 45 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Zhizn´ bez vran´ia [A Life Without Lies] 2007, 49 minutes, in
    Call number
  • Evgenii Matveev. Vsem serdtsem - raz i navsegda [Evgenii Matveev. With his Whole Heart - Once and For All] 2012, 57 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

MEDVEDKIN, Aleksandr

  • The Last Bolshevik [Le Tombeau d'Alexandre] directed by Chris Marker, 1993, 121 minutes, narration in French or English with interviews in various languages with optional French or English subtitles
    Call number
  • Ostrova. Aleksandr Medvedkin [Islands. Aleksandr Medvedkin] 2010, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

See alsofeature films by Medvedkin.

MERKUR´EV, Vasilii

  • Istoricheskie khroniki. 1978. Vasilii Merkur´ev [Historical Chronicles. 1978. Vasilii Merkur´ev] 2010, 44 minutes, in Russian
    The key subject of this episode is the life and career of Vasilii Merkur´ev
    Call number


  • Zakrytyi pokaz. Rusalka (2007) [Private View. The Mermaid (2007)] 2008, 8 + 114 + 67 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

MEL´NIKOV, Vitalii

  • Kinodvizhenie [Film Movement] programme of 25 December 2003 [about Mel´nikov's film Bednyi bednyi Pavel], 33 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Vitalii Mel´nikov. Rezhisser [The Director Vitalii Mel´nikov] 2003, 37 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Zvezdnye gody Lenfil´ma [The Starry Years of Lenfilm] issue about Il´ia Averbakh's filmStepen´ riska, Aleksei German's filmSed´moi sputnikԻ Vitalii Mel´nikov's filmNachal´nik Chukotki, 2004, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
    Call number
  • Dokumental´naia kamera. Vitalii Mel´nikov. Zhizn´, kino... [Documentary Camera. Vitalii Mel´nikov. Life, Cinema...] 2009, in Russian, 39 minutes
    Call number


  • Oleg Men´shikov. V teni svoei slavy [Oleg Men´shikov. In the Shadow of His Own Glory] 2010, 57 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Nina Men´shikova. Serdtse materi [Nina Men´shikova. A Mother's Heart] 2005, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

MEN´SHOV, Vladimir

  • + interv´iu. Vladimir Men´shov [+ Interview. Vladimir Men´shov] NTV Plius, Nashe kino, 25 March 2001, 20 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
    Call number
  • Pestraia lenta. Men´shov slezam ne verit [The Speckled Band. Men´shov Doesn't Believe in Tears] 2004, 45 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Vozvrashchenie domoi. Vladimir Men´shov. Astrakhan´ [Return Home. Vladimir Men´shov. Astrakhan´] 2004, 29 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Ee slezam Moskva poverila [Moscow Believed Its Tears] 2005, 42 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Rozhdenie legendy. Fil´m pro fil´m. Moskva slezam ne verit [The Birth of a Legend. A Film about the Film. Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears] 2006, 59 minutes held,lacks end and end credits, in Russian
    Call number
  • Liubov´ i slezy Very Alentovoi [The Love and Tears of Vera Alentova] 2007, 52 minutes, in Russian
    Call number; lacks start
  • Vladimir Men´shov. Do i posle "Oskara" [Vladimir Men´shov. Before and After the Oscar] 2009, 55 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

MERKEL´, Maiia

  • Ostrova. Maiia Merkel´ i ee geroi [Islands. Maiia Merkel´ and Her Heroes] 2007, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Dekoratsiia dlia zhizni [A Set for Life] 2003, 25 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Zvezda so storony [A Star from the Side] 2007, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Umeret´ krasivoi. Irina Metlitskaia [To Die Beautiful. Irina Metlitskaia] 2007, 44 minutes, in Russian with Russian subtitles
    Call number


  • Andrei Miagkov. I nikakoi ironii sud´by... [Andrei Miagkov. And No Irony of Fate...] 2011, 59 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

MIKHAILOV, Aleksandr

  • Aleksandr Mikhailov. Nado ostavat´sia muzhikom [Aleksandr Mikhailov. You Have to Remain a Man] 2009, 56 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Russkii kharakter. Aleksandr Mikhailov [The Russian Character. Aleksandr Mikhailov] 2009, 43 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Chtoby pomnili. Glava 14: Viktor (Mikhailov) [To Remember. Chapter 14: Viktor (Mikhailov)] 1995, 42 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Televizionnye znakomstva. Nikita Mikhalkov [M. talks to Urmas Ott] 1988, 85 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Veruiu... Iz zhizni znamenitykh [I Believe... From the Life of the Famous] 2001, 80 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Nikita Mikhalkov. Svoi sredi svoikh [Nikita Mikhalkov. At Home among His Own] 2005, 47 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Russkii filosof Ivan Il´in [The Russian Philosopher Ivan Il´in] directed and presented by Nikita Mikhalkov from his idea, 2011, 49 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Nikita Mikhalkov. Sami s usami [Nikita Mikhalkov. Just as Good as You] 2012, 54 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

See alsofeature films by MikhalkovԻ adocumentary by Mikhalkov.


  • Anna ot 6 do 18 [Anna from 6 to 18] directed by Nikita Mikhalkov, 1993, 95 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian and English subtitles
    Call number


  • Chtoby pomnili: glava 19: Ivan, Russian Television, Channel One, 14 February 1996, 40 minutes
    Call number

MILLIAR, Georgii

  • Pestraia lenta. Georgii Milliar. Nechistaia sila sovetskogo kino [The Speckled Band. Georgii Milliar. The Unclean Spirit of Soviet Cinema] 2005, 48 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Interview with Igor´ Minaev, April 2013, 38 minutes 34 seconds, in French
    Call number

MINDADZE, Aleksandr

  • Liniia zhizni. Aleksandr Mindadze [Life Line. Aleksandr Mindadze] 2008, 52 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Zakrytyi pokaz. Otryv (2007) [Private View. Soar (2007)] 2008, 8 + 83 + 46 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • "Eto bylo nedavno, eto bylo davno..." Televizionnye memuary. Andrei Mironov ["It Was Recently, it Was Long Ago..." Televisual Memoirs. Andrei Mironov] 1998, 54 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Bol´shie roditeli. Andrei Mironov [Big Parents. Andrei Mironov] 2003, 43 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Andrei Mironov i ego zhenshchiny [Andrei Mironov and his Women] 2005, 65 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Pestraia lenta. Andrei Mironov [The Speckled Band. Andrei Mironov] 2005, 49 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Poslednie 24 chasa. Andrei Mironov [The Last Twenty Four Hours. Andrei Mironov] 2005, 59 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • "Bravo, artist!". [Bravo the Actor!] 2006, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Andrei Mironov. Obyknovennoe chudo [Andrei Mironov. An Ordinary Miracle] 2007, 55 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • "Ia boius´, chto menia razliubiat..." Andrei Mironov ["I'm Afraid They'll Stop Loving Me..." Andrei Mironov] 2011, 54 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
    Call number

MIRONOV, Evgenii

  • Evgenii Mironov. Nichego lichnogo [Evgenii Mironov. Nothing Personal] 2006, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Evgenii Mironov. "Familiia obiazyvaet" [Evgenii Mironov. "The Surname Obliges"] 2011, 59 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Na noch´ gliadia. Evgenii Mironov [Towards Night. Evgenii Mironov] 2011, 48 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Irina Miroshnichenko. Otkroveniia [Irina Miroshnichenko. Revelations] 2011, 58 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

MIRZOEV, Vladimir

  • Zakrytyi pokaz. Boris Godunov (2011) [Private View. Boris Godunov (2011)] 2013, 7 + 123 + 45 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

MISHARIN, Aleksandr

  • Interview with the screenwriter Aleksandr Misharin, 2004, 32 minutes 34seconds, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    Call number(Blu ray disc. The Criterion Collection, No. 1084)


  • Spartak Mishulin. Tot samyi Karlson [Spartak Mishulin. That Very Same Karlson] 2006, 50 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Spartak Mishulin. Umeiushchii letat´ [Spartak Mishulin. Able to Fly] 2006, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Poslednie 24 chasa. Spartak Mishulin [The Last Twenty Four Hours. Spartak Mishulin] 2008, 56 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Spartak Mishulin. On obeshchal vernut´sia [Spartak Mishulin. He Promised to Return] 2011, 50 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

MITTA, Aleksandr

  • Edvard Radzinskii. Snimaetsia kino. Seriia tret´ia [Edvard Radzinskii. A Film is Being Made. Part 3] 2009, 57 minutes, in Russian
    Call number(Radzinskii discusses the filmMoskva, liubov´ moia)
  • Ognennyi reis. Kak eto bylo [The Fiery Flight. How it Was] A film about Mitta's filmEkipazh, 2010, 45 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Bol´she, chem liubov´. Aleksandr Mitta i Liia Maiorova [More than Love. Aleksandr Mitta and Liia Maiorova] 2011, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Zakrytyi pokaz. Buben, baraban (2009) [Private View. Tambourine, Drum (2009)] 2011, 6 + 93 + 46 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Frunzik Mkrtchian. Istoriia odinochestva [Frunzik Mkrtchian. A Story of Loneliness] 2005, 44 minuteslacks ending, in Russian
    Call number


  • Women in Soviet Cinema: "I am an ox, I am a horse, I am a man, I am a woman" [Interviews with Kira Muratova, Lana Gogoberidze, Nataliia Riazantseva, Inna Churikova, Nonna Mordiukova and Maiia Turovskaia] directed by Sally Potter, Women Call the Shots, Channel Four, 9 April 1990, 50 minutes
    Call number
    Call number
    Call number
    Call number
  • Nonna Mordiukova. Ia vspominaiu... [Nonna Mordiukova. I Remember...] 2003, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Zhiteli planety N4022 [The Inhabitants of Planet N4022] 2005, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Neukrotimaia. Nonna Mordiukova [Untameable. Nonna Mordiukova] 2006, 53 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Nonna Mordiukova. O liubvi [Nonna Mordiukova. About Love] 2008, 55 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Nonna Mordiukova. Takoi ee nikto ne znal [Nonna Mordiukova. No One Knew Her Like That] 2010, 52 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Poslednie 24 chasa. Evgenii Morgunov [The Last Twenty Four Hours. Evgenii Morgunov] 2005, 53 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Trus, Balbes, Byvalyi i drugie smeshnye istoriia. Fil´m pervyi: Evgenii Morgunov [Coward, Booby, Worldly Wise and Other Funny Stories. Film 1: Evgenii Morgunov] 2005, 50 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Shutki bol´shogo cheloveka. Evgenii Morgunov [The Jokes of a Big Man. Evgenii Morgunov] 2009, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

MOTYL´, Vladimir

  • Zvezdnye gody Lenfil´ma [The Starry Years of Lenfilm] issue about films of the late 1940s, 1950s and 1960s about the Second World War, Aleksandr Ivanov'sZvezda and Soldaty, Vladimir Motyl´'sZhenia,Zhenechka i "katiusha", Naum Birman'sKhronika pikiruiushchego bombardirovshchikaԻ Viktor Tregubovich'sNa voine kak na voine, 2004, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Gospozha pobeda rezhissera Motylia [Lady Luck of the Director Motyl´] 2007, 46 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Ivan Mozzhukhin, ili Ditia karnavala [Ivan Mozzhukhin, or The Child of the Carnival] [Ivan Mosjoukine, ou l'Enfant du carnival] directed by Galina Dolmatovskaia, 1999, 68 minutes, French narration
    Call number
  • Zvezdy polotnianogo neba. Ivan Mozzhukhin [Stars of the Linen Sky. Ivan Mozzhukhin] film made by Nina Dymshits, Valentina Vikhliaeva, Masha Vizitei, Aleksandr Troshin and others, Kino-zhurnal, NTV, Nashe kino 31 March 2000, 12 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Women in Soviet Cinema: "I am an ox, I am a horse, I am a man, I am a woman" [Interviews with Kira Muratova, Lana Gogoberidze, Nataliia Riazantseva, Inna Churikova, Nonna Mordiukova and Maiia Turovskaia] directed by Sally Potter, Women Call the Shots, Channel Four, 9 April 1990, 50 minutes
    Call number
    Call number
    Call number
    Call number
  • TV programme about Renata Litvinova and Kira Muratova, directed by Irina Vasil´eva, RTR, 1996, 50 minutes,lacks start, in Russian
    Call number
  • Korotkaia vstrecha s Kiroi Muratovoi [A Short Meeting with Kira Muratova] A film in the series Zhizn´ zamechatel´nykh liudei [The Life of Remarkable People] 1999, 28 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Kira, directed by Vladimir Nepevnyi, 2003, 48 minutes, in Russian with optional subtitles
    Call number
  • Zakrytyi pokaz. Melodiia dlia sharmanki (2009) [Private View. Melody for Barrel Organ (2009)] 2012, 7 + 155 + 53 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

See alsofeature films by Muratova.


  • Karnaval sud´by Iriny Murav´evoi [The Carnival of Fate of Irina Murav´eva] 2009, 60 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Pravila samoi obaiatel´noi. Irina Murav´eva [The Rules of the Most Charming. Irina Murav´eva] 2009, 46 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Ninel´ Myshkova. Do i posle "Gadiuki" [Ninel´ Myshkova. Before and AfterGadiuka] 2011, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

MYSINA, Oksana

  • Kinodvizhenie [Film Movement] programme of 25 December 2003 [an interview with the actress], 33 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Rodion Nakhapetov. Russkii v gorode angelov [Rodion Nakhapetov. A Russian in the City of Angels] 2009, 61 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Gollivudskie grezy Rodiona Nakhpetova [The Hollywood Dreams of Rodion Nakhpetova] 2014, 62 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • + interv´iu. Georgii Natanson [Plus Interview. Georgii Natanson] NTV, Nashe kino, 18 May 2001, 31 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Edvard Radzinskii. Snimaetsia kino. Seriia vtoraia [Edvard Radzinskii. A Film is Being Made. Part 2] 2009, 57 minutes, in Russian
    Call number(Radzinskii discusses the filmEshche raz pro liubov´)
  • Edvard Radzinskii. Snimaetsia kino. Seriia tret´ia [Edvard Radzinskii. A Film is Being Made. Part 3] 2009, 57 minutes, in Russian
    Call number(Radzinskii discusses the filmAelita, ne prostavai k muzhchinam)
  • Georgii Natanson. Vliublennyi v kino [Georgii Natanson. In Love with Cinema] 2010, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Glavnaia rol´ dlia liubimoi aktrisy [The Leading Role for a Beloved Actress] 2011, 47 minutes, lacks start, in Russian
    Call number

NAUMOV, Vladimir

  • Mosfil´mu 70. 'Mir vkhodiashchemu' [Mosfil´m is 70. 'Peace to Him Who Enters'] 1993, 17 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Vladimir Naumov, Armen Dzhigarkhanian o s´´emkakh fil´ma [Vladimir Naumov, Armen Dzhigarkhanian on the making of the film Tegeran-43] 2004, 40 minutes
    Call number
  • Natal´ia Belokhvostikova i Vladimir Naumov. Dvukh sudeb liniia odna [Natal´ia Belokhvostikova and Vladimir Naumov. The One Line of Two Fates] 2010, 52 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Marina Neelova. 'Ne sprashivaite menia o romanakh' [Marina Neelova. 'Don't ask me about Romances'] 2011, 57 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

NEGODA, Natal´ia

  • Zvuchnaia familiia Negoda. "Malen´kaia Vera" 15 let spustia [The Sonorous Name Negoda. "Little Vera" 15 years later] 2003, 56 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Sluzhebnyi roman Svetlany Nemoliaevoi [The Office Romance of Svelana Nemoliaeva] 2007, 57 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Svetlana Nemoliaeva. Priznanie v liubvi [Svetlana Nemoliaeva. A Declaration of Love] 2007, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Lazarev i Nemoliaeva. Eshche raz pro liubov´ [Lazarev and Nemoliaeva. Once Again About Love] 2008, 57 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

NEVINNYI, Viacheslav

  • "Ia eshche vse sygraiu!" Viacheslav Nevinnyi ["I'll Still Play All the Parts!" Viacheslav Nevinnyi] 2009, 45 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Boris Nevzorov. Geroi-liubovnik, kholostiak? [Boris Nevzorov. Heroic Lover. Bachelor?] 2010, 56 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Moi serebrianyi shar. Rufina Nifontova [My Silver Globe. Rufina Nifontova] 2010, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Piraty XX veka. Eremenko - Nigmatulin [Twentieth Century Pirates. Eremenko - Nigmatulin] 2006, 45 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Razbitye mechty aktrisy Nikishchikhinoi [The Shattered Dreams of the Actress Nikishchikhina] 2009, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Documentary about Nikitin by Naum Kleiman in Muzei kino series, Russian Television, RTR, 1993, 20 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • + Interv´iu. Valerii Nikolaev [Interview with the actor] NTV, Nashe kino, 18 February 2000, 20 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Prostoi neprostoi Sergei Nikonenko [Simple not Simple Sergei Nikonenko] 2011, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Iubileinyi vecher Iuriia Nikulina [A Jubilee Evening for Iurii Nikulin] 1997, 96 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Bol´shie roditeli. Iurii Nikulin [Big Parents. Iurii Nikulin] 2003, 22 minutes of 30 held, in Russian
    Call number
  • Koroli smekha. Iurii Nikulin [Kings of Laughter. Iurii Nikulin] 2003, 30 + 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Pestraia lenta. Iu.V. [The Speckled Band. Iu.V.] 2004, 45 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Iskusstvo byt´ smeshnym [The Art of Being Funny] 2007, 52 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Istoricheskie khroniki. 1977. Iurii Nikulin [Historical Chronicles. 1977. Iurii Nikulin] 2009, 44 minutes, in Russian
    The subjects of this episode are the life and career of Iurii Nikulin and the new constitution of 1977
    Call number
  • Iurii Nikulin. O grustnom i smeshnom [Iurii Nikulin. On the Sad and the Funny] 2009, 52 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Iurii Nikulin. Priznanie v liubvi [Iurii Nikulin. A Declaration of Love] 2011, 59 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Iurii Norshtein [documentary about Norshtein, includes extracts from Norshtein's Shinel´] directed by Vikhra Tarabanova, 55 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
    Call number
  • Documentary film about Iurii Norshtein, in the series 'Mir animatsii ili animatsiia mira', 26 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
    Call number
  • Tekhnologiia tvorchestva: Norshtein [The Technology of Creation: Norshtein] 2001, 52 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Vyshel ezhik iz tumana... [The Hedgehog Came out of the Fog...] 2011, 57 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • "Groznyi" kak animatsiia [Ivan Groznyi as Animation] 2012, 103 minutes, in Russian
    (Norshtein's 2002 lecture in Tokyo on Eizenshtein's film)
    Call number

NOSOVA, Tamara

  • Blesk i nishcheta korolevy komedii. Tamara Nosova [The Brilliance and Penury of the Queen of Comedy. Tamara Nosova] 2007, 54 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Tri plius dva. More. Liubov´. Kino [Three Plus Two. The Sea. Love. Cinema] 2006, 53 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • "Tri plius dva". Versiia kurortnogo romana ["Three Plus Two". A Version of a Resort Romance] 2014, 60 minutes, in Russian
    Call number(Blu ray disc)


  • Ivan Okhlobystin. Pop-zvezda [Ivan Okhlobystin. Priest-Star] 2011, 54 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • V poiskakh utrachennogo. Tat´iana Okunevskaia [In Search of What is Lost. Tat´iana Okunevskaia] 1997, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
    Call number

OLIALIN, Nikolai

  • Kumiry. Nikolai Olialin. Budem zhit´ [Idols. Nikolai Olialin, We Are Going to Live] 2011, 50 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

OMAROVA, Gul´shad (Guka)

  • Zakrytyi pokaz. Baksý (2008) [Private View. Baksý (2008)] 2010, 6 + 83 + 61 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

ORLOVA, Liubov´

  • Liubov´ Orlova, directed by Grigorii Aleksandrov and Elena Mikhailova, 1983, 84 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • V poiskakh utrachennogo: Liubov´ Orlova, Russian Television, Channel One, 11 February 1997, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Tri liubvi Liubovi Orlovoi [The Three Loves of Liubov´ Orlova] 2005, 60 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Gaft po imeni Olevtin [Gaft Named Olevtin] 2002, 45 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Kumiry. Ol´ga Ostroumova [Idols. Ol´ga Ostroumova] 2005, 32 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

OTSEP, Fedor

  • Documentary about Otsep by Naum Kleiman in Muzei kino series, Russian Television, RTR, 1995, 9 minutes
    Call number
  • Okhota na L´va [Hunting Lev] 2011, Part 2, 26 minutes, in Russian
    (on his filmZhivoi trup)
    Call number

See alsofeature films by Otsep.


  • Sergei Ovcharov. Besedy o kino s Emmanuilom Vitorganom [Sergei Ovcharov. Conversations about cinema with Emmanuil Vitorgan], Kinokompaniia Tri kita for Nashe kino, 1999, 25 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Zakrytyi pokaz. Sad, 2008 [Private View. The Garden, 2008] 2008, 7 + 98 + 64 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

See alsofeature films by Ovcharov.


  • Pestraia lenta. Bezymiannaia zvezda [The Speckled Band. The Nameless Star] 2003, 45 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Kumiry. Lius´ena Ovchinnikova. Zhizn´ v ozhidanii liubvi [Idols. Lius´ena Ovchinnikova. A Life Waiting for Love] 2007, 55 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Lius´ena Ovchinnikova. Motylek [Lius´ena Ovchinnikova. The Butterfly] 2011, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Zvezdnye gody Lenfil´ma [The Starry Years of Lenfil´m] issue about Gleb Panfilov and Inna Churikova's early filmsV ogne broda net,NachaloԻProshu slova, 2004, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
    Call number
  • Monolog v chetyrekh chastiakh. Gleb Panfilov [A Monologue in Four Parts. Gleb Panfilov] 2011, Parts 1, 2 and 4 only, 26 + 26 + 23 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

PANICH, Iulian

  • Svideteli. Chetyre zhizni Iuliana Panicha [Witnesses. The Four Lives of Iulian Panich] 2011, 48 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

PANIN, Aleksei

  • Malen´kie giganty bol´shogo kino [The Little Giants of Big Cinema] 2011, 60 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

PANIN, Andrei

  • Moi serebrianyi shar. Andrei Panin [My Silver Globe. Andrei Panin] 2006, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
    Call number


  • Chtoby pomnili: glava 31: Pavel, Russian Television, Channel One, 27 March 1997, 37 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Altaiskii samorodok Pankratov-Chernyi [The Naturally Gifted Man from the Altai Pankratov-Chernyi] 2009, 46 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

PANTELEEV, Aleksandr

  • Zvezdnye gody Lenfil´ma [The Starry Years of Lenfilm] issue about the beginnings of cinema in St Petersburg / Leningrad, 2001, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

PAPANOV, Anatolii

  • Neokonchennaia voina Anatoliia Papanova [The Unfinished War of Anatolii Papanov] 2006, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Kumiry. Anatolii Papanov. Ot komedii do tragedii [Idols. Anatolii Papanov, From Comedy to Tragedy] 2011, in Russian, 55 minutes
    Call number


  • "Chelovek-prazdnik" [includes extracts from the following films on Paradzhanov: 'Maestro', directed by Aleksandr Kaidanovskii, and 'Vizit v masterskuiu kinorezhissera'] [no date] 90 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Paradzhanov, "Ia snimaiu genial´nyi fil´m" [on Teni zabytykh predkov] directed by Vladimir Lugovskoi, [no date] 28 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Video film about Sergei Paradzhanov, [no date] 24 minutes
    Call numberin Russian with optional subtitles
    Call numberin Russian with optional English, French or Spanish subtitles
  • 'Sergei Paradzhanov' consisting of an interview with his widow, Svetlana Shcherbatiuk, 26½ minutes
    Call numberin Russian with optional English, French, Dutch, Spanish or Italian subtitles
    Call numberin Russian with optional English, French or Spanish subtitles
  • I am Serguei Paradjanov [I am Sergei Paradzhanov] [Ia, Sergei Paradzhanov] 1990, 24 minutes
    Call number
    Call numberin English and Russian with optional Russian and English subtitles
  • "Portret bez retushi", directed by I. Korpanosova, 1991, 60 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Khachkar. Pamiati Paradzhanova, 1992, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • "Neizvestnoe kino Sergeia Paradzhanova" [includes Paradzhanov's Kievskie freski] directed by Sergei Savushkin and Konstantin Gadaev, 1993, 14 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Paradzhanov, kakim my ego znali [extracts from his films and films about him] 1994, 12 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Paradjanov 1924-1990 [Paradjanov. A Requiem] directed by Ron Holloway, 1994, 59 minutes
    Call numberin Russian with English subtitles
    Call numberin Russian with English subtitles
    Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles (Blu ray disc)
  • Ostrova. Andrei Tarkovskii i Sergei Paradzhanov [Islands. Andrei Tarkovskii and Sergei Paradzhanov] 2002, 39 minutes
    Call numberin Russian with optional English, French and Spanish subtitles
    Call numberin Russian with optional English, French, Spanish, German and Italian subtitles
    Call numberin Russian with optional Russian and English subtitles
  • Iskateli. Suramskaia krepost´ [Searchers. Surami Fortress] 2003, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Orfei spuskaetsia v ad [Orpheus Descends into Hell] 2003, 28 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian and English subtitles
    Call number
  • Serguei Parajanov. Le Rebelle [Sergei Parajanov: the Rebel] directed by Patrick Cazals, 2003, 51 minutes 40 seconds, in Russian, Armenian, French and Georgian with English subtitles
    Call number
  • Vospominaniia o Saiat-Nove [Memories of Saiat-Nova] 2003 / 2006, 30 minutes
    Call numberin Russian with optional Russian and English subtitles
    Call numberin Russian without subtitles
    Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
    Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles (Blu ray disc)
  • Ia umer v detstve... [I Died in Childhood...] 2004, 50 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Eros i Tanatos [Eros and Thanatos] 2005, 33½ minutes, in Russian with optional Russian and English subtitles
    Call number
  • Kod Paradzhanova. Kliuch pervyi; Kliuch vtoroi; Kliuch tretii; Kliuch chetvertyi; Kliuch piatyi; Epilog [The Paradzhanov Code. Key No. 1; Key No. 2; Key No. 3; Key No. 4; Key No. 5; Epilogue, directed by Levon Grigorian, 2008, in Russian with optional Russian and English subtitles
    Call numberKeys 1-3, 12½ + 6 + 6 minutes
    Call numberKeys 4-5 & Epilogue, 3 + 5½ + 6 minutes
  • The World is a Window: Making the Colour of Pomegranates, 2011, directed by Daniel Bird, 76 minutes, in English with some Russian and French with English subtitles
    Call number
    Call number(Blu ray disc)
  • Paradzhanov, directed by Serge Avedikian and Olena Fetisova, 2013, 95 minutes, in Russian with some Ukrainian, Georgian and Armenian, without subtitles
    Call number
  • Decoding 'The Color of Pomegranates', 2018, author and narrator: James Steffen (2017), 42 minutes 24 seconds, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    Call number
  • Free Parajanov! Tony Rayns on the campaign to free Parajanov, 2017, 11 minutes 40 seconds, in English
    Call number(Blu ray disc)
  • Poetry, Pomegranates and Parajanov: A new appreciation, directed by Daniel Bird, 2017, 9 minutes 14 seconds, in English
    Call number(Blu ray disc)
  • Pomegranates rediscovered, 2017, 8 minutes 38 seconds, in English
    Call number(Blu ray disc)
  • Redefining Cinema. Sergei Parajanov andThe Color of Pomegranates, 2018 (a 2017 interview with James Steffen) 18 minutes 50 seconds, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    Call number

See alsofeature films by ParadzhanovԻ see under MIKOLAICHUK forTeni zabytykh predkov.


  • Obratnaia tochka. Dachnaia istoriia [Reverse Point. Dacha Story] NTV, Nashe kino, 5 October 2001, 10 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

PEL´TTSER, Tat´iana

  • V poiskakh utrachennogo: Tat´iana Pel´ttser, Russian Television, Channel One, 5 November 1998, 35 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Zhila-byla babka... Tat´iana Pel´ttser [There Was a Granny... Tat´iana Pel´ttser] 2004, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Drama Tat´iany Pel´ttser [The Drama of Tat´iana Pel´ttser] 2005, 45 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
    Call number
  • Moi serebrianyi shar. Tat´iana Pel´ttser [My Silver Globe. Tat´iana Pel´ttser] 2008, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • V poiskakh utrachennogo: Ivan Pereverzev, Russian Television, Channel One, November 1996, 38 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Legendy mirovogo kino. Ivan Pereverzev [Legends of World Cinema. Ivan Pereverzev] 2008, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Paradoksy Alekseia Petrenko [The Paradoxes of Aleksei Petrenko] 2008, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Belaia studiia. Igor´ Petrenko [The White Studio. Igor´ Petrenko] 2012, 38 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

PETROV, Vladimir

  • Zvezdnye gody Lenfil´ma [The Starry Years of Lenfil´m] issue about Vladimir Petrov and his filmPetr Pervyiparts 1 + 2, 2003, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
    Call number

PETROVA, Natal´ia

  • Skazochnye krasavitsy. Zhizn´ posle slavy [Fairy-Tale Beauties. Life After Glory] 2009, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Zvezdnye gody Lenfil´ma [The Starry Years of Lenfilm] issue about "The Traditionalists", Aleksandr Ivanovskii, Pavel Petrov-Bytov and Evgenii Cherviakov, 2001, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
    Call number
    Call number

PEVTSOV, Dmitrii

  • Moi serebrianyi shar. Dmitrii Pevtsov [My Silver Globe. Dmitrii Pevtsov] 2006, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Liniia zhizni. Dmitrii Pevtsov [Life Line. Dmitrii Pevtsov] 2012, 52 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

PICHUL, Vasilii

  • Zvuchnaia familiia Negoda. "Malen´kaia Vera" 15 let spustia [The Sonorous Name Negoda. "Little Vera" 15 years later] 2003, 56 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Legenda Malen´koi Very [The Legend of Little Vera] 2008, 54 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Sof´ia Piliavskaia. Dan´ vokhishcheniia. [Sof´ia Piliavskaia The Tribute of Delight] 2006, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

PLIATT, Rostislav

  • "Eto bylo nedavno, eto bylo davno". Televizionnye memuary. Schastlivaia sud´ba Rostislava Pliatta ["It Happened Recently, It Happened Long Ago." Televised Memoirs. The Happy Fate of Rostislav Pliatt] 48 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Moi serebrianyi shar. Rostislav Pliatt [My Silver Globe. Rostislav Pliatt] 2010, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Why do Angels Fly?: a Tribute to Juris Podnieks, directed by David Munro, Channel Four, 19 June 1993, 55 minutes
    Call number


  • Poslednie 24 chasa. Liubov´ Polishchuk [The Last Twenty Four Hours. Liubov´ Polishchuk] 2007, 59 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Liubov´ Polishchuk. Zhenshchina-prazdnik [Liubov´ Polishchuk. A Woman-Celebration] 2009, 58 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

POLOKA, Gennadii

  • Gennadii Poloka: Besedy o kino s Emannuilem Vitorganom [Gennadii Poloka: Conversations about Cinema with Emmanuil´ Vitorgan] NTV, Nashe kino, 25 May 2000, 25 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Zvezdnye gody Lenfil´ma [The Starry Years of Lenfilm] issue on Iulii Karasik'sDikaia sobaka DingoԻ Gennadii Poloka'sRespublika Shkid, 2004, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
    Call number,some loss of signal at start of programme
  • Glavnaia taina. Respublika ShKID [The Main Secret. The Republic of ShKID] 2009, in Russian, 44 minutes
    Call number
  • Monolog v chetyrekh chastiakh. Gennadii Poloka [A Monologue in Four Parts. Gennadii Poloka] 2012, Parts 1-3 only, 26 + 26 + 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Moi serebrianyi shar. Galina Pol´skikh [My Silver Globe. Galina Pol´skikh] 2009, in Russian, 44 minutes
    Call number


  • Kinodvizhenie [Film Movement], programme of 30 June 2004, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Zakrytyi pokaz. Prostye veshchi (2007) [Private View. Simple Things (2007)] 2007, 7 + 106 + 53 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Interview with Aleksei Popogrebskii at the British Film Institute by Ian Christie, 2011, 40 minutes, in English
    Call number

POPOV, Aleksei

  • Aleksei Popov. Tragediia v trekh aktakh s prologom i epilogom [Aleksei Popov. A Tragedy in Three Acts with a Prologue and an Epilogue] 2012, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

POPOV, Andrei

  • Ostrova. Andrei Popov [Islands. Andrei Popov] 2008, in Russian, 39 minutes
    Call number


  • Mikhail Porechenkov. Teper´ u menia est´ vse [Mikhail Porechenkov. Now I Have Everything] 2011, 56 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Aleksandr Porokhovshchikov, 2009, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Aleksandr Porokhovshchikov. Ukroshchenie stroptivogo [Aleksandr Porokhovshchikov. The Taming of the Shrew] 2009, 60 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Aleksandr Porokhovshchikov. "Nam ne zhit´ drug bez druga" [Aleksandr Porokhovshchikov. "We Can't Live Without Each Other"] 2012, 54 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Ostrova. Valerii Priemykhov [Islands. Valerii Priemykhov] 2008, in Russian, 39 minutes
    Call number

PROSHKIN, Aleksandr

  • Obratnaia tochka. Russkii bunt [Reverse Point. The Captain's Daughter] producer Sergei Levin, 2000, NTV, Nashe kino, 10 + 10 + 10 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • [about "Kapitanskaia dochka"]


  • Zakrytyi pokaz. Minnesota (2009) [Private View. Minnesota (2009)] 2011, 5½ + 91 + 59 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Zakrytyi pokaz. Luchshee vremia goda (2007) [Private View. The Best of Times (2007)] 2009, 4 + 93 + 70 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Zakrytyi pokaz. Peremirie (2010) [Private View. The Truce] 2010, 6½ + 95 + 53 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Documentary about Protazanov by Naum Kleiman in Shedevry starogo kino series, Russian Television, RTR, 1996, 18 minutes
    Call number

See alsofeature films by Protazanov.


  • Sekretnoe dos´e. Lev Prygunov [A Secret Dossier. Lev Prygunov] 2009, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Lev Prygunov. Dzheims Bond Sovetskogo Soiuza [Lev Prygunov. The James Bond of the Soviet Union] 2010, 55 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

PTUSHKO, Aleksandr

  • Skazochnyi mir A. Ptushko, 1988, 30 minutes
    Call numberin Russian with optional subtitles
    Call numberin Russian with optional subtitles
    Call numberin Russian with optional subtitles
    Call numberin Russian with optional voiceover and subtitled versions
  • Legendy mirovogo kino. Aleksandr Ptushko [Legends of World Cinema. Aleksandr Ptushko] 2007, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

PUDOVKIN, Vsevolod

  • Legendy nemogo kino [Legends of Silent Cinema] Vsevolod Pudovkin, 2004, in Russian, 26 minutes
    Call number


  • Mikhail Pugovkin. "Zhitie moe..." [Mikhail Pugovkin. "My Life..."] 2008, in Russian, 57 minutes
    Call number
  • Legendy mirovogo kino. Mikhail Pugovkin [Legends of World Cinema. Mikhail Pugovkin] 2009, in Russian, 26 minutes
    Call number

PYR´EV, Ivan

  • East Side Story [Soviet and East European Musicals] directed by Dana Ranga, Germany, 1996
    Call numbercommercial version, 76 minutes
    Call numberversion broadcast in Storyville, BBC2, 3 January 1998, 55 minutes
  • Muzykal´nie komedii Ivana Pyr´eva [The Musical Comedies of Ivan Pyr´ev] NTV, Nashe kino, 24 November 2000, 20 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Legendy mirovogo kino. Ivan Pyr´ev [Legends of World Cinema. Ivan Pyr´ev] 2005, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Marina Ladynina. Ot strasti do nenavisti [Marina Ladynina. From Passion to Hatred] 2007, 60 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

See alsofeature films by Pyr´ev.


  • Edvard Radzinskii. Snimaetsia kino. Seriia pervaia [Edvard Radzinskii. A Film is Being Made. Part 1] 2009, 56 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Edvard Radzinskii. Snimaetsia kino. Seriia vtoraia [Edvard Radzinskii. A Film is Being Made. Part 2] 2009, 57 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Edvard Radzinskii. Snimaetsia kino. Seriia tret´ia [Edvard Radzinskii. A Film is Being Made. Part 3] 2009, 57 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Discussion of the filmKavaler Zolotoi zvezdyin theKinopravda?series
    6 minutes of discussion before the showing of the film and another 30 minutes after it
    ORT, January 1994
    Call number


  • V poiskakh utrachennogo: Faina Ranevskaia, Russian Television, Channel One, 7 November 1995, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Moi serebrianyi shar. Faina Ranevskaia [My Silver Globe. Faina Ranevskaia] 2004, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Legendy mirovogo kino. Faina Ranevskaia [Legends of World Cinema. Faina Ranevskaia] 2005, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Krasota - strashnaia sila. Faina Ranevskaia [Beauty is a Terrible Force. Faina Ranevskaia] 2008, 51 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Zvezdnye gody Lenfil´ma [The Starry Years of Lenfil´m] issue about Gerbert Rappaport's filmsProfessor MamlokԻҴDz´, 2004, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Zvezdnye gody Lenfil´ma [The Starry Years of Lenfil´m] issue on musical comedies of the pre-war and wartime period, covering Aleksandr Ivanovskii and Gerbert Rappaport'sMuzykal´naia istoriia; Aleksandr Ivanovskii'sAnton Ivanovich serditsia; Gerbert Rappaport'sVozdushnyi izvozchik; Leonid Trauberg'sAktrisaԻ Semen Timoshenko'sNebesnyi tikhokhod, 2004, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number[some loss of sound and vision]
    Call number[better copy]


  • Zakrytyi pokaz. Iar, 2007 [Private View. The Ravine, 2007] 2009, 7 + 108 + 64 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

RERBERG, Georgii

  • Ostrova. Georgii Rerberg [Islands. Georgii Rerberg] 2007, 52 minutes
    Call number in Russian
    Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles (Blu ray disc. The Criterion Collection, No. 1084)
  • Rerberg i Tarkovskii. Obratnaia storona "Stalkera" [Rerberg and Tarkovskii. The Other Side of "Stalker"] directed by Igor´ Maiboroda, 2009, 141 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Skazochnye krasavitsy. Zhizn´ posle slavy [Fairy-Tale Beauties. Life After Glory] 2009, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • REN predstavliaet Borisa El´tsina i El´dara Riazanova v programme "Muzhskoi razgovor", Russian television, Ostankino, 16 November 1993, 88 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Pestraia lenta. Gusary s pyshnymi usami [The Speckled Band. Hussars with Splendid Moustaches] 2004, 46 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Zvezdy efira. El´dar Riazanov [Stars of the Ether. El´dar Riazanov] 2004, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Rozhdenie legendy. Fil´m pro fil´m. Sluzhebnyi roman [The Birth of a Legend. A Film about the Film. An Office Romance] 2005, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Uprazhneniia na koordinatsiiu. El´dar Riazanov [Exercises in Co-ordination. El´dar Riazanov] 2007, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • El´dar Riazanov. Moei dushe pokoia net [El´dar Riazanov. My Soul Knows no Peace] 2012, 57 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Women in Soviet Cinema: "I am an ox, I am a horse, I am a man, I am a woman" [Interviews with Kira Muratova, Lana Gogoberidze, Nataliia Riazantseva, Inna Churikova, Nonna Mordiukova and Maiia Turovskaia] directed by Sally Potter, Women Call the Shots, Channel Four, 9 April 1990, 50 minutes
    Call number
    Call number
    Call number
    Call number


  • + interv´iu. Aleksandr Rodnianskii, NTV, Nashe kino, 20 May 2000, 18 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Ada, Adochka, Adusia..., 2007, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Ia umerla vmeste s nim [I Died With Him] 2007, 53 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Vechernii svet. Ada Rogovtseva [The Evening Light. Ada Rogovtseva] 2008, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Vechnyi zov Ady Rogovtsevoi [The Eternal Call of Ada Rogovtseva] 2012, 58 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

ROGOZHKIN, Aleksandr

  • Dekoratsiia dlia zhizni [A Set for Life] 2003, 25 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

ROMASHIN, Anatolii

  • Anatolii Romashin. Tri molnii v serdtse [Anatolii Romashin. Three Lightning Bolts in the Heart] 2010, 54 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Ne spor´ s Bogom. Anatolii Romashin [Do Not Argue with God. Anatolii Romashin] 2010, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Chelovek v shliape [The Man in a Hat] 2011, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

ROMM, Mikhail

  • Discussion of the filmLenin v Oktiabrein theKinopravda?series
    3 minutes of discussion before the showing of the film and another 35 minutes after it
    Discussion introduced by Georgii Kuznetsov, with Liliia Mamatova, Vladimir Soloukhin and Grigorii Vodolazov
    Call number
  • Bol´she, chem liubov´. Kinoroman Eleny Kuz´minoi [More than Love. The Film Romance of Elena Kuz´mina] 2007, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Gotlib Roninson. Nesmeshnaia zhizn´ smeshnogo cheloveka [Gotlib Roninson. The Unfunny Life of a Funny Man] 2008, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

ROOM, Abram

  • Documentary about Room by Naum Kleiman in Muzei kino series, Russian Television, RTR, 1995, 25 minutes
    Call number

See alsofeature films by Room.


  • Nina Men´shikova. Serdtse materi [Nina Men´shikova. A Mother's Heart] 2005, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Poslednie 24 chasa. Andrei Rostotskii [The Last Twenty Four Hours. Andrei Rostotskii] 2006, 62 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Stanislav Rostotskii. Besedy o kino s Emmanuilom Vitorganom [Stanislav Rostotskii. Conversations about cinema with Emmanuil Vitorgan] Kinokompaniia Tri kita for Nashe kino, 15 November 1999, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Nina Men´shikova. Serdtse materi [Nina Men´shikova. A Mother's Heart] 2005, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

See alsofeature films by Rostotskii.

ROU, Aleksandr

  • Legendy mirovogo kino. Aleksandr Rou [Legends of World Cinema. Aleksandr Rou] 2006, 27 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Kumiry. Irina Rozanova [Idols. Irina Rozanova] 2004, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Moi serebrianyi shar. Irina Rozanova [My Silver Globe. Irina Rozanova] 2009, 38 minutes held, in Russian
    Call number(lacks start)

RUF, Maksim

  • Zvezdnye gody Lenfil´ma [The Starry Years of Lenfilm] issue aboutܳԾ´ԻDoktor Kaliuzhnyi, the films made at Lenfil´m by by Erast Garin and Khesia Lokshina and also aboutTaiga zolotaia, by Gennadii Kazanskii and Maksim Ruf, 2004, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Liniia zhizni. Nadezhda Rumiantseva [Life Line. Nadezhda Rumiantseva] 2006, 52 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Nadezhda Rumiantseva - odna izdevchat[Nadezhda Rumiantseva. One of theGirls] 2008, 51 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Poslednie 24 chasa. Nadezhda Rumiantseva [The Last Twenty Four Hours. Nadezhda Rumiantseva] 2009, 57 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Chtoby pomnili: glava 21: Nikolai, Russian Television, Channel One, March 1996, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Moi serebrianyi shar. Nikolai Rybnikov [My Silver Globe. Nikolai Rybnikov] 2004, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Legendy mirovogo kino. Nikolai Rybnikov [Legends of World Cinema. Nikolai Rybnikov] 2008, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Nikolai Rybnikov. Paren´ s Zarechnoi ulitsy [Nikolai Rybnikov. The Lad from Zarechnaia Street] 2010, 55 minutes, in Russian
    Call number



  • Zakrytyi pokaz. Synok (2009) [Private View. Sonny (2009)] 2010, 6½ + 96 + 69 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

SAFONOV, Vsevolod

  • Chtoby pomnili: glava 22: Vsevolod, Russian Television, Channel One, 24 April 1996, 38 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Kumiry. Elena Safonova [Idols. Elena Safonova] 2005, 37 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

SAGAL, Daniil

  • 'Ia - Uchenik Meierkhol´da...' Daniil Sagal ['I am a Student of Meierkhol´d...' Daniil Sagal] 2009, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • V poiskakh utrachennogo: Evgenii Samoilov, Russian Television, Channel One, 28 March 1997, 38 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Legendy mirovogo kino. Evgenii Samoilov [Legends of World Cinema. Evgenii Samoilov] 2007, 28 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Pestraia lenta. ...ta samaia Tat´iana [The Speckled Band. ...That very same Tat´iana] 2004, 47 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Tat´iana Samoilova. Piat´desiat let odinochestva [Tat´iana Samoilova. Fifty Years of Solitude] 2008, 55 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Moi serebrianyi shar. Tat´iana Samoilova [My Silver Globe. Tat´iana Samoilova] 2009, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Panteon vospominanii [A Pantheon of Memories] directed by Eprem Kazarian, 2008, 19 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
    Call number
    Call number
    Call number
    Call number
    Call number
    Call number
    Call number
    Call number
    Call number


  • 'Igor´ Savchenko'. Liniia kino. Dary gosfil´mofonda, Russian television, ORT, 10 March 1997, 10 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

SAVEL´EVA, Liudmila

  • Liudmila Savel´eva. Posle bala [Liudmila Savel´eva. After the Ball] 2010, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

SAVELOVA, Svetlana

  • Prostite, golubi... Istoriia dvukh odinochestv [Forgive us, Doves... The Story of Two Solitudes] A film about the actors Svetlana Savelova and Aleksei Loktev, 2008, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Iia Savvina. Gremuchaia smes´ s kolokol´chikom [Iia Savvina. A Thunderous Mix with a Little Bell] 2011, 58 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Poslednie 24 chasa. Nina Sazonova [The Last Twenty Four Hours. Nina Sazonova] 2007, 54 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Nina Sazonova... i grust´ v ee glazakh [Nina Sazonova... And Sadness in Her Eyes] 2009, 52 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

SEDYKH, Natal´ia

  • Skazochnye krasavitsy. Zhizn´ posle slavy [Fairy-Tale Beauties. Life After Glory] 2009, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Nataliia Selezneva. S shiroko raskrytymi glazami [Nataliia Selezneva. With Eyes Wide Open] 2010, 49 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

SEMENOVA, Ekaterina

  • Vozvrashchenie domoi. Ekaterina Semenova. Monino (Moskovskaia oblast´) [Return Home. Ekaterina Semenova. Monino (Moscow Region)] 2004, 35 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

SEMINA, Tamara

  • Moi serebrianyi shar. Tamara Semina [My Silver Globe. Tamara Semina] 2008, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Zakrytyi pokaz. Iur´ev den´ (2008) [Private View. St Iurii's Day (2008)] 2008, 6 + 131 + 67 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Liniia zhizni. Kirill Serebrennikov [Life Line. Kirill Serebrennikov] 2010, 52 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Zakrytyi pokaz. Korotkoe zamykanie (2009) [Private View. Short Circuit (2009] 2010, 5 + 95 + 50 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Moi serebriannyi shar - Aleksei Serebriakov [My Silver Globe. Aleksei Serebriakov] 2010, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

SERGEEV, Anatolii

  • Magiia kino [The Magic of Cinema] [about 'Tropa smerti'] Edition of the programme broadcast on RTR Planeta on 4 February 2006, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Zakrytyi pokaz. Der Aussiedler [Pereselenets] [Resettler] (2010) [Private View. Der Aussiedler [Pereselenets] [Resettler] (2010)] 2012, 7 + 52 + 53 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

SEROVA, Valentina

  • Bol´she, chem liubov´. Konstantin Simonov [Bigger Than Love. Konstantin Simonov] 2003, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Pestraia lenta. Zhenshchina, kotoraia zhdala... [The Speckled Band. The Woman who Waited...] 2004, 32 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

SERYI, Aleksandr

  • Rozhdenie legendy. Fil´m pro fil´m. Dzhentl´meny udachi. [The Birth of a Legend. A Film about the Film. Gentlemen of Fortune] 2005, 49 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Aleksandr Seryi. Dzhentl´men neudachi [Aleksandr Seryi. Gentleman of Ill Fortune] 2007, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

SHAGALOVA, Ekaterina

  • Zakrytyi pokaz. Odnazhdy v provintsii, 2008 [Private View. Once Upon a Time in the Provinces, 2008] 2010, 7 + 106 + 68 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Monolog v chetyrekh chastiakh. Karen Shakhnazarov [A Monologue in Four Parts. Karen Shakhnazarov] 2008, 26 + 26 + 26 + 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Liniia zhizni. Karen Shakhnazarov [Life Line. Karen Shakhnazarov] 2010, 52 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Zakrytyi pokaz. Palata No 6 (2009) [Private View. Ward No. 6 (2009)] 2010, 7 + 83 + 53 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Belaia studiia. Karen Shakhnazarov [The White Studio. Karen Shakhnazarov] 2012, 38 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Karen Shakhnazarov. Zhizn´ korotka! [Karen Shakhnazarov. Life is Short!] 2012, 54 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Zhenskii vzgliad na muzhskoe kino [A Female View of Male Cinema] 2012, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Ostrova. Sergei Shakurov. Muzhskoi razgovor [Islands. Sergei Shakurov. A Man-to-Man Conversation] 2007, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Boris Shcherbakov. "Kto khodit v gosti po utram?" [Boris Shcherbakov. "Who Goes Visiting in the Morning?"] 2009, 57 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Interview with Larisa Shepitko, conducted by Felicia von Nostitz in Berlin in February 1978, 39 minutes, part of Razgovor s Larisoi [A Conversation with Larisa] 1999, 52 minutes 10 seconds, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    Call number(Blu ray disc. The Criterion Collection, No. 1063)
  • Larisa, directed by Elem Klimov, 1981, 20 minutes
    Call numberin Russian with optional Russian, English, French, Spanish, Italian and German subtitles
    Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles (Blu ray disc. The Criterion Collection, No. 1063)
  • Razgovor s Larisoi [A Conversation with Larisa] 1999, 52 minutes 10 seconds, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    Call number(Blu ray disc. The Criterion Collection, No. 1063)
  • Zachem perezhila tebia liubov´ moia? [Why Did My Love Outlive You?] 2007, in Russian
    Call number63 minutes,lacks start
    Call number53 minutes
  • Bol´she, chem liubov´. Takaia bol´shaia, korotkaia zhizn´... Elem Klimov i Larisa Shepit´ko [More than Love. Such a Big, Short Life... Elem Klimov and Larisa Shepit´ko] 2012, 39 minutes
    Call numberin Russian
    Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles (Blu ray disc. The Criterion Collection, No. 1063)
  • Ostrova.Larisa Shepit´ko [Islands.Larisa Shepit´ko] 2012,39 minutes 55seconds, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    Call number(Blu ray disc. The Criterion Collection, No. 1063)

SHIRVINDT, Aleksandr

  • Samyi obaiatel´nyi i privlekatel´nyi [The Most Charming and Attractive] 2004, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Zvezdy efira. Vladimir Shneiderov [Stars of the Ether. Vladimir Shneiderov] 2004, 27 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Poimavshii veter [The Man Who Caught the Wind] 2011, 26 minutes, in Russian
    (A film about Shneiderov's journeys to Mongolia, China, the Pamir and the Arctic)
    Call number


  • Ia shagaiu po Moskve. Gennadii Shpalikov [I Walk Around Moscow. Gennadii Shpalikov] 2008, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Vernost´ [Loyalty] directed by Aleksandr Sarantsev, 1990, 78 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Shukshin, directed by Avetis Garibian, 1999, 52 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Bol´shie roditeli. Vasilii Shukshin [Big Parents. Vasilii Shukshin] 2003, 30 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Poslednie 24 chasa. Vasilii Shukshin [The Last Twenty Four Hours. Vasilii Shukshin] 2005, 67 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Pechki-lavochki Lidii Shukshinoi [The Happy-Go-Lucky of Lidiia Shukshina] 2008, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Oni srazhalis´ za Rodinu. Fil´m o fil´me [They Fought for the Motherland. A film about the film] 2009, 46 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Mariia Shukshina. Rasskazhite mne o moem ottse [Mariia Shukshina. Tell me about my Father] 2010, 55 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Genial´nyi otshel´nik. Vechnaia muzyka Shvartsa [A Hermit of Genius. The Eternal Music of Shvarts] 2008, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Isaak Shvarts. Zvezda plenitel´nogo schast´ia [Isaak Shvarts. The Star of Captivating Happiness] 2010, 51 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Zvezdnye gody Lenfil´ma [The Starry Years of Lenfil´m] issue about Mikhail Shveitser'sChuzhaia rodnia, Anatolii Granik'sMaksim PerepelitsaԻ Mikhail Ershov'sRodnaia krov´, 2004, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Okhota na L´va [Hunting Lev] 2011, Part 3, 26 minutes, in Russian
    (on his filmմDz´)
    Call number
  • Okhota na L´va [Hunting Lev] 2011, Part 4, 26 minutes, in Russian
    (on his filmKreitserova sonata)
    Call number

SIGAREV, Vasilii

  • Zakrytyi pokaz. Volchok (2009) [Private View. Wolfie (2009] 2010, 6½ + 88 + 65 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

SIMONOV, Nikolai

  • Legendy mirovogo kino. Nikolai Simonov [Legends of World Cinema. Nikolai Simonov] 2007, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Tsena zvezdnoi roli [The Price of a Starring Role] 2009, 43 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Irina Skobtseva. Znaki sud´by [Irina Skobtseva. Signs of Fate] 2012, 54 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Valentin Smirnitskii. Bol´she, chem Portos [Valentin Smirnitskii. More than Porthos] 2009, 58 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

SMIRNOV, Aleksei

  • Chtoby pomnili: chapter 36: Aleksei, Russian Television, Channel One, 27 August 1997, 38 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Dve slavy soldata i aktera [The Two Glories of a Soldier and Actor] 2004, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Ego znali tol´ko v litso. Tragediia komika [They Knew Him Only by Face. A Comedian's Tragedy] 2004, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • The Soviet New Wave of the 1950s and 1960s, 1992, 22 minutes, in English with some Russian with English subtitles
    Call number
  • Zakrytyi pokaz. Zhila-byla odna baba (2011) [Private View. There Once Lived a Woman (2011)] 2012, 6 + 149 + 54 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

See alsofeature films by Smirnov, Andrei.


  • V poiskakh utrachennogo: Lidiia Smirnova, Russian Television, Channel One, 22 May 1996, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Moi serebrianyi shar. Lidiia Smirnova [My Silver Globe. Lidiia Smirnova] 2007, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Lidiia Smirnova. Zhenshchina na vse vremena [Lidiia Smirnova. A Woman for All Seasons] 2010, 57 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Istoricheskie khroniki. 1963. Innokentii Smoktunovskii [Historical Chronicles. 1963. Innokentii Smoktunovskii] 2008, 44 minutes, in Russian
    (The key subjects of this episode are: The life and career of Innokentii Smoktunovskii; Hamlet on the Soviet stage; Grigorii Kozintsev'sGamlet; Viktor Nekrasov; Soviet economic problems; a demonstration by black students in Red Square)
    Call number
  • Moi serebrianyi shar. Innokentii Smoktunovskii [My Silver Globe. Innokentii Smoktunovskii] 2009, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Innokentii Smoktunovskii, a film in the series 'Te, s kotorymi ia', 2011, 51 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Kumiry. Andrei Sokolov [Idols. Andrei Sokolov] 2005, 37 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Andrei Sokolov. Dolgaia doroga v ZAGS [Andrei Sokolov. The Long Road to the Registry Office] 2012, 57 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Edvard Radzinskii. Snimaetsia kino. Seriia vtoraia [Edvard Radzinskii. A Film is Being Made. Part 2] 2009, 57 minutes, in Russian
    Call number(Radzinskii discusses the filmDen´ solntsa i dozhdia)


  • Liubov´ Sokolova. Svoia tema [Liubov´ Sokolova. Her Own Theme] 20011, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

SOKUROV, Aleksandr

  • Soviet TV documentary about Sokurov [Sokurov talks to Petr Shepotinnik, with extracts from Tikhie stranitsy and Elegiia o Rossii; plus working materials from Dukhovnye golosa] Kineskop, TV6, October 1994, 25 minutes [first part of documentary only] in Russian
  • Call number
  • Fil´m "odnim dublem" [A "One Take" Film] 2002, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number[about the making of "Russkii kovcheg"]
  • In One Breath. Alexander Sokurov's Russian Ark, directed by Knut Estermann, 2003, 43 minutes, in Russian, English and German with English subtitles
    Call number
  • Aleksandre Sokurov. Questions de Cinéma [Aleksandr Sokurov. Questions of Cinema] 2008, 60 minutes, in French and Russian with English subtitles
    Call number(Blu ray disc)

See alsofeature films by SokurovԻdocumentaries by Sokurov.


  • Iurii Solomin. Ad´iutant upolnomochen zaiavit´... [Iurii Solomin. The Adjutant is Authorised to Announce...] Fil´m iz tsikla "Interesnoe kino" [A Film in the Series "Interesting Cinema"] 2005, 58 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Iurii Solomin. Ia vsegda prav [Iurii Solomin. I am Always Right] 2010, 58 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

SOLOMIN, Vitalii

  • Pestraia lenta. Posledniaia svad´ba Krechinskogo [The Speckled Band. Krechinskii's Last Wedding] 2005, 54 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Poslednie 24 chasa. Vitalii Solomin [The Last Twenty Four Hours. Vitalii Solomin] 2006, 71 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Tragediia russkogo Vatsona [The Tragedy of the Russian Watson] 2006, 45 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Angel-khranitel´ Vitaliia Solomina [Vitalii Solomin's Guardian Angel] 2007, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Vitalii Solomin. Mezhdu Vatsonom i "Zimnei vishnei" [Vitalii Solomin. Between Watson and 'Winter Cherries'] 2011, 55 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Strasti po Solonitsynu [The Passion According to Solonitsyn] 2006, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Raba liubvi. Elena Solovei [The Slave of Love. Elena Solovei] 2006, 58 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

SOLOV´EV, Sergei

  • Vozvrashchenie domoi. Sergei Solov´ev. Sankt-Peterburg [Return Home. Sergei Solov´ev, St Petersburg] 2004, 30 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Monolog v chetyrekh chastiakh. Sergei Solov´ev [A Monologue in Four Parts. Sergei Solov´ev] 2006, 25 + 24 + 25 + 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number(some parts lack endings)
  • Oleg Iankovskii. Pieta, 2010, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Zakrytyi pokaz. Odnoklassniki (2010) [Private View. Class Mates (2010)] 2011, 7 + 99 + 54 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Belaia studiia. Sergei Solov´ev [The White Studio. Sergei Solov´ev] 2012, 35 minutes, in Russian
    Call number(lacks start)
  • ASSA. Entretien avec Eugénie Zvonkine, 2021, 25 minutes 53 seconds
    Call numberin French without subtitles (Blu ray disc)
    Call numbersin Frenchwithoutsubtitles (DVD)

SOSHAl´SKII, Vladimir

  • Vechnyi Romeo [The Eternal Romeo] 2008, 57 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Chtoby pomnili: glava 24: Vadim, Russian Television, Channel One, summer 1996, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Epizody. Daniil Spivakovskii [Episodes. Daniil Spivakovskii] 2008, 36 minutes, in Russian
    Call number,lacks start

STAREWICZ, Władysław

  • 'Comment naît et s'anime une ciné-marionnette', 1932, (Starewicz at work with his elder daughter Irène), 3 minutes 20 seconds, in French with optional English subtitles
    Call number
    Call number
    Call number
    Call number
    Call number
  • The Insect Affair, directed by Keith Griffiths, Channel Four, 31 December 1994, 60 minutes,lacks start
    Call number
  • Povelitel´ marionetok [The Lord of the Marionettes] 2009, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

STEBLOV, Evgenii

  • Evgenii Steblov. Priznaniia stesnitel´nogo cheloveka [Evgenii Steblov. Confessions of a Timid Man] 2010, 58 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

STEPANKOV, Konstantin

  • Ia umerla vmeste s nim [I Died With Him] 2007, 53 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Angelina Stepanova. "Segodnia moi den´..." [Angelina Stepanova. "Today is My Day..."] 2005, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Belaia studiia. Iurii Stoianov [The White Studio. Iurii Stoianov] 2012, 38 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Chtoby pomnili: glava 32: Sergei, Russian Television, Channel One, 28 May 1997, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Legendy mirovogo kino. Sergei Stoliarov [Legends of World Cinema. Sergei Stoliarov] 2005, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

STOLPER, Aleksandr

  • Discussion of the filmZakon zhizniin theKinopravda?series
    3 minutes of discussion before the showing of the film and another 42 minutes after it
    ORT, 11 September 1993
    Call number
  • Povest´ o nastoiashchem cheloveke - 2 [The Tale of A Real Man - 2] no date given, 23 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Aleksei Mares´ev. Sud´ba nastoiashchego cheloveka [Aleksei Mares´ev. The Fate of a Real Man] 2005, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Ostrova. Aleksandr Stolper [Islands. Aleksandr Stolper] 2007, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Zakrytyi pokaz. Puteshestvie s domashnimi zhivotnymi (2007) [Private View. A Journey with Pets (2007)] 2007, 6 + 97 + 22 minutes, in Russian,lacks ending of discussion
    Call number
  • Zakrytyi pokaz. Skoro vesna (2009) [Private View. Spring Will Soon be Here (2009)] 2010, 5 + 88 + 75 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Moi serebrianyi shar. Daniil Strakhov [My Silver Globe. Daniil Strakhov] 2010, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Zakrytyi pokaz. Sukhodol (2011) [Private View. Sukhodol (2011)] 2013, 7½ + 89 + 56 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Pestraia lenta. Poslednii barin [The Speckled Band. The Last Gentleman] 2005, 53 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Vladislav Strzhel´chik. Etot pylkii vliublennyi. [Vladislav Strzhel´chik. That Ardent Lover] 2007, 43 minutes, in Russian
    Call number,lacks final credits


  • + interv´iu. Maksim Sukhanov [Plus Interview. Maksim Sukhanov] NTV, Nashe kino, 10 and 23 June, 16 + 16 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Furgon komediantov. Lidiia Sukharevskaia i Boris Tenin [The Actors' Caravan. Lidiia Sukharevskaia and Boris Tenin] 2004, 38 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Moi serebrianyi shar. Lidiia Sukharevskaia [My Silver Globe. Lidiia Sukharevskaia] 2010, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Kinodvizhenie [Film Movement] programme of 25 December 2003 [an interview with the actor], 33 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Pozhiloi mal´chik Vitia Sukhorukov [The Middle-Aged Boy Vitia Sukhorukov] 2004, 54 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Liniia zhizni. Viktor Sukhorukov [Life Line. Viktor Sukhorukov] 2009, 52 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Na noch´ gliadia. Viktor Sukhorukov [Towards Night. Viktor Sukhorukov] 2011, 45 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Legendy mirovogo kino. Lev Sverdlin [Legends of World Cinema. Lev Sverdlin] 2008, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Vladimir Ivashov. Ballada o liubvi [Vladimir Ivashov. Ballad of Love] 2009, 58 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Svetlana Svetlichnaia. Svetit´ navsegda [Svetlana Svetlichnaia. To Shine Forever] 2010, 58 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Lichnaia zhizn´. Neskol´ko dnei iz zhizni Tabakova [Private Life. Several Days in the Life of Tabakov] 2005, 58 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

TALYZINA, Valentina

  • Moei dushe pokoia net... Valentina Talyzina [My Soul Knows No Peace... Valentina Talyzina] 2010, 56 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Andrey Tarkovsky in Nostalghia, direction and script by Donatello Baglivo, 95 minutes, in Russian and Italian with English subtitles
    Call number
  • On the Set of "Andrei Rublev", 1966, silent footage from the set, 5 minutes 20 seconds
    Call number
  • Tri Andreia [Three Andreis], 1966, 18 minutes 50 seconds, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    Call number
  • Archival interviews with Tarkovskii: French 1PM news, 17 January 1978, 4 minutes 19 seconds, in French and in Russian with French simultaneous translation and with optional English subtitles
    Nord-Pas-de-Calais News, 25 January 1978, 3 minutes 31 seconds, in Russian with French simultaneous translation and with optional English subtitles
    Call number(Blu ray disc. The Criterion Collection, No. 1084)
  • Moskovskaia elegiia [Moscow Elegy] directed by Aleksandr Sokurov, 1988, 86 minutes
    Call numberin Russian with optional English, French, Spanish and Italian subtitles
    Call numberin Russian with English subtitles
  • Directed by Andrey Tarkovsky [with extracts from Tarkovskii's book Sculpting in Time] directed by Michal Leszczylowski, 1988, 101 minutes, in Russian, Swedish and English with English subtitles
    Call number
    Call number
  • Andrei Tarkovskii. Poslednee interv´iu, 70 let Mosfil´mu, Ostankino TV, 30 November 1993, 11 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Selected scene commentary to Andrei Rublev by Vlada Petrić, 1998: Commentary over different sequences under the headings 'Introduction', 'Camera movement and choreography', 'Oneiric events', 'The sensual world', 'Interior vs. exterior, Part one' and 'Interior vs. exterior, Part two', 49 minutes 41 seconds, in English
    Call number
    Call number
  • Une journée d'Andrei Arsenevitch [One Day in the Life of Andrei Arsenevich] directed by Chris Marker, 1999, 55 minutes
    Call numberin French, English, Italian, Swedish and Russian with optional English subtitles
    Call numberin French, English, Italian, Swedish and Russian with English subtitles
  • Ostrova. Andrei Tarkovskii i Sergei Paradzhanov [Islands. Andrei Tarkovskii and Sergei Paradzhanov] 2002, 39 minutes
    Call numberin Russian with optional English, French and Spanish subtitles
    Call numberin Russian with optional English, French, Spanish, German and Italian subtitles
    Call numberin Russian with optional Russian and English subtitles
  • Student Andrei Tarkovskii [Andrei Tarkovskii the Student] directed by Galina Leont´eva, 2003, 29 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Interview with the screenwriter Aleksandr Misharin, 2004, 32 minutes 34 seconds, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    Call number(Blu ray disc. The Criterion Collection, No. 1084)
  • Posle Tarkovskogo [After Tarkovskii] 2006, 45 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
    Call number
  • Dva Tarkovskikh. Vecher v kinoklube El´dar [Two Tarkovskys. An Evening in the El´dar Film Club] 2007, 52 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Krestnyi put´ Andreia Tarkovskogo [The Calvary of Andrei Tarkovskii] 2007, 42 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Zagadki Andreia Rubleva [The Enigmas of Andrei Rublev] 2007, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Meeting Andrei Tarkovsky, directed by Dmitry Trakovsky, 2009, 90 minutes
    Call numberin English, Russian and Italian with optional German subtitles
    Call numberin English, Russian and Italian with optional English subtitles
  • Rerberg i Tarkovskii. Obratnaia storona "Stalkera" [Rerberg and Tarkovskii. The Other Side of "Stalker"] directed by Igor´ Maiboroda, 2009, 141 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Vstrechi na Soliarise. Natal´ia Bondarchuk [Meetings on Solaris. Natal´ia Bondarchuk] 2010, 26 + 26 + 26 + 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Tarkovskie. Oskolki zerkala [The Tarkovskiis. Fragments of a Mirror] 2012, 26 + 26 + 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number(Parts 1, 2 and 4 only. Part 3 missing)
  • Zhertvoprinosheniia Andreia Tarkovskogo [The Sacrifices of Andrei Tarkovskii] 2012, 54 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Inventing Andrei Rublev, 2018, a video essay by Daniel Raim, 12 minutes 57 seconds, in English
    Call number
  • Robert Bird on Andrei Rublev, 2018, 36 minutes 58 seconds, in English
    Call number
  • Tarkovsky's Andrei Rublev: A Journey, 2018, 29 minutes 10 seconds, in English and Russian with English subtitles for the Russian
    Call number
  • Andrei Tarkovsky. A Cinema Prayer, directed by Andrei Andreevich Tarkovsky, 2019, 102 minutes, in English
    Call number(Blu ray disc. The Criterion Collection, No. 1084)
  • The Dream in the Mirror, directed by Louise Milne and Seán Martin, 2021, 53 minutes 56 seconds
    Call number(Blu ray disc. The Criterion Collection, No. 1084)
  • New interview with the composer Eduard Artem´ev, 2021, 22 minutes 11 seconds, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    Call number(Blu ray disc. The Criterion Collection, No. 1084)

See alsofeature films by Tarkovskii, adocumentary by Tarkovskii,Musorgskii's Boris Godunov directed by TarkovskiiԻWestern feature films by Tarkovskii.


  • Valentina Telichkina. 'Dyshitsia khorosho, zhivetsia po-raznomu' [Valentina Telichkina. 'Breathing is Good, Life is Various'] 2010, 55 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

TENIN, Boris

  • Furgon komediantov. Lidiia Sukharevskaia i Boris Tenin [The Actors' Caravan. Lidiia Sukharevskaia and Boris Tenin] 2004, 38 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

TEREKHOVA, Margarita

  • Liniia zhizni. Margarita Terekhova [Life Line. Margarita Terekhova] 2006, 52 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Margarita Terekhova. Kto mnogo videl, malo plachet [Margarita Terekhova. He Who Has Seen a Lot, Cries Little] 2012, 58 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

TIKHONOV, Viacheslav

  • Poslednii geroi ukhodiashchei epokhi. Viacheslav Tikhonov [The Last Hero of a Passing Epoch. Viacheslav Tikhonov] 2007, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Tikhonov. Mgnoveniia slavy [Tikhonov. Moments of Glory] 2008, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Viacheslav Tikhonov. Posledniaia vstrecha [Viacheslav Tikhonov. The Last Meeting] 2008, 49 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Slava Viacheslava Tikhonova [The Glory of Viacheslav Tikhonov] 2010, 42 minutes held, lacks start, in Russian
    Call number
  • Vspominaia Viacheslava Tikhonova [Remembering Viacheslav Tikhonov] 2010, 129 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Viacheslav Tikhonov. Utomlennyi sud´boi [Viacheslav Tikhonov. Tormented by Fate] 2013, 54 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Zvezdnye gody Lenfil´ma [The Starry Years of Lenfil´m] issue about the early career of Semen Timoshenko, 2003, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Zvezdnye gody Lenfil´ma [The Starry Years of Lenfil´m] issue on musical comedies of the pre-war and wartime period, covering Aleksandr Ivanovskii and Gerbert Rappaport'sMuzykal´naia istoriia; Aleksandr Ivanovskii'sAnton Ivanovich serditsia; Gerbert Rappaport'sVozdushnyi izvozchik; Leonid Trauberg'sAktrisaԻ Semen Timoshenko'sNebesnyi tikhokhod, 2004, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number[some loss of sound and vision]
    Call number[better copy]


  • + interv´iu. Petr Todorovskii [+ Interview. Petr Todorovskii] NTV Plius, 5 May 2001, 15 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Liniia zhizni. Petr Todorovskii [Life Line. Petr Todorovskii] 2003, 52 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Monolog v chetyrekh chastiakh. Petr Todorovskii [A Monologue in Four Parts. Petr Todorovskii] 2009, Parts 2, 3 and 4 only, 22 + 23 + 22 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Petr Todorovskii. Zhizn´ zabavami polna [Life is Full of Amusements] 2010, 51 minutes, in Russian
    Call number(lacks start)


  • Belaia studiia. Valerii Todorovskii [The White Studio. Valerii Todorovskii] 2012, 38 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Liubovnye istorii. Viktoriia Tolstoganova [Love Stories. Viktoriia Tolstoganova] 2004, 31 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Sud´ba artista. Andrei Tolubeev [An Actor's Fate. Andrei Tolubeev] 2005, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Zvezdnye gody Lenfil´ma [The Starry Years of Lenfilm] issue about the coming of sound cinema in Russia and on Grigorii Kozintsev and Leonid Trauberg's filmOdna, 2002, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
    Call number
    Call number
  • Zvezdnye gody Lenfil´ma [The Starry Years of Lenfilm] issue about Kozintsev and Trauberg's filmIunost´ Maksima, 2003, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Zvezdnye gody Lenfil´ma [The Starry Years of Lenfilm] issue about Kozintsev and Trauberg's filmsVozvrashchenie MaksimaԻVyborgskaia storona, 2003, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Zvezdnye gody Lenfil´ma [The Starry Years of Lenfil´m] issue on musical comedies of the pre-war and wartime period, covering Aleksandr Ivanovskii and Gerbert Rappaport'sMuzykal´naia istoriia; Aleksandr Ivanovskii'sAnton Ivanovich serditsia; Gerbert Rappaport'sVozdushnyi izvozchik; Leonid Trauberg'sAktrisaԻ Semen Timoshenko'sNebesnyi tikhokhod, 2004, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number[some loss of sound and vision]
    Call number[better copy]


  • Zvezdnye gody Lenfil´ma [The Starry Years of Lenfilm] issue about films of the late 1940s, 1950s and 1960s about the Second World War, Aleksandr Ivanov'sZvezda and Soldaty, Vladimir Motyl´'sZhenia,Zhenechka i "katiusha", Naum Birman'sKhronika pikiruiushchego bombardirovshchikaԻ Viktor Tregubovich'sNa voine kak na voine, 2004, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Animatograf Mikhail Tsekhanovskii [includes extracts from his films 'Skazka o pope i o rabotnike ego Balde', Lenkino, 1993, and 'Skazka o glupom myshonke', Lenfil´m, 1940, plus "Mikhail Tsekhanovskii - "Dramaticheskaia" grafika', Soiuzmul´tfil´m and Press - Anima - Ekran, 1994, dir. Sergei Seregin] RTR, 1994, 85 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Chtoby pomnili: glava 26: Liudmila, REN TV, 1996, broadcast on Russian Television, Channel One, 11 September 1999, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Liudmila Tselikovskaia. Liubov´ i kovarstvo [Liudmila Tselikovskaia. Love and Treachery] 2004, 30 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • "... i drugie." Iashchik s igrushkami. Nikolai Tsereteli ["... and others" A Drawer of Toys. Nikolai Tsereteli] 2011, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Women in Soviet Cinema: "I am an ox, I am a horse, I am a man, I am a woman" [Interviews with Kira Muratova, Lana Gogoberidze, Nataliia Riazantseva, Inna Churikova, Nonna Mordiukova and Maia Turovskaia] directed by Sally Potter, Women Call the Shots, Channel Four, 9 April 1990, 50 minutes
    Call number
    Call number
    Call number
    Call number


  • Documentary by Naum Kleiman about Tynianov's cinematic work in Muzei kino series, Russian Television, RTR, 1994, 22 minutes
    Call number
  • Fantomy i prizraki Iuriia Tynianova [The Phantoms and Ghosts of Iurii Tynianov] 2009, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

UCHITEL´, Aleksei

  • Zakrytyi pokaz. Plennyi (2008) [Private View. The Captive (2008)] 2009, 6 + 80 + 68 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Liniia zhizni. Aleksei 󾱳ٱ´ [Life Line. Aleksei 󾱳ٱ´] 2010, 52 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Tri karty Larisy Udovichenko [Larisa Udovichenko's Three Cards] 2005, 31 minutes,(lacks end), in Russian
    Call number

UL´IANOV, Mikhail

  • + interv´iu. Mikhail Ul´ianov. 50 let v teatre i kino [+ Interview. Mikhail Ul´ianov. 50 Years in Cinema and Theatre] Parts 1 and 2, NTV Plius, 20 & 21 February 2001, 20 + 20 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • + interv´iu. Mikhail Ul´ianov. 50 let v teatre i kino [+ Interview. Mikhail Ul´ianov. 50 Years in Cinema and Theatre] Part 3, NTV Plius, 22 February 2001, 20 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Mikhail Ul´ianov. Chelovek, kotoromu verili! [Mikhail Ul´ianov. A Man Who Was Trusted!] 2007, 55 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Mikhail Ul´ianov. Kak bystro proletela zhizn´... [Mikhail Ul´ianov. How Quickly Life Flew By...] 2007, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Mikhail Ul´ianov v obraze i v zhizni [Mikhail Ul´ianov in Image and Life] 2008, 65 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Poslednie 24 chasa. Mikhail Ul´ianov [The Last Twenty Four Hours. Mikhail Ul´ianov] 2008, 55 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Russkii muzhik Mikhail Ul´ianov [The Real Russian Man Mikhail Ul´ianov] 2010, 26 + 26 + 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Mikhail Ul´ianov. Marshal sovetskogo kino [Mikhail Ul´ianov. The Marshal of Soviet Cinema] 2012, 55 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
    Call number


  • Moi serebrianyi shar. Inna Ul´ianova [My Silver Globe. Inna Ul´ianova] 2009, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Evgenii Urbanskii. Poslednii dubl´ [Evgenii Urbanskii. The Last Take] 2007, 38 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Moi serebrianyi shar. Evgenii Urbanskii [My Silver Globe. Evgenii Urbanskii] 2007, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Gori, gori, moia zvezda. Evgenii Urbanskii... [Burn, Burn, My Star... Evgenii Urbanskii] 2009, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Nina Urgant, tri koshki i dvoe muzhchin [Nina Urgant, Three Cats and Two Men] 2009, 57 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Marshal Zhukov protiv odesskikh banditov. Pravda o "Likvidatsii" [Marshal Zhukov against the Bandits of Odessa. The Truth aboutLikvidatsiia] 2007, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Ostrova. Sergei Urusevskii [Islands. Sergei Urusevskii] 2008, 18 minutes 46 seconds extract, in Russian with English subtitles
    Call number(Blu ray disc, The Criterion Collection, No. 146)


  • Artistka Usatova Nina [The Actress Nina Usatova] 2003, 50 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Moi serebrianyi shar. Nina Usatova [My Silver Globe. Nina Usatova] 2009, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
    Call number
  • Nina Usatova. Mne predlagali rol´ "Ofelii"... [Nina Usatova. I was Offered the Part of Ophelia...] 2011, 56 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

USKOV, Valerii

  • Kino na dvoikh [Cinema for Two] 2008, 59 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Legendy nemogo kino [Legends of Silent Cinema] Nata Vachnadze, 2004, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

VARLEI, Natal´ia

  • Serebrianyi shar. Natal´ia Varlei [The Silver Globe. Natal´ia Varlei] 2003, 42 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Natal´ia Varlei. Skuchno bez Shurika [Natal´ia Varlei. It's Dull without Shurik] 2012, 59 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

VASIL´EV, Georgii and VASIL´EV, Sergei

  • Discussion of the filmChapaevin theKinopravda?series
    10 minutes of discussion before the showing of the film and another 30 minutes after it
    Discussion introduced by Georgii Kuznetsov, with Liliia Mamatova, S. Iurov, D. Shelestov and O. Danilov
    Ostankino TV, 23 April 1994
    Call number; some interference on vision
  • Chapaev. Legenda fil´ma [Chapaev. The Legend of the Film] NTV-Plius, Nashe kino, 20 June 2001, 20 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Zvezdnye gody Lenfil´ma [The Starry Years of Lenfilm] issue about the Vasil´ev Brothers' filmChapaev, 2002, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
    Call number
  • Liubov´ Chapaia [Chapai's Love] directed by S. Razdorskii, 2003, 60 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Legendy mirovogo kino. Brat´ia Vasil´evy [Legends of World Cinema. The Vasil´ev Brothers] 2006, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Podlinnaia istoriia Anki-pulemetchitsy [The True Story of Anka-The Machine-Gunner] 2007, 61 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

VASIL´EVA, Ekaterina

  • Ekaterina Vasil´eva. Iz teni v svet pereletaia [Flying from the Shadow to the Light] 2010, 56 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

VASIL´EVA, Tat´iana

  • Tat´iana Vasil´eva. Ia umeiu derzhat´ udar [Tat´iana Vasil´eva. I Can Take a Blow] 2012, 50 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Vera Vasil´eva. Sekret ee molodosti [Vera Vasil´eva. The Secret of Her Youth] 2010, 59 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Petr Vel´iaminov. Teni ischezaiut... [Petr Vel´iaminov. The Shadows Vanish...] 2007, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

VENGEROV, Vladimir

  • Zvezdnye gody Lenfil´ma [The Starry Years of Lenfil´m] issue about Vladimir Vengerov's films of the 1950s and 1960s,Dva kapitana,Baltiiskoe nebo,Rabochii poselokԻZhivoi trup, 2004, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
    Call number
  • Vladimir Vengerov. Protiv inertsii [Vladimir Vengerov. Against Inertia] 2010, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Okhota na L´va [Hunting Lev] 2011, Part 2, 26 minutes, in Russian
    (on his filmZhivoi trup)
    Call number


  • Anastasiia Vertinskaia. Begushchaia po volnam [Anastasiia Vertinskaia. The Woman Who Runs Along the Waves] 2009, 52 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Moi serebrianyi shar. Anastasiia Vertinskaia [My Silver Globe. Anastasiia Vertinskaia] 2009, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Vertov - Privatsaufnahme [Vertov Filmed in Person] material filmed in 1922-1923 and the 1930s, 1 minute, silent
    Call number
  • Im Schatten der Maschine. Ein Montagefilm [In the Shadow of the Machine. A Compilation Film] directed by Albrecht Viktor Blum, Leon Lania 1928, 22 minutes
    Call number(includes extracts from Dovzhenko'sZvenigoraԻ Vertov'sOdinnadtsatyi)
  • Elizaveta Svilova presents a screening of Tri pesni o Lenine at the Austrian Film Museum, 20 May 1970, audio, in Russian with German translation and optional English subtitles, 9 minutes 39 seconds
    Call number
  • Vertov-Ausstellung 1974 [Vertov exhibition 1974] 1974, in German and Russian with optional German and English subtitles
    Call number
  • Pryzhok Vertova, RTR, 1993, 33 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Dziga i ego brat´ia [Dziga and His Brothers] directed by Evgenii Tsymbal, 2002, 52 minutes
    Call numberin Russian
    Call numberin Russian with English subtitles
  • Vse Vertovy [All the Vertovs] directed by Vladimir Nepevnyi, 2002, 52 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Peter Kubelka: Restoring Entuziazm, 2005, 64 minutes, in English with optional German subtitles
    Call number
  • Vertov in Blum. Eine Untersuchung. Vertov in Blum. An Investigation 2009, 14 minutes, in German or in English
    Call number
  • Iskateli. Kinos´´emki pod prikrytiem [Searchers. Filming Under Cover] A film about the Afghan sequences in Dziga Vertov'sKinopravda, No. 7, 2010, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Dziga Vertov, directed by Peter Konlechner, 1974-2014, 54 minutes, in German with optional English subtitles with some Russian with German voiceover
    Call number
  • Dziga Vertov: Non-Fiction Film Thing, a new video essay by David Cairns, 2016
    Call number20 minutes 19 seconds, in English (Blu ray disc)
    Call number20 minutes 17 seconds, in English
  • The Life and Times of Dziga Vertov, 2016, a video interview with Ian Christie on Vertov's career and the films in the Masters of Cinema's 2016 collection
    Call number46 minutes 31 seconds, in English (Blu ray disc)
    Call number46 minutes 28 seconds, in English

See alsodocumentaries by Vertov.

VITORGAN, Emmanuil

  • Emmanuil Vitorgan: Besedy o kino s Maksimom Vitorganom [Emmanuil Vitorgan: Conversations about Cinema with Maksim Vitorgan] Kinokompaniia Tri kita for Nashe kino, 8 May 2000, 24 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

VITSIN, Georgii

  • V poiskakh utrachennogo: Georgii Vitsin, Russian Television, Channel One, 9 September 1999, 38 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Vitsin, kotorogo my ne znali [The Vitsin We Didn't Know] 2008, 51 minutes,lacks start, in Russian
    Call number


  • Bol´shie roditeli. Iurii Vizbor [Big Parents. Iurii Vizbor] 2004, 28 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Pestraia lenta. Dorogi Vizbora [The Speckled Band. Vizbor's Roads] 2004, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Ostrova. Iurii Vizbor. 'Nad kinostudiei svirepstvuet zima' [Islands. Iurii Vizbor. 'Winter Rages over the Film Studio'] 2006, 38 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Pesni nashego dvora. Territoriia svobody [Songs of Our Courtyard. Territory of Freedom] 2006, 55 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Dogadaisia, spasi. Iurii Vizbor [Guess, Save. Iurii Vizbor] 2007, 46 minutes
    Call numberin Russian with Russian subtitles
    Call numberin Russian

VOLKOV, Nikolai

  • Chtoby pomnili: glava 37: Nikolai, Russian Television, Channel One, 24 September 1997, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Malen´kie giganty bol´shogo kino [The Little Giants of Big Cinema] 2011, 60 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Liniia zhizni. Eduard Volodarskii [Life Line. Eduard Volodarskii] 2010, 52 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

VOLODIN, Vladimir

  • V poiskakh utrachennogo: Vladimir Volodin, Russian Television, Channel One, 18 October 1995, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Legendy mirovogo kino. Vladimir Volodin [Legends of World Cinema. Vladimir Volodin] 2005, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Vladimir Volodin. Operetochnyi geroi [Vladimir Volodin. An Operetta Hero] 2011, 37 minutes, in Russian, lacks opening credits
    Call number

VOLODINA, Margarita

  • Begstvo ot smerti. Margarita Volodina [Running from Death. Margarita Volodina] 2010, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Zakrytyi pokaz. Beduin (2012) [Private View. The Beduin (2012)] 2013, 7 + 96 + 58 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Znai nashikh. Na voprosy telezritelei otvechaiut aktery i sozdateli fil´ma Intimnaia zhizn´ Sevast´iana Bakhova [Know Our People. The actors and makers of the film The Intimate Life of Sebastian Bakhov reply to viewers' questions] 2003, 12 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Edvard Radzinskii. Snimaetsia kino. Seriia pervaia [Edvard Radzinskii. A Film is Being Made. Part 1] 2009, 56 minutes, in Russian
    Call number(Radzinskii discusses the filmUlitsa N´iutona, Dom 1)


  • Zakrytyi pokaz. Korotkoe zamykanie (2009) [Private View. Short Circuit (2009] 2010, 5 + 95 + 50 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Belaia studiia. Ivan Vyrypaev The White Studio. Ivan Vyrypaev] 2012, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Obratnaia tochka. Zhenshchina russkogo emigranta [Reverse Point. The Russian Emigré's Woman] NTV, Nashe kino, 10 September 2000, 14 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


See under Russia, Theatre, Individuals and Individual Theatre Companiesin the Documentary Materials about Russia and Central and East European Arts index.

ZATSEPIN, Aleksandr

  • Aleksandr Zatsepin. Est´ tol´ko mig... [Aleksandr Zatsepin. There is Only a Moment...] 2006, 30 minutes,lacks very start, in Russian
    Call number

ZARKHI, Aleksandr

  • Interview with Vasilii Aksenov about the film 'Moi mladshii brat', 1990s, 6 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Zvezdnye gody Lenfil´ma [The Starry Years of Lenfil´m] issue about Iosif Kheifits and Aleksandr Zarkhi and their filmsMoia rodinaԻGoriachie denechki, 2002, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
    Call number
    Call number
  • Zvezdnye gody Lenfil´ma [The Starry Years of Lenfil´m] issue about Iosif Kheifits and Aleksandr Zarkhi and their filmDeputat Baltiki, 2003, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Zvezdnye gody Lenfil´ma [The Starry Years of Lenfil´m] issue about Iosif Kheifits and Aleksandr Zarkhi's filmChlen pravitel´stvaԻ Vera Maretskaia, 2004, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
    Call number
  • Legendy mirovogo kino. Aleksandr Zarkhi [Legends of World Cinema. Aleksandr Zarkhi] 2009, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Okhota na L´va [Hunting Lev] 2011, Part 3, 26 minutes, in Russian
    (on his filmAnna Karenina)
    Call number


  • V poiskakh utrachennogo: Natal´ia Zashchipina, Russian Television, Channel One, 18 February 1999, 35 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

ZBRUEV, Aleksandr

  • Aleksandr Zbruev. Mechta odinokoi zhenshchiny [Aleksandr Zbruev. A Lonely Woman's Dream] directed by Nataliia Kazakova, 2008, 56 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Aleksandr Zbruev, a film in the series 'Te, s kotorymi ia', 2012, 52 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

ZEL´DIN, Vladimir

  • Kumiry. Vladimir Zel´din [Idols. Vladimir Zel´din] 2003, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

ZEL´DOVICH, Aleksandr

  • Zakrytyi pokaz. Mishen´ (2011) [Private View. The Target (2011)] 2012, 7½ + 154 + 56 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Serebrianyi shar: Rina Zelenaia, Russian Television, Channel One, 15 August 1999, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Rina Zelenaia - imia sobstvennoe [Rina Zelenaia is a Proper Name] 2002, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Pestraia lenta. Radost´ Zelenaia [The Speckled Band. Green Joy] 2004, 46 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Dom, v kotorom on zhivet. Vladimir Zemlianikin [The House He Lives in. Vladimir Zemlianikin] 2009, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Natal´ia Gvozdikova i Evgenii Zharikov. Rozhdennye revoliutsiei [Natal´ia Gvozdikova and Evgenii Zharikov. Born of the Revolution] 2010, 43 minutes, in Russian
    Call number(lacks ending)

ZHAROV, Mikhail

  • Serebrianyi shar: Mikhail Zharov, Russian Television, Channel One, 26 August 1999, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

See alsofeature film by Zharov.

ZHEIMO, Ianina

  • V poiskakh utrachennogo: Ianina Zheimo, Russian Television, Channel One, 21 January 1997, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Moi serebrianyi shar. Ianina Zheimo [My Silver Globe. Ianina Zheimo] 2005, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Legendy mirovogo kino. Ol´ga Zhizneva [Legends of World Cinema. Ol´ga Zhizneva] 2005, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Nevozmozhnoe segodnia [The Impossible Today] 2011, 26 minutes, in Russian
    (A film about the making ofKosmicheskii reis)
    Call number


  • Georgii Zhzhenov. Russkii krest [Georgii Zhzhenov. A Russian Cross] Film 1: Ot tiur´my i ot sumy... [From Prison and from the Bag...] 2003, 89 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Georgii Zhzhenov. "Vse, chto mogu..." [Georgii Zhzhenov. "Everything I Can..."] 2010, 54 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

ZLATOPOl´SKII, Viacheslav

  • Zakrytyi pokaz. Dom vetra (2011) [Private View. House of Wind] (2011)] 2012, 6½ + 103 + 54 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Vozvrashchenie domoi. Valerii Zolotukhin Selo Bystryi Istok (Altai) [Return Home. Valerii Zolotukhin. The Village of Bystryi Istok (Altai)] 2004, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Valerii Zolotukhin, Ia ustal byt´ Bumbarashem [Valerii Zolotukhin, I'm Tired of Being Bumbarash] 2011, 56 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

ZUBKOV, Valentin

  • Chtoby pomnili. Valentin Zubkov [To Remember. Valentin Zubkov] date not given, 38 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Kinodvizhenie [Film Movement], programme of 30 June 2004, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Elena. Rabota nad fil´mom [Elena. Work on the Film] 2011, 101 minutes, in Russian
    Call number



  • Shooting Days: Emir Kusturica Directs Underground, directed by Aleksandar Manić, Czech television, 1996, 73 mins, English narration version
    Call number
  • Emir Kusturica. Tender Barbare [Emir Kusturica. A Tender Barbarian] directed by Marie-Christine Malbert, 2004, 50 minutes, in English, French, and Serbian with English subtitles
    Call number


STUPKA, Bogdan

  • Ukrainskii samurai. Printsip Stupki [The Ukrainian Samurai. The Stupka Principle] 2010, 46 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Bogdan Stupka. Tot eshche perets [Bogdan Stupka. He's Still a Pepper] 2011, 58 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

Yugoslavia and Former Yugoslavia

General Films on Yugoslav Cinema

  • Cinema Komunisto, directed by Mila Turajlić, 2010, 101 minutes, in Serbian with English subtitles
    Call number

Individual Yugoslav and Former Yugoslav Directors and Actors


  • Russkaia zvezda Gollivuda [The Russian Star of Hollywood] 2005, 60 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Nicely Offensive. A Conversation with Dusan Makavejev [George Melly talks to Makavejev about WR. Mysteries of the Organism] Channel Four, 1991, 34 minutes
    Call number
  • Rupa u dusi [Hole in the Soul] 1994, 53 minutes, in English and Serbian with English subtitles
    Call number

See alsoYugoslav feature films by MakavejevԻWestern feature films by Makavejev.